Which feud solidified Randy Orton as a true main eventer?


Championship Contender
I was pondering on making a thread in the WWE section but I couldn't think of an idea. With all this talk in the WWE section about Sting and Undertaker, I was looking to shy away from that for now and look to create some good discussion on another topic. Then it hit me, a series where I go through superstars on the WWE roster and look back and post my opinion on what feud truly established them as a main eventer. In my first edition we will be looking at Randy Orton. Now I considered what most of you will post and say his feud with Triple H when he left Evolution. However, I don't believe that is correct. You see, after this feud was all said and done I don't think Randy Orton really reached his full potential. The feud that really solidified him as a main eventer came the following year in 2005.

Randy Orton was still on the Raw roster but he called out the legendary, Undertaker and layed down the challenge for an interpromotional match at Wrestlemania. Orton was still potraying the, "Legend Killer" gimmick and was looking to kill the legendary streak at Wrestlemania. Randy did not get the job done but put on a decent match with the Deadman. Taker became 13-0 and Orton stayed in the mid-card on Raw. That summer, the draft came around and Orton was drafted to Raw. If I can remember the night correctly, I believe Taker was facing JBL. Randy Orton ran out and RKO'd Undertaker to cost him the match. The biggest pay per view of the summer came around and Orton was placed in a Wrestlemania rematch against the Undertaker. During the match a masked individual ran in and distracted Taker. Orton hit the RKO and pinned him. When the match was over, it was revealed that the mask man was WWE Hall of Famer and Randy's father, "Cowboy" Bob Orton. Since Bob Orton wanted to get involved, it was announced that the first ever Handicap Casket match would take place at No Mercy. Randy and his father didn't only win the match but afterwards set the casket Undertaker had been put in on fire. Undertaker was out of action (kayfabe) for a month or two. Orton helped his Smackdown team defeat Raw at Survivor Series as he was the soul survivor. That was short lived as Taker returned after the match. These two were placed in a final match to end the feud. The devil's playground Hell in a Cell is only fitting for these two as it was made for Armageddon. Undertkaer won but Orton brought out the best of him in a brutal match.

I believe that feud brought out Randy Orton's potential and placed him into the main event. A couple months later he even main evented Wrestlemania. His feud with Taker is arguably his best feud and is one that will be remembered for quite sometime. If it wasn't for this feud Orton might not of main evented Wrestlemania 22 and he might of stayed in the mid-card for a while longer.

In your opinion, which feud established Randy Orton as a main eventer?
I don't think it was quite there yet with Taker as he seemed to be a guy trying to get into something he wasn't ready for. I'd think it was the one with Cena in 2007 where Orton came away with the title. He looked like a killer with the RKO and more or less seemed unstoppable for months. It wasn't a great run, but it made him out to be awesome, which is the point. The name that it's with Cena is misleading, but he cut his teeth there and beat HHH for the title when Cena was hurt. That's when I bought him as one at least.
I compleately agree. Randy's career was really just floating around after his feud with HHH. But when he got traded to smackdown in 2005 the feud with the Undertaker put him in mainstream with some great matches and also dragging his father into the fray...
I like this thread idea, alot.

Whether it be due to self-inflicted problems such as suspensions, or Orton not being "ready", I dont think he was truly solidified in the main event scene until years later. It certainly wasn't before his feud with Undertaker, but I don't think he really rose to the apex of the main event scene until late 2007. Watch the video, then ill explain.


The moment that Randy Orton was solidified as a main eventer in WWE was when, for better or worse, John Cena tore his pectoral muscle and missed four months. He may have made it either way, but this really paved the way for the "Age of Orton." The next Sunday at No Mercy, Orton was presented the WWE title, which made him a two time champion. He lost the title 15 minutes later, however, when HHH goaded he and Vince into giving him a championship match. Later that night, Orton envoked his rematch clause in the same Last Man Standing Match that he and Cena were supposed to have, making him a 3 time champion.

Cena's absence really paved the way for Randy Orton to truly become a full-time main eventer within WWE. Understandably, creative had to change their plans quite a bit when Cena got hurt 6 days before the PPV. Cena was rolling along with a year plus title reign, in length, at the time of the injury. He may or may not have retained the next Sunday, and we'll never know.

