Which Former ECW Wrestler Has Been Treated The Worst In WWE?

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
I dont mean the ones that are currently employed. I mean out of every wrestler that has worked for ECW then WWE.

Personally I think Jerry Lynn was treated the worst. He won the Light Heavyweight championship on his first night. But I cant remember ever seeing him. He certainly never made it onto a PPV. And this was at a time when the Invasion angle was ongoing. I think it was very disrespectful to leave him out of the ECW storyline. They had people like Shawn Stasiac involved with the Invasion but they left Lynn out of it. I know he got injured but they still should have featured him. He's a great worker and they did fuck all with him. They didn't even keep him on as a trainer. They didn't to my knowledge even promote a RVD/Lynn match.
I think alot of the former ECW guys have been buried quite badly. The one that sticks out the most for me is Raven. I am a really big Raven fan and I never saw any reason why he couldn't have made it big in the WWE. He was pretty much stuck in the Hardcore Division for most of his WWE tenure. He is (or was) far from bad in the ring I for one enjoyed his matches, and his charisma is on another level. I think to have someone that talented and not use him is crazy.
They didn't to my knowledge even promote a RVD/Lynn match

Although there was a 5 min TV match between them on Sunday Night HEAT. I agree Lynn was completely wasted. Although Mike awesome was absolultey abused as well, he was one of the best big men out there and he could have played the main event in WWE Easily.
Raven could have served as a great way to get new talent over in the form of a stable. His sadistic, twisted, manipulating character can be used in so many ways. He's kinda similar to Kane in that way, except Kane has always been a follower. Mike Awesome is a weird one. He had the size, look, and skill that WWE is always foaming at the mouth for. They were about to push two bohemoths with no talent 3 months ago, but Mike never got a look at the main event. Plus, Taz deserved better. His shooter gimmick couldve worked.
Yeah I definantly have to agree with everyone about Taz and Raven being completely mis-used. Two of the most interesting and entertaining characters in ECW with their wrestling and mic skills. I would also have to say that I think Justin Credible was one that deserved better. One of the biggest heels from ECW and a former ECW Heavyweight champion. He had some great feuds with Tommy Dreamer and Sandman among others. Instead WWE throws him into the D-X ripoff known as X-Factor to be grouped with Prince Albert and X-Pac. Hell they could have at least paired him with Lance Storm once again during the Invasion angle to recreate one of the more successful tag teams from ECW. Then when ECW was brought back he was basically a jobber and nothing else. I will never understand how you can take a former heavyweight champion from that company and then make him lose to people like Hardcore Holly or Snitsky.
I'd have to say Stevie Richards was treated pretty bad.He was a young guy with talent and a body for a world title but neither ECW or WWE used him the right way.The blue world order gimmick was all ECW fans can remember from the guy.Also the "crazy" guy in pink shorts dating victoria was all WWE fans can remember from the guy.
I'm with Jake on this about Jerry Lynn. He won the Light Heavyweight Championship on sunday night heat before Backlash againt Crash. Well Jake he was on PPV at Judgment Day just live from New York and it seems that during that interview he kinda of went shoot on JR.

Though WWE never gives a shit about the cruisers and Lynn just wasnt their typical guy they thought they could push. I swear a Lynn and RVD invasion angle match would have stolen a show. It comes down to WWE poltics and crap. They shit on all ECW guys when you think about. The dudleys kinda lucked out and RVD for a while.

But Lynn was so under used it wasnt even funny. Lynn could have better spent his time in Japan in 2001.
Taz comes to mind first, then Raven (he was wicked over in 01/02), Mike Awesome and Lance Storm. Storm couldve been a top guy.
I think the one who suffer the most is Perry Saturn he was a dominant Wrestler in ECW and his tag team the Eliminators is one of the most dominant tag team ever in ECW.

The compactly-built and heavily-tattooed Satullo and the high-flying Caiazo caught the attention of Paul Heyman's ECW when they were brought in to job to Rick and Scott Steiner, and the Eliminators were hired by ECW in 1995. Heyman quickly abandoned plans to give them a sadism and masochism gimmick and instead booked them as an unstoppable force in the ECW tag division, giving them a manager, Jason, to compensate for their weak interview skills. The Eliminators captured the ECW Tag Team titles three times between 1996 and 1997, and feuded with teams such as The Gangstas and The Pitbulls. After The Pitbulls' manager Francine cut Satullo's hair, he shaved his head in a homage to Mickey Knox, the character depicted by Woody Harrelson in Natural Born Killers (in reality, Satullo was beginning to go bald).


