Which champion should be dethroned next?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Currently, the champions are Rollins, Charlotte, Owens, del Rio and the New Day. Who do you want to see drop their belt next?

I want Owens and the New Day to have longer reigns. The New Day did a lot for the division and I actually think them temporarily dropping them to Prime Time Players stalled things a bit. I just want Owens to thrive in the WWE, as I think he's awesome and don't want to see him become another Cesaro.

I'm not sure about del Rio yet, although he probably should be presented as a dangerous champion since he cleanly defeated Cena. I will be so angry if they waste that, as defeating Cena- especially without cheating- should happen rarely be it should be important whenever it occurs.

As for Rollins and Charlotte, I can't decide. I already feel like Charlotte is running out of steam on the main roster because of some misguided promos and a lack of...I don't know, character? She's not bad on the mic, but I'm finding her to be bland as a babyface. She's not as interesting as Paige, Sasha, Becky or even Nikki right now, even though she's just as good. On the other hand, if Charlotte drops the belt after only 2 months, then they wasted the dethroning of Nikki. You might hate Nikki, but face it, she was an important champion. She is the longest reigning Diva's Champ, even if I don't believe she deserved that status, so the person who defeats her needs to be hold that top spot for awhile.

I've been done with Rollins as champion for awhile, but I have to confess that he's winning me back over. I liked how he started changing his promos during his Kane feud and I liked he has acted more confident lately. I'd still probably say he should be the next one to be dethroned, but I will feel a little sad when that happens.
New Day should definitely hold onto them for a while longer. The Uso's are due back soon and I can see a New Day/Uso feud for the titles. PTP and Dudley's are still in the mix as well, so are the new team of Barrett/Sheamus. The tag titles are in good hands right now.

Can't see Del Rio dropping the US title anytime soon, he just won it, after months of credible challengers trying. It would be a waste of beating Cena clean if he does. This might be the most active title hunt, with Cesaro, a returning Cena and a host of other midcarders in line for it.

Owens should keep the IC title for a few months and get a chance to face some of the main roster midcarder's before he loses it. He's not really faced that many since coming up from NXT, and I can see Zayn taking it off him when he comes back. No reason to play hot potato with it in the meantime.

Charlotte just won hers as well, and in order for her to be believable she can't lose it that quickly. She's already faced Nikki Bella and beat her, and I think her next feud will either be Paige or Sasha Banks. We've seen hardly anything of Banks since she debuted, but part of that was because she still had unfinished business in NXT with Bailey. Now that she's finished there, now is the time to build her up. Once Banks gets her hands on the belt, she might be the one to break Nikki Bella's record.

So by process of elimination Rollins is the one who will most likely lose the WHC next. He's had it since April, and honestly his run hasn't been the best. It took them this long to crown a number one contender, and Reigns has to beat him at the next PPV or else he goes back into the mix and we start all over again. Rollins is due for a face turn, thought it would be Kane, but no think Rollins will turn first. Then he can drop the title and feud with HHH for a chance to get it back. You also have Sheamus waiting with the MITB, whenever they decided to use it.

Really it's anyone's guess who will drop the title first. There are some interesting feuds coming up and with the Rumble and Mania just around the corner, I hope the WWE doesn't screw this up.
Definitely Seth Rollins. He's starting to inch closer to Billy Graham's record of the longest reigning heel WWE Champion. Nobody has broken that record in all these decades, and if Triple H and JBL fell just days short of it, then no way in HELL should Seth Rollins be the man do it.

I'm hoping that Rollins will just barely beat Roman Reigns at Survivor Series. Then Sheamus comes down, cashes in, and effortlessly beats Rollins for the title. Rollins is over enough that taking the title off him will make Sheamus even MORE hated and the top heel in the company heading into WrestleMania.
New Day or Charlotte in my opinion. New Day has gotten themselves over to the point where they don't need the championships anymore. They have dominated the tag team scene for the past while and I think they could contribute to the division by giving the straps up to The Dudleys. Once the Usos return, we can see New Day/Usos in number one contender feud and Dudleys/PTP? for the championships. I'm pretty sure that they will be the first to lose their titles out of the current crop, but I could be wrong.

