Which Diva has brought the MOST prestige to the Diva's Title?

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Future Diva, Womans and Divas champ
Ok so since the divas champion has been around Michelle, Mickie, Jillian, Maryse and Melina have been champion. So who do you think has brought the most prestige to this title?

Who do you think has been the best Diva's champion so far?

I think that Mickie is the best divas champion so far. To me she brought prestigious to the title that everyone thought was stupid to bring into the WWE. Mickie also had a good title run she had a great feud against Maryse before she won it wich made people excited to see who would win the title or retain. Maryse made it a great feud to one I haven't seen in awhile in was original. When she lost the title I didn't see it coming and she really shouldn't have lost it that way that fast. So who do you think is the best Diva's champion so far.
It is between Michelle or Maryse because Jillian's lasted a whole 5 seconds, Mickie's wasn't that great and neither is Melina's current one. Michelle was the first one and had some decent feuds. Maryse brought the title over to Raw and had the longest reign so far. She too had decent feuds during that title reign. I am going to give it to Michelle though because not only was her reign the first one, but a good one at the same time.
It is between Michelle or Maryse because Jillian's lasted a whole 5 seconds, Mickie's wasn't that great and neither is Melina's current one. Michelle was the first one and had some decent feuds. Maryse brought the title over to Raw and had the longest reign so far. She too had decent feuds during that title reign. I am going to give it to Michelle though because not only was her reign the first one, but a good one at the same time.

I like debating with you it is always interesting. You know you are right Maryse did have a very good fued. I liked the whole take out the spray and spray you in the eyes thing very original. Michelle's reigns are never good to me. I mean she was like the only champion not on the power 25 when she was divas champion.
I like debating with you it is always interesting. You know you are right Maryse did have a very good fued. I liked the whole take out the spray and spray you in the eyes thing very original. Michelle's reigns are never good to me. I mean she was like the only champion not on the power 25 when she was divas champion.

Maryse's reign was good too, but she didn't do as much as Michelle. Michelle's barely beats Maryse's in my opinion because her being the first adds prestige to that reign. Also, both of their reigns look a lot better when compared to Mickie's or Melina's because those two have not been entertaining.... and we all know no one will say Jillian unless they are being sarcastic because she's.... well.... Jillian.
I would have to say Maryse. She has had the longest title reign so far and she looks like she is on her way to a 2nd reign sometime next year. The way she held the title on her way to the ring, the way she always mentioned herself being the champion when she talked, her attitude as champion... it was all great. I just wished that during her 7-month reign, she would have more title defenses, but nope.

Michelle McCool becoming heel late in her title reign, to me, overshadowed her reign, in my opinion. She gloated about being the first, more than being the champ. Mickie James looks more like she should be Women's Champion, more than Diva's Champion, and her reign wasn't nearly as good as some of her other ones. Jillian, while only holding the title for 4 minutes, showed a lot of excitement and pride for her first title win. Melina is doing okay as champion now.

So, I would definitely have to pick Maryse.
It is really hard to pick here, since nobody has done much with it. Michelle and maryse has held the title, but how many times did they defend the title agains some.... Not much if I am not mistaken. Mickie defended the title on numerous occasions. More times then michelle or maryse did in their diva's title reign. But they made mickie drop the belt fairly quickly and in the worst fasion ever. Jillian.... no comment.... And melina has had a shor title reign with only a few defending. So I can't say she did much. So It would be in between michelle, maryse and mickie... But I have no idea who brought more prestige to the title... :confused:
I would say all 3 in different ways as an easy solution
It is really hard to pick here, since nobody has done much with it. Michelle and maryse has held the title, but how many times did they defend the title agains some.... Not much if I am not mistaken. Mickie defended the title on numerous occasions. More times then michelle or maryse did in their diva's title reign. But they made mickie drop the belt fairly quickly and in the worst fasion ever. Jillian.... no comment.... And melina has had a shor title reign with only a few defending. So I can't say she did much. So It would be in between michelle, maryse and mickie... But I have no idea who brought more prestige to the title... :confused:
I would say all 3 in different ways as an easy solution

Mickie actually didn't seem to bring much prestige to the title. Her feuds for it were short, while Michelle's and Maryse's were long feuds with better matches. She was better than Melina or Jillian though because she had more challengers. Maryse's brought prestige to the title since her reign lasted so long and she had more feuds, but.... Michelle's reign still gets my vote because hers was the first and the best.
Mickie actually didn't seem to bring much prestige to the title. Her feuds for it were short, while Michelle's and Maryse's were long feuds with better matches. She was better than Melina or Jillian though because she had more challengers. Maryse's brought prestige to the title since her reign lasted so long and she had more feuds, but.... Michelle's reign still gets my vote because hers was the first and the best.

Even though she didnt really have much fued for the title. She has had the msot matches for the title and beating all of the divas for it. I do think that it would count for something. Maryse title reign did last long, BUT she barely defended the title. I don't really think that brings prestigue for the title. Michelle did have the best fued with maryse, but pretty much the only fued she had. But I do have to agree it was the best fued for the divas title.
But like I said before, these 3 divas have different ways of bringing presige the title that I would not catagorize together. So they brought presige to the title in different ways.
It's Melina. Mickie James is a damn fine wrestler but not seen as a 'Diva' as much as she's seen as a wrestler. Melina is a hybrid. A diva who can wrestle. So she carries the mantle well for the Diva's title. Although Maryse is very well suited to have that belt as it's pink and she looks good in pink.

