Which "Extremists" should TNA keep?

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
From last night's Hardcore Justice, and out from the already signed former Extremists, who do you all think should be kept in TNA?

In my opinion, Kid Kash and 2 Cold Scorpio are the first two that come to mind. I'm not a big Scorpio fan, but I know he's very popular so why not get him the contract? And Kid Kash is, in my opinion, the best heel X-Division champion in TNA history... I see no reason why they shouldn't strive to get him. Plus, the guy has plenty of years left on him, so he wouldn't be a bad investment.
Kid Kash & Scorpio are definitely worth noting. There are even some ECW talent that couldn't make the show that I'd love to see have a run in TNA. Tajiri, Supercrazy, Masato Tanaka all could've been great additions to the PPV if they all weren't booked overseas on the day of Hardcore Justice. I'd love to see Tajiri, Crazy, Scorpio, and Kid Kash be in a high flying X-division match against the likes of Amazing Red, Generation Me, and Kaz. I think it would be worth the money. Hell Sabu even looked great last night but I'd much rather see Sabu used on a rare basis like how TNA used him prior to him joining WWECW. Anyway lots of the ECW guys could be great additions. Hell even Lil Guido looked great. The problem is TNA's roster is packed and more people would complain about TNA bringing in "new old" talent.
I'd like to see them keep Joel Gertner on, I don't see any reason he couldn't be put with Team 3D again. I can't stand promos by either one of them to be honest.

There are even some ECW talent that couldn't make the show that I'd love to see have a run in TNA.

I think they should get Shane Douglas back, I love his work on the mic. He's probably a bit far gone to wrestle properly again anymore... except maybe on a part time basis, like twice yearly special events or something. I think he would make an excellent counterpoint to Flair and Fortune (or is it Fourtune?) by having his own group of up and comers, but this time completely unknown ones (..well not completely unknown, but unknown to people like me who only know WWE/TNA and wouldn't recognise an independent wrestler if we got bitch slapped by one in a bar...). They could raid some ROH talent or something, then have Douglas claiming that Flair is using the younger TNA talent to preserve his career and he's leeching off them, so he's brought in his own group of new faces to destroy Flair and his corrupting influence once and for all.
Surprisingly, a very high majority of the old ECW guys looked like they could still go last night... at least in ECW-themed matches. Some standouts though were:

Little Guido - has ALWAYS been a solid wrestler and has lost absolutely nothing from 5, even 10 years ago.

2 Cold Scorpio - A little out of shape, but older age will do that to you. I can't believe he can still fly like that!

Al Snow - Another one who hasn't lost a step. He's already "signed" as an agent or whatever, but some ring time here and there wouldn't be so bad. The "head" gimmick must be included though.

The Gangstas - perhaps this is just nostalgia talking, but signing these guys on a "per appearance" basis would be good I think. I mark out to relatively nothing in pro-wrestling nowadays, but I was genuinely doing so when the squeal hit and New Jack and Mustafa hit the ramp. It was a genuine surprise for me (I try to avoid spoilers) and they did what they do best... beat somebody up in the most violent way possible.

Sabu - his sheer talent and willingness to put his body, sometimes his very life, on the line to entertain outweighs any "botch-a-mania" claims the IWC may have. His match with RVD was first rate for an "extreme rules" match, but I think he can still go in other capacities as well. Maybe a "per appearance" deal at first, determining from there if it should be more permanent.

Honorable mentions include CW Anderson, Tony Mamaluke, and Balls Mahoney who all proved they can still go in varying capacities.
They shouldn't keep a single one of them. TNA needs to make talent cuts and cut off dead weight. They have too big of a roster already that they can't use properly and you want to add in over the hill no bodies? TNA needs it's own identity and it needs to stop trying to be WWE, WCW and ECW.
carpathian interesting sig you got there,what it means i dont know lol.

But Douglass has had long standing issues with Flair predating ECW and it would be interesting to see how thats resolved in TNA. He could deffinently lead a competing stable against Flair's.

Sabu may need to be released for his own safety..

2 Cold Scorpio was never giving the right oppurtunities in WCW, the WWF, or even ECW. I'd love to see him in TNA.

I don't think TNA can afford to keep more then 3 or 4 guys from this out of the blue pay per view because it probably would cause issues in the locker room with pre existing TNA talent.
No one.

One of TNA’s current problems is that they have too many people on the roster who aren’t worth a nickel in the open market.

TNA does not need more OLD wrestlers, and there is no other way to articulate that phrase. They already have plenty of solid talent that they can work with and develop. They do not need to go back into the attic of out of shape professional wrestlers from the 80’s and 90’s.
They shouldn't keep a single one of them. TNA needs to make talent cuts and cut off dead weight. They have too big of a roster already that they can't use properly and you want to add in over the hill no bodies? TNA needs it's own identity and it needs to stop trying to be WWE, WCW and ECW.

You can use past stars to build a new future... it's actually how you DO become successful in life. I see nothing wrong in pairing someone like Amazing Red with someone like Kid Kash to get Red over. I see nothing wrong with putting Kaz and AJ in a rivalry against Team 3D or FBI. I see nothing wrong with an FBI vs. MCMG storyline. And I damn sure don't see a problem with TNA bringing in Tajiri and teaming him up with Kiyoshi...

