Where is David Hart Smith?


Future WWE Divas Champion
I've noticed that Mr. Smith has been missing from WWE TV! Tyson Kidd has been appearing on Superstars, Nattie is a regular, but where is the other former Hart Dynasty member? Any ideas on what is going on with DH Smith?
I know !!! I hate when I go to Walmart with my son and go into the toys section and all I see is an overstock of David Hart Smith, Shelton Benjamin and Shad or Chad or whatever his name is. These guys arent even wrestling on WWE anymore! WTF! Then I hate it when they make those guys collectable editions, dude these guys pretty much blow, why would WWE waste money on making them collectables? STUpid in my opinion.
Sad to say it, He's going to be in the un-employment line, or on the list of future endeavors. The storyline he was in with Tyson Kidd flopped within a week or two, which made Kidd a jobber and DH a ghost. shame cause he could actually wrestle.
Sad to say it, He's going to be in the un-employment line, or on the list of future endeavors. The storyline he was in with Tyson Kidd flopped within a week or two, which made Kidd a jobber and DH a ghost. shame cause he could actually wrestle.

I agree! He is an amazing wrestler and does come from that Hart Family lineage which is something creative could easily use but I guess good talent isn't a big thing anymore =/
so much for the non spam section.

anyway good question. i always thought david hart smith and tyson kidd were talented and worked well as a tag team. why they are not still a team is beyond me. and why neither one of them is used more is again beyond me. i hope one or both get a push after mania or reform as a team. these guys can go in the ring. if u survived the hart dungeon then u have to be atleast somewhat good. will either be in the ME ever? maybe not but the wwe could use some more career tagteamers. there is nothing wrong with not being the top guy. not everyone can do it. that seems to be what the wwe forgets. its not just about the ME but about the entire show, all divisions.
come on now people give wwe a break! they gave this guy a chance! in his first few weeks on Raw he won a tag match with HBK! BUT he failed a drug test and was punished! and he never really recovered from that. not the WWE's fault its HIS
Wait a minute... who are we talking about again?

You mean that generic big guy that hung out with Tyson Kidd and had the personality of a violin?

I'm actually glad he's no longer around. When WWE splits up tag teams that consist of people who otherwise suck by themselves I don't even care to see them on my TV screen anymore.

come on now people give wwe a break! they gave this guy a chance! in his first few weeks on Raw he won a tag match with HBK! BUT he failed a drug test and was punished! and he never really recovered from that. not the WWE's fault its HIS

And I have got to ask... what the fuck are you talking about? I've been watching since the guy debuted, and he never teamed with HBK...
come on now people give wwe a break! they gave this guy a chance! in his first few weeks on Raw he won a tag match with HBK! BUT he failed a drug test and was punished! and he never really recovered from that. not the WWE's fault its HIS

I see where you're coming from, HOWEVER; I'm thinking more from the end of the Hart Dynasty until now, you know what I mean? Not many people even know about his earlier appearances
my guess is he's in either FCW or is just not being used anymore. DH Smith is likely one of the first to go when WWE does some cuts and while DH Smith's mic work werent good, unlike some, he could wrestle. i dont think it's all his fault for the Hart Dynasty stinking as much as i dont think WWE used them much. they should've been heels and should've let Kidd or Nattie talk and have good feuds, but WWE isnt really big on the tag team division. anyways, DH Smith is likely gone soon and it wouldnt surprise me if TNA gives him a look.
come on now people give wwe a break! they gave this guy a chance! in his first few weeks on Raw he won a tag match with HBK! BUT he failed a drug test and was punished! and he never really recovered from that. not the WWE's fault its HIS

Actually he failed that drug test a few weeks before he debuted. They gave him a small push to show that they'll punish the guys that matter, he was set up to fail.
If the WWE wants to 'future endeavor' anyone, it should be the idiot who split up the Hart Dynasty and ruined the career path of both DH Smith and Tyson Kidd.

There are plenty of Legacy wrestlers like Smith, DiBiase, Hennig, Rotundas, Colons,Rhodes, Usos, and many more who can take the WWE into the next decade if given the chance, I hope to see it happen.

Maybe after Wrestlemania, there will be a renewed focus on the younger Superstars?
Didn't someone not leak that he's training in MMA and possibly going down the MMA Route?
I'm sure i heard not to long ago that he's considering MMA over Wrestling.. I could be wrong thou.

He's an old school type of wrestling, great skills but ZERO personality, hopefully WWE will reunit him and Kidd up again their more suited to the tag division.
Smith is the perfect example of why the WWE needs to bring back managers. He has all the tools in the ring but looks uncomfortable on the mic. A manager would be exactly what he needs to get over. If not a manager then put him back in a tag team with someone who has decent mic skills maybe Joe Henning or Ted Dibease jr.
the funnt thing is, i was thinking about posting the same thread. i do not know where he is, he may be on tour like mark henry or taking hiatus to work on a new gimmick or skills. i always thought he had talent and i would be pretty upset if he left.
If the WWE wants to 'future endeavor' anyone, it should be the idiot who split up the Hart Dynasty and ruined the career path of both DH Smith and Tyson Kidd.