Charlotte apparently isn't working for a lot of people. While I have no problem with her, I guess she hasn't lived up to the hype, and that's a reasonable statement to say the least. It's a long shot but I can see WWE calling an audible and having Sasha take it sooner than expected. If that doesn't happen than I don't see a way in which Charlotte loses the title before Mania.

As for Owens, Del Rio, and Rollins, I fully expect them to hold on to their straps until Mania with the possible exception of Del Rio. I think WWE has made Owens the IC champion with the express purpose of a Mania match in mind. I don't see him losing it before than. As many options available for the WWEWHC as there are, I think Rollins is the best one currently. If he were to lose his title before Mania, I can't see it being anywhere but the Rumble. Del Rio could either hold it past Mania or lose it to Cena upon his return. Those are the only two possible scenarios I see at the moment unless WWE decides to give him a strong push and high-profile match at Mania.

So yeah, probably New Day, possibly Charlotte.
I'd keep the title on New Day because they are one of the most over and enjoyable segments on WWE TV. Helps the tag titles prestige to have them wear it and will set up a nice feud with the Usos at some stage over them. Helps that they have been booked as strong champions and not as a group of guys who lose to random pairings of singles wrestlers.

My pick is to take the women's title off Charlotte. I like her and she has great upside but I think they have botched her first run already. She's not portrayed as being as important as Nikki, Paige or Natalya and the fans clearly want Sascha Banks in the spot. I know there is temptation out there to go with Sascha as a babyface but she is a born heel. Have Natalya cost Paige the title in her match with Charlotte to set up their feud and send Sascha after Charlotte. Sascha beats Charlotte and then fights Becky and Natalya (who should beat Paige) before Bayley makes her main roster debut on the Road to Wrestlemania to set up a match between those two. That's best for business in my book.

I think WWE has made Owens the IC champion with the express purpose of a Mania match in mind. I don't see him losing it before than.

I'm hoping against hope we get a returning Daniel Bryan vs Kevin Owens for the Intercontinental title at Wrestlemania
New Day... People say they're the most entertaining part of the show each week.. That's exactly why they should drop the titles. They don't need it right now, they've got themselves over. Put the titles on someone that can use them. The Tag titles have taken a backseat to the New Day anyways, people don't care about the tag titles, they just want to see the New Day.
As of right now, I don't think any of the champs should drop their titles.

While I don't agree with all the choices made for Seth Rollins, I've enjoyed his time as champion. He's got the goods, he's young, he's fresh and while he hasn't met every single criteria some have for him, some people have insanely unrealistic ideas and standards that NOBODY can equal.

Del Rio and Owens are both positioned well as US and IC champions respectively. While the whole MexAmerica thing is a bit silly, at least based on what I've seen thus far, Del Rio is at the level where I think he should be. Kevin Owens is a dislikeable, asshole heel who comes off as cowardly, but not to the extent that he looks like someone's bitch.

The New Day are a lot of fun, I enjoy their antics and while some fans are going to cheer them no matter what, they haven't tried to be these edgy heels that it's "cool" to cheer for. They're fun to watch inside the ring and I'm especially pleased with how Kofi & Big E have both finally been given a platform to show off their personalities.

Charlotte is probably in the weakest position among the current champions right now. I still think she should be given more time, though I think she'd do much better as a heel. When she was a heel in NXT, she stood out more and her personality came through in a much more significant way. As a babyface, she's just not all that interesting as a character and Vince has done exactly what I was worried he'd do: he's made the fact that she's Ric Flair's daughter front & center of who she is & what she's all about.
Kevin Owens is right as an IC Champ and should continue.....
Alberto Del Rio should also get altleast 2 month reign....
Rollins is doing good too..... and New Day Rocks....
So the Champ who should be dethroned first is Charlotte.... Has did nothing relevant as Divas Champ.... So either Paige or Sasha Banks should dethrone her...
I guess it should be Charlotte Bcoz i dont see any problems with the other champs..