Using older talent to build NEW talent is the foundation of professional wrestling, and because of that, it's not such a bad idea to bring in some ECW originals... And for calling them nobodies just proves that you haven't watched the real talented wrestlers from ECW...
I've watched them. They still sucked. There's a reason why they never made it in any big promotion. ECW was full of gimmick workers and the ones who could actually work jumped ship as soon as they could. You can use past stars to build a new future, but that isn't what TNA is doing. They've never done that. They are using them as quick fixes to much bigger problems. TNA uses past stars and buries their younger workers. They need to forget the past and move forward.
Aside from the ECW originals they already have....

The one I would keep is the ring announcer, Stephen DeAngelis. TNA really needs a new ring announcer. JB isn't very good, in my opinion. I think Stephen would be a great choice. He has a great announcing voice.

The Lyrical Miracle, The quintessential stud muffin, Joel Gertner was hilarious as always last night. It would be cool if they could find something for him to do.

I don't know if I would sign him to a contract, but it would cool if Sabu awnsered Jeff Hardy's open challenge for "The Whole F'n Show". Those two could tear the house down in an extreme match.

By the way, does anyone else think they should keep the ramp that style? I personally like it better that way. I would take off the brick stuff that was over the top of it, and put something better down though.
Ideally, I don't really take any of the "extremists" from last night, but I do take the entrance ramp that ended well before the ring apron, if of course I'm OK to do so.

I hated the current TNA ramp to the ring apron since day one, and I hated it in WCW, too – it looks corny, and it also limits seating and is an eyesore.

But to answer the OP, if I'm taking anything from last nights PPV, it's the same guys TNA's been working with for years already – Raven, Dreamer and Foley, all of whom have name value worth selling.
In ascertaining which extremists to keep, versus which ones to allow to drift back into oblivion from whence they came, TNA needs to look at several factors.

They need to look at physical factors. The age of the wrestler in question, their health (whether it be their overall health status or any injuries they may have), and their ability to contribute on an ongoing basis.

They need to look at their relevance to professional wrestling as it is in 2010, as opposed to the 1990's, and whether or not they can play a noteworthy role as TNA moves forward in whatever direction it is heading.

They need to look at their ability to still connect with the fans, in terms of their personalities, their mic skills, etc.,

Now for the sake of discussion, I'll assume guys already on the TNA roster will remain, so obviously RVD, Team 3D, Dreamer, Rhino, and any other guys that I've forgotten who are already on the TNA roster will remain. I will restrict my list to guys who were not already with TNA but re-appeared from obscurity last night.

My list is short. It goes something like this:

That's right, no one. There's not one guy who fits the criteria I mentioned above who wasn't already on the TNA roster that I would add based upon last night's PPV. They had their tribute, the ECW fans are happy, and now these guys should just go away.
Kid Cash would be a good edition to the x-division. Also I want to see Raven stick around and mentor Jeff Hardy. I think it would be great to see Raven on the mic and it would give Hardy a character. I also wouldn't mind seeing Rhino and Stevie as a tag team, but thats about it.
I think NOONE even though I effin' loved that PPV.

The only guy I think I would keep and they will keep is that young guy with the tiny doll. You know? Raven's little goon? Whatever he is? Y'know? Got his ass kicked real quick? He's got an interesting look and seems to be pretty young. I wonder if he'll be introduced to us next Thursday.
Joel, he was funny as hell last night

Kid's still got it

and Sabu, I thought he was gonna be soooooo f'n outta shape, and I was soooooo wrong

bitchin ppv all around tho
I opted last night to watch a live stream instead of ordering the pay per view. At the end of the show i deeply regretted not ordering it. My biggest concern has that they wouldnt be able to put on a match with good flow and consistency. Boy did they prove me wrong. Each one of those men went out there and fought like it was 10 years ago.

So on to the list of talent that i would keep. Besides the guys that are already on the roaster i say keep none of them. Guys like raven and rhino are already not used because there roaster is to big.

In the case that explosion will start airing in the United States pretty soon I would consider picking up a few guys based on there performance. Those guys would be

-Kid Cash
-2 Cold Scorpio

Last night Cash looked like he could still go toe to toe with anyone in the x division and put on a phenomenal match. 2 Cold Scorpio also looked great. A little slower in the ring then he used to but the guy could still fly. His moonsault leg drop is a thing of beauty.

I would really love to see Al Snow do something as he was always one of my favorites but he has a job as an agent right now. Also for being a replacement Sabu definitely put on a hell of a match along side RVD. Giving his many injuries though i doubt he would make anytime of full time return.
They shouldn't keep a single one of them. TNA needs to make talent cuts and cut off dead weight. They have too big of a roster already that they can't use properly and you want to add in over the hill no bodies? TNA needs it's own identity and it needs to stop trying to be WWE, WCW and ECW.

I would normally criticize/bash this kind of answer, but in this case I have to agree with you. There is something called "name recognition" though. TNA will wind up signing at least 2-3 of 'em. If I had to keep ANY of them, I'd keep Raven. He'd be a good mentor for the younger wrestlers and has been a good draw for TNA. He got one of the bigger pops last thursday you know.
No one.

