Where's the push


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On a lot of forms i have seen it said John Morrison and outhers are getting a push that i just don't see.there have been only 2 pushes to ME level in the last few years.(Punk-Hardy) Outher than that the ME has been the same. a lot of people say Morrison is not ready to be a ME player in the world title sean but he has been around longer and done more than punk. I say he is ready now and has been ready for awile

John Morrison-a great talent with the pontenchil to be the next HBK or Y2J
he has got a few wins sence moveing to smackdown and turning face. but with the taker comeing .back and Edge come back as a face he is bound to get lost in the shuffel. as a heel he was IC champ and part of the best fude over the IC title i have seen in years with jeff hardy.He was a great ECW champ when ECW needed one badly. He was part of 21centrys best tag team and with mulpitle title runs on both smackdown and raw. I hope i am wrong but i see him fadeing out turning heel and then jobber. like i said i hope i am wrong.
all these guys look ready to be ME or close Ziggler has been beat up by Mystrio so manny times he will never be a lagit star. MVP is so lost on raw people don't care anymore Swagger has tones of talent and i would put the WWE title on him this year. But he is stuck doing nothing and being a neer jobber. Miz is awsome but running around doing nothing. even if he wins the US title so what. what has it done for koffy nothing if anything it has made him less relavent. he isnot evon on raw most shows.
So is there even a push or is wwe just proping these guys up so the curnnet ME can nock them down. what do you think??
John Morrison-a great talent with the pontenchil to be the next HBK or Y2J
he has got a few wins sence moveing to smackdown and turning face. but with the taker comeing .back and Edge come back as a face he is bound to get lost in the shuffel. as a heel he was IC champ and part of the best fude over the IC title i have seen in years with jeff hardy.He was a great ECW champ when ECW needed one badly. He was part of 21centrys best tag team and with mulpitle title runs on both smackdown and raw. I hope i am wrong but i see him fadeing out turning heel and then jobber. like i said i hope i am wrong.
Yo must not be looking very hard. People aren't just shoved into a World Title feud. They are gauging his ability to Main event by giving him the odd title match and putting him in the upper mid-card main event spot on Smackdown. I'm pretty sure JOMo will be World Champion within a year maybe by winning MITB and cashing it in.
all these guys look ready to be ME or close Ziggler has been beat up by Mystrio so manny times he will never be a lagit star. MVP is so lost on raw people don't care anymore Swagger has tones of talent and i would put the WWE title on him this year. But he is stuck doing nothing and being a neer jobber. Miz is awsome but running around doing nothing. even if he wins the US title so what. what has it done for koffy nothing if anything it has made him less relavent. he isnot evon on raw most shows.
MVP- I don't know what's going on with him. It looks like he's teaming with Mark Henry. Maybe th Big Wigs in WWE just don't think he's ready, we'll have to wait and see.

Swagger-I never really liked Swagger so I can't comment on him.

Miz- He's doing what most people do to get in the Main Event, Having what I hope will be a great mid card title feud with Kofi over the US title.

Ziggler- See Miz only take out Kofi and US title and add Mysterio and IC title.
So is there even a push or is wwe just proping these guys up so the curnnet ME can nock them down. what do you think??
The pushes are there. they just can't be shoved in to quick because that would be worse than them taking to long. DOn't worry the current crop of M.E. stars won't be around forever
i don't think it would be to quick in Morrison's case. in my opion he has payed his dues. as far as swagger i think his gumick should be fast suscuss like it was in ECW. for the miz and mvp maby they do need more time but they all need to mix it up with ME so they can become lagit. butt allways louseing to the ME does not help anything and it is not entering. I am all about the new, but am in the minoraty on this subject. Just want new better storylines.
On a lot of forms i have seen it said John Morrison and outhers are getting a push that i just don't see.there have been only 2 pushes to ME level in the last few years.(Punk-Hardy) Outher than that the ME has been the same. a lot of people say Morrison is not ready to be a ME player in the world title sean but he has been around longer and done more than punk. I say he is ready now and has been ready for awile

