Where Would The WWE Be Without Cena?

Sorry, but the answers of WWE would be better off are rediculous Cena hating answers. Try to be unbiased with your answer and can you honestly say they would be. Neither am i a 'fan' of his but im not a hater, he does nearly all WWE promotions, the Gilette show, US Troops etc etc, he is the hardest working man in the WWE at the moment (out of the wrestlers) and is making big BIG cash for WWE.

I dont cheer or get excited when he comes out either and quite frankly wouldnt really miss him if he left, but i am confident the WWE would not be where it is now without him in terms of profit and popularity.

It is a bit over the top the oppertunities he gets for the title and what not but if i was running the company there is NO WAY i would let Cena get away from me, he is making a lot of money for WWE, Vince would tell you himself that WWE would not be better off without him.
The WWE wouldn't be as strong of a product without Cena. He is a great draw and it's pretty established that he's currently (and has been for nearly 3 years) the biggest draw in WWE. It's pretty well proven that when Cena's absent, ratings reduce, and when he's there, ratings grow.

I have yet to see an unentertaining promo from him, and he's consistent in-ring. Cena has that charisma that creates emotion in his promos that make it easy for the fans to get emotionally invested in. He's also involved in some of the best matches of the last years and continues to be persistent with matches including Chris Jericho, HBK, JBL, etc.

Cena is a very strong component in the current WWE and the general product would obviously be suffering without him.
Since Cena is their biggest draw, has mainstream appeal, and is the type of person people are interested in seeing, I'd say the WWE would be in a worse situation without Cena.
Without Cena the WWE would be much better to watch without all this PG crap

however i will be honest he does draw huge numbers for wwe which is mostly younger people these days and he knows how to sell merchandise but as a non cena fan i would really prefer it if they took him off tv because all this pg stuff doesnt work for me lol

but thats just me being a cena hater lol
yeah true but john cena kinda influenced the whole PG era of the wwe
I disagree. When Cena first became popular, he did so usually more mature themes, and rap. It was when the WWE decided they wanted to target a more kid friendly audience that they began to tone down the edginess of Cena's character.

Now, Cena being successful at drawing younger audiences may have helped to continue the WWE's desire to drive at younger audiences, but they decided that before Cena was big time successful.

So, I don't think the WWE would be better without him, because I think they would still be PG.
To be honest, I am not keen on Cena. But he is probably WWE's hardest worker.
WWE has become more main stream since Cena has been pushed into everyone's faces. Cena, if he is not training, he is out promoting the WWE product or doing some charity work or something.
Cena is a workaholic. I think as a previous Cena discussion said, John Cena will probably go down as one of the best in history. He may even become one of the most honoured of all time. WWE seems to model Cena on The Rock, they push and push him, he does movies too. But what if Cena was to do the same as The Rock, and leave WWE for Hollywood?
I also believe that if it wasn't Cena carrying WWE, they would of found someone else who would of been the face. So it doesn't matter anyway.
You have your order wrong. The WWE isn't PG because of Cena, Cena is PG because of the WWE. So, you can't say the WWE wouldn't be PG (or better) without Cena.

Agreed, it's testament to the adaptibilty and versatility of Cena, and his character that he is able to fit into any role WWE give him. And while I'm not underestimating Cena's importance, even he doesn’t dictate the whole company's policy. WWE is PG because it's trying to attract more fans and make more money, simple really. If it wasn't for Cena WWE would be very bland, I mean just think of how many interesting feuds he has given us.
It's really hard to say. I think if there was never such thing of him so nobody knew of the WWE with Cena it probably wouldnt have a major effect as far as ratings go because if nobody knew of Cena they wouldnt even know what they are missing out on. But if you were to take away Cena now I think it would have a much bigger impact financially because people are used to him and know him. He is far and away the biggest draw WWE has so taking him away may take away alot of his fans. It has already been proven that ratings go down when Cena is out so I think its pretty obvious WWE would take a hit.