One of TNA’s current problems is that they have too many people on the roster who aren’t worth a nickel in the open market.

TNA does not need more OLD wrestlers, and there is no other way to articulate that phrase. They already have plenty of solid talent that they can work with and develop. They do not need to go back into the attic of out of shape professional wrestlers from the 80’s and 90’s.

i 100% agree. i love tna. i love the change of pace from cena vs random heel in world title match. i love alot of the matches they put on and the pace of wrestling. but there are alot of guys floundering as it is and anymore guys will put a stop to that. tna has alot of good talent and they really dont need anymore but if they HAD to hire someone from ecw i would say kid kash without a doubt and i think guido tony luc and big sally for a new tag team...tracy smothers whas nice to see but tony and guido still and always will have it. and if he can get his ass in shape i wouldn't mind a return of justin credible uh i mean pj polaco..back in the day he was sick last night...kinda rusty...

but i think tna needs to stick with what they have and no new hires of old ecw guys
Kash and Sabu are the only guys who I feel should stay. These are two guys who can offer a lot of new blood to the X Division (ironic). Both can still go and have worked in TNA in the past. Kash/Styles and Abyss/Sabu can alway be revisited. And Jerry Lynn if he returns. But I'm not too much into the idea of bringing wrestlers in. I'd much rather see the managers. Gertner, Fonzie and if they can find him, Mitchell. Great guys to have around especially with overall pro wrestling featuring no managers these days. And Cyrus for broadcasting, but he's found another job now.
If you say that TNA shouldn't sign anyone off that PPV you're not thinking clearly. Yes, I can understand that you don't want 'old' wrestlers or those who weren't 'over' but some of those guys can still go and some of those guys 'ARE OVER' today!

TNA has been building some of their guys for years and someone else said on here, bring a few of the ECW Originals in, create a faction and either feud with Fortune or TNA Originals. If the WWE doesn't get a guy over they repackage him (ie Isaac Yankem, Fake Diesel = Kane; Cowboy John Layfield, Blackjack Bradshaw, APA Bradsaw and then JBL) and they evolve to what works.

Hardcore Justice was a solid PPV, yes it had its moments good and bad, but it was cool to see all the guys get that last shot and maybe another shot. Who from last night is over and could get others in TNA over?
1. Little Guido and Tony M - FBI vs Beer Money? FBI vs MMG?
2. Al Snow - like someone else said in small stints, but 'head' is over!
3. 2 Cold Scorpio - vs AJ? vs Jeff Hardy? Though needs a singlet;).
4. PJ Polaco - He was a former ECW Champion, he can talk too.
5. Balls Mahoney - is 'over' but I wouldnt keep him longterm but vs Abyss oh yeah!
6. Joel Gertner - has to be brought in for some managing capacity, he's hilarious though looks like a goof at times.
7. Sabu - in small stints but vs AJ? or Jeff Hardy? Hell yeah!

You can't live in the past and you can't keep everyone but you can BUILD off this PPV and you can make some great matches with the guys who busted their ass for years only to be dumped by the WWE immediately or soon after. Guys in TNA want to make $$, that's their gripe. Give them a program that the the fans love, the wrestlers get on TV and people care about and they'll make $$. Yes it was one last stand for EC-Dub, but for a few they should still be standing.
If I had to pick people to stay as wrestlers it would be Kash, Sabu I thought they were both pretty impressive yesterday, and Jerry Lynn if he gets healthy I would bring them in for the X-Division. I would bring back Gertner I thought he was hilarious yesterday and also Bill Alfonso as managers, and ring announcer Steven DeAngelis is better then JB
No one....

They already have too many wrestlers and they would be just adding old wrestlers!!

It will in a way, go against what Hogan and Bischoff said at the beginning!
Kash and Scorpio can still work. Sabu actually put on a decent match against RVD, but I wouldn't be surprised that he is injured. Jerry Lynn would be a great addition, but he is injured too. There is really too much talent on the roster to begin with though. Personally I would trade Jesse Neal, Shannon Moore, Eric Young, and Orlando Jordan for Kash, Scorpio, Sabu, and Lynn.

There is too much talent though in the TNA locker room that doesn't get television time. They could have some of the extreme guys work house shows or a taping like Xplosion, but they shouldn't be used on Impact every week.
Xplosion apparently comes on still in some markets, they are creating another show, "reAction", and then there was "Epics", and then Global Impact. I think with the additional shows TNA might be able to afford yet more people on the roster. Even with this tiresome old guys vs new guys, non TNA alumni vs TNA originals, the majority of us can agree TNA has a roster thats too clustered. You either got make some releases, choose to now renew contracts, or make TNA bigger to handle the roster. Which one do you all think is gonna be the easy option?

ECW has had so many reuinons i wonder why they all dont just go on a farewell tour or join a similar fed lie IWA MS or just start a new ECW type fed??:shrug:

I again will state I wold love nothing better then to see Douglas open up that old can of worms with Flair again. You need atleast or 4 ECW guys so he can command 'em.

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