Which Former ECW Wrestler Has Been Treated The Worst In WWE?

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I get what you're trying to say about Sandman but his moves are often awkward, he comes very close to botching his hurricanrana almost everytime and they won't let him do the Rolling Rock with Jeff doing the Swanton in the same way Kennedy stopped using the Kenton Bomb. The entrance is as good as done with as they took away his music and the WWE got in trouble when he "berated a fan". He comes from the titantron more these days. Don't get me wrong i don't think it's right that Cena gets to dominate the air-time but Sandman is not really in good enough shape to wrestle the top guys and his best days are behind him.
In my point of view how people say The Sandman got buried because he's a god awful wrestler baffles me.IMO people like him alot more than Cena and god knows he can wrestle better than Cena.

WTF? Sandman is a terrible wrestler. Cena isn't great. But to say The Sandman is better is just stupid.

Yeah he can't pick up 400 pound guys and give them all fireman carry slams.True he doesn't have big veiny muscles (Could Cena be on steroids?) But what he does have is a much more entertaining entrance and music than Cena.

His entance in ECW was very entertaining. But now he has nothing. He has shit music. And the entrance without that music means absolutley nothing.

He doesn't yell like a *** when he's doing a submission move.And best of all he CAN do alot more than u Cena. A front flip, he can bust out a suplex here and there, and a hurricanrana standing and top rope, jump over the top rope. It's just the apperance WWE wants not the skills.

I dont think I've ever seen him perform a submission move.I'm sure Cena could do a flip is he so wished. The Sandam is just a terrible wrestler. It's fact. He knows it, Paul Heyman knew it and WWE knows it. Nobody should argue that The Sandman is a good wrestler. Because throughout his run in ECW it was always the entrance and the gimmick that got him over.
Balls Mahoney, hes been made the ECW jobber and deserves so much more the only decent match he had on new ECW was the Dreamer Vs Balls Extreme Rules and Dreamer used a kitchien sink!

Even RVD wasnt treated good i mean what was his role a tag team wrestler with everyone? He wasnt given title shots for world championships at all when clearly desrved a title.
I think all of the ECW wrestlers with the exception of RVD and Dudley Boyz were misused in the WWE.

And among the ECW wrestlers that were misused, I think Tazz was treated the worst. At least Raven was able to set the record for most hardcore title reigns and was able to win matches against guys like William Regal, Goldust, The Big Show, Steve Blackman, Billy Gunn and Bradshaw.

What did Tazz get? The first win over Kurt Angle, ECW World title while under WWE contract, three Hardcore titles that didn't even last a day each (hell, even Spike Dudley got more Hardcore title reigns), a victory over Eddie Guerrero on Sunday Night Heat, a feud with Jerry Lawler and the World Tag Team title. That's it. The other ECW guys all got singles title reigns. Both Spike Dudley and Saturn got the European title. Tazz could've been European Champion in 2001 but he was going through that jobbing phase where he lost like six matches in a row to everyone from Stone Cold Steve Austin (in 43 seconds) to the Big Show to The Undertaker. He also could've been Intercontinental Champion, but the WWE buried him in consecutive hardcore matches. They basically wasted him as a joke jobber, yet he had great mic/promo skills and wrestling skills. If the WWE didn't want him to become the WWE Champion, they could've at least given him a lengthy singles title reign as Hardcore Champion or something.

Dean Malenko = WWE Light Heavyweight Champion for a long time
Eddie Guerrero = WWE Champion, European Champion, Intercontinental Champion
Chris Benoit = World Heavyweight Champion, Intercontinental Champion
Rob Van Dam = WWE Champion, ECW World Champion, Intercontinental Champion
Chris Jericho = WWE Champion, WCW Champion, Intercontinental Champion
Rhyno = U.S. Champion, Hardcore Champion
Lance Storm = Intercontinental Champion, World Tag Team Champion
Saturn = European Champion, Hardcore Champion
Spike Dudley = European Champion, World Tag Team Champion, Hardcore Champion
Jerry Lynn = Light Heavyweight Champion
Raven = Hardcore Champion
Stevie Richards = Hardcore Champion
Mike Awesome = Hardcore Champion

All of these guys got to literally 'touch' a singles WWE title.