From a non business standpoint and how it would effect the WWE as far as history is concerned more than likely I think Batista would probably have stepped in as the top face. Since I dont think he would have been as successful as Cena you may have seen a longer championship reign from Edge a couple years ago when he was feuding with Cena or some more HHH reigns. If the latter is the case and say he won at WM22 you may have not seen the reformation of DX since he would be champion then. Also if everything played out the same as far as what show everybody is on Jericho may have stayed a face instead of turning heel since there would be one less top face on Raw. Who knows though, one things for sure though and that is it would definitely change alot of things because no guy has had more of an impact the last several years than Cena and if you take away a guy like that it is going to alter alot of things.
Where would the WWE be without Cena? Probably in a lot of trouble. Cena is clearly the best they have, he is the top babyface and the number one draw without a shadown of a doubt. He is carrying the company right now as we speak.

I really dont think there is anyone capable of stepping up and taking his place. His natural charisma is off the charts and i dont think anyone they have currently could draw as much as him ever. If we never had Cena we'd probably still be living in the Triple H era...

Triple H would be the top face on one show and batista would be the top face on the other. Randy Orton would be the top heel in the company. Edge probabaly would be no where near as over because it was his cashing in of the MITB and ending the Cena title reign that propelled him to such heights. Overall, i think that WWE programming would have lower ratings and virtually no positive mainstream attention.
then we wouldn't have that piece of crap spinner belt, what a shame :'(
But on a serious note the wwe would still be here Cena is there he makes an impact but really aint that special now if the rock never happend...
I HATE Cena because hes just cant seem to put on a good match for me. Honeslty, hes got the 2 worst finishers ive ever seen and hes responsible for the spinner belt. My biggest gripe is his broken salute, if you cant do it right, dont do it at all.

Now, I used to love his raps and I found it funny and all I ever hear is how great a guy he is. His merch does put up big numbers and he is clean (as far as I know) outside the business. I cannot say Cena's wrestling skills are good but I can say his charisma is padding his weak spots. WWE needs Cena, im pretty sure Hornswoggle and some of the ECW roster wouldnt be around if it wasnt for his numbers.
Oh boy the WWE would certainly have a big problem without Cena. Sure they could create another superstar but that one wouldn't have the same capabilities as Cena. Because John sells merch is the hardest worker in the WWE since Hogan?, is popular in the mainstream media and the young kids adore him as their hero. Most people can bash Cena all they wan't but Cena isn't as nearly as dreadful as YOUR old hero Hogan was. Hogan won everything and I mean everything. He never put a young guy over when he was an active wrestler. Anyway not to go off topic here but you have to remember that every wrestler is different. Some are more popular than the other. So i'm going to say that without Cena the WWE would have another top guy but he wouldn't have the same succes.
Where would WWE be without Cena?
Financially? Much worse and when I mean worse I mean much more worser. I mean the damn guy made the second most money of merchandise last year and he was injured for 4 months! WWE are milking the hell out of cena and don't expect it to stop anytime sooner or later.
Quality wise? MUUUCH Better. The PG rating probably wouldnt have come to be. There would be a much more variety of champions on raw instead of just the same Cena reign being seen week in week out. There would have been more violence which wrestling fans like and, well the fans and the world would be in a much happier world rather than this douche bag being stuffed down our throats.
I think we would be in less of a PG rated era if the cena character did not exsist. The bubble gum story lines would have given way to guys like orton, kennedy, and triple h. story lines that would appeal more to people in their mid 20's to 30's. More like the attitude era where good and bad weren't so distinct. I think that TNA will be the answer to the current stale program of the WWE and bring back the wrestling we love. Think about it the best era in WWE is when they had the competition of WCW. With a monopoly on the market Vince McMahon has doesn't have to listen to the fans. I know that almost everyone would love to see a breakout of stables and have all out gang style wrestling back so why son't WWE do it? Because it is a WCW original idea and Vince's ego won't let it happen. The most popular gimmick is by far DX which has now been banned for whatever reason. Any way I got side tracked a little. In the end I feel that John Cena needs a gimmick change maybe just go back to the thug-o-nomics character or something, I liked him better then. Also if it wasn't John Cena it would have been someone else with the memorable matches and all that crap so wrestling would be no worse off without cena.
It's my opinion that Cena is this generations Stone Cold, or more accurately the Rock. Cena, since his first face turn, has never been heel, and probably will never get the chance. He's the biggest draw right now in the entire company. Now imagine John Cena never came to the WWE...? Boy would things be different. Besides being the top draw, he's the top face in the company. Guys like Triple H and Jeff Hardy are fan favorites, but are often too conflicted to be pure face characters. Here's the things I think would be different if John Cena never came to the WWE.

