Where is Triple H?

Terry Gyimah

Championship Contender
Triple H hasn't been seen or heard from in months... the last time the COO of WWE ever appeared on WWE TV was WrestleMania 32 when he lost the WWE World Heavyweight Championship to Roman Reigns

Not to mention his wife Stephanie is on RAW every week with the RAW GM Mick Foley
There were rumours going around that he wasn't happy working with Shane, and there was tension between them. I don't know if that was true or not, it was put out there awhile back. He also has NXT to worry about, and whatever else he does in his COO duties.

Besides we have Stephanie, Shane, Foley and Daniel Bryan. We really don't need another Authority figure out there. Thought we would see him at Summerslam in the ring, but I guess not. Strange that since he played such a prominent role before, he just went away and they never said anything.
Triple H will be back when the time is right. He has a schedule like those of Undertaker or The Rock - he wrestles when he chooses to, against the opponents he wants to. We'll probably see him around the fall to start his build to WrestleMania.
Triple H is just waiting to make that big return and boost his next match. He knows that he was overexposed the last years, especially after being on TV every week as WWE Champion. So, he's just waiting out to return for his next big match.

Plus the Authority angle kinda ended after WrestleMania 32. Reigns beating HHH and also Shane kinda starting to have control of RAW put the Authority to rest.
With how much they've gutted NXT's star power in recent months, particularly in the women's and tag divisions, and I'm sure he's needed at NXT to figure out who the next big stars are going to be.

He'll be back as an on-screen character in time. I'm sure he'll work Mania,and probably a couple other shows during the build to get back into ring shape.
He became overexposed and is just taking some time off camera to freshen up his character and wait for the right timing storyline wise.
It does seem strange that he is seemingly being left off the SummerSlam card. His reputation would make us think that he would have a pretty big match on that night.

I've thrown out the idea that he would take Ziggler's spot through nefarious meana and give Ambrose his win back. But it more likely that WWE is very happy with their star quality on each show and representation in on screen management. HHH is just focusing his time on NXT, and whatever else it is that he does.

But he doesn't call me so I really don't know.
I'm sure he will be back for Wrestlemania season. The story will be Seth Rollins slowly turning face at the end of the year, unhappy with how Stephanie runs RAW... And HHH will make his return to help his wife ruin Seth's life.
With how much they've gutted NXT's star power in recent months, particularly in the women's and tag divisions, and I'm sure he's needed at NXT to figure out who the next big stars are going to be.

He'll be back as an on-screen character in time. I'm sure he'll work Mania,and probably a couple other shows during the build to get back into ring shape.

NXT hasn't been gutted. If anything, they've been over-protected to the point of making NXT people going to the main roster irrelevant. NXT should have lost not just Balor and American Alpha, but also Samoa Joe, Bobby Roode, Austin Aries, and Nakamura. The whole point of the Draft featuring NXT picks was to move people to the main shows, and yet almost all the picks were made for irrelevant nobodies. NXT is a feeder system for funneling talent to the big shows. The well-being of the developmental roster should never be taken into account.
I don't mind his absence. He was on TV all thoughout the Road to Wrestlemania so I've been enjoying a break from him. I'm kind of expecting him to return after Ambrose retains at Summerslam to challenge Dean at Night of Champions or whatever pay-per-view is lined up for September. It'd be the logical way to follow-up on their Roadblock feud, should WWE choose to revisit it.

NXT hasn't been gutted. If anything, they've been over-protected to the point of making NXT people going to the main roster irrelevant. NXT should have lost not just Balor and American Alpha, but also Samoa Joe, Bobby Roode, Austin Aries, and Nakamura. The whole point of the Draft featuring NXT picks was to move people to the main shows, and yet almost all the picks were made for irrelevant nobodies. NXT is a feeder system for funneling talent to the big shows. The well-being of the developmental roster should never be taken into account.

Maybe during NXT's early days, but it's a legitimate third brand now with its own touring schedule and pay-per-views. It stopped being just a feeder system a long time ago and is now one of the most popular promotions in all of pro wrestling. As such, they need to keep some big names there to maintain its drawing power.
Triple H has said he enjoys doing the backstage stuff more now than being in the ring. His workload increases a lot when he is in the ring as well. He isn't really needed at this time.

I'm guessing it's literally he wants to focus on his work and isn't needed as a character right now.
Triple H is just waiting to make that big return and boost his next match. He knows that he was overexposed the last years, especially after being on TV every week as WWE Champion. So, he's just waiting out to return for his next big match.

Plus the Authority angle kinda ended after WrestleMania 32. Reigns beating HHH and also Shane kinda starting to have control of RAW put the Authority to rest.

Makes sense. They don't really need him right now. Worst case if WWE goes into cruise control from Sept to Jan, they could always bring him back.
He's got three daughters. It IS the summer. Does anyone NOT think that maybe he is working at WWE HQ so he can be closer to his girls until school starts? Mommy is currently on the road. Sooooo, Trips is probably playing Daddy. Nothing sinister here.
He's probably just on vacation. He has children, and I'm sure he wants to spend time with and take care of them. Right now, WWE has Stephanie, Foley, Shane, and Bryan as their current on-screen authority figures. Anyone else would be too much. Triple H is COO so he probably has some backstage duties, and he also does stuff with NXT. I'm sure he'll return in time for WrestleMania 33 and probably a couple of events before that to shake off some ring rust.
The whole point of the Draft featuring NXT picks was to move people to the main shows, and yet almost all the picks were made for irrelevant nobodies. NXT is a feeder system for funneling talent to the big shows. The well-being of the developmental roster should never be taken into account.