There are plenty of Legacy wrestlers like Smith, DiBiase, Hennig, Rotundas, Colons,Rhodes, Usos, and many more who can take the WWE into the next decade if given the chance, I hope to see it happen.

Maybe after Wrestlemania, there will be a renewed focus on the younger Superstars?

Totally agree, I really hope the younger superstars get a lot more time and effort put into them after mania. Some of the young talent about just now is the best the WWE has had in years and I just hope they get used roperly sooner rather than later.

Back to the question on DH Smith though, I thought his teaming with tyson kidd in the Hart Foundation was one of the best ideas the WWE has introduced in a while and I hoe whoever split them up gets fired because it was such a bad decision.

The reason I think people don't think his mic skills are good is because his character wasn't given enough time to grow on the fans and nobody took to him so therefore, the fans never responded to him. He is another one with the in-ring ability and all-round potential to go on to do big things....a future world chamion in the making! Unlike a lot of the main eventers just now he is actually naturally built like a heavyweight too.
Totally agree, I really hope the younger superstars get a lot more time and effort put into them after mania. Some of the young talent about just now is the best the WWE has had in years and I just hope they get used roperly sooner rather than later.

I'm hopeful. I'm chalking it up to a level of fear and reluctance on the part of Vince McMahon to hand over the reigns to the young superstars yet. I see most of Wrestlemania's focus still on older, more established stars and many young talents lost in the shuffle. Hopefully, after Wrestlemania, the younger guys get more of a chance to shine for the future.

Back to the question on DH Smith though, I thought his teaming with tyson kidd in the Hart Foundation was one of the best ideas the WWE has introduced in a while and I hoe whoever split them up gets fired because it was such a bad decision.

An absolutely terrible decision, and whoever made it should be the one punished, not the young talents now struggling separately as a result!

The reason I think people don't think his mic skills are good is because his character wasn't given enough time to grow on the fans and nobody took to him so therefore, the fans never responded to him. He is another one with the in-ring ability and all-round potential to go on to do big things....a future world chamion in the making! Unlike a lot of the main eventers just now he is actually naturally built like a heavyweight too.

I see so many young guys getting the label of 'poor mic skills' as a reason for their lack of a push. I think that's a poor reason in all honesty. I tune in for the wrestling, not the talking.

But if there are guys not as good on the stick, do things to minimize it and correct it. The business has had guys who weren't great talkers forever. Know how they fixed that? One word - managers. And managers were inexpensive complimentary pieces of the puzzle. Pieces that, like tag-teams have been underappreciated recently.

Another method to be used - cutting promos in both the studio and at house shows. Let the stars having a hard time with the talkie part do it at a house show to get experience for the bigger stage.

As for DH Smith, he's a still-developing young kid with a world of upside and potential. As long as he keeps his head on straight, I hope to see him in the WWE for a long time to come.
Where is he?

Probably on Superstar's, where he deserves to be. And also his buddy with the worst hair in the world, Tyson Kidd, deserves to be.

Why? The both are undeniably terrible at every aspect. Their wreslting is boring as hell, the perosnality's is as that of drywall, their mic skill's don't even rival me. The both just are not good at all. Natalya is the same thing.

Yes, their Hart's. But, here's the thing. Just becuase your a Hart, does'nt not mean by any mean's neccassary that your a good wrestler! Bret, Owen, Davey Boy, Jim, They were good. Their respective children or neice's and nephew's don't even hold a candle to their talent.

Their only employed becuase of their name, simple as that. The same goes for Dibiase. If they weren't second or third generation superstar's, the Hart Dynasty would've been released month's ago.

The best thing WWE did was take the three no talent's (Tyson, Smith, Natalya) off television. No, it's almost Spring Cleaning for the WWE. I would'nt be surpised to see Smith, or Kidd on there.
I don't know why people act like DH Smith doesn't deserve a spot on the roster when he is just as bad on the mic as people like Ziggler, Morrison, and every member of Corre not named Wade Barrett yet he's just as capable in the ring as those people. He definitely deserves a spot on the roster, but I do think he was completely outshined by TJ and Nattie when they were all in the Hart Dynasty.

Smith was the only member of that trio who didn't have the mic skills to get over as either face or heel, like I feel Nattie and her boyfriend Tyson Kidd possess. I think the Hart Dynasty hurt him, but something like Corre or Nexus could've helped him, just imagine if big DH Smith was Wade's muscle instead of Ezekiel Jackson
Where is he?

Probably on Superstar's, where he deserves to be. And also his buddy with the worst hair in the world, Tyson Kidd, deserves to be.