John Morrison-a great talent with the pontenchil to be the next HBK or Y2J
he has got a few wins sence moveing to smackdown and turning face. but with the taker comeing .back and Edge come back as a face he is bound to get lost in the shuffel. as a heel he was IC champ and part of the best fude over the IC title i have seen in years with jeff hardy.He was a great ECW champ when ECW needed one badly. He was part of 21centrys best tag team and with mulpitle title runs on both smackdown and raw. I hope i am wrong but i see him fadeing out turning heel and then jobber. like i said i hope i am wrong.
all these guys look ready to be ME or close Ziggler has been beat up by Mystrio so manny times he will never be a lagit star. MVP is so lost on raw people don't care anymore Swagger has tones of talent and i would put the WWE title on him this year. But he is stuck doing nothing and being a neer jobber. Miz is awsome but running around doing nothing. even if he wins the US title so what. what has it done for koffy nothing if anything it has made him less relavent. he isnot evon on raw most shows.
So is there even a push or is wwe just proping these guys up so the curnnet ME can nock them down. what do you think??

Seriously, chief, it's called spelling and grammar. Look into it.

On to topic, however. I live by a motto of "Patience is a virtue." You can't expect Vince and Co. to just thrust somebody into the main event. I'd like to think WWE knows what they're doing here. I mean, they have been in business for around 50 years, in some incarnation.

Trust me when I say, Morrison is getting a push. Hell, they've put him over Punk, what, twice now? I'm thinkin' they are just testing the waters, seeing how over he can get. Then, and only then, will he be main eventing the PPV's.

As for Miz, MVP, Ziggler, and Swagger: If, and that's a big if, they are truly meant to Main Event, it'll happen, in due time. Like I said before, you just can't rush these things.
On a lot of forms i have seen it said John Morrison and outhers are getting a push that i just don't see.there have been only 2 pushes to ME level in the last few years.(Punk-Hardy) Outher than that the ME has been the same. a lot of people say Morrison is not ready to be a ME player in the world title sean but he has been around longer and done more than punk. I say he is ready now and has been ready for awile

John Morrison-a great talent with the pontenchil to be the next HBK or Y2J
he has got a few wins sence moveing to smackdown and turning face. but with the taker comeing .back and Edge come back as a face he is bound to get lost in the shuffel. as a heel he was IC champ and part of the best fude over the IC title i have seen in years with jeff hardy.He was a great ECW champ when ECW needed one badly. He was part of 21centrys best tag team and with mulpitle title runs on both smackdown and raw. I hope i am wrong but i see him fadeing out turning heel and then jobber. like i said i hope i am wrong.
all these guys look ready to be ME or close Ziggler has been beat up by Mystrio so manny times he will never be a lagit star. MVP is so lost on raw people don't care anymore Swagger has tones of talent and i would put the WWE title on him this year. But he is stuck doing nothing and being a neer jobber. Miz is awsome but running around doing nothing. even if he wins the US title so what. what has it done for koffy nothing if anything it has made him less relavent. he isnot evon on raw most shows.
So is there even a push or is wwe just proping these guys up so the curnnet ME can nock them down. what do you think??

Please, pleasepleaseplease work on your spelling, grammar and puncuation. Your posts are very hard to read man.

Anyways on topic, yes I believe Morrison might be ready for a major push and a world title feud, but the WWE doesn't want to rush this thing, they'll want to make sure it's going to be received well by the majority of the fans. Once that happens, he'll get the green light and be in a actual title match. He has gone over Punk already twice, he's gone over a lot of main eventers, so we know he can be a main eventer, he's just not one yet.

As for the others you listed, yeah they can be great, they are already pretty damn good, but again give them time. Vince doesn't seem to be rushing people into the main event scene anymore. It's backfired on him more than a couple of times, so he's a little gunshy. The others will be built up very strongly, groomed properly, and when they are fully ready, Vince will put them in the main event, until that time, they are find where they are and belong there. Just relax, take a deep breath, go with the flow and when it's time all these guys will move up the roster.
People who believe pushes are all about being in the Main Event and not 'getting' to the Main Event need to realize what a push is in the first place. For example, Morrison could still be with the Miz doing comedy and having decent tag matches. However, he is through with that and is in the makings of a great singles career. What do we call this? A push. Yay! :]

I think your thought process is in the right place, maybe you just aren't conveying it well. I'm not sure if I would agree Miz is ready to be in the Main Event, but Morrison just had a great couple Main Event matches on the past few Smackdowns, I wonder where they're going with that. ;] I wanted to use a different word, but Mtn Dewy's "patience" sums it up best, in my opinion.
Ok, it took a few times to read through that post to understand but I think I can comment now.

