Where are the MCMG headed?

Tiger Chaos Theory

You ain't drawin' shit!
Yes its that time again, when a MCMG mark comes in to complain about their lack of a push and lack of tv time. Only this time, it's only one of those two.

If you watch the web matches or other online content TNA puts out, you know that recently (although taped two weeks ago I believe) Team 3D challenged the guns to a match over their #1 contender shots at Lockdown. The end result was a double pinfall with Devon pinning Sabin while Shelley rolled up Ray. Of course, it wasn't mentioned at all in the 20 minute Spin Cycle I wasted my life on. So what this means for the #1 contender-ship I have no clue. But I hope the guns get some tv time on monday to confront Morgan while this silly "give 3D something to do" issue gets resolved in a web match.

Now the part up for discussion, what do you believe TNA will do with the Tag belts before/during Lockdown?

I figure Morgan will come out monday and declare he has a new partner (who, I don't know) and the guns will come out to confront him. This match doesn't have any build at all so far, the teams haven't interacted at all, so there might be a match the following week to put some heat on these teams.

I also believe that they would never let MCMG go over clean so I fully expect some sort of hommicide or hernadez interference. But thats fine, I'll still squeal like a little japanese school girl with the gold in their hands. Do you agree with what my crystal ball shows?
This is what i'm thinking is going to happen.

Morgan and Hernandez will lose the belts somehow (Whether it be Forfeit/Morgan getting a new partner/ECT)

But in my mind with his new heel turn, I can see Morgan being the 3rd member of the Four Horsemen like stable TNA is hinting (AJ Desmond Wolfe are going to be 2 out of 4 for sure) I think Morgan will be a great pickup for that angle.

As for the guns... Who knows what TNA is going to do with the Guns. One week I'm clapping my hands yelling yes there actually making the guns look good. The next week I shake my head saying why haven't these two just said f it and go back to ROH where they are appreciated. To be honest.. it's such an inconsistent push.. I have to compare it to Matt Hardy. One week you think he's finally getting what he deserves, the next he's getting crapped on.

I'm with you my brother and hoping they get them straps and keep bringing us the action that they always have. There feud with GME was pretty good in my mind.
Yes its that time again, when a MCMG mark comes in to complain about their lack of a push and lack of tv time. Only this time, it's only one of those two.

If you watch the web matches or other online content TNA puts out, you know that recently (although taped two weeks ago I believe) Team 3D challenged the guns to a match over their #1 contender shots at Lockdown. The end result was a double pinfall with Devon pinning Sabin while Shelley rolled up Ray. Of course, it wasn't mentioned at all in the 20 minute Spin Cycle I wasted my life on. So what this means for the #1 contender-ship I have no clue. But I hope the guns get some tv time on monday to confront Morgan while this silly "give 3D something to do" issue gets resolved in a web match.

Now the part up for discussion, what do you believe TNA will do with the Tag belts before/during Lockdown?

I figure Morgan will come out monday and declare he has a new partner (who, I don't know) and the guns will come out to confront him. This match doesn't have any build at all so far, the teams haven't interacted at all, so there might be a match the following week to put some heat on these teams.

I also believe that they would never let MCMG go over clean so I fully expect some sort of hommicide or hernadez interference. But thats fine, I'll still squeal like a little japanese school girl with the gold in their hands. Do you agree with what my crystal ball shows?

I'd personally rather see the Guns have a title run than the Dudleyz. Lets face it, the legacy of Team 3D is already well established as they've won 23 world tag titles as a team. The truth is, the Dudleyz have pretty much accomplished anything and everything a tag team can in TNA multiple times already and another title run really isn't needed for them. When it comes to wrestlers the size of the Guns, I don't particularly think Hulk Hogan is all that fond of them. I'm not saying this to bash Hogan, it's just that I've read things on the net in the past stating that Hogan has little faith in a hefty sized portion of the TNA roster. Take that for what it's worth after all, it doesn't necessarily mean it's true. He's also alleged to say things along the lines of at least guys like Abyss actually look like wrestlers. As to what might happen with the Guns' push, it's up in the air really. I wouldn't be surprised though if TNA decides to have yet another Dudleyz/Guns match at their upcoming ppv to ultimately decide who gets the #1 contender spot for the tag titles.

As for Morgan, who knows. I personally think it was a foolish move to put the titles on Morgan and Hernandez. They were treated as little more than props during the Morgan & Hernandez reign while the primary purpose of the angle was a Morgan heel turn.

As for Homicide and Hernandez, that's not likely to happen either. The reason for the injury angle involving Hernandez was so he could take time off from TNA to work down in Mexico and he's supposedly going to be gone for the next 3 months.