It's too bad for you that the WWE doesn't simply have a 'John Cena Show' where you can spend 2 hours completely mesmerized by watching him and nothing else.

Why? The both are undeniably terrible at every aspect. Their wreslting is boring as hell, the perosnality's is as that of drywall, their mic skill's don't even rival me. The both just are not good at all. Natalya is the same thing.

Criticism of boring wrestling from a Cena fan? Pot meet kettle. And again with 'mic skills'. I guess folks should be watching talk shows instead of wrestling shows for their weekly fix of gab.

Yes, their Hart's. But, here's the thing. Just becuase your a Hart, does'nt not mean by any mean's neccassary that your a good wrestler! Bret, Owen, Davey Boy, Jim, They were good. Their respective children or neice's and nephew's don't even hold a candle to their talent.

Their only employed becuase of their name, simple as that. The same goes for Dibiase. If they weren't second or third generation superstar's, the Hart Dynasty would've been released month's ago.

That's not true at all. Not by a longshot. If it was up to people like you, there'd be John Cena and Randy Orton running around on RAW with nobody else in the building. You want to talk about boring!

The best thing WWE did was take the three no talent's (Tyson, Smith, Natalya) off television. No, it's almost Spring Cleaning for the WWE. I would'nt be surpised to see Smith, or Kidd on there.

I certainly hope not, because the 'Super Cena Show' is getting old really quickly.
It's too bad for you that the WWE doesn't simply have a 'John Cena Show' where you can spend 2 hours completely mesmerized by watching him and nothing else.

Criticism of boring wrestling from a Cena fan? Pot meet kettle. And again with 'mic skills'. I guess folks should be watching talk shows instead of wrestling shows for their weekly fix of gab.

That's not true at all. Not by a longshot. If it was up to people like you, there'd be John Cena and Randy Orton running around on RAW with nobody else in the building. You want to talk about boring!

I certainly hope not, because the 'Super Cena Show' is getting old really quickly.

The Hart Dynasty is terrible. Tyson Kidd might have some potential, but he's really a mid carder at best. Smith is embarassingly bad. Natalya does moves like a guy would, but has zero clue how to put them together. I don't see any upside. Even the Hart name isn't doing much for them.

I would rather watch a guy with talent and mic skill's (Cena) then two no-talented hack's, and 1 no-talented male sounding bimbo.

All three of them are missing a very important trait in Pro wrestling, personality. Their all as bland as drywall, they can't talk on the mic.

" Being a Hart" does not equal good wrestler!
The Hart Dynasty is terrible. Tyson Kidd might have some potential, but he's really a mid carder at best. Smith is embarassingly bad. Natalya does moves like a guy would, but has zero clue how to put them together. I don't see any upside. Even the Hart name isn't doing much for them.

The Hart Dynasty is the best tag-team the company has right now and it's a crime that some idiot split them up. Smith isn't a finished product and he should be where his father was at the same stage of his career, protecting his shortcomings by working in a tag-team. It's a shame that the current WWE and so many fans have forgotten that situation.

Tyson Kidd is a better in-ring performer than Cena likely will ever be and was trained in his craft by the First Family of Wrestling.

I would rather watch a guy with talent and mic skill's (Cena) then two no-talented hack's, and 1 no-talented male sounding bimbo.

Mic skills? Sure. If you're into white rappers. Talent? His skills are about on par with Smith and behind Kidd's - and Natalya's. But if you're hypnotized by the flash and the same ol' same ol' from Cena, more power to ya, enjoy.

All three of them are missing a very important trait in Pro wrestling, personality. Their all as bland as drywall, they can't talk on the mic.

There's your real issue. You care more about what someone says over what someone does - or doesn't do.

How much of an opportunity has either guy even had to talk to the audience? Cena probably had more mic time Monday Night than Smith and Kidd have had combined since they entered the WWE!

" Being a Hart" does not equal good wrestler!

And neither does simply 'talking the talk'. A lot of folks would rather see folks 'walk the walk' as in good in-ring wrestling.

While we obviously disagree on this topic, thanks for the conversation!
These are so many good comments! I agree with most of you when you say that it's not all about talking the talk. Seriously, it's not just that they're Harts, they are all really talented! I read an interview where Mr.RKO himself said he's not even good on the mic, so nobody should criticize DH Smith for his poor mic skills; people should look past that and realize the talent he has! The Dynasty were good together and they have potential to be good apart too! And in the words of Nattie herself, some of you need to settle your tea kettles!!!
Absolutely, DH Smith has no where near been given the chance to succeed in the WWE and if anyone seriously suggests that a a few months is enough for any one wrestler to succeed then, no offence, you need your head checked. If that was the case there would be no current WWE roster because no one wold have made it!

He has been trained by the best and as far as I'm concerned, the short time he appeared on TV, he demonstrted his excellent in-ring ability...mic skills will come in time so lets get him back.

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