On May 12, 2001 Satullo faced a jobber, Mike Bell, on an episode of WWF Jakked. After Bell botched an arm drag, dropping Satullo on his head, Satullo appeared to become enraged and legitimately attacked Bell. Satullo repeatedly kicked Bell and threw him out of the ring to the floor, with Bell landing directly on his head. He continued his onslaught by picking up the semi-conscious Bell, and slamming him into the metal steps around ringside. Satullo maintains that he was genuinely groggy as a result of the blow to the head and was operating mainly on instinct.

After the match against Bell, Satullo immediately underwent a significant gimmick change and, possibly as punishment for his actions, was involved in storylines about his becoming infatuated with a mop. After receiving (kayfabe) head trauma in matches against the Acolyte Protection Agency and Raven, Satullo began acting eccentrically and speaking nonsensically, allegedly as the result of a concussion. Satullo began uttering the phrase "you're welcome" at inopportune intervals, and then fell in love with "Moppy", an (inanimate) mop which he believed was alive. Terri Runnels told Satullo to pick between Moppy and her, and was infuriated when Satullo chose the mop. She left Satullo for Raven, who would help her enact vengeance on Satullo by "kidnapping" Moppy and feeding 'her' into a woodchipper. Satullo in turn gained a measure of revenge when he defeated Raven at WWF Unforgiven 2001 on September 23.

Despite it being a rumored punishment, Satullo's new gimmick was surprisingly well-received by fans, and somewhat got over as a result. However, he did not receive a push of any sort, further fueling claims that the entire gimmick was intended as a humiliating act of attrition.

In April 2002, Satullo reinjured his ACL, and was sidelined for four months. During this time, the WWF would rebrand themselves World Wrestling Entertainment though this would not affect Satullo as he was released by WWE before returning in November 2002.

The Perry Saturn and Moppy storyline is probably one of the worst storyline in the History of the WWE.
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Yeah but Saturn wasn't that great of a wrestler. And he didn't have much personality. The only time he really showed anything was when he was in The Eliminators. Granted they were an awesome team. But as a singles wrestler he never showed me much. And he recieved a half decent push in WCW. And he should have been happy that he was affiliated with Benoit, Malenko & Guerrero when he went to WWF. He certainly was the odd one out.
Jake, your right. Jerry Lynn is the one who was treated worse. Even if WWE didnt keep him as a active member of the roster, they should av kept him as a trainer. he could have done wonders back stage an wrestled the odd match, even if he was just going t job for the younger up and comers. Stupid WWE they misused a clearly talented wrestler, but if u think about it, would the X Divison be as good if Jerry Lynn stayed with WWE?
I think Raven, Taz and especially Tommy Dreamer and Sandman have gotten the shaft.

I for one can understand why Sabu never got a push because A. The guy is a spot fest wrestler who's entire moveset depends on a chair or a table without one or both of these things he is completely useless. and B. the WWE crowd is MUCH further away from the ring so there is no chance on Sabu doing the flip into the crowd routine that he made famous in ECW.

But come on man Raven SHOULD definetly have made an impact in WWE considering he is a god on the mic, was the man ECW for years, and had a very very good run in WCW. Sandman...eh is was a top guy who while used the cane alot did have some good moves besides the cane shot and was pretty athletic for a fat ass drunk. Dreamer was one of the original guys and the only one on the list who was in ECW all the way until the end which probably means dick to McMahon but I'd imagine that Paul E thought pretty highly of that and should have just fell over backwards trying to get him over. Come on Dreamer has won probably 8 matches out of 120 since joining WWE he is the designated jobber for ECW! I mean even the Blue Meanie has won more matches than Dreamer when he was in the WWE.

But I think out of all the ECW guys besides the Dudleys of course Stevie Richards had the best run as the leader of the Right To Censor and of course he gimmick where he mocked other wrestlers classic Stevie. Other than him Tajiri stands out in my mind as he had some decent feuds and was William Regal's side kick for awhile.

But look at the laundry list of misused ECW talent: Rhyno, Raven, Justin Credible, Lance Storm, Dreamer, Sabu, Sandman, Spike Dudley, Mike Awesome, Balls Mahoney, Roadkill, Danny Doring, Al Snow yeah I said it! He deserved a lot more!!!, and others I can't remember.

