Where does TNA go from here on out?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I think the fall out from BFG was almost exactly what I had posted just before BFG. Hogan, Bishoff, and Jarrett turning heel, the only thing I had miscalculated was Jeff Hardy turning heel.

I read where Kurt Angle seemed to be legitamately pissed, and was done with TNA because of the BS politics... Or is it a swerve, and will come back in a month with his own group headed by Dixie?

We still don't know yet what Dixie signed on Impact last week, but one would assume that it was her walking papers as CEO of TNA.

Nash is gone from TNA for money reason's. He's been helping build this whole "deception" angle for onth's now, and all of a sudden he is GONE from TNA... another swerve maybe? Maybe he, and Angle will take sometime off, and create a Face stable with STING & POPE, & possible HAAS & BENJAMIN, and return to have a all out war.

Where does this leave FOURTUNE? They are the biggest heel stable right now anywhere as far as I'm concerned...They cannot go face after all they have done to the faces..what sense would that make? Heel stable against heel stable would be okay, but who is their to root for really? Their has to be a face stable in play here somewhere, and hopefully it's with ANGLE,NASH etc...

What can HOGAN, BISCHOFF etc.. .really do now in TNA as they take over? They have already been in TNA AS UPPER MANAGMENT for almost a year now. It should be business as usual you would think(really no big deal)... At least when NASH, HALL joined WCW back in the day as NWO they were newcomers, and started their own faction and reigned supreme. Their is nothing to move forward with for storylines IMO... Only thing they could do is push all of the faces around, and take the titles and put them on ABYSS, SAMOA, and Jarrett, but what will that acomplish. It will get stale fast.

So anyway's...Does anyone have any logical sceneriio's idea's for any of my question's..

As ususal.. please no TNA BASHING of how bad their ppv was or they suck and you don't watch anyway's..
Perhaps the addition of this whole new "TNA Reaction" reality tv show...they are incorporating some of the "reality" type stuff into their product. (i.e. Hogan's surgery, Nash's "retirement" over money issues, etc.)

Very rarely do people retire due to money issues...especially at Kevin Nash's age...and even when they do leave...they don't openly tell people it's because of money issues. I mean the guy wasn't wrestling all that much to begin with...and he's a pretty smart guy...so I don't know why he would ask for MORE money to due less. Especially knowing how the economy has been.

This is what leads me to believe it could be a swerve. But who knows?

Questions are what keeps people watching to find out the answers. I think it's good that there are so many questions...because usually the answer is on a website like Wrestlezone and the suspense isn't there. I think they did a pretty decent job so far...clearly the "answers" part will need to have some substance as well...
The only thing I can come up with for NASH is that BISCHOFF will "pay him more" to join his team "NWO" or what ever it may be. But I don't think it will be until SCOTT HALL return's, and BRUTUS BEEFCAKE, which tweeted that he was going to TNA to join HOGAN old school style (which I would assume NWO STYLE)
I posted on this in another thread, too, but forgot which one. lol

I see this leading to Dixie being tossed out as an on-air character, and Sting continuing to battle the Hogan/Bischoff regime. She's not exactly the most popular character, and this would fit to make Bischoff into TNA's McMahon-esque heel president/owner.

By having both Hogan and Bischoff as heels in management, this can be a good setup for a Hogan vs Bischoff feud later on down the road, when they don't see eye to eye, with a possible Hogan face turn.

Obviously, with Joe being left to fend for himself, I think this will be a great opportunity to push both Joe and Jarrett in what I think would make quite the interesting feud.

Now, Fortune, I'm not so sure about. They don't seem to have too much of a place to me, except to fill that void of a heel stable, and I just don't think they mesh well as a group. I feel like the EV2 vs Fortune thing has long-since run it's course, and Fortune needs to clean house a bit (way too many members who have no mic skills and a few who just aren't intimidating).

