Which Box Office Draw Has The Best Movies?

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Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
There are a select list of actors/actresses who can draw large crowds to theaters based on their name value or performances alone. I'll review all of the actors/actresses who are box office draws:

Will Smith

Every year Will Smith is involved in a big time movie. Whether it be an action flick, or drama, Smith is always able to draw huge crowds to movie theaters. For as long as I can remember, Smith has been in blockbuster movies, and some very popular films. He's been chasing the Best Actor Oscar for a LONG time, and I hope he will get it some day.

Brad Pitt

Back in the day, Pitt was a sex symbol and a teen heart throb, but over the years, he became more of a serious actor, and his movies reflected that. At 46 yrs. old, Pitt is still able to get tons of people to flock to theaters to see his films.

Denzel Washington

Denzel has been around for a long time, and his movies are pretty much always a hit. Washington has two Oscar wins under his belt for Training Day (2001), and Glory(1989). He usually stars in a lot of solid/good movies, so I always make sure to check out anything he's in.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Just like Brad Pitt, Leo also used to be teen heart throb, but over the years, Leo has also done more serious movies. Ever since Gangs Of New York, this man has been a part of some of my favorite movies of all time.

Angelina Jolie

For some reason, Jolie creeps me out, but I won't deny she is one hell of an actress. She did an awesome job in movies early on such as Gia(1998) and Girl, Intrupted(1999). She has also done her fair share of flashy blockbuster movies such as, The Tomb Raider films, Mr.&Mrs.Smith, and Wanted, but she still is able to put on some great performances every now and then.

Other honrable mentions for box oficce draws who have the best movies are Robert Downey Jr., Sandra Bullock, and maybe Jamie Foxx. Out of all the box officie draws, who do you think has the best movies? First of all, I want to make things clear. I'm talking about who has the best movies, and not who brings in the most money because I think Will Smith would win that race by a landslide. What I want to know is, who's films entertain you the most? Who consistently stars in good/solid films? Who gives the best perfromances in their films?Also, feel free to mention any other names I didn't include in my list, but please be sure to explain why you picked them.

I'm a fan of Will Smith's movies(expect for Bad Boys II) but I'm going to have to go with Leonardo Dicaprio. It's funny because as a kid I use to hate this guy, but over the years, he's grown on me. Leo has been in some amazing films over the years, and he always gives passionate performances. Even during his sex symbol days, he had some pretty damn good movies.

Who do you think has the best movies?

There are a select list of actors/actresses who can draw large crowds to theaters based on their name value or performances alone. I'll review all of the actors/actresses who are box office draws:

Will Smith

Every year Will Smith is involved in a big time movie. Whether it be an action flick, or drama, Smith is always able to draw huge crowds to movie theaters. For as long as I can remember, Smith has been in blockbuster movies, and some very popular films. He's been chasing the Best Actor Oscar for a LONG time, and I hope he will get it some day.

I can't stand Will Smith. For every decent/good film he makes, there are three shit ones (the only thing that literally stopped me from giving Hot Fuzz a 10/10 was that one of the main characters loved that piece of shit Bad Boys II).

Brad Pitt

Back in the day, Pitt was a sex symbol and a teen heart throb, but over the years, he became more of a serious actor, and his movies reflected that. At 46 yrs. old, Pitt is still able to get tons of people to flock to theaters to see his films.

Pitt's not that big of a box office draw. The only three true box office draws that I can think of at the moment are Will Smith, Tom Hanks, and Sandra Bullock.

Denzel Washington

Denzel has been around for a long time, and his movies are pretty much always a hit. Washington has two Oscar wins under his belt for Training Day (2001), and Glory(1989). He usually stars in a lot of solid/good movies, so I always make sure to check out anything he's in.

See Brad Pitt, although I do like Denzel Washington; he needs to get off of the Scott Brothers' nuts, though.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Just like Brad Pitt, Leo also used to be teen heart throb, but over the years, Leo has also done more serious movies. Ever since Gangs Of New York, this man has been a part of some of my favorite movies of all time.

DiCaprio was once a box office draw, but he chose a partnership with Scorsese over more conventional popcorn fare. Some may see this as the right move, but, unfortunately, DiCaprio will now never have the versatility that Smith and Hanks have. Think about it: can we buy DiCaprio in anything now besides a super-serious crime drama or biopic?

Angelina Jolie

For some reason, Jolie creeps me out, but I won't deny she is one hell of an actress. She did an awesome job in movies early on such as Gia(1998) and Girl, Intrupted(1999). She has also done her fair share of flashy blockbuster movies such as, The Tomb Raider films, Mr.&Mrs.Smith, and Wanted, but she still is able to put on some great performances every now and then.

