Where's MVP ???


The Future Mr. Kelly Kelly
So we had a huge Monday Night Raw last night in terms of people tuning in (the recent publicity should have boosted the ratings) and MVP was nowhere to be found.

A few weeks back, he came to the ring and tossed his name into the Heavyweight Title picture and ever since, he's been buried. During the #1 contender battle royal two weeks ago, MVP was eliminated in the first two minutes and last night, he was absent alltogether.

We actually had to sit through the worst women's match I've seen in a long, long time and yet MVP was left behind the curtain.

The Bash is six days away and one of Raw's hottest commodities isn't even on the card !!!

Now I know all the superstars took drug tests a few weeks back and while this is pure speculation and I have no proof whatsoever, is it possible that MVP had some dirty pee ?? Basically, I'm just looking for an explanation as to why he went from a main event push to a complete no show.


Thoughts ??
It looks like MVP's title push has ground to a halt before it even got started, but i dont think its a drugs issue because he's scheduled to have a US title match on superstars this week, if it was drugs they'd write him out for a few months with an "injury" or something.

I reaaly hope he does get the push eventually tho, i dont particularly like the guy but the Raw main event desperately needs freshening up, Orton/HHH #436 and Cena/Big slow #257 is just getting stale now. Hopefully with Cena and Miz finally getting into a feud there might be room to give somone else a main event slot.
this is a good point, and why did they have a smackdown match on raw instead of raw pushing talent? what sense does that make?
this is a good point, and why did they have a smackdown match on raw instead of raw pushing talent? what sense does that make?

It's Raw... they're not going to let a little thing like making sense stop them. Making sense went out the window years ago. lol

But it is true. He is in a match on Superstars for the US Title... but who honestly cares? Sure I enjoy Kofi, but not as champion. And then that just leaves Hardy/MVP #426... along with Orton/HHH #521 and Cena/Show #257. You can't expect originality AND sense in the same show. hahaha As it sounds, like everyone else, I was actually enjoying this Trump/Raw thing. But WWE can't keep something going people are actually kinda into can they? Hellz no. Was that a whole elaborate way to turn McMahon heel? If so... gay. But is he heel? He's still trying to make Orton's life hell by putting him in the 3 SOH match. The WWE has me frustrated beyond repair.
Yea i was watching last night and i was like "were finally gonna see some wrestling instead of all the damn talking." Boy was i wrong leave it to Vince to fuck everything up with all the damn promo's and vignettes. Then i was wonderin were the hell was Kofi and MVP and was praying they got a match. As time was passin by and i had to watch the dreadful Last Man Standing match. Then when i finally think were about to get the Mid-Carders out the damn diva's come out!! What the hell is Vince thinking!! MVP and Hardy and Kofi were left off the show just so we could see the damn women and only two (Mickie and Beth) can really wrestle. Vince better get his head on straight because MVP is already 35 so he doesnt have a longs way to go. Typical WWE and not using the talent that we possess.
Yeah Raw was a waste. It looks like Vince lost faith in MVP before he started any legit Main Event programs with him. I'm telling you MVP and Matt Hardy should have stayed on Smackdown. Jeff Hardy and Kozlov should have went to Raw. Jeff cause he can hold his own and Kozlov cause it give HHH and John Cena an new person to beat. I don't know but Raw is the worst place to put superstars you are trying to take to the Main Event if they haven't proven themselves yet. Let ECW and Smackdown develop them and if they do good enough then give them a run on Raw.
Yeah Raw was a waste. It looks like Vince lost faith in MVP before he started any legit Main Event programs with him. I'm telling you MVP and Matt Hardy should have stayed on Smackdown. Jeff Hardy and Kozlov should have went to Raw. Jeff cause he can hold his own and Kozlov cause it give HHH and John Cena an new person to beat. I don't know but Raw is the worst place to put superstars you are trying to take to the Main Event if they haven't proven themselves yet. Let ECW and Smackdown develop them and if they do good enough then give them a run on Raw.

I actually think Smackdown is a better show right now, Raw is the same old thing over and over again. Why should people develop on Smackdown? That is what ECW is for. Raw and Smackdown is where the big boys play, they should leave it as is, or just combine it like back in the day.
I'm guessing that MVP is waiting till this Orton Vs HHH angle finally ends to get into a program w the then champ. I would guess that a buildup to a defense at NoC would be next...
It's obvious isn't it... Triple H is back.

Trips isn't going to stand aside and let a some young guy take his feud and histitle.

MVP will be back to the midcard and buried again. Trips and Orton will rape the RAW talent and will have a 10 month feud with no chemistry and no real interest. I hope MVP does get a decent push but as long as Orton and HHH are there it's not going to happen.

And even if they step back WWE will shove Cena back down our throats. RAW is shit at the moment and won't get much better. Just watch Smackdown, it's on fire right now.
I really am disappointed by the WWE right now. I thought MVP was gonna get the main event push that most of us want, and so far nothing has went down! IMO he had a pretty decent match with Orton, but since then, nothing more has developed. I kinda expected him to get pushed up to the main event after he dropped the US Title to Kofi too, but that hasn't happened. I guess they left him off Raw this week to get Superstars some ratings, but still, they gotta get him on the show. It just isn't as enjoyable without him. I don't mean to be taking a page out of the Smackdown vs Raw 2009 book, but I really would like if they made a MVP heel turn, and pushed him to fued with Cena. I think a fued with Cena would be great for MVP, and maybe it could get him over even more! I want the fued with Miz and Cena to work, but I'm not convinced that Miz has the experience to have this big of a fued. MVP doesn't have main event experience either, but he has had more singles fueds than Miz. I love Kofi, but I'm hoping for a Kofi vs Regal match on Raw one night, and MVP fucking Kofi over. Start of heel MVP that becomes a cocky asshole and main event push!
I think right now WWE is using MVP to do some promotional work. Rather than being in storylines, right now he's "dating" sherri from the show the view. He's apparently busy with that, that's why he's not on TV that much.

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