Not exactly sure what they're going to do with abyss, either. Is he going to still be some crazy monster who talks to himself, or is he going to be revealed as a calculated man who pulled one over on everybody.
Nash didn't have to ask for more money. TNA might not have wanted to pay him what he was already making/wanted to pay him less. I think Nash is gone. Why would he leave in the middle of the storyline if it wasn't for a legit reason? Even HBK tweeted about Nash's retirement. I bet he would be pretty pissed if he is being worked.

It does leave an interesting dilemma with Fortune and THEY(I wonder if TNA will find an acronym for T.H.E.Y? I hope not.) both being heel stables. They could team up since Flair has been against Dixie his entire TNA run, or just kind of just go on like the other isn't really there.

IMPACT should be very interesting the next few episodes.
Nash didn't have to ask for more money. TNA might not have wanted to pay him what he was already making/wanted to pay him less. I think Nash is gone. Why would he leave in the middle of the storyline if it wasn't for a legit reason? Even HBK tweeted about Nash's retirement. I bet he would be pretty pissed if he is being worked.

It does leave an interesting dilemma with Fortune and THEY(I wonder if TNA will find an acronym for T.H.E.Y? I hope not.) both being heel stables. They could team up since Flair has been against Dixie his entire TNA run, or just kind of just go on like the other isn't really there.

IMPACT should be very interesting the next few episodes.

How unrealistic is it that NASH'S contract is up the day after all this goes down.. It leaves me thinking it is a swerve..
Well there was no way out of that.. Hogan, Bischoff and Jarret had to turn heel. Well the aftermath of BFG should be like Jeff Hardy defeating RVD, Angle and Anderson and be the longest reigning TNA champion ever.. That will make this stable REAL BIG.. The stable's focus must not be on any other championship than World Championship because if 'They' will be running after all Championships, it will make 'They' look like just another stable. This stable's objective must be different from other stables like NWO, Fortune, Evolution and MEM..

Nash should not come back, 'They' needs to beat the hell out of Nash at this weeks Impact, there must be no face stable to fight 'They'.. Angle, Joe, Pope, Sting, Anderson and RVD need to stay alone and try to destroy 'They' but Because of The faces I mentioned are not united that's why The FACES are not able to destroy 'They'.

Hardy turning is just Freakin' Awesome. The explanation of Hardy turning should not be like Hogan offered him money because that will be crappy. They must go on for a long time (atleast a year). But 'They' must not be like getting their ass kicked at iMPACT but dominating at every PPV.. People will continue to bash the booking but I do believe that TNA has the potential and a great Roster to make this company Awesome.
I think it's all a swerve to be honest. I don't buy Nash retiring. I also don't buy Angle leaving either. Lately TNA has been trying hard to fool the "internet smarks" using Twitter, Facebook, etc.

I wouldn't be surprised to see them use EV 2.0 maybe to be the first cannon fodder to try to take down THEY, since they are loyal to Dixie and have the connection to RVD. Of course they'd fail and that might be the way to write them out if that's whats going to happen.
First of all why even have stables in TNA? TNA doesnt have the biggest roster it seems like every wrestler is part of a stable what should TNA do from here simple

