Which Free Agents would you like to see WWE bring in?

Chris Hero. Not the Kings of Wrestling version of Chris Hero, (even thought they would be awesome in WWE) but the old school Chris Hero, with the superman logo shirt and the long pants. I love watching his highlights from those days, and seeing all his sweet lariat moves.

Samoa Joe. Lose some weight, get in real good shape. I think he could get over as a beast in WWE, and definitely challenge for the US and Intercontinental titles. And come on, who wouldn't want to see Daniel Bryan take on Samoa Joe for the US title at a PPV?

Lastly, that Japanese dude who Nigel Mcguiness beat for the ROH title. I can never remember the dudes name, but I know he's mean. Plus a big, talented, non high flyer kiddied up Japanese wrestler is what WWE needs. I don't get why they insist on making Yoshi Tatsu some little kid wrestler with gay theme music who jumps the whole way down the ramp. Bring in a big, bad, monster with talent
Nathan Jones: back in 02-03 when he was partnered with Undertaker and then joined team Lesnar, he was a big badass and quite mobile in the ring.

Plus it would be great if Australia could represent a wrestler.

Aside from him, guys like Kenzo Suziki I'd love to see back. These guys get pushed to the top and then released. Stick with them, give them a chance to shine more.
I would most definitely like for the WWE to bring back JBL. I really enjoyed his commentating, so if they brought him back we wouldn't have to listen to Michael Cole's shaddy job at being a heel. It would also be awesome if they could bring back Benjamin and Haas. This two guys could really help out the tag team division and bring prestige back to the tag titles. And finally Bobby Lashley. He hasn't had much success in his MMA career,and his run in TNA was awful. Bring Lashley back and give him a manager maybe like Matt Striker, make him like a monster type guy, it could work.
The only person the WWE should hire, in my opinion, is a non-wrestling personality to be the RAW GM. This mystery GM angle is starting to drive me nuts, and I honestly think the WWE is just jerking us around until they find someone because they have nobody for it. It's very possible that they've had someone in mind all along, but the WWE tends to make their storylines very flexible, so having a guy in mind all along would kind of go against common practice.

However, I'm sure there are plenty of ex-wrestlers out there who would be chomping at the bits to have a chance to get back in the squared circle, even if it's just to talk on the mic, and the WWE should invest in one of those guys for the mystery GM.


I would much rather the WWE brought back a former wrestler/retired wrestler as the mystery GM, as long as they have name value. That shitty storyline has been going on for so long now they need a decent pay-off at the end of it or else everyone is going to be pissed. I agree with you, they clearly have not got anyone chosen for the role right now.

I would much rather see a legend come back and take over as GM, rather than Michael Cole, Vickie Guerrero, Teddy Long, Abraham Washington etc or someone else for an anti-climatic ending. This storyline has the potential for an awesome return of a former star, and I hope (but dont expect) this is what will happen.

Paul Heyman please Vince, or Mick Foley when his TNA contract expires
To be perfectly honest, I can't really think of anybody. Overall, I'd like to see Sting be inducted into the WWE HOF simply for the fact that he deserves it. If he were signed to a Legends contract and used to help put over young talent on television occassionally, I'd be just fine with that but I seriously doubt it's going to happen.

Goldberg is overrated hype in my opinion and, based on past reports, wants the moon & stars to sign with the WWE. Shelton Benjamin is still the same lame, one dimensional personality that he always was. I'm burned out on JBL quite frankly, just doesn't really hold any interest for me right now.

Besides, based on what I read recently, the WWE isn't interested in hiring wrestlers that are 30 years and older at the moment anyhow.
Lastly, that Japanese dude who Nigel Mcguiness beat for the ROH title. I can never remember the dudes name, but I know he's mean. Plus a big, talented, non high flyer kiddied up Japanese wrestler is what WWE needs. I don't get why they insist on making Yoshi Tatsu some little kid wrestler with gay theme music who jumps the whole way down the ramp. Bring in a big, bad, monster with talent

Takeshi Morishima...The guy is a beast but he is in his late 30's So I don't see it happening.

Anyways I know I mentioned earlier that Indy wrestlers aren't free agents but i will like the Independant wrestlers I would like to see the WWE pick up...

Not to mention since WWE recently said they wouldn't give contracts to Independant wrestlers over the age of 30, I will only put wrestlers whpo fill that criteria.

Rhett Titus Young (23) Talented and Charismatic. Could play the cocky heel perfectly. He can wrestle many different styles and still has room to grow. Young enough to groom into the WWE style and could be a new aged John Morrison.

Adam Cole Young (22 or 23) and extreamly talented. Still hasn't even got close to his potential so could be groomed by the WWE. I have seen him wrestle very well as a tag team wrestlers and singles wrestlers. Needs to work on mic skills.

Davey Richards The *new* best in the world that isn't one one of the big two. He is already has a good reputation around the world and could easily wrestle a WWE style. He needs to work on the mic skills(He is always too fake intense) While he is 27 or 28 he still has a lot left in him. He works his ass off as well, Had to go to the hospital after his match with Roderick Strong at Final Battle because he worked so damn hard to put on a memorable match.

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