What we do know is that it forced WWE's hand in bringing back HBK. Michaels returned the night following No Mercy, and subsequently superkicked the man who had, in storyline, injured him four months ago. Orton retained the title at the Cyber Sunday and Survivor Series PPV's against HBK, then went on to retain against the returning Chris Jericho at Armageddon. He retained once again, cleanly this time, against Jeff Hardy at the Royal Rumble. He then retained against the returning John Cena at No Way Out. The biggest surprise of them all came when he retained against Cena and HHH at Wrestlemania 24, before he finally dropped the title to HHH at Backlash 08. Orton subsequently broke his collarbone at Extreme Rules, but his place in the main event was secure. He was right back in the championship picture when he returned from injury 5 months later, and he really hasn't looked back since.

It wasn't necessarily anything Orton did, but it was what happened to Cena that truly pushed Orton into that coveted scene. He was already being pushed, but he was still just a one time champion when Cena went down, and that had been 3 years prior. But it was the feud with John Cena, including his loss at Summerslam 2007, Cena retaining at Unforgiven, and finally, Cena's injury that really jumpstarted Orton's push into the main event scene for good. I don't know what would have happened had Cena NOT gotten injured, but I can say one thing for sure. It was because of his feud with Cena AND John's subsequent injury that truly forced Orton into the main event scene, for good.
I’ll probably get some disagreements here because my pick goes back further than you may expect. Randy Orton’s feud with Mick Foley is what solidified him as a main eventer. I admit this even sounds a little wrong to me as this was one of Orton’s first major feuds. Let’s take a look at the feud though.

Mick Foley was obviously a proven main eventer but was already done as a full time performer. He basically made a brief comeback just to feud with Orton. You know the company has big plans for someone if they pull of proven legend out of retirement to put him over. From kicking him down the stairs to spitting in his face Orton was being built up strong against Foley. Even though the WrestleMania XX match was a handicapped match its real purpose was to showcase Orton as the next breakout star. He was the one that got the pin on Foley after an RKO.

It was the match at Backlash that really put Orton over the top. It was a hardcore match against the hardcore legend. Most assumed Orton didn’t have what it took to be involved in such a match but he proved them wrong. The spots that you’d normally expect Foley to take Orton ended up taking himself. I believe that match was the one that really launched his career. Orton always played the role of stuck up pretty boy heel well, but after Backlash people recognized a new toughness in him too.

Keep in mind Orton was IC champion during the feud with Foley. The IC title didn’t play a role but I feel this is an important detail. Shortly after this feud Orton dropped the title to Edge. I believe that match was merely a formality to get the IC title off Orton so he could win the world title. It was only a month after dropping the IC title that Orton became world champion. We’ve heard of transitional champions before. Orton was kind of the opposite. His IC loss to Edge was done just so he could transition from IC champ to World champ after the feud with Foley.

Orton looked superior to Foley in every way throughout the feud but Foley still looked good enough to make his losing meaningful. Before the Foley feud Orton was looked at as a potential future star. After the Foley feud he was world champion. He had a hard time sustaining his momentum after losing the title to Triple H, but he never look out of place in the main event and was always believable as a title contender. It was obvious he’d be champion again some day.
2007 was definitely the year of Orton where he finally rose to the top and permanently stayed there. Feuding with Cena and Triple H who were 2 of the top guys at the time definitely helped Orton get there. But if I were to pick out of one of the two it would have to be Triple H. In one night he became champion two times more, had a moment with Vince being gifted the title pretty much saying he's the man and defeating The Game in a Last Man Standing Match. That's a solid night right there to put you straight into main event status.