1. Pay big KEV for one last match against Samoa Joe
2. next PPV should be free or really cheap one anywhere from 10-20 dollars and save the expensive ones for the big PPV
3. Bring in MAtt Hardy
4.Lose some stables unless they all plan on going to war with each other like you see on "OZ" All the stables took on the heel role which will be face?
5. get rid of bishoff in wwe he made RAW seem too predictable on who would face who on the raw PPV.
6. have more one on one matches with every one in the stables.
The real question is..can Hardy play a top heel? I don't think he can. This seems to be just something thrown together to make a "shock value"(which it really wasn't) with no thought as to long term story lines. TNA amazes me with their lack of vision.
Thank God Hardy Won i think He will make an OKAY heel and i think Evlame shuld hve lost But since they didnt they should along wit RVD take on they and lose and THEY should dominate TNA for about a year they should also bring in MATt HArdy
I think hardy is going to try his best at being heel never really being given the shot before. i think he's going to try to be a lot more interesting for next month at least after which nobody is sure where it will go but...
That said, what a dissapointing faction. How are they going to be over fortune when fortune consists of one great manager/promo guy and hardycrew consists of three wrestlers JJ M.r Kayfabe breaker, Jeff Hardy the master of underwhelming and abyss, my favorite of them all tbh. Bischoof can make descisions and hogan can do absolutely nothing at all. he could have layed in his bed for a while and have a confrontation with bischoff when he came back and stayed face. Why did he have to limp out and become part of this faction if he can't do anything at all.
So as stated two heel factions, there has to be something majorly face going to happen like a third stable that fights them both....maybe with lethal, joe, MCMG, and others in it. That or one side turns face, most likely fortune because everybody has bought into the "it's our time" biz, partly because it's true. Douglas williams has to get kicked out of fortune because he doesn't belong. I also believe kaz doesnt belong if you watch their backstage segment on reaction, when he got on the mic he seemed like he was trying to flow like A.J. , flair and beer money but he couldnt adjust his style of talking to them. I think matt morgan looks good at the 'PROTECTION' and honestly, fortune are my favorite stable in wrestling today, I see good things for them, hope creative does as well.
I was not at all impressed with how TNA merged the "deception" & "they" storylines. I cant see Hardy as a good heel...I just cant! Guy has no mic-skills. Maybe he'll suprise me. I hope so. I think this is just set up to have more Hogan & especially Bischoff mic-time. Bischoff can get Hardy over as a heel- I dont doubt that. What sucks tho is: Hardy should be able to do it himself!! Angle could have! Anderson could have!! But TNA just wanted to go with the bigger suprise for some reason. Setting themselves up for failure IMO.

I hope this storyline goes in the direction of Jeff Jarrett doing anything possible to get HIS company back!! I dont like DoubleJ one bit- but at this point...its better then Hulks bumblings!! Something like: JJ knew the only way to get his company back is to lul Dixie into being comfortable with HH & EB coming in, to take TNA to the next level. Now- BAM!! Dixie signed control of TNA back over to JJ, when she was so worried about getting Abyss fired. Now the company is back to being Jarretts & he got help from the least likely of people: HH & EB.

Also: isnt there a connection between JJ & Hardy? Is it just that they are both from the same area? Or is it more then that....something in the past? Or- maybe im just imagining this connection.

Either way- there are ways to make this work obviously. It just isnt the direction I would have went in. I mean...Im supposed to be intimidated by a group consisting of:

2 non wrestlers- EB & HH
1 wrestler near (beyond IMO) the end of his wrestling career
Abyss & Hardy


May as well let Ink Inc & Matt Hardy join the crew & really turn "them" into gold!! (sarcasm alert)

I mean really! I make a few minor switches in this storyline & this is what I come up with: Hogans not involved. Jarrett brought in Bischoff to get his company back from Dixie & HH. Only Jarrett & Bischoff turn heel. Helping Anderson win the title last night. Cuz Anderson is able to speak for himself & all of "them" if need be. Samoa Joe is in on it too! After all: He was the 1st man to ever mention "they". I throw Eric Young into this mix also. The guy deserves more then this comedy crap- hes better then that! Notice how I have more then 2 legit performers in my "them"? Smehow make Taz involved in all this also. Not a huge part of it or anything- but just enuff to turn him into the heel announcer that he should be.

