Where is Antonio Cesaro ?!!!

I just had a look at this Gut-Wrench Suplex he did to Alex Riley. I can't really see how it almost broke his back.

It's not when he lands, it rather when he is picked up. The first attempt is botched then Cesaro forces him up in a way that is not quite normal for the back as there was resistance. Just my opinion, I've seen people hurt like that before.
Your assumption that I know little about wrestling before the modern era just because I said I've seen it all in the modern era is more proof that your just a blow hard who thinks too highly of themselves.

An assumption means I what I say may not hold fact, trust me when I tell you this, when I scrutinize you and say you haven't got a clue I mean you haven't got a clue. And yes, I do think highly of myself, hence why my opinion is valuable and yours is worthless.

I never base my opinions on what's popular, I think for myself and form my own, so the fact there are only a few people on here who agree with me means nothing....I mean do the 7 people who agree with you seriously count as a majority? You're a tool.

You may want to base your opinions on facts, It'd be a good start from your non-sensical dribble-drabble about breaking someones neck or back due to the way he performs a move hes used for years, or that he is "stiff" for working a style you've little insight on. It seems as though I am a tool, a very well informed one, thank you. I'm a bit of a hammer.

People like stiff workers because they like realism even at the cost of other people. Why did Bob Holly have such a bad rep? Because he hurt people needlessly.

Or because he would routinely go out of his way to hurt people purposely. That's not stiff, that is shoot. Bob Holly was a perfectly respected worker by most who worked with him, hence for his long tenure within the WWE, very few have had poor things to say about e.g. Ken Anderson, Heidenreich and Jim Cornette. But they've poor opinions on him due to his manner backstage, his abuse of steroids and hypocrisy against others that used them and his attitude.

Your opinion mean absolutely nothing to me, but at least I respect others views. Although your highly amusing, I will no longer be participating in your obvious flaming. Have fun with your lonely self.

Awesome, now people will have less of your posts to ignore and I won't have to waste seven minutes correcting them. Claudio is a perfectly good worker, great even, hence why he was so respected by fans of his work coming in and there was such a buzz around his signing. Oh and dude, there are another four hundred users on the forum, it isn't just me and you. Have a nice day, though.

It's not when he lands, it rather when he is picked up. The first attempt is botched then Cesaro forces him up in a way that is not quite normal for the back as there was resistance. Just my opinion, I've seen people hurt like that before.

Just cause I noticed, yeah, that is the way the move is performed for one and two your issue is with Alex Riley, maybe you didn't pay attention but he couldn't even take the Gut Wrench Powerbomb correctly. Claudio intended to lift him as such and perform the move as such, go watch some more wrestling dude, come back when you learn a thing or two-hundred.
Antonio Cesaro vs Alex Riley

Ok i watched this Gut-Wrench over and over.

-Cesaro held Riley in an upside down position around his body, Riley's body was in a Vertical position with head near the canvas, and feet pointing towards the sky.

-As Cesaro pulled back to execute the Gut-Wrench, Riley's legs seemed to flap breaking his vertical position. Cesaro had no control over the position of Riley's legs as he yanked him back.

-It did look as though Riley wasn't expecting Cesaro to yank him back at that moment, so he couldn't help Cesaro to excecute the move cleanly.

-If Cesaro had waited 1 or 2 more seconds while holding Riley in the Vertical position, Riley could of been ready to assist the move. Seemed like Riley wasn't expecting for him to yank him back at that precise moment.

I then Watched Cesaro's Smackdown Debut match and he did the same exact Gut-Wrench and executed it perfectly. His opponents body sustained a vertical position for the whole duration of the move.

I agree with Ol'Canucklehead that Cesaro Yanked the move maybe a bit to hard on Riley and could of Injured him.

I also agree with The Dragon Saga that Riley got back to his feet with no harm done, and the Fact that Wrestlers could get injured at any time.

While your argument has been pretty entertaining i think it's just a clash of opinions.
Antonio Cesaro vs Alex Riley

Ok i watched this Gut-Wrench over and over.