Im gonna have to say that being in evolution showed off his ability to be a main eventer. The fued with Foley showed that he had to potential to tell a great story while he fought. Then came his match with Benoit. At this point many peole thought this was 2 mid carders who were given a small push, but the match was outstanding. I know we aren't supposed to remember things like that with Benoit's actions in the future, but the technical skills shown by Randy were nothing short of greatness. He showed that he had the talent to be a main eventer by this point. The reason they gave the title back to Hunter was because they thought Randy would be better served chasing Triple H. Besides you can't tell me survivor series that year wasn't completely fun to watch. (Memories of Mavens last push)
Anyway, the Taker fued was a lock an served to get him on the other show for a time, but with Cena gone Randy was able to get some leeway in the title picture which only showed that he had finally made it. Evolution showed he was ready, and he really was too.
While Ortons time with evolution proved to make him one of the brightest young stars and his feuds with Foley - (First match at mania beating RocN'Soc), Triple H - (breaking up evolution and winning his first world), Undertaker - (Challenging the streak,Hell in a Cell match), and Rey Mysterio - (Almost winning the rumble,his first main event) were all great, id have to agree with LSN80 and say that I dont think Orton had proved his main event status till late 2007/early 2008. After the main event with rey, orton kinda got lost in the shuffle on raw behind Cena, Angle, HBK, and HHH. While he formed, in my opinion, one of the best and most awesome tag teams ever, Rated RKO! He still wasnt at his full potential. Once he attacked Cena and alot of the pressure of the Company was left to him, he had to take the ball(or belt) and run with it. While i would still say then his promos were still kind of stale and he was 100%(as good as he is now in and out of the ring) he kind had to "grow up fast". and once it proved to work he went on to win at mania and then main event the next year, and therefore making him a TRUE main eventer in my eyes.
Hands down, the WWE 2005 Feud of The Year against The Phenom.

Randy Orton still wasn't an established main eventer after facing The Undertaker in 2005 though. Let's remember that Randy Orton jobbed frequently 2006-2007. Randy Orton was always paired up with someone that could elevate his status as a solidified main eventer. The Undertaker raised his credibility for a while, but Randy Orton still stayed as an upper mid carder. Edge tried helping him in late 2006 with Rated RKO and Orton's feud with John Cena also solidified Orton as a main eventer. I would say that Triple H made Orton into someone and then The Undertaker raised Orton's credibility and helped him get ready to feud in the main event.

Before his feud with The Undertaker, Randy Orton was a mid carder who didn't really do much significant things after his loss to Triple H at New Years Revolution and The Royal Rumble.

Randy Orton had a very personal rivalry with The Undertaker regarding over the streak. It was during this time that the streak grew increasingly popular and noticed. Randy Orton had the buildup, preparation, and ability to put on suitable matches against The Undertaker. Randy Orton was first booked as the Legend Killer; a remorseless man who destroyed legends in front of the fans. The Undertaker was a legend that refused to be killed and Orton taunted Taker for weeks and weeks until they finally clashed at Wrestlemania. There were many moments in the match where people thought Randy Orton was going to come out victorious over the deadman with the counters he made. It was a tremendous fight that was billed as Legend vs Legend Killer. Their feud turned very intense and personal over the next several months.

The Undertaker did turn Randy Orton into a worthy main eventer because Orton got much more noticed after his ongoing rivalry against Undertaker. Triple H gave Orton the necessary start to become a main eventer and The Undertaker gave Orton a chance to become a main eventer. Randy Orton turned into a credible superstar after this feud with The Undertaker, especially after their classic match at Wrestlemania 21. Bob Orton eventually joined his son to go against The Undertaker and they had matches at Summerslam, Casket match at No Mercy, and the epic clash in Hell in a Cell at Armageddon. Randy Orton took The Undertaker to the limit in many occasions. Randy Orton and his father even crashed The Undertaker with a car. This feud had the atmosphere, intensity, and desire to beat the other. WWE realized this and called it feud of the year for 2005. And need I remind this feud is THE feud that launched the credibility of The Streak to the 7th heaven and nailed it in there ever since, something that not even Triple H, Ric Flair, Big Show, and Kane (twice) could have ever done.

Orton's career was elevated after The Undertaker and Randy Orton had a dramatic feud. They had a very heated feud with both superstars literally wanting to destroy each other. Orton didn't only want to end The Streak, but he wanted to demolish The Undertaker as a whole. Randy Orton played every dirty trick in the book while The Undertaker continuously played mind games with Randy Orton. Their final match at Armageddon in Hell in a Cell was a great ending to such a heated rivalry.