Tazz = ECW World Champion, Hardcore Champion, World Tag Team Champion

The only other ECW stars that I can think of that came close to Tazz in equal burial are Justin Credible and maybe Tommy Dreamer. I'm not including any of the originals that came to WWE for the WWE's ECW, because they weren't contracted superstars in the WWE back in 2000-2002.
I personally think Steven Richards was treated the worst. Ever since he came in he got stragith to jobbing. He got a storyline with Victoria, jobbed to Tomko at Unforgiven (=]), Got sent to smackdown to revive the bWo for a week then went to nothing. Recently hes been sent to ECW jobbing to Punk almost every week which i mind cuz Stevies getting buried but i like the fact hes putting on pretty good matches against Punk. Thats pretty much his whole entire WWE career in a nutshell. Oh he did win the Hardcore Title but how much does that really matter?...it means nothing
Yoshihiro Tajiri
Same thing with Super Crazy pretty much. Although he did have a few solid matches in his time at WWE, he was mostly just buried in the undercard with wrestlers who's styles he did not mesh with well at all. If they had put him into a cruiserweight scene he would've been amazing and I guarantee we would've seen some great matches.

Didn't Tajiri tear it up in the CW devision for awhile? i know he got a push when he was CW Champ & had the two bodyguards Akio(Jimmy Wang Yang) & some other guy. i remember some pretty good matches but i also don't know how long it took him to get there. i used to love his matches on Smackdown as CW Champ especially his knockout kick finisher & when he would stretch them over the rope (can't remember what it's called but always had to undo after a 5 count).
This is a very tough question because of the genral rule that WWE doesn't like pushing talent that isn't "home-grown". While there are execptions, just like with any rule, just about all of the ECW guys never really got the opportunity to shine in WWE. Even when you eliminate guys that are obviously not the "WWE Type" that Vince likes to push, such as Jerry Lynn, Kid Kash, Tommy Dreamer, Justin Credible, Tazz, etc., there were those that I was sure would make it but didn't. Rhyno, for instance, could have really gone somewhere. I also thought Raven or Shane Douglas could have been successful midcarders at the least, but once again, if you made your name outside of Stamford, odds are against you having much success in the WWE. Also, I think it's important to note that when it comes to Rob Van Dam, the WWE didn't push him to the Invasion main event... the fans pushed him to the main event, and Vince wasn't dumb enough to go against the grain.
I dont mean the ones that are currently employed. I mean out of every wrestler that has worked for ECW then WWE.

Personally I think Jerry Lynn was treated the worst. He won the Light Heavyweight championship on his first night. But I cant remember ever seeing him. He certainly never made it onto a PPV. And this was at a time when the Invasion angle was ongoing. I think it was very disrespectful to leave him out of the ECW storyline. They had people like Shawn Stasiac involved with the Invasion but they left Lynn out of it. I know he got injured but they still should have featured him. He's a great worker and they did fuck all with him. They didn't even keep him on as a trainer. They didn't to my knowledge even promote a RVD/Lynn match.

Actually Jerry Lynn got hurt shortly after winning the title. And back then they didn't acknowledge injurie with title holders the way they do now. So they pretty much stripped him of the title and put it on someone else. he was going to get a major push, but it never came to fruition.