-Cesaro held Riley in an upside down position around his body, Riley's body was in a Vertical position with head near the canvas, and feet pointing towards the sky.

-As Cesaro pulled back to execute the Gut-Wrench, Riley's legs seemed to flap breaking his vertical position. Cesaro had no control over the position of Riley's legs as he yanked him back.

-It did look as though Riley wasn't expecting Cesaro to yank him back at that moment, so he couldn't help Cesaro to excecute the move cleanly.

-If Cesaro had waited 1 or 2 more seconds while holding Riley in the Vertical position, Riley could of been ready to assist the move. Seemed like Riley wasn't expecting for him to yank him back at that precise moment.

I then Watched Cesaro's Smackdown Debut match and he did the same exact Gut-Wrench and executed it perfectly. His opponents body sustained a vertical position for the whole duration of the move.

I agree with Ol'Canucklehead that Cesaro Yanked the move maybe a bit to hard on Riley and could of Injured him.

I also agree with The Dragon Saga that Riley got back to his feet with no harm done, and the Fact that Wrestlers could get injured at any time.

While your argument has been pretty entertaining i think it's just a clash of opinions.

Their argument originated as Ol'Canucklehead felt that Cesaro was sloppy in the ring, which is not the case. As you have pointed out it is Riley who wasn't prepared for the move which he should have been because Cesaro used it the week before and was clearly going for the same move again. Riley managed to make a mess of it not Cesaro.

Could Cesaro have put him down and done it again from the start. Of course he could. Could Jeff hardy have waited another second or two back when his jumping on a ladder broke Mercury's nose? Yeah he could have. The fact is it was a botch and it happened because one person wasn't ready to take the move.
If you actually watch the move Cesaro get's Riley up and holds him for a short amount of time this gives Riley a small amount of time to adjust and prepare for the move and then he hits it. I know he does it as a delayed gut wrench suplex but the time was there for Riley to adjust his landing.
All in all nobody is hurt. Cesaro is fine in the ring and I don't think he looks awkward or works sloppy.

Also the whole personal insults to each other thing grow up and learn to have an argument based on the issue not just on how much 'cooler' you are than the other guy. The fact is both of you and the rest of the people on this forum(myself included) watch pro wrestling and the fact is the majority of people do not think you are cool because of this and would probably think you less cool if you were trying to show off how much you know lol. I have no problem with it, I love pro wrestling but the fact is a personal insult here and there is funny but every single one of the posts was riddled with them and it got to the point where you were no longer arguing about Cesaro but just insulting each other.

Also Fansince1992 I amn't trying to start anything with you just had to quote you as I didn't want to re-type what you had already typed out seemed a lot easier to me :)
WELL maybe to you it appears "sloppy" but having known him since 2005.. his work is based on european style wrestling & grappling... most of their strikes HIT HARD.. But in Safe Places.. punk & bryan do it now..and BRET always used to do it.. i recall a story when Bret wrestled 123 kid on RAW (remember that).. 123 kid (waltman) was deaf in left ear for 1 week...

i cringe everytime i see alberto del rio throw a strike, whether a punch or a silly Kick with the over- noticeable slap to his thigh!!

plus antonio is very flexible, and takes alot of yoga/pilates.. Bright Future for the young Man.. give him time..
Bret Hart will tell you that there is NO art in hitting someone hard. The art is making it look like you hit them hard. STIFFNESS isn't cool, making it look like you're incredibly stiff when you aren't is cool.

I don't think any of us have the qualifications to judge how technical a person is. So it's pretty silly to try.
Moderator's Note

To TWJC, Lawn Dart, Dragon Saga, Canucklehead, and whoever else is involved in this spat; rest assured that none of us on the staff gives a shit what your opinions are nor were any of your posts deleted because of your opinion. The posts were removed because they were SPAM. You were no longer on topic, you were just going back and forth insulting one another and this is not the place for that.

Any other SPAM posts that follow this one, including anyone that feels the need to debate what I've said here, will be infracted/warned accordingly. This isn't the place to handle personal business, take it to PMs or The Bar Room.

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