Think about what you said. NXT is a feeder system for the main roster(s).

So the main roster(s) are going to bring up people who fill needs they have. Right now they need bottom-of-the-card guys who can maybe develop into midcarders down the road. They don't need main event/upper midcard guys. When they do, that's when they'll bring up the guys who are carrying the main event load on NXT.

It doesn't help anyone if NXT Champions become Smackdown/RAW jobbers. It devalues the NXT Championship, which hurts down the road when there's a sudden need for main event talent.
The Piece of Trash isn't on TV? Oh, that's why WWE is more entertaining now.

I will never be sad that Piece of Trash is off my TV and I hope he stays gone.

He's got three daughters. It IS the summer. Does anyone NOT think that maybe he is working at WWE HQ so he can be closer to his girls until school starts? Mommy is currently on the road. Sooooo, Trips is probably playing Daddy. Nothing sinister here.

Yes but playing Devil's advocate here, as you said it is the summer, perfect time for them to take the kids on the road with them. Stephanie only appears these days on RAW, so how many days is she actually on the road a week? Maybe one or two. She can fly in that morning, do the show and be home the next morning. She doesn't do SD or the house show circuit, so mom being on the road isn't exactly an excuse I would use.

But I agree with the fact that he more likely than not has more on his plate with NXT. Now that so many have been called up and if the reports are true a lot of the cruiserweights are being signed, might be he is busy rebuilding the NXT brand.

Yep it's nothing sinister at all, just two busy parents doing their jobs.
With everything going on with the brand split and Foley and Brian being authority figures I don't think there's a need to bring Triple H back right now. It looks like Summerslam is shaping up and they already have a stacked card so it would be a waste to have a Triple H return.
I could see him coming back in the next few months to feud with Shane McMahon for control of Smackdown heading into Survivor Series. Maybe they each pick a team of 5 for the traditional Survivor Series match up. Or we see Shane McMahon vs Triple H in a one on one No Hold Barred Street Fight.
I am all okay with him being absent from WWE TV for a while.

He is a wrestling veteran who should wrestle rarely just like Brock Lesnar and The Undertaker. He has extra work of NxT which he is doing damn good atleast for me.

This year's Summerslam doesn't need him as the card is already stacked.

I am sure that he is going to wrestle at Wrestlemania atleast.
I am all okay with him being absent from WWE TV for a while.

He is a wrestling veteran who should wrestle rarely just like Brock Lesnar and The Undertaker. He has extra work of NxT which he is doing damn good atleast for me.

This year's Summerslam doesn't need him as the card is already stacked.

I am sure that he is going to wrestle at Wrestlemania atleast.

But that's the thing, do we really need to see him at Mania? This has been most likely my biggest issue with HHH and Mania in general.

Sorry but these guys bust their asses all year on the run up to this "biggest how of the year". When part timer's like the Rock and HHH appear in matches, or even segments that take longer than matches, that sort of bothers me.

Put the wrestlers that have earned the right to be in a match. Not on the pre show or lumped together in the ATGBR. A fight where most aren't even introduced properly, and the last thing we see of you is your ass getting thrown over the top rope. The winner gets squat and yea. Big friggin deal.

Leave HHH off the Mania card, put someone on there that needs the spotlight, God knows he's been in enough Mania's to say it's time for someone else to take over.

Oh went on a bit of a rant there. Sorry.
But that's the thing, do we really need to see him at Mania? This has been most likely my biggest issue with HHH and Mania in general.

Sorry but these guys bust their asses all year on the run up to this "biggest how of the year". When part timer's like the Rock and HHH appear in matches, or even segments that take longer than matches, that sort of bothers me.

Put the wrestlers that have earned the right to be in a match. Not on the pre show or lumped together in the ATGBR. A fight where most aren't even introduced properly, and the last thing we see of you is your ass getting thrown over the top rope. The winner gets squat and yea. Big friggin deal.

Leave HHH off the Mania card, put someone on there that needs the spotlight, God knows he's been in enough Mania's to say it's time for someone else to take over.

Oh went on a bit of a rant there. Sorry.
Ummmm... You are right, mam.

But there is a reason why I would want to see Triple H wrestle at Wrestlemania. And that is putting over young talented stars. Just imagine how much credibility Rollins could get by defeating Triple H at Wrestlemania? Of course, if it turns like Sting-HHH match then I would rather leave him off the card. Sting losing was a damn wrong decision.

If we need to make new stars, then those guys need to get rub off the credible veterans. I have never been a fan of Triple H but I respect his work in and out of the ring and he is credible enough to put over a couple of guys. Same goes for Lesnar and Undertaker.

Like Brock defeating Undertaker or vice versa does nothing for either guy. But what if Cesaro/Owens defeat these two guys? That could make a star out of them.

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