Where did Humans go wrong?


Do I have everybody's attention now
I never understood where we fucked up.

Was it religion? Patriotism? Imperialism? Vanity?

Its about being proud of the country and such but do we really need something like that?

I mean, I don't mind it (even though American Patriotism is cringe worthy, especially from the ignorant) but I just don't understand the notion of being proud of a geographical landscape that was once established by a group of people.

Now many people will say its not the physical country its the people. Well here's the thing, why be proud of a people in just one geographical landscape? Shouldn't we take pride in the human race as a whole?

I mean with all of Bin Laden's death I don't feel happy (one really shouldn't) but I kinda feel like...well, the best way to describe is ashamed.

I look at Nature and I marvel at its creation. I look at the eco system and I still cannot for the life of me understand how in the holy friggin' hell did a clusterfuck of animals with COMPLETELY different genetic makeups become so orderly in a neat, organisational system. Not even WWE production studio is that organized.

That being said I look at each and every species and NONE of them have the same problem we do. Sure they're animals and such but no animal in the world cept ants kill each other (except for a blood lust but we don't have that problem...so far). I mean really, no animal in the world has harmed another member of a species because one group didn't agree with another.

Okay, I understand that in the ancient times we didn't fully understand everything, we stuck to religion and superstition to explain events and we had war. Fine, I'll let that slide (even though a basic religious scholar knows the difference between dogma and religion).

But what about today? We have a people who are more concerned about some unimportant wedding than kids dying of malnutrition the same friggin' day.

Poverty, Starvation, Malnutrition, Drought, child labor. These aren't problems brought upon by God. We created these problems. You can call it politics or capitalism, point is, we created a system in which people die of eating and another bunch of people die because their arteries are clogged with quater pounders and beer.

We created a system in which the social class is determined by whoever has the most amount of money. Not talent, not skills, not IQ. Money. Social status equals money. Or good looks. Both of them are a plus.

We still can't fathom that the body is controlled by the mind ie. if you feel sad, your body feels it. We can't fathom it. Its "pseudo science" because if you feel sad you gotta take them pills and not try psycho therapy. Cause that's for morons.

We created a system so ill conceived and disastrous that we have to work on it every single day, its all over the news and it constantly divides a god damn species into killing each other. Just think about that for a second. Think about a cluster fuck of a system that we tried to create but failed at so miserably it'll probably take a century or two to realize we fucked up.

You can derive this as politics, capitalism, bureaucracy, etc, etc they're all interconnected.

That's the human legacy. We're going to be the only species in the world that has a shot of wiping ourselves out.

Bin Laden's dead so congrats America you stopped a terrorist.

Or you could have funded construction in the 80's to rebuild Afghanistan and turn it into a normal place after they fought the soviets for you and those terrorists might be your good friends.

So you tell me, where did we go wrong? Did we not go wrong? Why not?
I appreciate most of the points you make, OP. I honestly do, and have said as much in not so many words on Facebook these past few days.
That said, I don't know if we've gone wrong. I don't know that we can help being anything other than what we are right now.
Can we change? Certainly; I have to believe that.
Will we? It's on us now. All we can do is live our lives to the best of our abilities and teach those who come after us. In short, I do not know. I want to believe.

"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy." - Martin Luther King, Jr
It's most definitely things like imperialism, greed and not appreciating different kind of people that makes such happen. The royal wedding is a great example. All the money wasted on this could have gone to help people, specially children, living in poverty with nothing to eat. Instead they spend all the tax money on this pointless wedding that could have just been done in private without all the fancy invitations.

Greed is also another cause. Some people get money to live and don't know when to stop, therefore when they have it, it's wasted on worthless stuff. Like, can anyone explain what is it about a iced out watch that costs $10 million that stands out compared to a normal one. This Birdman guy (Lil Wayne's "dad") did this very thing and spent all that money on a watch when he could've helped the people in his city (New Orleans) who still suffer the casualties from the hurricane.