Now you have:
Non performing leaders: Jarrett & Bischoff
Eric Young

Nothing would of had to go down any different lastnight. Just different players involved
Where does TNA go from here? Out of business probably. Was this really the big "THEY" that was being promoted for months and months? That was "THEY"? Really? Really? Hogan turning heel again only this time no one cares? A heel group led by an unreliable crackhead that is World Champion? This is why I only watch TNA but once a month if that. Its so bad that its hard to watch. How many times are they gonna rehash the nWo? Seriously, this was the only thing that they could possibly be? Yeah, TNA is pretty bad. TNA should fire their creative or at least promote someone else and get rid of Biscoff and Russo. They couldn't beat Vince in the past so what makes them think they can now? Who's next? They gonna bring in Verne Gagne and Eddie Graham? lol.
First of all why even have stables in TNA? TNA doesnt have the biggest roster it seems like every wrestler is part of a stable what should TNA do from here simple

1. Pay big KEV for one last match against Samoa Joe
2. next PPV should be free or really cheap one anywhere from 10-20 dollars and save the expensive ones for the big PPV
3. Bring in MAtt Hardy
4.Lose some stables unless they all plan on going to war with each other like you see on "OZ" All the stables took on the heel role which will be face?
5. get rid of bishoff in wwe he made RAW seem too predictable on who would face who on the raw PPV.
6. have more one on one matches with every one in the stables.

how many stables are there? this new heel stable. Fortune. EV2.0 ? I think that's it for stables. I could easily say lose EV2.0 but with them just beating Fortune, I don't think they are going anywhere.

Bischoff is going to do well as a heel, similar to what he did in nWo. IMO Bischoff is a good wrestling brain.

not sure what your getting at about acting. what did you expect? just wrestling? IMO all wrestling all the time with no story lines and angles would be, very boring.
wrestling is a soap opera. the story lines and angles and different characters are what make it exciting and watchable.

one of the things I have wondered is does Shannon Moore get involved. he came to TNA with Hardy. I wouldn't expect Shannon Moore to get in with this group that includes Hogan/Bischoff, he just doesn't seem like the type to fit in. I would think Hogan/Bischoff would be looking for more main event type guys. I was thinking one way to get Hardy over more as heel could be something like.. Shannon Moore talks to Hardy. congratulates him on winning the championship, but why did he have to turn his back on the fans. Hardy can get all arrogant saying he doesn't need the fans. then you could have Hardy just kick the shit out of Moore. the TV can maybe show Jesse Neal already laid out somewhere else and unable to come help Moore. this could be a spot where RVD comes to help Moore. more fans hate on Hardy.
Where does TNA go from here? Out of business probably.

Out of business, huh? I guess that must be because they are going to go bankrupt, right? Which would insinuate that you are somehow privy to TNA's financial details that the rest of the world are not considering TNA is not a publicly traded company, nor do they share their financial information with the public for that matter?

Was this really the big "THEY" that was being promoted for months and months? That was "THEY"? Really? Really?

Yes, Miz, really.

Hogan turning heel again only this time no one cares?

Yes, and that's funny... I wasn't aware you were the official spokesperson for all of us, because I certainly care, and you (nor any like you) speak for me.

A heel group led by an unreliable crackhead that is World Champion?


This is why I only watch TNA but once a month if that. Its so bad that its hard to watch. How many times are they gonna rehash the nWo?

As many times as it sells. Don't like it? Oh well. Go back to not watching. You barely supported the company anyway —*I'm sure they can survive just fine without you again.

Seriously, this was the only thing that they could possibly be?

Is this all you're going to do — continue to ask unanswerable questions about a subjective subject matter?

Yeah, TNA is pretty bad. TNA should fire their creative or at least promote someone else and get rid of Biscoff and Russo.

Yeah, maybe they should hire you, huh?

They couldn't beat Vince in the past so what makes them think they can now?

They conceded to WWE months ago when they moved back to Thursdays — who's competing with Vince? Certainly not TNA.

Who's next? They gonna bring in Verne Gagne and Eddie Graham? lol.

Nope. You. You're hired.
1. Pay big KEV for one last match against Samoa Joe

What does this accomplish? Joe should move right into a program against "They", specifically Hogan and Jarrett who led him astray. If anything, Joe should align with Nash/Sting/Pope not continue to fight them when they now have a common enemy. Regardless, I'd rather see TNA spend money on things that make sense, not Nash/Joe retirement matches.

Why pay a guy for one last match when he's been working the IWC all this time? If Nash actually left, I'd be surprised. Not to say I can't be wrong, but it seems as fishy as everyone thinks it is.

