Simple question, complex question.
Where do you stand on Net Neutrality. If you're not aware, to put it in simple terms, Net Neutrality is the idea that all Internet traffic is treated equally, and that no Internet traffic is given priority over another type. In the current Net Neutrality fight, the idea is to have the FCC regulate Internet traffic to ensure Net Neutrality. In all honesty, both the "for" and "against" camps have good points, although I think one side is ridiculous, personally. I'll give you a brief, and somewhat coarse, rundown.
Against Net Neutrality
1. More governmental control over Internet (which can be a scary thing after what we've seen over the last couple months).
2. Violates the concept of a "free market" system.
3. No regulation gives Internet Providers incentive to keep their networks in top shape and pursue new and better technologies
For Net Neutrality
1. Without Net Neutrality, Internet Providers can slow down Internet access to rival media providers. For example, if Google was an Internet provider, then they could strangle Internet speeds for any user on their network trying to visit Hulu instead of YouTube. This can lead to big companies buying fastest speeds and killing Internet innovation.
2. Lack of Net Neutrality can create a class system on the Internet, where those with the most money are provided priority service on the network.
3. There's a lack of broadband Internet providers, and without regulation, Internet providers can essentially charge any amount for Internet they want, and limit the amount of Internet bandwidth each person receives at the same time. It's similar to what cell phone companies are currently doing.
4. Without regulation, Internet Providers could cut off access to any website they don't want people to see, effectively crushing the concept of free speech.
These are just a few for and against arguments, you can find many more out there. So, how do you feel? Are you for Net Neutrality or against?
EDIT: I'm including a link which you can use to view more for and against arguments.
Where do you stand on Net Neutrality. If you're not aware, to put it in simple terms, Net Neutrality is the idea that all Internet traffic is treated equally, and that no Internet traffic is given priority over another type. In the current Net Neutrality fight, the idea is to have the FCC regulate Internet traffic to ensure Net Neutrality. In all honesty, both the "for" and "against" camps have good points, although I think one side is ridiculous, personally. I'll give you a brief, and somewhat coarse, rundown.
Against Net Neutrality
1. More governmental control over Internet (which can be a scary thing after what we've seen over the last couple months).
2. Violates the concept of a "free market" system.
3. No regulation gives Internet Providers incentive to keep their networks in top shape and pursue new and better technologies
For Net Neutrality
1. Without Net Neutrality, Internet Providers can slow down Internet access to rival media providers. For example, if Google was an Internet provider, then they could strangle Internet speeds for any user on their network trying to visit Hulu instead of YouTube. This can lead to big companies buying fastest speeds and killing Internet innovation.
2. Lack of Net Neutrality can create a class system on the Internet, where those with the most money are provided priority service on the network.
3. There's a lack of broadband Internet providers, and without regulation, Internet providers can essentially charge any amount for Internet they want, and limit the amount of Internet bandwidth each person receives at the same time. It's similar to what cell phone companies are currently doing.
4. Without regulation, Internet Providers could cut off access to any website they don't want people to see, effectively crushing the concept of free speech.
These are just a few for and against arguments, you can find many more out there. So, how do you feel? Are you for Net Neutrality or against?
EDIT: I'm including a link which you can use to view more for and against arguments.