But Melina brings cred to the belt by being a legit wrestler and still looking fine. Maryse is getting there in the wrestling department, but she needs some more work to get where Melina is.
Even though she didnt really have much fued for the title. She has had the msot matches for the title and beating all of the divas for it. I do think that it would count for something. Maryse title reign did last long, BUT she barely defended the title. I don't really think that brings prestigue for the title. Michelle did have the best fued with maryse, but pretty much the only fued she had. But I do have to agree it was the best fued for the divas title.

Maryse feuded with Michelle, Melina, Kelly, and Mickie. Mickie only feuded with Maryse, Kim, and Alicia. All of which were short feuds. Michelle feuded with Natalya, Maria, and Maryse. Half of Maryse's were long feuds, and all of Michelle's were.

But like I said before, these 3 divas have different ways of bringing presige the title that I would not catagorize together. So they brought presige to the title in different ways.

Maryse and Michelle brought more prestige to the title than Mickie because they had better feuds. They had just as many as Mickie. Maryse had more, and Michelle's were longer. They also beat Melina because she has done nothing interesting since winning the belt, and to quote myself from a previous post Jillian's.... well.... Jillian.
Maryse feuded with Michelle, Melina, Kelly, and Mickie. Mickie only feuded with Maryse, Kim, and Alicia. All of which were short feuds. Michelle feuded with Natalya, Maria, and Maryse. Half of Maryse's were long feuds, and all of Michelle's were.

Maryse and Michelle brought more prestige to the title than Mickie because they had better feuds. They had just as many as Mickie. Maryse had more, and Michelle's were longer. They also beat Melina because she has done nothing interesting since winning the belt, and to quote myself from a previous post Jillian's.... well.... Jillian.

Correction. Mickie wrestled for the title agains maryse, kim, alicia, beth, and jillian. But if maryse really did defend the title against that many ppl, I would then have to agree with you that she brought more prestige to the title then mickie. But I would still consider all the people mickie wrestled against also to bring prestigue to the title. Which she has had the most of.
Melina did nothing is true and still cant stop laughing about the jillian thing
Correction. Mickie wrestled for the title agains maryse, kim, alicia, beth, and jillian. But if maryse really did defend the title against that many ppl, I would then have to agree with you that she brought more prestige to the title then mickie. But I would still consider all the people mickie wrestled against also to bring prestigue to the title. Which she has had the most of.
Melina did nothing is true and still cant stop laughing about the jillian thing

If you're going by how many matches they had for it, Maryse and Michelle beat her. If we're going by feuds, then Maryse was Mickie's only feud that actually went anywhere.... Maryse and Michelle interacted more with all of their contenders, whereas Mickie (and Melina, so far) interacted very little with her challengers other than Maryse. Maryse did so with Mickie, Michelle, and even Kelly. Michelle did so with everyone she feuded with while holding the title. Plus when the first title reign for a title lasts a long time (and hers lasted a while) it makes it more prestigious because it was long AND it was the first, with all the divas wanting to be the one who ends that.... that adds quite a bit of prestige. That is exactly what happened with Michelle she is still my pick as the one who gave the most prestige because of that.
Well, with the situation on Mickie holding the title, the reason as to why it was not as special as all the other reigns is because that Mickie is someone who doesn't particularly fit the description of holding such a ridiculous title. She is a female wrestler, not a diva (despite whatever Vinnie Mac decides). All female wrestlers have held the Women's Championship at one time or another, with a couple of exceptions. So, if anything, Mickie holding the Diva's title brought less prestige to Mickie James where Mickie did nothing for the title.

I am going to say that either Maryse or Michelle holding the championship would be the best choices, because Melina's reign hasn't gotten too far and Jillian... well, it wasn't a title reign. It was the E's way of saying "Thankyou for your contributions, but you will never be what we are looking for." Michelle was the first ever diva's champion and defeat Natalya Neidhart in a contest not bound by the typical diva match. They did a good showing and Michelle winning the championship was pretty decent. However, I feel Maryse did the most for the championship because of what Maryse has made herself... a character. Because of this persona she has, she made championship matches and diva's matches altogether that more interesting. Then, she got traded to RAW and was set to have a pretty good run with the title... giving the less prestigious championship to the show with the less prestigious women's division. If Maryse didn't get injured, you can beat that Mickie would not have won the title at all. Another reason why Mickie's championship reign was special, she was the filler as Maryse got injured and the E could only trust her to hold the title.

So, my money would be on Maryse. She brought something with her character that made people care about diva matches. Giving her the championship makes sense as that's basically what the division focuses on anyway apart from tag team matches.
The way that Maryse handles her character makes a lot of the stuff she touches gold. It's almost like Melina's when she first debuted. That being such, if anything can bring credibility to that ugly, ugly, stereotypically chick looking belt, it's a true bitch diva. And Maryse does all of that perfectly, even if her ring skills aren't the greatest.
Maryse!.. it has been the most entertaining reign.. i dont know why.. but she seems like the only one who actually cared about having the belt and actually acknowledged it
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