You may say SETH should be dethroned already but in my opinion for a man who is having the first run as the WWE world heavyweight Champion for the first time in his life SETH has done better than any other champion in the history on their first run. Roman may defeat him in the near future but if Dean turns on Roman that ain't gonna happen soon. SETH has done his job simply Great and he is already there in my hall of fame list already...

As far as New Day goes they are simply GOLD and the best thing that happened in the recent times..They should carry it for some time but not long bcoz there is a lot of Tag teams waiting and The USOS are nearing with their return so i dont see them holding it for a long time but they should..But i dont think they need the titles to keep them relevant but some other tag team needs that to make them relevant..

Kevin Owens should continue as the Intercontinental Champion for a long time if they need to keep that Title and KO relevant...

Alberto has just returned and with the current Mex-America storyline he should be holding the US title until WM32 in my opinion until maybe someone from NXT or Kurt Angle can dethrone him at the big event or maybe they could unify the US and Intercontinental title at some point....

So that leaves Charlotte who is doing fine with the belt but she is not carrying the divas division like a Champion should. She hasn't lifted the divas any further from the point where she won. So i think she should lose it to Paige, Sasha or back to Nikki. Maybe do a fatal 4 way for the title that will be easier to make her lose it and protect her at the same time. Somebody should insist on bringing back the Womens Championship that is the best way to save it....
I'd say that Del Rio will have some time with the belt as he just won it.

KO and New Day have done well, but it is possible the Dudleys get the belt soon and to besides, New Day don't need the belt too much. That said; with the Usos due to return soon, I'm up for an Usos vs New Day feud, so not in much of a hurry for the latter to lose the belts with that in mind.

That leaves Rollins and Charlotte.
The Divas Champion has definitely not had the impact desired by putting the belt on her and I'd say she is behind Sasha, Nikki, Paige and Becky quite easily in terms of overness. Maybe they persist for a little while longer, but I can't really see her turning it around at this point and she'll have to lose it soon enough to be built back up.

Thus, the WWE Heavyweight Champion is left. I don't rate Rollins' reign as badly as some have, but yet, I can't help but say that even though he has held it since Mania, it has still felt largely like a Transitional reign more than anything due to booking since Mania 31.
Is Reigns ready? I think he has come a long way, and the only way he shouldn't dethrone Rollins at Survivor Series is If a SHIELD 3-way is being planned for Mania, which might be a way to build all 3 and leave some slight doubts about the winner come Mania.
However, I do have a feeling that Brock vs Roman 2 might be another possible direction for Mania 32, and thus, Roman winning at Survivor Series, and perhaps turning away a Sheamus cash-in, plus a Brock Rumble victory, might be a good story to tell after how Mania 31 went.

So, Rollins/Charlotte for me are the most likely to drop their belts. Entirely possible that Survivor Series could be the end for both of them.
Roman Reigns should win the World Title only to drop it back to Rollins prior to WrestleMania. Then he should face John Cena at WrestleMania for the U.S. Title. Could be a passing of the torch type match like Hogan-Warrior years ago. Also having Banks, Charlotte, & Paige take turns with the Diva's Title would infuse some life into the division. Storyline in Diva's needs to get better as well.

This would be my WrestleMania 32 Card

Seth Rollins vs. The Undertaker (Rumble Winner) WWE Title Match
* Taker retires the next night on Raw as WWE Champion
The Rock w/Rousey vs. HHH
Brock Lesnar vs. Samoa Joe
John Cena vs. Roman Reigns (US Title)
Kevin Owens vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Bray Wyatt (I-C Title)
New Day vs. Uso's (Tag Titles)
Charlotte vs. Paige vs. Sasha (Diva's Title)
Bella Twins vs. Trish & Lita
Andre Battle Royal (everyone else)

NXT Title Match
Finn Balor vs. Sami Zayn
I think Charlotte should lose hers first......to Paige. That's the direction things seem to be moving anyway, with Paige finally making the split with her threesome. There's no hurry in this; let Charlotte hold onto the belt for awhile, but for storyline purposes, I can't believe they're doing the whole routine with Paige if not for her to rule the diva roost.