I dont even wanna go into the misused WCW guys!!
I think Sabu had gotten a modest push, he faced the Big Show at Summerslam. He has gotten wins over Test RVD and others.
RVD, Sabu vs The Hardys would deliver.
Sabu was actually going to get a big push as Vince was a big fan of his in ring work and his character but Sabu got into that drug bust and started slacking backstage. Sandman doesn't deserve a push as he was mainly E.C.W's hardcore wrestler but since WWE took that away we won't get to see the true Sandman and WWE's stlye of wrestling doesn't help the cause. Taz is the true E.C.W original that has been mis-used. Taz came in beating Kurt Angle in less than a minute but his push soured down. Now, I know in E.C.W Taz's matches weren't that long as he would beat his opponents early but if they had given Taz and Angle 30 minutes they would of whipped out a Dave Meltzer 5 star match imo. Taz was E.C.W champion while in WWE so they barely did much with him since he had a big controversial match with Mike Awesome who was going to throw the title into a garbage can but Heyman threatened legal action but that's a story for another time. Taz had the potential to be a top main eventer. Tajiri could of dominated the mid cards as well. When he came in if they gave him a anti USA gimmick and gave him a manager like Mr. Fuji he could of gotten over as a big heel.

Dudley Boyz imo had the best run from the original E.C.W roster. They were given several lengthy tag team reigns and were in some of the most memorable moments in WWF/E history including the countless TLC matches they've been in.
God damn there are so many I don't even know where to start.

One of the greatest wrestling technicians in the history of the biz, and the guy gets completely buried within his first six monthes in the company. I'm sorry but when you have a guy like this getting his ass kicked by Jim Ross, theres a problem. The only times they ever really utilized him was in his debut match(which was done to perfection), his ECWvs.WWF Title match with HHH, and some of his hardcore matches. The man should've been a WWE champ, theres not a doubt in my mind as he is one of the best of all time. Criminal.

Jerry Lynn
Yet another one of the greatest in ring performers of all time, if you've only seen his three or four odd matches on old episodes of Heat, you should be ashamed of yourself. Lynn's series of matches with RVD are some of the greatest wrestling matches I have personally ever seen. They didn't even give Lynn a chance, which is what really pissed me off. Like people said before, they can make time for Shawn fucking Stasiak(Meat!) but not Jerry Lynn? Thank god he moved over to TNA where he's been able to show us he still has boatloads of talent.

Kid Kash
Although he was a Cruiserweight champ in his time at WWE, I don't remember ever seeing him wrestle on RAW or Smackdown. He just wasn't there, he probably didn't defend the title for like five or six months if I remember correctly. This guy easily could of helped put some respect into the CW division, he's one of the most talented lucha style performers in a while IMO.

It's been said too about Raven but I'll have to say it myself as well. This guy is just a genius, Scott Levy is a freaking genius. His promos in ECW will always be the be all and end all of how to be a good heel. He may not have been the most talented guy in the ring, but he sure as hell made up for it in heart and charisma. His intelligence of wrestling is huge too, which led him to wanting to be on the WWE's creative team, thus leading to him being fired and blacklisted. God damn shame the politics backstage forced out the possibility of feuds and angles being written by RAVEN.

Stevie Richards
Granted, he was never really main event material. But Stevie was a breed of his own, guys like him and Al Snow add credibility whenever they're given the chance to shine, something Richards never got when he was sacked into the Right to Censor gimmick, one that instantly made the fans hate him forever. Not even just heel heat either, X-Pac heat. What else do you expect when you have a guy trying to stop you from seeing boobs? Check out his work with Raven in ECW to get a feel of his in ring style.

2 Cold Scorpio
I guess this would go under ECW and WCW. But the guy was just completely abused. He made sporadic appearances after his horrifying Flash Funk gimmick pissed everyone within a one mile radius off, and then was put into the JOB squad for christ sake. From there he just disappeared. This man is one of the most technically sound guys out there who's also amazing in lucha style---his 450 Splash is the best in the business.

Super Crazy
Not many of the modern WWE fans have ever seen Super Crazy truly shine in his style. For some reason or another the WWE has decided to keep Super Crazy away from anything that even resembles a cruiserweight or lucha libre match, which is what he excels in. His international three ways back in ECW with guys like Little Guido and Tajiri were simply stunning. Not to mention he is one of the most agile performers I've ever seen, I have never once seen him not land on his feet after doing an Asai moonsault from the apron or some other crazy height.