2. next PPV should be free or really cheap one anywhere from 10-20 dollars and save the expensive ones for the big PPV

TNA isn't exactly WCW at its peak. As far as I'm concerned, no matter how they tend to use money as toilet paper, should be hosting free PPVs. Especially when the first p stands for pay.

Supershows are one thing, but PPVs are a huge source of any wrestling companies revenue. That is not something that can be disregarded. TNA isn't in a stable enough financial situation to not be making some money off of any event.

3. Bring in MAtt Hardy

WHY? WHY? WHY?! Matt Hardy is a has-been. Dare I say, even a never-been? Jeff was always, for the majority of their fans, the attraction in the group. The biggest change Matt ever had at getting over was because his girlfriend screwed him over. Matt just isn't entertaining, unless you're at a hotdog-eating contest.

4.Lose some stables unless they all plan on going to war with each other like you see on "OZ" All the stables took on the heel role which will be face?

This, I can almost agree with. But, why do you make it seem like there are so many stables? As of last night there are 3, with one of them not mattering anyway (EV2.0 is basically a bunch of carnys at this point)

5. get rid of bishoff in wwe he made RAW seem too predictable on who would face who on the raw PPV.
I..don't even understand what you could mean by this..

Bischoff is a blood heel. He plays the role of a heel so well that he really shouldn't ever be a face. If you're trying to say that he was always in favour of certain heels and made it known that they would be headlining PPVs, then he played his role correctly.

Otherwise, I've got nothing. Except, your grammar hurts my brain.
I think it's unfortunate that so many people have to compare TNA to WWE. how long has WWE been in business compared to TNA? it's not even close.

I also don't think I really understand why so many WWE fans have to hate on TNA. it's fine to not like TNA. I'm sure there are a lot out there that don't like TNA, but why the need to share that? the more I see WWE fans/TNA haters talking smack about how bad TNA is and how it will never be as good as WWE makes me think they are scared and worried that TNA actually WILL be competitive with WWE. otherwise why complain?
it's also unfair to compare story lines with TNA and WWE that could be happening around the same time. story lines take awhile to write/develop, so if there are similar story lines it's a coincidence. I highly doubt TNA is saying OK WWE is doing this so let's do that too.

if your going to stop watching TNA because of what they are doing right now, were you really much a fan before last night?
I think it's unfortunate that so many people have to compare TNA to WWE. how long has WWE been in business compared to TNA? it's not even close.

I also don't think I really understand why so many WWE fans have to hate on TNA. it's fine to not like TNA. I'm sure there are a lot out there that don't like TNA, but why the need to share that? the more I see WWE fans/TNA haters talking smack about how bad TNA is and how it will never be as good as WWE makes me think they are scared and worried that TNA actually WILL be competitive with WWE. otherwise why complain?
it's also unfair to compare story lines with TNA and WWE that could be happening around the same time. story lines take awhile to write/develop, so if there are similar story lines it's a coincidence. I highly doubt TNA is saying OK WWE is doing this so let's do that too.

if your going to stop watching TNA because of what they are doing right now, were you really much a fan before last night?

I'm one who doesn't hate either. I dislike a lot of what I see because I believe it can be better. And the truth is, fans I'm sure would rather have 2 good companies versus just one. Remember, if WWE is the only product left standing, THEY alone get to dictate what we, the fans, see.
I think the fall out from BFG was almost exactly what I had posted just before BFG. Hogan, Bishoff, and Jarrett turning heel, the only thing I had miscalculated was Jeff Hardy turning heel.

I read where Kurt Angle seemed to be legitamately pissed, and was done with TNA because of the BS politics... Or is it a swerve, and will come back in a month with his own group headed by Dixie?

We still don't know yet what Dixie signed on Impact last week, but one would assume that it was her walking papers as CEO of TNA.

