Where do they go with X-Men?


Dark Match Winner
Okay the X-Men series has gotten very popular even with the horrible X-Men 3 but the franchise has proven to be far from over with the release of the amazing X-Men Origins Wolverine. It has proven to be a bonefied money making machine. But with the momentum they had deteriorating they need to make another movie fast.

There have been talks about
1. X-Men Origins Wolverine 2
2. X-Men Origins Magneto
3. Movie about the new mutants
4. Even talks about a Gambit Movie:lmao:

But with the way X-3 ended I think there is potential for an X-4

So my Question to you is
What will happen with X-Men?
They also talked(and confirmed i think)a new movie about Deadpool the main antagonist of Origins:Wolverine.

I can definately see an X-4 coming out but i would rather see a X-Men Origins Wolverine 2 about wolverines time in japan.That was a cool saga
Ahh cool, I didnt realise they were doing a second Wolverine film :)

I think they will keep it going by doing other "Origins" based movies- Magneto, Cyclops, and Jean Grey would all be good options for this.

I did read about Deadpool maybe getting a movie as well at some point, which would be pretty cool too
Um Yeah, there are several X-men Related movies currently in production, Wolverine 2, and X-Men:First Class are the next two to come out, with a Deadpool movie is in the early development stages, but Ryan Reynolds will be back

Seriously folks...


anything you news you could possibly need to know is on that site
I would throw in http://www.superherohype.com as a good source of comic book movie information as well.

As for where the series will go, I'm not really sure. It would be nice to see another movie with a villain besides Magneto but as I was never really into the mutant comics, I'm not sure who the choices would be.
I would throw in http://www.superherohype.com as a good source of comic book movie information as well.

As for where the series will go, I'm not really sure. It would be nice to see another movie with a villain besides Magneto but as I was never really into the mutant comics, I'm not sure who the choices would be.

There are plenty of great Villains they could use in future X-men movies, the most logical next main villain would prolly be Apocalypse and his Four Horsemen, but I wouldn't mind seeing Omega Red (though I imagine they would more than likely use him in a Wolverine movie), Mr. Sinister, even though it may be difficult since they've already killed of Jean and Cyclops in the movies, and Onslaught, though not really sure how they would pull this off given the way X3 ended, and yes I know about the "hidden scene" after the credits
As obviously stated, they are coming out with quite a few ideas for spin-offs and origin stories for X-Men. I personally would love a Gambit movie really; he has been my favorite throughout the comic books. And I've seen plenty of Wolverine throughout the series to not really care for another movie based on him.

As for me, a Magneto movie sounds like the best idea right now, and there's been talk about that for a year or so now. I'd also like to see the Old School X-Men, when Morph was involved. Would be great to see the Sentinels get a bit of action too.

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