Where did the Miz go?


Dark Match Jobber
Right after Big Show showed up, Miz just kind of sneaked away. Why wouldn't he stick around, let Show do his dirty work and then sneak in after Show left the ring and "pinned" Cena to make his record 2-0. WWE could have gotten big heat for two stars at the same time. The didn't even have to show it on TV...could of done it as a recap of something that happened during commercial break.
I think that miz had histime they are pushing him as a coward, he will then challange again next week, cena wil speak over the jumbo tron and say he talked to icky and shes adding miz to his match on judgement day. I got a eeling that they are looking for this, as much as I love the miz he needs at least one match against a guy like cena one on one to run in and hit hm with a chair. I think the only reason mvp even had his time against orton was because of this view crap and now its over and they wrote him off quicker then you can say "ballin", I think they are doing just fine in developing miz this time around his promo was the best I've seen on raw in the last couple years that wasnt performed by y2j or jbl, arguably the two best promo men in the buisness I say good job miz welcome to some major matches mamby not main event but t least importnt ones
i would have much rather seen Miz do exactly what Show did. Maybe its because i have no interest in watching a Show Cena fued. I mean come on, Cena looked as if he could barely move. Who wouldn't have loved to see Miz beat the hell out of Cena. All it would have took was a swift kick to the nuts and a couple of chair shots and Miz would have come out looking golden. And he still would look cowardly.
Remember when Cena was injured and we had those five minute promo's twice on every show just so they could talk about how great Cena is and remind us who he is. Well in a way, doesn't what the Miz is doing kind of remind you of that? He talks about Cena so he stays in the spotlight and then as soon as something happens they forget about it just so they can go to a more meaningful fued. So basically they're just using the Miz to hype up Cena. Just a thought.
I agree w/ the statement that miz cut a good promo. Honestly, the crowd seemed hot idk why they didn't get into him more. If anything, big show could have come out, and miz could have gotten Cena with a chair or something.

Did anyone notice, btw, that Vickie said Cena had "internal injuries" and won't be released to compete until judgement day? Ummm... if he has internal injuries, he wouldn't be allowed to compete for months and months... especially if he's walking around like he has been. I did like how Cena looked like he was gonna cry when big show got in the ring! That was priceless!

... Cena needs a heel turn.
The Miz has been pure gold on RAW so far...he's been winning me over. His line about sending Cena's latest script to The Rock to use as toilet paper made me spit my Pepsi at the TV. I honestly thought for a second Cena was gonna put Miz over, which would have been phenominal of Cena to do, but c'mon...this is also the same guy that beat one of the greatest submission masters of all time (Lord Voldemort) and made him tap to a weak-ass version of the STF, so who knows if he'd put Miz over...
I see good things coming out of what they're doing with the Miz. It's almost as if they want to turn him into a surrogate Jericho, the sniveling, cowardly heel of sorts. This will only get better. If Cena could have a match with Miz the way he did with Swagger, he'll be golden.
... Cena needs a heel turn.

No... YOU WANT Cena to turn heel. Cena is the top babyface in the WWE by a landslide. He arguably sells the most merchandise. He's a role model for children. He's the poster child for the PG rating. Why in the blue-hell would the WWE turn him heel?

I love when people make ridiculous statements like this because of their personal feelings. If you hate Cena, then fine. I get it. You want his character to make a big change so it could give YOU a shot at actually liking him again. Listen, I loved his heel-thug gimmick. And I definitely don't enjoy him as a babyface, unless he's working the microphone. But, you cannot deny the pops that he gets from the crowd, the amount of time that the WWE Universe's kids spend on making signs at the live shows that praise him, and the skillset that he brings to the table as a top WWE babyface (and I'm not talking about in-ring skill).

Anyway, at the risk of being penalized for "not staying on the subject", I think that whether the Miz stuck around to help beat Cena up, or whether he disappeared into the shadows after his amazing promo, it doesn't make a difference. The point of him being in the ring at that particular time was to cut a promo and up his heel-stock. I think he succeeded, and so did the WWE writers. They managed to push the Miz as an up and coming top heel, push the feud between Cena and Big Show, and do all of this in the same segment without one storyline bleeding onto another. In my opinion, it was brilliant writing.
I think the whole point of the Miz calling out Cena again this week was simply to provide a bridge to get Cena in the ring so Big Show can beat up on him. The Miz was just being used the last two weeks to set up the Show/Cena angle a little bit more, and now that its happend, I bet we wont see Miz call out Cena anymore and he'll be moved onto something else.
Even if they didn't want Miz to get involved physically, I would've liked him to pcik up the mic before he left and said to Show "I told you he was that stupid/dumb!"

Make it seem like a set up all along. Hell he could've said it as he was backing up the ramp, no mic. Make him seem smarter than what people (Cena) expect.
The whole thing was a set up for Show to come in and win Cena some symphony points for their upcoming match (duh!) But...I would have liked Miz to have stayed in the ring and attack Show for taking away his heat, he called Cena out not Big Show after all, but that's just me, it seems the WWE believes the fans will get confused if a heel shows courage or determination.

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