Nash is gone from TNA for money reason's. He's been helping build this whole "deception" angle for onth's now, and all of a sudden he is GONE from TNA... another swerve maybe? Maybe he, and Angle will take sometime off, and create a Face stable with STING & POPE, & possible HAAS & BENJAMIN, and return to have a all out war.

Where does this leave FOURTUNE? They are the biggest heel stable right now anywhere as far as I'm concerned...They cannot go face after all they have done to the faces..what sense would that make? Heel stable against heel stable would be okay, but who is their to root for really? Their has to be a face stable in play here somewhere, and hopefully it's with ANGLE,NASH etc...

What can HOGAN, BISCHOFF etc.. .really do now in TNA as they take over? They have already been in TNA AS UPPER MANAGMENT for almost a year now. It should be business as usual you would think(really no big deal)... At least when NASH, HALL joined WCW back in the day as NWO they were newcomers, and started their own faction and reigned supreme. Their is nothing to move forward with for storylines IMO... Only thing they could do is push all of the faces around, and take the titles and put them on ABYSS, SAMOA, and Jarrett, but what will that acomplish. It will get stale fast.

So anyway's...Does anyone have any logical sceneriio's idea's for any of my question's..

As ususal.. please no TNA BASHING of how bad their ppv was or they suck and you don't watch anyway's..

Look, who knows where they go from here. Everything seems to be a swerve of some sort, an outright lie (let's keep in mind that when someone claims they will or are retiring and they don't, that is a lie. It's not a work, a swerve, a dodge, or a getback at the IWC. It's a lie! Period!)

I like TNA and I hope things get better. Based on their history, I don't believe that to be the case. In his post-BFG interview, Jarrett claims they will start filming Impact on the road more often in 2011. Who's paying THAT bill? Travel per diems, hotel bills, airline bills for the roster, production crew, writers, agents, bookers, etc.

In order to compete with WWE, they have to grow. Growing takes money. Thus the need for a solid tv deal. A solid tv deal requires ratings, meaning people watching. Guess what? Sub 1 ratings won't keep them on the air for long unless a network is willing to foot the bill; which is why these relatively young networks are willing to do just that and the majors aren't. The majors are hemorraging money, cutting staff, shows, etc. The startups have new money financing their existence until that well is run dry. Then what? Heck, even WWE is having trouble keeping Smackdown on tv and NXT has moved to their web only. Proof that bad ratings get you the boot!

If TNA can't produce a solid product that produces good ratings, they won't last and I suspect they will move to HDnet like ROH.
Haha, once again you are all arguing about something off topic. Who gives a shit if you aren't happy about what happened? The thread is about what you think or what you would want to happen (if you were booking) for this particular angle. There are other threads out there for you to discuss your stupid worthless opinion on.
Where does TNA go from here? Out of business probably. Was this really the big "THEY" that was being promoted for months and months? That was "THEY"? Really? Really? Hogan turning heel again only this time no one cares? A heel group led by an unreliable crackhead that is World Champion? This is why I only watch TNA but once a month if that. Its so bad that its hard to watch. How many times are they gonna rehash the nWo? Seriously, this was the only thing that they could possibly be? Yeah, TNA is pretty bad. TNA should fire their creative or at least promote someone else and get rid of Biscoff and Russo. They couldn't beat Vince in the past so what makes them think they can now? Who's next? They gonna bring in Verne Gagne and Eddie Graham? lol.

First things first...Give Hardy a chance to run with his new character ball, I liked him as champion in WWE. Being a heel is something we have NEVER seen Hardy do, so why bash him right away for having TNA take this route?

Second, Im with IDR, you dont speak for all of us, go back to NOT watching TNA, because I PERSONALLY am curious about where TNA takes this...and I never was a fan of their product. These last few months have peaked my interest in them.

NWO has been rehashed over and over. *NEWS FLASH* WCW was NOT the first company to do the NWO stable...they copied off a Japanese organization, WCW just pulled it off because of the players.

TNA is NOT trying to compete with Vince and WWE.