And of course having any prejudice towards other people is only a step in the wrong direction. I'm full of it, but only people that make me mad and I admit that I have absolutely no feeling had I heard about their deaths. Things like racism and double-standards never show any level of advancing. Unfortunately, that's exactly where the human race will stay until it's all over.
This thread makes a lot of sense however in some ways it doesn't tell the whole story. Yes you can say that humans only care about the insignificance of some things however you never mention anybody who does care. The world doesn't only focus on the main stream society, it does also feature the good. If there wasn't those who featured on the good we would have nothing that resembles a charity, nothing that resembles a helping hand we just simply have a focus on things that shouldn't even matter. And then on the flip side if everybody cared about what the world needs then would the same thing be said. Should people have interest in other things? I think there must maintain a happy medium in order for there for the world to work. Yes it would be nice if everyone cared but the truth is humans aren't designed to focus on one thing, we need other facets.
This thread makes a lot of sense however in some ways it doesn't tell the whole story. Yes you can say that humans only care about the insignificance of some things however you never mention anybody who does care. The world doesn't only focus on the main stream society, it does also feature the good. If there wasn't those who featured on the good we would have nothing that resembles a charity, nothing that resembles a helping hand we just simply have a focus on things that shouldn't even matter. And then on the flip side if everybody cared about what the world needs then would the same thing be said. Should people have interest in other things? I think there must maintain a happy medium in order for there for the world to work. Yes it would be nice if everyone cared but the truth is humans aren't designed to focus on one thing, we need other facets.

I'm not some activist that yells out free the children. I just want to know where did we fuck up and turn into self-indulgent freaks. Alright, not all of us. Most of us then. When was it that society just collectively said "People are starving everywhere but there's this kickass game I wanna catch!"
I'm not some activist that yells out free the children. I just want to know where did we fuck up and turn into self-indulgent freaks. Alright, not all of us. Most of us then. When was it that society just collectively said "People are starving everywhere but there's this kickass game I wanna catch!"

I don't think you can ossibly pinpoint one point in history where we decide that. And personally I don't think it is morally wrong to not do something. Now I know this is kind of sad however the truth is sometimes you just aren't born in the right place. Now before I get some serious hate I do do a lot of charity work so don't hate on me for this viewpoint. I personally think that sometimes you get lucky in destiny however othertimes you honestly just get shit on. Is this sad yes. However will I lose sleep if I don't do anything, No? Is this a problem according to me No. Is it something that humanity overall could be better at Yes.
I don't think you can ossibly pinpoint one point in history where we decide that. And personally I don't think it is morally wrong to not do something. Now I know this is kind of sad however the truth is sometimes you just aren't born in the right place. Now before I get some serious hate I do do a lot of charity work so don't hate on me for this viewpoint. I personally think that sometimes you get lucky in destiny however othertimes you honestly just get shit on. Is this sad yes. However will I lose sleep if I don't do anything, No? Is this a problem according to me No. Is it something that humanity overall could be better at Yes.

No, no you hit the nail right no the head with luck. I could be a rich snobby kid who doesn't give a shit about all this or I could be a child sitting there wondering when my next meal will come from, and there isn't anything morally wrong to do anything (I have a personal belief that there are no morals but lets just leave that aside).

What I want to know is what made us the way we are. Nature sure as shit didn't make us self-indulgent pricks. Sure survival is necessary, that's nature. But watching a game while a kid died of malnutrition. I wanna know exactly what did this. Capitalism? Politics? Vanity?
No, no you hit the nail right no the head with luck. I could be a rich snobby kid who doesn't give a shit about all this or I could be a child sitting there wondering when my next meal will come from, and there isn't anything morally wrong to do anything (I have a personal belief that there are no morals but lets just leave that aside).

What I want to know is what made us the way we are. Nature sure as shit didn't make us self-indulgent pricks. Sure survival is necessary, that's nature. But watching a game while a kid died of malnutrition. I wanna know exactly what did this. Capitalism? Politics? Vanity?

Sorry had some wrok to do but here is the answer to your question.

