Where Would ECW's Demise Leave Tommy Dreamer?

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The Shark Should've Worked in WCW


Tommy Dreamer has been confirmed by Mickie James to have worked his last day with WWE and is now gone. Please carry all discussion on Dreamer into the WWE Future Endeavored Thread as he is no longer an active talent for WWE.


Thank you.

After considering it for a little while, and really thinking about the eventual closing down of ECW, it got me to thinking about how certain wrestlers are going to make the transition. Guys like Christian and William Regal are going to be ok, they'll naturally just go to another brand. Guys like Vladimir Kozlov and Zack Ryder are a bit more iffy, but I think they'll squeak their way onto a lineup. I don't think everyone in ECW is prepared to go to a show like Raw or Smackdown, but pretty much any wrestler you find would simply fit on either show.

But not Tommy Dreamer.

No, Tommy Dreamer may have had stints on Raw, but he's never done anything meaningful there. He worked a couple shows on Heat, had a disgusting storyline, and that was pretty much it for him. Simply put, the guy just doesn't look right on Raw or Smackdown, and he'd probably never be on television, the more I think about it. Maybe a couple episodes of Superstars, but he'll never be able to work an actual feud now, what with not getting any television time. And if you think he's getting TV time on Raw, you're absolutely shitting yourself.

So the question's simple.... Where the Hell does Tommy Dreamer go?

Personally, if this is ECW's last run, he should probably just retire. Just going to one of the bigger brands will only tarnish his legacy more. It's not like he works terrific matches any more, so there's really not too much he could do, ring wise. My best hope is that Tommy retires, call's it a fantastic career, and goes to training boys in the back, possibly as a road agent or something.
That's just me, though. What should Tommy do?
If ECW does close up shop, then Dreamer should surely retire. The only reason he still gets good pops every now and then is because he's on ECW. He's the only wrestler left in WWE that's a symbol of the old and real ECW.

If he goes to Raw or Smackdown, I fear WWE will turn him into a jobber. It's not like he's going to be in feuds with Jack Swagger, Kane, or even Chris Masters. It won't happen. If anything, WWE would use him to make those guys look good, and we would see him in a series of squash matches. And the same thing will most likely happen to him, if he wrestled matches on Superstars every now and then.

Dreamer has a legacy as a hardcore icon. I'm sure everyone else wouldn't want their last memories of him to be used as a jobber, and seeing him squashed in countless matches.
I'm pretty sure it leaves Tommy Dreamer in ROH. Look at what happened when Sandman got moved to RAW. He made 3(?) appearances, and was fired pretty quickly. Dreamer shouldn't be in WWE right now anyway, and he gets over on ECW because it has name recognition.

He wouldn't fit in anywhere on either of the main shows, so moving to a smaller indy company that respects history would be a good thing. I doubt he'd work many matches, or even work "full time", but he'd at least get a good going away tour, and go out with a little bit of respect.
I really hope Dreamer either gets released or asks for his release from the WWE (doubtful seeing as how he just signed a new contract last June), mainly because I've been thinking I'd really like to see him in TNA, where he might actually be treated with a bit of respect. Seriously, the only reason Dreamer got the ECW title this year and a push was because he was thinking of leaving the company once his contract expired. It was their way of convincing him to resign with them, so he could do what? Job every week to more FCW kids. Doesn't make a lick of sense to me.

I'd like to see Dreamer go to TNA, perhaps join up with his fellow ECW alum in Team 3D and Rhyno. Anything so he isn't jobbing every week to every fresh-faced baby out of Florida.

ROH NSL? He wouldn't fit in there at all.
So the question's simple.... Where the Hell does Tommy Dreamer go?

That is a VERY good question. The simple answer would be to just say that he'll go to Raw or Smackdown and be a jobber until he retires.... but that might not necessarily be the case. They could do some interesting storylines.

I would like to see him take on a protege and teach them to be great in hardcore matches or something.... a way for him to pass the torch before he leaves. (Someone that actually goes on to do well, not a rerun of the Colin Delaney storyline) This would be cool but I doubt WWE will do it, they will probably just have him job endlessly because that's all he ever did until ECW came back.

Something tells me that he will just go back to being a jobber because he wants to put people over. We will just have to see what happens.
If ECW should die, Tommy Dreamers career would also die. For those of you who said ROH or TNA, i think that putting him in either of those companies would be a bad move. TNA does not need another Vetran. Since the Main Event Mafia has died, what would he do? All of his feuds would just be another reason why NOT to watch TNA for those WWE fans. For Tommy Dreamer to do anything else but retire would be a bad move for wrestling overall. I am sad to say but, Tommy Dreamer's Legacy was the best of the ECW Originals, but WWECW has tarnished it and there is no need to tarnish it more.
I'm pretty sure it leaves Tommy Dreamer in ROH. Look at what happened when Sandman got moved to RAW. He made 3(?) appearances, and was fired pretty quickly. Dreamer shouldn't be in WWE right now anyway, and he gets over on ECW because it has name recognition.

He wouldn't fit in anywhere on either of the main shows, so moving to a smaller indy company that respects history would be a good thing. I doubt he'd work many matches, or even work "full time", but he'd at least get a good going away tour, and go out with a little bit of respect.

Actually the sandman asked for his release, Vince wanted to push the guy to a midcard spot, but Sandman just couldnt do it.

As far as Tommy goes, I feel that he needs to go back to his position as head of developmental, just help train the boys and precure new talent, there is nothing much else for him, other then that tommy could also go independant, work a few dates and just spend time with his family, there is nothing more for dreamer im afraidand once ECW does die, It will spell the end for Dreamer.

I just hope that the demise doesnt happen especially the fact that WWE managed to bridge the gap between the territory system and the Main roster with the ECW brand, I just hope they relable the brand instead of killing it, or just leave it alone, the brand needs more time to grow and become something bigger and better, the issue is promoting and making the brand better instead of closing its doors, I just hope WWE sees sense.
I'd guess that it'd leave him in FCW. TBH, I think he should've retired a long time ago, when Tommy Dreamer appears on my television I change the channel, not because I don't like Dreamer(well he's not my cup of tea, but I digress)but because I KNOW that his shoulders will be pinned to the mat in 5 minutes. Its just sad in my opinion that they treat him like he has any credibility, he is the new Brooklyn Brawler.
He could go to TNA to help out young talent over their since TNA push their superstars better then WWE does. Also he could be Legends Champion, having sweet feuds with Desmond Wolfe, Abyss, Tyson Tymko, and Matt Morgan for example. Dreamer would do good in TNA I think. But if not TNA then he could go to ROh and do good their aswell. I personally think he should of left WWE long time ago. Cause he was only gonna job on ECW and thats it. Sure he was ECW Champion over the summer but that was just an appreciation thing.
I think he should go to developmental or become a road agent. The other major possibility is that he will become a jobber and now the question is will Dreamer fight back. I don't see Dreamer just sit back and let his legacy get ruined by becoming a jobber, he will most certainly ask for a release or to go behind the scenes.
Dreamer will proably go to RAW or Smackdown and be a jobber their I see him on RAW now mixing it up with Hornswogle and Chavo Guerrero. Or go on Smackdown and doing dumb stuff their, with a lame comedy gimmick or something like that. Him and Finlay make great Tag Champs though.
If ECW is taken out as a brand then Dreamer will be left to the same things he did before ECW was so called "reborn". He will be used as a jobber most likely on smackdown and will be used sparatically. I do not expect any titles, pushes, or big matches for Dreamer in WWE even though I am a fan. There is always the option for him to join TNA along with the Dudleys, Rhino, Raven, Richards, etc.
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