-WWE would have pushed a lot harder to keep guys like Kurt Angle, Christian, and Booker T around. Look at the better part of the last five years. JBL and Cena had a really long epic battle. Edge and Cena have had one of the best feuds in history over time. Cena/Orton, Cena/Jericho, Cena/Jericho II, Cena/Batista, Cena/JBL, Cena/Edge, Cena/blah blah blah, etc. Who would fill all those matches and feuds? Booker T, Kurt Angle, Christian, Jeff Hardy, Rhino, etc. Those are the guys who could have stepped up and filled those matches. They may not have been as good, but they would have had to. With that being said, TNA wouldn't even be close to being what it is today. If WWE was forced to hang on to those talents, TNA would be dead before it started.
-Mr. Kennedy would be pushed like crap. WWE would try to turn him into the top face
-Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy would be forced to step up their mic game.
-Randy Orton would have been forced into his position sooner.
-Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair and Rey Mysterio would probably have at least one more title run
-The WWE would have tried harder on smaller talents that they let go far before they had a chance to prove themselves.
-The WWE would have a huge lack of good promos. Edge, Y2J, and HBK would pretty much be where it's at.

So with all that being said, I think trying to imagine a WWE without John Cena is trying to imagine a WWF without Triple H or Stone Cold. It's like trying to imagine a WCW without Booker T or Sting. It's not that those people carried the company, but they balanced it out. The Rock was nothing without Stone Cold. DX was nothing without Triple H. WCW was nothing without the Five time, five time, five time...or the great phenom of Sting.
I think you'll see in a few years that guys like Edge and Randy Orton were made into the heels they are because of John Cena.
I think the WWE would be pretty much screwed without Cena. He's the top star of this generation. Orton comes next and Jericho is right up there. But guys like HBK, Triple H, the Undertaker, etc have been around forever, and sooner or later you get tired of them doing the same thing for two decades.

Without John Cena, TNA would be dead, Edge wouldn't be the greatest heel of this day, the crowd would never have had anybody to cheer and boo at the same time for... Honestly I might not be watching WWE right now had it not been for John Cena. I have almost given up on the brand three times. I stayed once because of the Summerslam TLC match with Cena/Edge, once for Wrestlemania 21 with Cena/JBL, and was finally convinced after last years Wrestlemania that the WWE was headed in the right direction...so who knows. Those are just my thoughts.
Its not hard to figure that for the past 4 years, Cena has been pushed to be the top face in the WWE at this moment. He doesn't possess the inring ability that those in his position before had (Hogan, Rock). Cena reminds me of te Rock with his determination and his occasional humor.

Without Cena, you can forget about the Cena-JBL, Cena-Edge, Cena-Michael's, Cena-Trips that we have seen over the years. They only person that could attempt to replace Cena would be Batista.
Without Cena, The WWE would probably be near the bankruptcy level right now. If it wasn'T for Cena, Edge wouldn'T be the top level heel he is today. Same thing goes for Orton. You would have the classic feud between Cena and HBK and the WWE wouldn't have made all that money in merchandise sales. The fact of the matter is that love him or hate him, Cena makes money for the WWE, everybody that love him buy is merchandise. Everybody that hates him also by his merchandise but they don'T talk about it. Cena was the guy that help the WWE out when all the megastars like Austin, Rock and Hogan retired from wrestling. He was the guy that peoples were buying tickets to see and that why, the WWE isn't bleeding money right now and is able to say that they got a great groups of future megastars on there rosters.

So if it wasn't for Cena, everything you see right now from Randy Orton going throught the entire mcmahon clan, Jeff Hardy becoming a mega star and feuding with is brother, or TNA actually not doing anything important, all these thing wouldn't exist because Cena gave the casual wrestling fan something to care about one way or the other.
WWE needs Cena. He has carried the company for years. His comedic humor and strong attitude make him a fan favorite all over the world. He's a badass who sticks up for whats right. Who doesnt like that(besides smarks) Cena is neccessary for the WWE to succeed. Without him MMA would have kicked their ass into bankruptcy by now.

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