The simple anwer to the question is we were born this way. Ever since the start of humanity the human as been intersted in what to do for themselves. There never was a specific time we changed as there is evidence through history to suggest we have indulged in ourselves. Look at the cave men they didn't even socialize(relative) they survived on their own and got their own meat. The human as always been interested in their self interest it is factual. The true difference is that some people have evolved to see others. Hope this helped, if not I can give more examples.
We are imperfect beings living in an imperfect world. We take great stride and heavy effort to control and master our lives and our surroundings. We want to shape the world into our own imagine, which carries back to our imperfection because we all have a different view on how our world should be, this moral and ethical conflict cause us to often derail any real humanistic progress with the meaningless squabbles of warfare. We lack the understanding of our place in the universe because we view ourselves as a unique creation of nature and its that uniqueness that fuels our appetite of greed and lust and feeds our egos.

It wasn't until a few centuries ago that earth and humanity were at the center of the universe and created in gods true image. It gives us a sense of belonging and understanding that of which we do not fully understand. Fast forward a few centuries and a lot has changed, we have progressed in many aspects, and regressed in others but it remains and for always will be a work in progress. While we are unique when compared to the life on this planet, we compared to the grandeur and vastness of the universe, it really begs the question..just how special are we really? We are conscious beings..its out duty to try and grasp reality and make something off it..it comes with the job you can say.

I agree with you that we created all this, we created all this imperfection. We all have a vision, and when that vision is repelled and does not go the way you envisioned it then we seek a means of injustice to inquire an answer. Everything you see around you is a result of a species trying desperately to maintain and seek a greater satisfaction, we crave satisfaction and we will destroy the environment, destroy another country, take in harmful toxic chemicals to see that satisfaction fulfilled. We are still very primitive creatures no matter how advance you think we are. We are in common with a lot of animals than you would think. We often think of us and only us with out much regard to anybody else, a lion thinks like this..its ether kill or be killed, do what is necessarily to survive..eliminate the opposition whatever that may be. We are very selfish beings because we think we are special, because we are cognitive beings, we are intelligent so we immediately put ourselves above all else, if you ask me, it is a curse more often than it is a blessing, just look at our history. Its like a guy who's never fired a gun in his life, if you don't know how to use it properly then don't touch at as you could harm somebody. But master it then you can be a force to be reckoned with(bad analogy I know..but the principle behind the message is lucid). The same can be applied to intelligence and morality.

Bottom line is, we are imperfect beings living in an imperfect world striving for ultimate perfection..its going to be a long and ugly road but hey, they never said life would be easy..but then they never said it would be this messy ether.
There are a lot of causes for us living in an imperfect world. There is greed, lust, jealousy, ill will among other things but I think that the basic cause for most of the evils that plague the society is competition.

You see it in nature all the time. One squirrel wants more nuts than the other squirrel, a wolf wants to be the leader of a pack, a lion wants to have more meat than the other. Humans are more advanced beings and therefore they have designed more advanced and more devious ways to get one-up on their rival.

So basically, I think that it is a case of one-upsmanship.
I think the problem lies in the fact that we actually think there is such a thing as right and wrong. I'm no scientist, but I don't think there is a single other species on this planet that looks at killing as wrong, or even as killing. They simply live as they naturally are. Humans do not live the way they are supposed to. We aren't supposed to have currency in which we use to obtain food , we are supposed go out and get it with our own two hands. Most animals fight for dominance physically, but with humans it becomes more of a psychological game. The physically stong or dominant don't rule among humans, those who understand how to work a system and get ahead do.

The problem is we are too intelligent and attempt to prove we are here for a reason or that we are better than we naturally are. There isn't such a thing as morals or laws; these are man made things and as long as people continue to judge each other by these man made codes society will always look bad.
The human brain is complex. What separates us from every other living thing on this planet is the ability to reason, to understand our surroundings, to create our own understandings, "false" beliefs, propaganda, etc. Animals live off of instinct. They do only what is necessary to survive. Our brains are so complex that we realized that greed and looking out for ourselves was more important than others as a whole.

Our ability to see "differences" created many problems. A dog might see another dog and instinctually realize that dog looks different than it but it doesn't have the ability to think, "that dog looks different than me so I'm better than it."

We've forgotten that we're all the same species. All we care about is our own lives and the lives of those immediately around us. Very few will sacrifice to benefit the all, the way animals will.

So, while our brain is our greatest gift, it's probably our biggest enemy too.

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