Like her beau, she's not really a box office draw.
I can't be bothered to look into it any further to see if they're actual box office draws, I suspect some of them aren't, but insinctively I'll say Leonardo DiCaprio. I don't think he's great in anything, but I do think he always does 3-4 star films, unlike Will Smith & Angelina Jolie 2-3 stars, Brad Pitt & Denzel Washingston 2-4.
i wouldnt call any of them "box office draws", but each of them, with the exception of Jolie, has had one or two box office hits.

As for who has the best movies, I think Pitt and Washington have the best. First of all, every denzel movie ive seen is good. John Q was pretty good and Remember the Titans is a solid movie. My favorite movie of his is Man on Fire. Great storyline and the way that the movie is filmed is just crazy. If you havent seen it, i highly recommend it.

Whenever i hear of a brad pitt movie, i always assume it's going to be bad. i have this idea planted in my head that he cant act and he is only famous for his looks. that couldnt be further from the truth. he is actually a good actor and his movies are always amusing. Some of my favorite movies have brad pitt in them. I love the oceans trilogy (although one could argue that the cast is what makes those great), fight club is incredible, and i cant wait to burn after reading.
Meh. There's a few movies from each of them that I really like, but I'd have to give Denzel the nod. Most of the movies he's in are pretty good. But honestly, I'm more of a comedy guy and you seemed to have left any comedian off of your list. What about the likes of Jim Carrey and Adam Sandler? I don't actually like all of their movies but they can't be denied as draws. Also there's Seth Rogen nowadays.
Meh. There's a few movies from each of them that I really like, but I'd have to give Denzel the nod. Most of the movies he's in are pretty good. But honestly, I'm more of a comedy guy and you seemed to have left any comedian off of your list. What about the likes of Jim Carrey and Adam Sandler? I don't actually like all of their movies but they can't be denied as draws. Also there's Seth Rogen nowadays.

I like Adam Sandler, but ever since Anger Management, he hasn't been in too many good or decent movies. Funny People was pretty good, but that's really the only movie he's been in over the years that's really worth watching. You also could probably throw in Reign Over Me, but I include that movie only because Sandler put on a damn good performance, and it was something different from him.

Jim Carrey is a well known name when it comes to movies, but when it comes to the quality of his movies, he's been very streaky over the years. Some of his movies have been good, and some of them have been either decent or bad. Plus, I don't think Carrey is the box office draw he once was.

Seth Rogen is another guy I like, but I don't think he's reached the level of box office draw just yet. There are a handful of movies he's been in where he wasn't the lead actor or co-star. Rogen has been in some movies that were popular, and made lots of money at the box office, but not all of those movies had success just because of his presence.
You missed possibly the biggest box office draw and arguably the best actor alive. Johnny depp everything the man touches turns into absolute gold hes proven to be very versatile and hes someone who can draw people to the box office. hes been incredible from the start in films like edward scissor hands and donnie brasco all the way through the pirates movies he even showed he has an incredible singing voice as well in sweeney todd. While I enjoy the other actors in your list none of them can touch depp
You missed possibly the biggest box office draw and arguably the best actor alive. Johnny depp everything the man touches turns into absolute gold hes proven to be very versatile and hes someone who can draw people to the box office. hes been incredible from the start in films like edward scissor hands and donnie brasco all the way through the pirates movies he even showed he has an incredible singing voice as well in sweeney todd. While I enjoy the other actors in your list none of them can touch depp

I agree. Johnny Depp should have definitely made his way onto this list. Although personally I think he should seperate himself away a little from Tim Burton, there's no denying he is possibly today's biggest hit.

Out of all the guys on your list though, I have to say Will Smith is perhaps the biggest box office draw right now. I remember people going to see movies like The Pursuit of Happyness, I Am Legend, Shark Tale, and Seven Pounds just because he was starring in them. And they did pretty well in their demographic.

Dicaprio I thought was excellent in Gangs Of New York and is still praised for his work in Titanic. As for movies like Romeo & Juliet and Blood Diamond, I just thought he was okay. Just okay.

Angelina Jolie a big box office draw? She may be in my mind one of the sexiest women alive, but as for being the star of movies like Tomb Raider and ...wait that's practically one of the only movies she was the star of. Mr. & Mrs. Smith was alongside Brad Pitt and Kung Fu Panda...people would be lying if they said they went to see that just for her. That was all about Jack Black. In my opinion, a big draw she is not.