Now Im gonna call you out! If you feel that TNA should fire the creative and think YOU'RE so smart, what ideas can you bring to the table? how would YOU redo the "THEY" storyline?
The real question is..can Hardy play a top heel? I don't think he can. This seems to be just something thrown together to make a "shock value"(which it really wasn't) with no thought as to long term story lines. TNA amazes me with their lack of vision.

This is a big question - if Hardy can play a top heel. I think he can. He has the best teachers in the wrestling world to learn from how to generate heat.

As far as long term story goes, bischoff in one of the interviews said they already have plans for next 3 months. So I think they know what they are doing.
First things first...Give Hardy a chance to run with his new character ball, I liked him as champion in WWE. Being a heel is something we have NEVER seen Hardy do, so why bash him right away for having TNA take this route?

Second, Im with IDR, you dont speak for all of us, go back to NOT watching TNA, because I PERSONALLY am curious about where TNA takes this...and I never was a fan of their product. These last few months have peaked my interest in them.

NWO has been rehashed over and over. *NEWS FLASH* WCW was NOT the first company to do the NWO stable...they copied off a Japanese organization, WCW just pulled it off because of the players.

TNA is NOT trying to compete with Vince and WWE.

Now Im gonna call you out! If you feel that TNA should fire the creative and think YOU'RE so smart, what ideas can you bring to the table? how would YOU redo the "THEY" storyline?

I agree that Hardy deserves a chance to run...but Hogan and Bischoff need to stand down. This "they" angle was overdone and it underproduced. Something I've gotten used to with TNA. The sad thing is, they have great athletes in place and won't use them properly. Styles should be "the guy." You asked for ideas, here they come.

1. Styles should be the new (without the robes) Ric Flair of TNA so to speak. What I mean is he needs to hold the belt most often. Maybe a flashier Harley Race would be a better way of saying it. He should be the guy everyone is chasing after for the world title.

2. Samoa Joe should be his Ric Flair or Dusty Rhodes meaning they should build a longtime feud storyline around the two of them.

1a. This feud should include multiple title changes between the 2, and should include straight up cage matches with no run-ins, gimmicks, or Sting in the rafters.

3. Beer Money (James Storm and Robert Roode) should be your seemingly unbeatable world tag champs. They should be involved in a protracted feud with MCMG a la The Midnight Rockers v. Buddy Rose and Doug Sommers. Lots of blood spilled, foot on the ropes wins for Beer Money and the young guns who come up just short but eventually take the tag titles at the next BFG, if not the next after that.

4. Abyss needs an opponent who appears to "scare" him. Maybe the re-emergence of James Mitchell who brings a new "beast" with him to even the score with Abyss. This one gets bloody with weapons. Once Abyss finally defeats this guy at a a PPV in a bloody encounter, he is blindsided as he celebrates by someone unexpected who has always "hated" him and what he stood for. (a la Ric Flair hates ECW and stuntmen right?)

5. A lightweight title instead of the X division. Create a division that doesn't need a gimmick like hanging off of cables to crown its champion. Let the likes of Williams, Lethal, Gen Me, MCMG, and the like battle it out over the title.

6. Build characters instead of rehashing old ones. Time for Flair, Sting, Nash, Foley, Hogan, and Bischoff to step aside and let it be about the wrestling and not the swerves. The ONLY reason WCW went the way of swerves was out of sheer desperation to stay relevant and it led to their downfall. Terrible booking, VERY unrealistic storylines like the Goldberg "Streak" and Sting fighting off a dozen guys by himself spelled the end for them.

Ditch the ladies division and start over. If you want eye candy, then produce that. If you want wrestlers, then produce that. Clearly, they aren't good at trying to do both. There's a reason WWE has given up on ladies wrestling and opted for bikini models giggling around in tights.

These are just a few for starters. I could go on if you like.
I was legit shocked last night. There was alot of different things I thought was possible for "they" but a Jeff Hardy heel turn never crossed my mind. I'm really excited to see where this goes.

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