CM Steel
A REAL American
In the early to mid-1990's two circle's of groups had a hot hand in the then-WWF working for Vince McMahon. The Hart Fondation, led by Bret "The Hitman" Hart, Owen Hart (R.I.P.), Davey Boy Smith (R.I.P.), Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart, and honorary Hart Brian Pillman (R.I.P.). And pretty much anybody associated with the Hart family ala the late Chris Benoit. And then you have the Kliq. With stars like HBK Shawn Michaels, Scott Hall (Razor Ramon), Kevin Nash (Diesel), Hunter Hurst Helmsley (Triple H), The Kid (X-Pac), and honorary Kliq member Justin Credible (Aldo Montoya).
Both groups were pretty tight backstage during politic periods. And they both put the wrestling business first above everything. But when money was a major issue guys started to jump ship over to WCW. After the whole "Montreal Screwjob" thing at the Survivor Series pay per-view in '97 between Bret Hart & Shawn Michaels. More than half of each members of the groups had left for Atlanta by that time. But within the following two years some guys came back up to New York working for Vince McMahon again. And then after Vinnie Mac bought out Ted Turner's WCW in 2001, some of the older guys re-signed with the WWF/E after a years time. With Bret Hart returning home to the WWE in early 2010.
Now through after all that time. In your opinion. Which group were you for: The Hart Fondation or the Kliq? I could go either way.
Both groups were pretty tight backstage during politic periods. And they both put the wrestling business first above everything. But when money was a major issue guys started to jump ship over to WCW. After the whole "Montreal Screwjob" thing at the Survivor Series pay per-view in '97 between Bret Hart & Shawn Michaels. More than half of each members of the groups had left for Atlanta by that time. But within the following two years some guys came back up to New York working for Vince McMahon again. And then after Vinnie Mac bought out Ted Turner's WCW in 2001, some of the older guys re-signed with the WWF/E after a years time. With Bret Hart returning home to the WWE in early 2010.
Now through after all that time. In your opinion. Which group were you for: The Hart Fondation or the Kliq? I could go either way.