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Where Should HHH vs. Nash Happen, and When?


Pre-Show Stalwart
This has been a little something running through my head for a bit now.

I was thinking it would be at Survivor Series so It would be in a team capacity and Nash wouldn't have to work a whole match; take some pressure off that "gimped-out" knee. But, it doesn't look like that is going to cut it.

I would prefer that they continue to give Nash promos, maybe even some run ins where he can take out some faces...Hell, I thought they were going to have him injure Bourne so he could ride out his suspension under a bit of false pretense.

I would like to see them hold off until Royal Rumble and they aren't sporatic bookers like TNA so there is a small chance.

Imagine Nash coming out, midway through the rumble, take out a group of guys very decisively, make it matter...not a no sell by Barrett and a waste of an entrant. Have Nash stand alone in the ring, eliminate a few guys right as they come out...no one too special, I'm thinking a few low level faces. Then the music hits; "Time to play The Game", crowd loses their shit, we get a great moment, Triple H snaps, super hero style and they end up eliminating each other.

That is the best way I can think to re-introduce the feud with great momentum, at a big event, without taking too much away from the actual event's importance.

This could run until Wrestlemania if desired. What the hell, when they finally get to a one on one we could get an HBK appearance as ref.

side-note; I would like to see Nash get behind a young guy, give him a good heel push. Might be a bit cluddered with Vicki having her team and Awesome Truth, but I would like to see Nash get behind Morrison, make him a bad guy; be a manager. Who else would make more sense than Morrison? He gets the Shawn Michaels comparrison, he openly says he dislikes HHH; he is coming off of a losing streak. Hell, this would be his ticket to the main event and this would allow Nash to stay around without having to move much. But, That is another thread...sorry, ramblin'

Anyway, let me know what you think about HHH/Nash; If this has already been posted sorry.

Let me know when/where/how you would like it to happen...want a build or a quick explosion...want a long run with Nash or a short one?
Defanitly Triple H vs Kevin Nash, Hell in the Cell with Shawn Michaels as ref, but I probably need to wake up.

I'd really enjoy somehow Kevin Nash take control of Raw, Triple H take control of Smackdown and do a invasion type thing...but I still need to wake up

I think the best option is Wrestlemania, Triple H vs Kevin Nash in a retirement match. But i'm not sure where that would leave Undertaker, because my deep, honest gut feeling tells me Jericho and Punk will go at it at Wrestlemania.

WWE can really hit a homerun with this HHH-Nash thing none the less
i love how people say they want a stretcher or ambulance match between triple h and kevin nash at TLC when that event is strickly just TLC matches,table matches,chair matches (god these are awful) and ladder matches i see triple h selling the sledgehammer shots from nash until either right before TLC or right after TLC if its before they will probably go at it in a tables match as i dont think a TLC match would do either man any favors same with a ladder match (besides the fact theres nothing to hang above the ring) so i see a tables match between the 2 or if triple h comes back after TLC he faces nash at rumble (unless both are in it) but i see this fued ending maybe in a last man standing match at wrestlemania? just what id like to see happen
I'm honestly hoping it doesn't get stretched to Mania, absolutely no way am I even seeing that. Kevin Nash's return in singles competition(not counting RR) in WWE is not nearly as big as The Rock's. But why do some of you want it in a HIAC or any other match with stipulation? I was expecting this to be over at SS, but doesn't appear. Then again it could be being pushed back because the feud isn't nearly as entertaining to most than The Rock competing at SS.
personally, the sooner this stops the better. im tired of nash botching his lines and just being generally boring. this rivalry really doesnt interest me at all. did they ever resolve why kevin nash attacked punk in the first place? he sent the text to himself so he could beat up punk.....why? and then this doesnt really have any background history to it either. apart from the flippin 'click' or whatever the hell it is. which IMO is very boring.
I see Nash and the Game having a match at the T.L.C. PPV. Perhaps a street fight. I see Triple H. winning due to some sledge hammer smacks to Nash. I see the feud going away then for Triple H. and Undertaker to build a feud up for wrestlemania 28. I can see Nash re- kindling the feud after Mania, joining forces with Awesome Truth, and maybe one other person to take on D.X. (Triple H., New Age Outlaws and X pac) at Summer slam, in a 4 on 4 grudge match with HBK as ref. That would be my dream scenario for this feud.
personally, the sooner this stops the better. im tired of nash botching his lines and just being generally boring. this rivalry really doesnt interest me at all. did they ever resolve why kevin nash attacked punk in the first place? he sent the text to himself so he could beat up punk.....why? and then this doesnt really have any background history to it either. apart from the flippin 'click' or whatever the hell it is. which IMO is very boring.