Next, I'd think Seth Rollins' time is coming. I originally believed he'd lose his belt to Roman Reigns at WM32 but with the two of them meeting for the title at the next PPV, it might very well be sooner than that. Depends on whether management feels Roman is ready. For now, I'm thinking Rollins drops the belt at Royal Rumble.

With New Day, it doesn't particularly matter if they hold the title belts or not. They're doing their own thing and championships aren't necessary.

Kevin Owens is on a roll (and he's built like one, too. :)) so he should keep his arrogant heel momentum going and hold onto the IC belt.

Who's left? Oh, that's right......Alberto Del Rio. If a stable is about to be built with ADR as lead performer, I'd let him keep the US title while the group gets established......and, as suggested in another thread, perhaps re-name the belt into something more to Alberto's liking.:worship:
My thoughts and in this order:

Seth Rollins drops the title to Roman Reigns at Survivor Series. He has held the title for a long time now and quite honestly he is starting to bore me as a champion by defending against people we know will not dethrone him. Roman is ready and needs the title to solidify his status at the top.

Charlotte gets dethroned at Survivor Series or TLC by Paige. I dont see her holding the title for to long. Paige goes into Wrestlemania with the title to set up Paige vs Sasha where Sasha Banks gets her Wrestlemania moment.

New Day loses the Tag Titles to the Usos at TLC in a 3 way TLC match with the Dudleys involved. This is the chance for the Usos to shine and show their high flying abilities to solidify themselves as the top faces of this generation.

Kevin Owens loses to Cesaro at Royal Rumble. Feud until WrestleMania where Cesaro comes out on top.

Dean Ambrose takes the US title off Del Rio sometime after the Royal Rumble.
Owens definitely has a few months left in this run. Plus, there is no obvious option to beat him. Charlotte needs the belt to help build some credibility into the "revolution". Moreover, she deserves the chance. Mania seems a good time for both to lose which is quite the while away.

New Day are interesting. They are fantastic with or without the belts so it doesn't matter too much. I'd like to see the Dudley's get their title reign but I'm also enjoying what New Day are doing; it's a tough one. The Usos' returning and winning the belts would be awesome but it should be after a decent feud/build. I suppose TLC could be a good time for them to drop the belts but, once more, losing to The Uso's at Mania seems right.

It doesn't really matter for Del Rio. I'd be happy to see him lose the title tomorrow. He is a transitional champ and nothing more. Ambrose, Neville, Cesaro would be good choices. Even Zayn or Cena in a few months.

Rollins is a tough one. His title run has been really enjoyable (for the most part) and you feel that him dropping the title will be a big moment; Wrestlemania big. That being said, if Reigns won at Survivor Series, I'd be absolutely fine with it. It's unlikely but Reigns is getting some momentum and, in Cena's absence, it is a good time to pull the trigger.

It is good group of champions. The majority seem like they could hold the titles until Mania. If I had to pick one, it would be Del Rio. Then New Day and Rollins; however, they only have two real short-term contenders (Dudleys, Uso's, Reigns and Sheamus)

If I was picking: Del Rio at TLC to Cesaro/Neville. New Day at TLC to Uso's - only to win it back at the Rumble. Charlotte at Mania to Sasha. Rollins at Mania to Reigns. Owens at Mania to Orton. Realistically, Del Rio will drop it to Cena.

Another interesting factor is that 4 of the 5 are heels. Is that smart business? Maybe it doesn't really matter in 2015 Again, you could build that up for Mania and have a group of triumphant victors.
This would be my WrestleMania 32 Card

Seth Rollins vs. The Undertaker (Rumble Winner) WWE Title Match
* Taker retires the next night on Raw as WWE Champion

With the amount of "respect" WWE has shown for The Undertaker, I think it's more likely you'll see Undertaker throw a retirement party on the kickoff show, get jumped from behind by Adam Rose, and then lose a 2 minute squash to the returning Bunny, who goes on to a 22 match WrestleMania winning streak.
I really like the idea of the Undertaker winning the Royal Rumble. The place would explode when his music started as the 30th entrant. He could eliminate Brock to win the thing and get a little bit of mojo back from his overall loss in the feud. And then a tournament for the title which gets to reset things perfectly after Wrestlemania.