Yoshihiro Tajiri
Same thing with Super Crazy pretty much. Although he did have a few solid matches in his time at WWE, he was mostly just buried in the undercard with wrestlers who's styles he did not mesh with well at all. If they had put him into a cruiserweight scene he would've been amazing and I guarantee we would've seen some great matches.

Mike Awesome
Classic big man who has always impressed me. Of course if you don't know, check out any match involving this man and Masato Tanaka, and I guarantee you will be amazed. Crazy son of a bitch with one of the most vicious power bombs to go along with a beautiful frog splash and his mid rope planchas. Easily could've added stability to any midcard scene.

Lance Storm
Again, man was buried instantly, especially with his gimmick. Everyone fucking hated him when he showed up in the WWE. This man is another amazing in ring technician, one of the best of all time, who could probably go hold for hold with Dean Malenko. Imagine the classics if they had let guys like Storm, Lynn, Tajiri and so forth wrestle?

All of the ECW Originals[Sabu, Sandman, Tommy Dreamer...well not RVD of course]
What is the point of having three of the best hardcore wrestlers out there never wrestle in hardcore matches? That's just plain stupid business.

That's all for now.

Now if we could just get into some of the WCW wrestlers they buried...*cough*DDP*cough*
Isn't it true that shortly after coming to WWF/E, or possibly even before, Tazz suffered a significant injury, possibly his back, and that's what resulted in his lack of a push in the WWE? I don't think it is that the WWE buried him or chose not to utilize him properly, I always thought he was just physically unable to go. It wasn't so much that he was mis-used, but rather, not used at all and so moved strictly to the announcing table. I think if Tazz had been physically able to go he would have received the appropriate push from WWE and it would have been huge.
I'd go with Stevie Richards. He's been there forever now and they've done nothing but use him as perpetual dog meat. He's even gotten into better shape than when he first started there and they won't see fit to even remotely throw him a bone. Instead, he's like sacrificial pig being donated to the gods of suck. Right To Censor? More like Right To Gag. He can work solid matches and would be awesome if given the right niche to fit into where he earned his keep instead of being the Brooklyn Brawler of the new millenium. He's another solid utility man like Sean Morley who has all the basic tools and can carry a match just fine, but they gave up on trying to push him right years ago. Instead, we get treated to the John Cena show.
Here are a few more that come to my mind...

Dean Malenko
Here you have one of if not the most skilled submission wrestler in all of wrestling, who has already put on his fair share of five star classics with guys like Guerrero and Benoit. And what does the WWF do? What they do when they want to bury any credible wrestler of course, make him a stalker! (See: DDP) Of course that'll get him over, have him be Lita's stalker! And if that doesn't work then lets just completely bury his career within his first year of coming to us and never ever use him right, ever. Can you imagine if they had given Malenko even a small push against guys like Jericho, Benoit, Guerrero, Saturn? God only knows how the WWF was stupid enough to not have the Radicalz break up, thus starting feuds with four of the most talented wrestlers in the biz and what would've resulted in classic match after classic match.

and finally...

Perry Saturn
People often say that he isn't impressive. Watch his twenty or thirty foot elbow drop from a scaffold through a ring and tell me that isn't impressive. Watch his technical masterpieces with guys like Guerrero and Benoit and you'll see how talented this guy is. I won't even get into the great work he did in the Eliminators. And what does the WWF do?

Fucking Moppy.

Worst. Idea. Ever. Of course, let's have Perry Saturn dump one of the hottest women on WWF TV, Terri, for a mop! That'll surely get him over! People will definately respect the guy then! Oddly though the fans loved it because they knew how fucking stupid it was...
If this is a stupid question, please feel free to let me know..but I wasn't watching wrestling during the Invasion storyline or subsequent period so I'm curious... Obviously you can't push everyone, so who was it that got pushed instead of some of these ECW guys that people are saying didn't get the push they deserved?
Not exactly sure if that post belongs here mate, you'd be better off posting that in the Ask a Question thread. I'll answer it anyways so if Jonny or Jake or whoever wants to move it there it'd be appreciated.