I agree completley. I figured if HHH ever got injured again he wouldn't wrestle another match anyway, I don't even know if he'll still go through with it. Can't say I'm not happy if he doesn't. I don't HATE the feud but I def don't love it. Triple H is one of the worst babyfaces of all time and I hate watching him as a good guy. I LOVE him as a bad guy because he changes his ring style and everything. At the same time Kevin Nash can't play good guy either, unless he has a gimmick like Diesel. The only way I would be content in seeing this is The evil HHH Vs Big Daddy Cool. I doubt that will happen...
It's already happened in 2002 geesh, and it wasn't great then either
Nash is useless in ring period. and he's even worse as a mic worker then he's ever been in the past.

build it upto a triple threat match at Mania Taker vs HHH vs Nash, the war to end it all, who was the greatest group (Ministry, DX or nWo)
the last 3 outlaws all go out with a bang, though the match will suck from a visual standpoint it will atleast be a slugfest, which would work in Taker's/Nash's advantage not having to run around alot.
I'm with the last couple of guys. This doesnt do much from me and they taking time away from young cats that need true elevation.

I wouldnt mind Taker/H/Nash at Mania. I just hope they use this fued to elevate another superstar, or some type of bigger payoff. So I say make these two fight on Raw with some type of interference, and a delayed storyline that gets Taker involved and take us to WM
I think they'll stretch the program all the way to Wrestlemania. No, I'm not saying they should do that, but I think they will because it's my belief that WWE management sees this confrontation as a bigger deal than many of the fans do.

To me, Kevin Nash is the non-descript Vinnie Vegas, who came over from WCW and did some decent work.......and then became dissatisfied with life in WWE and deserted them as soon as his contract expired. Given the way he was pushed much higher than a wrestler of his limited ability should have been (imo), one would wonder what he hated so much about the place.

Triple H is, of course, Triple H. He's done the work over years and years to earn his spot as a pro wrestling legend. That said, I'm not particularly excited about a match between the two of them. I'm sure they'll put on a decent show, due mostly to Triple H's ability to look good while making his opponent look good, too.......but, so what?

Yes, Creative is doing everything they can to manufacture a conflict between the two friends. It seemed odd that they left weeks between Triple H decking Nash in the ring and Nash coming back with the sledgehammer attack. We're told that Nash was making a movie in the interim? Okay, but that leaves me thinking they could have planned it better to keep the heat up without these gaps in between.

Now, it seems even more odd that Triple H has missed the past two RAW shows and is supposed to be out another month. We don't know if he will be, but it seems that keeping Trips off TV after the sledgehammer incident totally negates the effect of it; they'll have to start over again when he gets back.

For that reason, I think they'll be settling it for good at WM. There seems to be no hurry on WWE's part.......and it's going to take a lot more plotting to get enough fans excited about this one to the point they'll buy a PPV to see it. I'm not convinced it's a Wrestlemania-level confrontation, but I think WWE management believe the two names involved make it so. Perhaps enough even to make it a multi-PPV series of events, that finally terminates at WM.
I think they should have a there first match at Survivor Series. Have Nash get a cheap win. HHH won't look weak because he's still selling the "injury". If the storyline. Then you can write off HHH for a few months and he can come back and eventually get his revenge at the Rumble or even Mania.
Well, never. Hopefully.

I would have liked it more if they used Nash to put over CM Punk at Night of Champions. Now, we have to old man fighting over basically nothing but a old friendship because Nash "broke Triple H's heart." Triple H can old brawl now, and Nash is just one big boot away from another broken quad.
Where and when should Triple H face Kevin Nash? How about never? Is that an option? I do not think this match should happen because it would not benefit anyone involved. Trips doesn't need the win. Nash sure doesn't, he can barely work a match anymore. No one on the roster benefits from it, as it takes up time on the show that those who need it could be using. The federation doesn't make any money or create new stars out of it. Finally, the fans get nothing out of it but a low quality match.

So tell me, why exactly should everyone's time be wasted on this match/feud taking place? If it HAD to happen then I would NOT want it to be an extended feud. I'd simply have them do the match on Raw before they both move on to more relevant things.

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