In just a year, Randy Orton created history with The Undertaker more than The Rock, Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, and Ultimate Warrior ever did with The Deadman. And this feud was far better than one sided feud between Undertaker & Brock Lesnar in 2002.
i think randy was always gunna be a maineventer future hall of famer as soon as evolution was born...... i think everything he has done after that is gold from the fued wit taker to punting cena dad in the head and who could forget ddting stefani and sealing it wit a kiss hahahahaha but i defs like hhh made randy ortons career for sure in my opinion hhh has passed the torch to orton along time ago and he is takin it the absolute limit biggest heel in the wwe then bang legacys gone and his the biggest face in the blink of n eye... remind you of sumone....... " I hear voices in my head "
He has had so many good fueds (Cena, Taker, HHH, Batista etc.) which have elevated him to the status of the WWE's apex predator but for me when he started hearing voices he became so much more then the "Legend Killer". People were still giving him massive pops when he was leading legacy, I havent heard a heel get pops like that since HHH 2000-2001. The punt was the root of all evil originally and has evolved into the best way for the WWE to write in kafaybe injuries for many superstars. Now apperently everybody hears those voices, I'm sure as hell I do.
Also, that RKO on Hogan in the carpark on his car= freakin hilarious.
You can't became a main eventer in one feud, I think Randy Orton became a main eventer not of a feud but his Legend Killer persona, Defeating several legends including: Shawn Michaels, Mick Foley, Undertaker, Jake "The Snake" Roberts etc etc. Defeating all these legends really gave Orton the push into the main event scene.
I immediately thought Orton was headed to the top as a long term main eventer as soon as he turned on Evolution. There was a ready-made long term feud with Triple H awaiting, but for some reason this was rushed and Hunter reclaimed the belt really quickly. I always wondered why this was.

Then I realised. Orton simply wasnt mature enough to rely on to carry the company as one of its top draws. He embarassed himself and showed his immaturity on so many occasins, be it shitting in someones bag, trashing hotel rooms and getting himself suspended, or just being a general asshole in the knowledge that his position within the company was protected and he had a guardian angel (HHH) looking over him.

I would have to say the feud with Undertaker is the one that catapulted him back to the status of a true main eventer. I loved the involvement of Cowboy Bob in the angle, I think he really added to it, and working with a pro like Undertaker helped Randy to improve even more in the ring and the two of them built a great story. Anyone who works with Undertaker comes out a better performer, Randy Orton is no exception.
Anyone who works with Undertaker comes out a better performer, Randy Orton is no exception.

Errmm....although I do agree Orton's feud with Taker is what made him today, I wouldn't say anyone who works with Undertaker comes out a better performer. That's exaggerating things because I can prove that statement to be totally wrong.
Randy Orton has had, in my opinion, four career altering feuds so far:

1) vs Mick Foley: This feud made Orton stand out from the pack. Before this he talked a lot but rarely did anything to back it up. This feud showed that Randy could hang in the ring with a hardcore legend. Think of it like the feud Chris Jericho had with Triple H in 2000. It added seriousness to Randy's character.

2) vs Triple H(2004): This was the perfect way to elevate Orton, if Orton had been ready. Randy got over huge as a babyface when Evolution exploded but was not able to back up the hype. WWE also tried to push him a bit too hard in my opinion. All in all the feud was not that great due to Randy not being ready to take up the challenge. It did push him to the main event though.

3) vs Cena(2007): Randy was a main event level heel but he hadn't really proved a lot at this point. In some ways, I think he was only kept heel because he had failed pretty badly as a face. However all that changed in 2007 when Randy discovered his mean streak and started taking out wrestlers with his dreaded Punt to the head. He had been doing this for a while but it was his feud with Cena that really established him as a main eventer again. After this feud he was not just a main event heel, he became the biggest heel in the company.

4) vs Triple H( 2009): This is what led to Randy's curren persona of the Viper. He had been showing the meaner, more psychotic side of his personality since 2007 but had still been more or less a cocky heel upto 2009. All that changed in 2009 as he took it upon himself to destroy the McMahon family for what they had done to him. This feud provided some of the edgiest moments of the PG Era and that is what led to Orton's most popular gimmick.

