Where would they be- Brian Pillman

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the king of viper 3:16

This is part 1 of my Where would they be now series first up Flyin' Brian Pillman.

Now that we are in the "new age" of pro wrestling, I was wondering where would superstars from the past fit in? I am gonna start off this weekly thread with one of the best high-flyers in the business the late "Flyin" Brian Pillman. Now as we allknow he was in wcw,ecw and wwe in the 1990s. So my questions are as follows 1. If he were alive today what company do u see him in ROH WWE TNA 2. Do you see him as a manager or still wrestling 3. If he were to still wrestle what titles do you see him going after and what gimmick do you see him using? If he were a manager who do you see him managing

My opinion i see him in tna managing Abyss because i see the whole thing with immortal is stale I see himif he were still wrestling i see him goin after the TV TITLE. What are our opinions?
if he were still alive and had never been in that accident I could see him being on the level of Edge if not better... pillman had a million dollar gimmick and was the best heel i can think of. I can see him in the heavyweight title picture with his loose cannon gimmick which again is one of the best gimmicks i've seen. Pillman is up there with Rude, Henning, Benoit, and Eddie in terms of loss... these are some of the greatest to ever set foot in the ring unfortunately Pillman died before he got a chance to really show that.

The reason i say Edge is because they have a similar gimmick... randy orton too a bit but randy is the silent type whereas Edge and Pillman could kill on the mic as well.
i dont think he would be wrestling today. wwe for life id think. pillman would be nearing the end of his career and with a wife and that many kids would stay with the steady pay. he probably would have been a main eventer for a while after hart and everybody left for wcw. i can see him having maybe acouple transistional title reigns with enough ic reigns to challenge jerichos record of i believe 7.i could see him disappearing for awhile and comming back and being an attraction like roddy piper before settling in as a manager or as the real new management for nexus or at the minimuma trainer for the new tough enough or fwc. but bottom line, i believe he would stay with the E in some capacity
I think if Pillman were still around, I could see him remaining in the WWE until the end of his career, settling in a Eddie Guerrero/Chris Jericho/Chris Benoit-esque role as a high-mid carder who can flirt with the world title on occasion but still put over mid-card up-and-coming talent.

He would be coming to the end of his career, but still be extremely over with the fans and highly respected due to the accomplishments he would have achieved throughout his career, including being a multi-time IC and US Champion, several tag-team title reigns (including one after being forced to tag with his former partner Steve Austin), and maybe even a short term World Title reign. I think Pillman v Michaels would have made for great main events.

After his retirement I think we would have seen Pillman as a heel commentator or manager, using his crazy gimmick. Maybe he could have put together a faction, as his talent on the mic is almost unequalled.
Its a lot of what if with Brian, who is still in my top 3 ever...

If he'd not had the accident: He'd have got a good portion of Austin's Attitude era push and probably The Rock's too... I'd have seen Pillman being the guy who moved into the mainstream for his antics and look... He'd have probably retired at least once in the 2000's and returned later... Today, I think he'd be done... a HOF member (something I really hope is coming this year for him) and perhaps an agent for WWE or even a commentator in the Lawler mould...

Had he not died but still had the accident: He'd have transitioned into a manager/commentator role around the late 90's and become pretty much what Paul Heyman did in WWE... till he screwed up and he'd have been a driving force for what became TNA...
I think he would have wound up making his way to the WWE and having a decent career there. In the same vain as Rey, Benoit and Eddie, he probably would have become an upper midcarder who might have gotten one world title reign out of respect for what he had accomplished.

He could have had some great feuds and matches with the likes of Stone Cold (former tag partner), Chris Jericho, Rey, Eddie, Benoit, HBK. He would probably have ended up being the kind of guy who you could call on to put on a great match with anyone and make them look really good.
I have no doubt that Brian Pillman would have been a multiple time champion if he were still here. He had great in ring talent and one of the best heels ever.

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