Also, it would be a great way to finally end Seth's run.
I'd like to see Paige defeat Charlotte at Survivor Series . As well as a brutal destruction of Seth Rollins by Roman Reigns to win the WWE title. Roman keeps attacking Seth after the match until Ambrose comes out to stop him, Roman also rips Ambrose to pieces and curses at the WWE Universe.
Currently, the champions are Rollins, Charlotte, Owens, del Rio and the New Day. Who do you want to see drop their belt next?

I want Owens and the New Day to have longer reigns. The New Day did a lot for the division and I actually think them temporarily dropping them to Prime Time Players stalled things a bit. I just want Owens to thrive in the WWE, as I think he's awesome and don't want to see him become another Cesaro.

I'm not sure about del Rio yet, although he probably should be presented as a dangerous champion since he cleanly defeated Cena. I will be so angry if they waste that, as defeating Cena- especially without cheating- should happen rarely be it should be important whenever it occurs.

As for Rollins and Charlotte, I can't decide. I already feel like Charlotte is running out of steam on the main roster because of some misguided promos and a lack of...I don't know, character? She's not bad on the mic, but I'm finding her to be bland as a babyface. She's not as interesting as Paige, Sasha, Becky or even Nikki right now, even though she's just as good. On the other hand, if Charlotte drops the belt after only 2 months, then they wasted the dethroning of Nikki. You might hate Nikki, but face it, she was an important champion. She is the longest reigning Diva's Champ, even if I don't believe she deserved that status, so the person who defeats her needs to be hold that top spot for awhile.

I've been done with Rollins as champion for awhile, but I have to confess that he's winning me back over. I liked how he started changing his promos during his Kane feud and I liked he has acted more confident lately. I'd still probably say he should be the next one to be dethroned, but I will feel a little sad when that happens.

Charlotte. Her reign has been lackluster. Fans hadn't bought into her as a top face.

I'd say let Paige beat her for the title and let Charlotte chase for the title again.

I'm fine with Rollins, New Day, Del Rio and Owens as champs.
i dont consider divas belt.. By looking all belts are holding by heels. This is perfect time for roman to became the top face of wwe. He needs to defeat rollins.
I guess Charlotte should drop the Divas Title to Paige at Survivor Series or TLC, Charlotte has been a lackluster champion. Paige can hold on to it until WrestleMania where she can face Nikki, Charlotte, Nattie, whatever they decide to do.

I really hope New Day drops their titles soon.. I'm not into them like everybody else. It takes more than 3 dancing fools acting like idiots to entertain me. It seems like they're done with The Dudley's, they can drop the titles to their next challengers.. Maybe the Usos, if they're ready to come back, but they were such boring champions last time.

Alberto Del Rio is not dropping his title anytime soon. He just won it and they're doing this Mexican American angle, someone is going to step up and challenge Del Rio and likely lose. He could potentially hold the title until WrestleMania, unless he falls flat on his face in the next few months.

The Intercontinental Champion, Kevin Owens i believe. He might be popular with the internet marks but he hasn't been a great champion either. It took me a minute to remember who the champion was. Kevin Owens should hop right into a feud with Dean Ambrose now, it will get people intrigued and it will get Dean Ambrose away from Roman Reigns, unless of course they want to turn him heel at Survivor Series, then Reigns/Ambrose feud.

Seth Rollins should hold the WWE Title until WrestleMania. There's no reason to take the belt off him right now. He's been a great champion. He hasn't been built like a beast, he hasn't been built like a strong champion. He's been built like a cowardly heel, exactly how it should be. If the plan is to do Reigns vs. Rollins vs. Ambrose at WrestleMania. Seth Rollins should definitely be the champion at the time, have Reigns win it there, or they can shock everybody and have Rollins retain.

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