However if I have to pick that one feud that established him as a main eventer, I would pick his feud against Cena in 2007. The world did not look all that rosy for Randy after he failed as a face in 2004. He has always been in the WWE's good books and so they tried pushing him as a heel and feuded him with the likes of Undertaker and Rey Mysterio. However he wasn't able to capitalize on even such high profile feuds and found himself stuck in a tag team with Edge. However his feud with Cena and a couple of short ones before that with HBK and RVD helped him break out once again. This required a drastic character overhaul but this is the feud that helped establish him as the biggest heel of the company and ensured that he would never be just another heel ever again.
I would have to go with his fued with the whole McMahon Family and HHH. when he first punted Vince in the head. Then shane came in and had a match and got punted. then he had HHH handcuffed to the ropes and ddt stephanie and kissed her in front of Trips was sick. then the whole HHH breaking into Ortons house and throwing him threw his own house window was epic. I would have to say that fued put him there.
Man the 2004 randy orton is the best. The viper is simply boring.

ok i really believe Randy Orton as a maineventer the momment he became the youngest heavyweight champion. Some people say he was rushed because the wwe want to get rid of lesnar's title as youngest champion. Anyhow, Orton was on a roll. He was built smoothly. He held the ic title for 10+ months, have epic feud with rvd, hbk, rock and sock etc. Hes match with foley in that street fight really solidfy him as top player in the wwe. The guy was over, over than rapper cena i might add.

But i guess he went downhill later after hes defeat to hhh.

Even hes victory at mania 24 against cena and hhh didnt really soldify him, hell he was considered the least favourite to win.

I do say it was the feud with the mchmahon that got his mainevent status and position as the second face of the wwe. Even though hes lost at mania 25, which shouldnt happend, made hhh look good, but it still made orton a mean heel.
There isn't one feud that got Randy over, I'd say it was more of a cluster that was more of a stepping stone with a chain effect.

Foley (2003-04) - HBK (2003) - Edge (2004) - HHH (2004-05) - Undertaker (2005) - Kurt Angle (2006) - Cena (2007)

Orton has always been involved with the upper echelon of names in WWE being pushed constantly. IF I had to pick the feud I think put Orton over it's the Mick Foley feud put Orton on the map more then any other in fairness.
It has to be the first fued he had with John Cena. Back when Randy Orton was "injured" for a while but making appearances on Raw. Then it turned out that he was given the ok to compete weeks before he than what he was saying. That was the point where he was in the process of dropping the "Legend Killer" gimmick and was slightly turning into the sinnester viper!
Since The Undertaker’s return in 2004 as the Hybrid, a mixture of all other “Undertaker” characters, I believe Orton's best feud has to be with him - The Undertaker in 2005. Why was this feud so great? Because for about 8 months, they terrorized each other with mind games attacking them personally and mentally and it all started at WrestleMania…
In 2005, Randy Orton was on a roll with his Legend Killer persona, delivering RKO’s to every Legend or Hall Of Famer that stepped foot into the WWE ring. Despite this, he was still classified as a mid carder (US and IC title scene). He had some great legends on his Legend Killer list at WWE.com, but he didn’t have the greatest (and current) legend of all; The Undertaker. Although, Orton still jobbed frequently in 2007 to John Cena and many others (such as DX in tag division).

Although Orton had a name for himself, it wasn’t until Taker took him up that he became a star and people actually cared if they disliked him or not. When Orton was going on about how he would be the one to end The Undertaker’s streak, people felt a threat. WWE booked him in a perfect manner and even I thought The Streak was in danger (the most danger it had even been at this point, because people didn’t acknowledge the streak much before 9-0). There were signs saying “13-1” and it seemed perfect sense that Orton would win. He was the Legend Killer and it was obvious WWE were giving him a push by placing him in a feud with Undertaker. It was a surprise that Undertaker walked out because my research shows; many had an “I don’t know” attitude to the feud.

During their feud at WrestleMania, Orton pulled out all the cheap shots or, for lack of a better term, Heel spots. This is where he used the illegal surroundings to his advantage (such as weapons, ropes or even his own father). “Cowboy” Bob Orton interfered on Randy’s behalf multiple times, all to no avail (until SummerSlam, later on).

After having the second greatest match of WrestleMania 21, The Undertaker and Randy Orton feud didn’t come to a halt. To many fans enjoyment, it continued all the way up to Armageddon. That’s a time period of April-December (with breaks). After WrestleMania, The Undertaker’s PPV return was at The Great American Bash against Muhammad Hassan. This had the infamous moment of Taker performing a Last Ride through the steel stage.