Morrson is getting a push. He's gone over Punk twice, he's main evented Smackdown numerous occasions and was helping Jeff in his feud with Punk. He's getting plenty of TV time and is on his way up.

The other's you mentioned are not ready to main event so they don't need a main event push. Miz is going for the US title and MVP will now get some TV time again with Henry. Swagger is the worry because he doesn't have much to do and he is a future star. He'll main event before MVP or Miz, who I don't think will ever main event but that's a different topic.
I am guessing Morrison will be in a WTM soon at a PPV. Armageddon makes sense to me. They use several wrestlers for the Cage----I forget what its called at the moment and I definately see him as being one of the competitors----- He wont win but hey theres your Morrison for ya. The wrestlers in this match = Undertaker, CM Punk, Morrison, Kane, Rey Mysterio, and ?????? We'll say Matt Hardy for the Hell of it.
On a lot of forms i have seen it said John Morrison and outhers are getting a push that i just don't see.there have been only 2 pushes to ME level in the last few years.(Punk-Hardy) Outher than that the ME has been the same. a lot of people say Morrison is not ready to be a ME player in the world title sean but he has been around longer and done more than punk. I say he is ready now and has been ready for awile

i fail to see how morrison has done more than punk now. maybe that was the case 2 years ago. i wouldnt take morrison over punk now as punk is fas establishing himself as a top heel on smackdown. and i also agree with pretty much everyone else about morrison already getting his push. hell he had his first WHC match a few weeks ago. i reckon hes got the look, talent and charisma to be a major player in the future.
The thing is, guys can't be just thrown into the main event and heavyweight title picture just because they are short on talent. It takes time, establishment, and character development. Guys don't get promos and vignettes anymore like they did. I like the fact that the company realizes they have to do something, but more face time out of the ring is just as good to establish the character's personality.

Its tough now because the WWE moved away from kayfabe and basically don't do the things out of the ring and in public that they used to, so people know its an act. The act could be improved because the younger guys promos are to rehearsed and phony. the in-ring action also seems too rehearsed with the younger guys, with the spots its like they move slow and look too prepared to catch a guy or do whatever move is trying to be executed. It just doesn't have that "feel" anymore and its looked at more as entertainment then legit competition.

Look at Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. The Hitman was in the WWF for 8.5 years before he got the mainstrap, some of that spent as a tag team member. Michaels was the Heartbreak Kid for four years before getting the main belt, but payed his dues in the Rockers. They think that putting a belt on a guy will make him, but the wrestler really makes the belt. If the fans don't believe in him from a character standpoint than whats the use?

Morrison is a great acrobat and athlete. Some more ring time and character establishment and by next year he might be ready. He dropped the Johnny Nitro gimmick has been going strong with the ECW belt and tag team belts, but he needs segments to get him over with the fans. He had the dirt sheet but that was on the internet only. The IC title would be perfect. Kofi Kingston is a good worker who doesn't talk at all. Vignettes of him would be great outside the ring. Maria should come to the ring with Ziggler for every match with more interaction and backstage segments, and that would instantly bring him more heat.

You can tell how the fans pop to judge when a push is worthy. When MVP comes out the crowd goes silent. When Ziggler comes out its hit or miss with the pops. Morrison gets pops, but I don't know the character John Morrison besides the fact that he thinks he's God's gift to women or whatever. Miz is coming along fine. He gets pops and mic time. He changed his look and I think he will feud with Kofi. It would be nice for some back and forths. Swaggar is pretty good. He is hit or miss as well. I ordered Summerslam and when him and MVP came out the crowd didn't really pop for either wrestler.

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