If I had to think of an ECW guy that got treated pretty bad, it would have to have been Justin Credible. For one, when he finally got over in ECW, WWE decided to call him back to the roster to be a lackey for XPac. They stripped him of his look with the whole jeans shorts and stuff and made him to look like a dork in his wrestling tights. The then jobbed him out of existance. And then, when they bring him back, then do the same thing over again! So yeah, he got the short end of the stick and no push whatsoever.
Tazz was wasted completely. He could have been one of the greats. Perry Saturn? Pathetic treatment. Tommy Dreamer? Anyone remember him drinking Undertakers spit cup??? Vince is a hateful man...I don't think "Mr. McMahon" is so much a character as the real person. Balls Mahoney...Axl Rotten (never even got on tv did he?) Mike Awsome...the list goes on. Heck...even Nova was brought in for a dose of humiliation ala Simon Dean. Heck...even the Blue Meanie was brought in for a good old fashioned beating...then dropped again. I can't even stomach WWE anymore.
Talk about being misused Tommy Dreamer was the heart and soul of ECW and came to the wwe had a couple of hardcore tittle reigns but once that division ended all you seen of him was drinking urine or eating tobacco and now on the new ecw hes a massive jobber
I would say Tazz, however Tazz wasn't in the WWE as an active wrestler long enough to make any real accomplishments. He went on to become an announcer on SmackDown! and slowly became inactive up until he quit wrestling completely due to an injury. We all know in the WWE, it takes time to get a good spotlight, not over night.

There's been many former ECW stars that were treated good and succeeded, and some that were assholes that ruined their careers.

I'm going with Justin Credible. He wasn't treated all that bad when he was apart of X-Factor with X-Pac and Prince Albert but in the end of that WWE run he was treated pretty badly as well as his last WWE run last year.
Credible got embarrased in WWE, so did Balls. Jobbing to the Miz? The FKIN Miz?????????? what a joke that is

yeah Dreamer had a crap gimmick drinking tobaco n all that but id say either Justin or Balls. Raven got treated like sh1t too
i believe taz stevie richards and raven was misused because they dominated on ecw they had some talent and they were able to talk smack......Taz coulda been a good star but i believe he was forced to quit wrestling because he was injured
Mike Awesome- He was one of, if not the best, big man wrestlers in the business. How many big guys do you see wrestle against smaller wrestlers (Masato Tanaka and Spike Dudley) and have it considered as a 5 star match? Not very many. Awesome was one of the most agile big men I've ever seen. He wrestled with both power moves and high flying moves. If the wwe would of used him right, he could of been in Batista's place as the prime time big man of the wwe.
To Me it is probably Either:
Dean Malenko
The man worked his ass off his entire career, he is such a skilled wrestler and never got his big time to shine. I've always liked him..Too bad in wwe he never got past the Light-Heavyweight Division....
Nova A.K.A Simon Dean
As soon as i started seeing those "info-mercials" about the simon system i knew that this was a bunch of crap, come on they could've gave him the nova gimmick and to me he is a half decent wrestler, i was a fan of the drunken bomb.
I would say Tazz, however Tazz wasn't in the WWE as an active wrestler long enough to make any real accomplishments. He went on to become an announcer on SmackDown! and slowly became inactive up until he quit wrestling completely due to an injury. We all know in the WWE, it takes time to get a good spotlight, not over night.

They could've still given him the Intercontinental belt instead of three very brief Hardcore title wins and a Tag Team title. Tazz arrived in the WWE before Chris Benoit, Perry Saturn, Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko and shortly after Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho. Yet, all of those guys held more singles titles than Tazz did in 2000. Hell, Kurt Angle won his first WWF title by the end of 2000 and this is the guy Tazz beat in his debut match. Tazz beat both Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero in 2000 and they both won more Intercontinental and European titles than Tazz could even get his hands on. Tazz beat the crap out of Jericho back in ECW and Jericho went on to become the first Undisputed Champion in WWE. Tazz beat Al Snow in both ECW and WWE, yet Al Snow went on to hold the European title.

In a way, I'm glad Tazz retired from the ring, because I seriously doubt that WWE would've properly used him if he continued to wrestle. My biggest grudge is that Tazz was involved in two matches that made him look pathetic; one being a loss to Billy Kidman and one being a loss to Stone Cold Steve Austin in just 43 seconds, WTF. ONE Intercontinental title win could've made Tazz's WWE profile look a lot better.

Oh, and I completely forgot about Mike Bucci aka Nova. I mean, Simon Dean? The jobber? That's the worst. This is a man of great innovative wrestling skill and yet, he became nothing in the WWE.
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