During the time between then and the next PPV (SummerSlam) Orton rekindled his feud with Taker. At SummerSlam, Randy finally defeated The Undertaker with help from a “fan”. Orton later revealed the “fan” to be his father (where Bob Orton first came into this feud). After this, the feud got intense and the mind games were brutal. They were to have a casket match and during this time, week after week on SmackDown, they toyed with each other’s heads with caskets. Randy and Bob Orton even got a mannequin of The Undertaker in a casket, and after Taker came out, even he was confused. That led to a surprise attack by the Ortons. Eventually, at No Mercy (where the Casket Match was scheduled) Orton picked up yet another victory, in more than one way, in Undertaker’s home town of Huston (drawing massive heat for the Ortons). After the match, Undertaker was seemingly burned alive in his casket and after the casket was re-opened, he vanished.

Soon after, at SummerSlam (the multi-brand PPV) Orton replaced Eddie Guerrero in a 5-5 Tag Match. During the match Orton overcame the odds defeating Triple H and Edge. Conversely, the SmackDown celebration was short lived for Orton as The Undertaker returned, yet again, from out of the casket. Lightning struck and the casket was set on fire yet again, this time, with The Undertaker emerging from an engulfed coffin. Up until Armageddon, the end really would be here as Taker played mind games with Orton (where Orton showed cowardice) and there were even some graphical images shown, such as Bob Orton’s face being covered in blood, the likes of which you’d see in a WWE match where a crimson mask would occur (the face full of blood). At Armageddon, the feud ended when Undertaker defeated Orton. In the match of the night, Orton went for and successfully delivered a Tombstone Piledriver on Taker. When Orton stared down at him in triumph, Undertaker grabbed him by the throat which followed by various moves and a victory for Undertaker.

They haven’t had another feud since; however, their latest match was at the Monday Night Raw 2009 Slammy Awards Night, where Orton defeated Taker in 6 minutes via Count-Out (because of help from Legacy).
i think randy's feud with triple h in 04 and 05 did because when he became world hvt champ everyone just thought oh he's brought the world hvt title back into evolution but then triple h turned on him and made some great main event matches with randy and once he left evolution he could finally be noticed because in evolution everyone knows triple h as the main eventer and knew batista cuz he was mr muscle but randy proved he can do good on his own by feuding with the best being triple h.
I think the whole legend killer gimmick got him into the mainevent spotlight. That was when his character was the best. I thought his promos and demeanor were great during that period. I took a two year break from wrestling and after seeing this viper nonsense, it bores me.
Without a doubt he had at Summerslam 2004 with Benoit. The hardcore match prior with Foley, proved that he could go in various style matches. However, the match with Benoit proved he could go in ring with any wrestler; let alone the best technical wrestler in the world at that time.

The Summerslam match with Cena was where the Age of Orton really began. Yeah he was punting people, but everyone was ready at that time for Randy to be the king of WWE. Cena would have eventually jobbed to Orton in 07 so the way he won the title then is irrelevant as Vince was going that way anyways.
Although i do agree with the fact that the Taker/Orton feud did solidify his place in the WWE as a mid carder/Main eventer, i always think that Ortons career in those days was an up and down one. If you think about it, after the Taker feud in 2005 Orton went for the world Title. He lost at WM22, then he entered the Angle feud, then the Hogan feud. When he joined with Edge i find his career dropped a bit there. I do admit, the DX/Rated RKO rivalry was good, but it kind of lowered him a bit, i mean he didn't even have a solid rivalry at WM23, he was put in the MITB match. I think that his mid 2007 rivalries were the ones that solidified him as a true main eventer. But if i had to pick one that solidified him as a main eventer, it would be the HBK rivalry. You know that when a guy beats HBK one on one, he's definitely a main eventer. But that's just my opinion. :)
I personally think EVERY feud made Orton what he is today. Although I do think the Taker feud is probably going to be a top ranked one for quite some time. Then his punting habit he did for a while against RVD, HBK, Dusty Rhodes, Sgt Slaughter, and even Ted Dibiase Jr, and Cena's dad was quite something to see, when he got dubbed 'The Viper.' However, I personally feel the most 'heinous' and truly intricate feud was Randy vs The McMahons & HHH. To see him systematically dismantle every one in the McMahon family. He started with Vince, then Shane. Then of course, he comes after HHH, his perennial nemesis in any ring. His Legacy henchmen manage to shackle him and that's when he uses force to get Stephanie down to the ring, and just when you think things couldn't get ANY worse, they do, and he does his famous 2nd rope DDT on her, and kisses an unconcious Stephanie as her husband is helpless and can only look on in anger. I think THAT was probably THE top for me.

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