Not all people who came from ECW didn't get pushes. Guys like Stone Cold, Eddie Guerrero, and Rob Van Dam were all from ECW and they all got deserving pushes (even if Guerrero and RVD got buried there for a few years between 2002-2004). During the Invasion storyline, let's see who was getting the biggest pushes...mostly WCW alum. Guys like Booker T who main evented a PPV just two monthes into his WWE career. Other guys like Angle, Austin and Rock continued to get their usual pushes. Another guy originally from ECW who got a deserving push was Chris Jericho, who really got propelled into the main event scene around the time of the Invasion angle, leading to his Undisputed title win in December of 2001. During the invasion it was mainly just some of the top WCW guys like Booker T, top ECW guys like RVD and the steady top WWF guys like Austin and Angle getting the pushes.

Does that answer your question?
It begins to. I don't think I phrased my question very well. The point I was trying to make is that there seem to be a lot of people who came from ECW that could have had bigger and better roles in WWE, but not EVERYONE can be given a good push. There just isn't TV time for it. So my reason for asking who WAS getting a push at that time was a way of trying to what I guess was the question I should have asked...which is... who's push during that time SHOULD have gone to some of the ECW guys that didn't get one? For example... based on Youtube clips and ONS 2005, I think that Lance Storm should have gotten the "straight to the main event" push that Booker T got.. What other "push trades" (for lack of a better term) would people have made so that some of these deserving ECW guys got the spotlight?

That's the kind of debate I was trying start which is why I put that question in this thread rather than in "ask a question". I apologize if I made the wrong call on that and the question I'm asking doesn't belong.
I think "The Sandman" has been treated the worst, other than he was in the main event at "ECW One Night Stand 2005". At ONS 2006 he just came out and beat up Eugene, which was kinda pointless. Ever since then he's been completely buried by the WWECW, he's lucky if he even "gets" a match on ECW these days!
Its really sad what WWE does to these great entertainers.
I think "The Sandman" has been treated the worst, other than he was in the main event at "ECW One Night Stand 2005". At ONS 2006 he just came out and beat up Eugene, which was kinda pointless. Ever since then he's been completely buried by the WWECW, he's lucky if he even "gets" a match on ECW these days!
Its really sad what WWE does to these great entertainers.

Yeah but he's a fuckin' awful wrestler. And without Enter Sandman as his entrance theme he doesn't have anything to offer. I think he's been treated very well by WWE. He wasn't doing much before they came calling. He should be thankfull for the pay cheque.
Who WASN'T mistreated? The Dudleyz, that's about it. I just think it's disrespectful to ignore the characters and the fact they won championships. How can a World Champion become a nobody in WWE? Tommy Dreamer's entire deal is he will not give up, no matter what, he never tapped out his whole career, and they had him tapping like a bitch to Angle on several occasions. Why?

The guy i don't think has been mentioned enough here is Rhyno/Rhino. His stuff with Jericho was amazing and he breathed life into the hardcore division, making it actually very entertaining to watch as he took on Raven, Test, Kane, Big Show etc. Hell he won TLC for E+C and beat down everyone! But where does he go from there? Nowhere. Did he not deserve a chance to main event? He has a truly devestating finisher and has that stalker/psycho thing to him that really helps sell a feud. Can nobody honestly say they would have enjoyed seeing Rhyno randomly Gore The Rock and keep assaulting him over time? I am so glad TNA let him dominate again.

Raven i can see why they did it because the DDT is used by everyone as a basic move and beyond that his non hardcore related moveset is limited. His dark side could have worked though, really taunting guys to make you want them to beat him like with Sandman and Dreamer. Sabu + Sandman got buried entirely because of their lack of non-weapon skills.

RVD kind of got misused to. I mean he got a chance at HHH and then was in the Elimination Chamber and then beat Cena. I understand why they took the title away from him, but why did they NEVER give him a chance to get it back? His time on Smackdown was a waste. His abilities should have allowed him to be so much more.
In my point of view how people say The Sandman got buried because he's a god awful wrestler baffles me.IMO people like him alot more than Cena and god knows he can wrestle better than Cena. Yeah he can't pick up 400 pound guys and give them all fireman carry slams.True he doesn't have big veiny muscles (Could Cena be on steroids?) But what he does have is a much more entertaining entrance and music than Cena. He doesn't yell like a *** when he's doing a submission move.And best of all he CAN do alot more than u Cena. A front flip, he can bust out a suplex here and there, and a hurricanrana standing and top rope, jump over the top rope. It's just the apperance WWE wants not the skills.
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