Brad Pitt is definitely up there with his movies, but I still have to give it to Will Smith, who may have been in a crapper like Bad Boys II, but still had commercial success in films like Independence Day, I Robot, I Am Legend, Hancock, Pursuit Of Happyness, Six Degrees Of Seperation, etc.
You missed possibly the biggest box office draw and arguably the best actor alive. Johnny depp everything the man touches turns into absolute gold hes proven to be very versatile and hes someone who can draw people to the box office. hes been incredible from the start in films like edward scissor hands and donnie brasco all the way through the pirates movies he even showed he has an incredible singing voice as well in sweeney todd. While I enjoy the other actors in your list none of them can touch depp

I'm also a huge fan of Johnny Depp, and as you can see, I have a scene from Donnie Brasco in my sig. The Pirates of The Caribbean films are easily Depp's biggest box office draw film series. I liked the first two Pirate films, but I wasn't too crazy about the third one. I also LOVED Sweeney Todd. Depp and Helena Bonham Carter both put on great performances in that film, and Burton did an awesome job with the directing. Secret Window and Blow were also very good films.

But as much as I love Depp, I'm still going to have to go with Leo. DiCaprio has a laundry list worth of good/great films. I can't remember the last time DiCaprio was in a decent or sub-par movie. All of his films are usually very high in quality in every aspect. Also, I would take DiCaprio/Scorsese over Depp/Burton any day. By the way, Inception looks like it's going to be a very good movie, so that'll be another gem on Leo's list.
Brad Pitt and Will Smith are the two people on your initial list that I find to be actual draws.

Will Smith is easier to explain, for me. I think some of his movies have been a little corny and dry but they have been entertaining (see iRobot). He does have a knack of making the audience care about his plight during movies and seems to be very grounded. That is just my opinion though and probably is far from the truth. He is an actor that I like to see but he is not an actor that I try and see. Since the butchering of the "I Am Legend" novella, I have been slightly put off by him. However, I did like Hancock for sheer entertainment value.

DiCaprio is my favourite actor right now. His role in Shutter Island is one of the best acting displays I have seen this year and rightfully so. That movie was amazing and DiCaprio was one of the main reason why. Since I saw him in Gangs Of New York, I have been hooked and he is the only person on the list that I would consistently watch. From Titanic to Romeo and Juliet, I have liked all of his performances. However, I do agree with TDigs that he has become slightly one dimensional. However, if you are doing something right, then why change it?
Great discussion. I think big Will gets the nod here as the biggest draw as he has probably had the most commercial success, everything else that needs to be said of him has been so I wont go any further there.

Denzel is a good choice on this list too, he is a movie front man. You can put him in anything and he will carry the movie, THATS how bad ass Denzel is. Box office power though? Not sure. Training Day earned him some fans that's for sure, and American Gangster has earned him a lot of praise as well. My only issue with Denzel though is that he is essentially the same character in every movie he is in, but in different circumstances. A lot of the time it just feels like watching Denzel Washington in yet another scenario.

Brad & Angelina. Both decent actors but more pop culture icons than anything due to their looks instead of the quality of their movies or acting. Brad has Fight Club, Curious Case of Benjamin Button, and Interview with a Vampire to his credit. Angelina has Gia, Tomb Raider, and Mr. & Mrs. Smith. I would say obviously Brad is the bigger talent of the two.

Leo DiCaprio is my favorite of the bunch here. From What's Eating Gilbert Grape, to Titanic, to Gangs of New York, to The Aviator DiCaprio is to me always entertaining and one of the better actors of our time. The movies I'm surprised no one mentioned of his are Catch Me If You Can, and The Departed. Both of those were amazing movies and while DiCaprio played alongside film legends in both he was not overshadowed by any of them which I think showed how strong his performances really are and what a great actor he really is.

Catch Me If You Can was one the movie that solidified him as a real deal actor to me. He led the movie and the chemistry between him and Tom Hanks was electric. It was interesting to see Leo carry the movie with Hanks kind of helping to push the story along. I think this movie proved that he could lead and that he can act with the best of them. The Departed was a masterpiece and playing along side Jack, Alec, Martin, etc... was a tall order which I felt Leo delivered masterfully as well.
Christian Bale is one i think too that was missed. The Batman series, the gangster film with Johnny Depp and American Psycho, not to mention Terminator. Hes an excellent actor, with all of those films very good, admittedly two are very popular film franchises anyway, but his performances are always very intense and excellent.

What about people like Ben Stiller/Owen Wilson? They do draw people but how are there films rated on here? Iv seen excellent films from these 2, not to sure about the one they were in together though, Starsky and Hutch.
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