Also, I think the team of Jeff Hardy and RVD have to be factored in. I don't know if TNA intends to keep them as a team for the time being or anything. However, if that is indeed the plan, then I wouldn't be at all surprised if they wind up becoming tag champs before the Guns, or rather instead of the Guns.
When I saw the title of this thread I was thinking about posting a reply along the lines of the first sentence of your original post. So thanks for clearing that up for me in advance. I'm glad it isn't a "push MCMG to the moon" thread, because they are my favourite tag team, but even I don't think they should be the top team in TNA.

As for what's going to happen with the belts and this storyline, well, I don't believe it'll be as simple as Morgan picking a new partner.

I think we have three possible outcomes here.

1) Morgan cuts a promo on Hernandez, vacates the belts, they fight at Lockdown, MCMG face Team 3D for the titles at Lockdown and it takes a meteor landing on Bubba for him to take the pin.

2) Morgan demands Hernandez defend the belts with him in a 3-Team match at Lockdown and then walks out on Hernandez, who with an injured head in a cage against a pair of teams stands no chance and they drop the belts.

3) Morgan demands Hernandez defend the belts with him on Impact against either both teams, or the winner of a rematch, and walks out on him. They lose the titles and then MCMG and Team 3D fight for them at Lockdown whilst Morgan faces Hernandez.

My vote would be for them to drop the belts in a three-way at Lockdown, because it would further their feud. It seems a bit early to have the blow-off to me, and they could continue this one further through the year, perhaps ending it the month before Slammiversary, and then put them both in the King of the Mountain.

I could of course be wrong, and they could do the whole new partner thing, have Morgan and the new partner face LAX down the road, put Morgan and Hernandez on team Hogan and team Flair, and have MCMG face 3D at Lockdown for undisputed number one contendership.

What I think is for certain is that MCMG are not winning the titles because they rub somebody the wrong way backstage, aren't quite large enough to market ahead of the likes of Beer Money or famous enough to put ahead of Team 3D. Maybe it's years of watching them not get there making me into a pessimist when it comes to them, but I just don't see them ever getting the gold.

On a final note, I hate when TNA do things like this; MCMG and the Young Bucks have to win contendership in an Ultimate-X match, and then Team 3D have the chance to either take the shot away, or get to be added to the match after spending two months or more jobbing to the Nasty Boys. It cheapens what the two teams had to go through to earn the shot if one of the bigger teams can just muscle in and take it on demand. They did this with MCMG and Beer Money facing British Invasion too. If they don't believe in one of the younger, smaller teams enough to give them a one on one shot, then don't have them earn it and then add another team to the equation later, it's just stupid to me.
Also, I think the team of Jeff Hardy and RVD have to be factored in. I don't know if TNA intends to keep them as a team for the time being or anything. However, if that is indeed the plan, then I wouldn't be at all surprised if they wind up becoming tag champs before the Guns, or rather instead of the Guns.

I doubt they would have such huge draws toiling in the tag division, that's usually a place for people that can't get over themselves or having nothing better to do. I'm almost certain at some point, they will go on to singles matches seeing as RVD still has that whole "sting almost beat him mercilessly" angle they could use and Hardy...Well, he sells stuff so I expect him to be chasing either the X-division title (winning it at some point) or Heavy weight title (not winning it hopefully)

What I think is for certain is that MCMG are not winning the titles because they rub somebody the wrong way backstage, aren't quite large enough to market ahead of the likes of Beer Money or famous enough to put ahead of Team 3D. Maybe it's years of watching them not get there making me into a pessimist when it comes to them, but I just don't see them ever getting the gold.

On a final note, I hate when TNA do things like this; MCMG and the Young Bucks have to win contendership in an Ultimate-X match, and then Team 3D have the chance to either take the shot away, or get to be added to the match after spending two months or more jobbing to the Nasty Boys. It cheapens what the two teams had to go through to earn the shot if one of the bigger teams can just muscle in and take it on demand. They did this with MCMG and Beer Money facing British Invasion too. If they don't believe in one of the younger, smaller teams enough to give them a one on one shot, then don't have them earn it and then add another team to the equation later, it's just stupid to me.

Yes, the years of watching them get so close to getting the gold had made me reluctant to even believe they would make it to Lockdown the #1 contenders a week ago. But hopefully new management loves them as much as I do.

And I agree that having someone have a match at a PPV while another just saunters over and gets a the same chance the other team earned rubs me the wrong way.

I do not however, believe that team 3D will be at Lockdown. Maybe its just wishful thinking, but with their Nasty boy feud having ended abruptly, to feuding with the guns over a web match, to going straight for the gold yet again within a 3 week span is not what TNA has booked. Of course, it is TNA so logic and pacing is more than likely lost in the shuffle.
If I ran TNA, I would have Morgan walk into Bischoff's office, tell him that he demands action for Hernandez being out with an injury. Bischoff Tells him he has a plan and that plan is for him to defend the titles against Beer Money. Morgan comes out and loses the title to Beer Money.

Later in the show, we see Bischoff talking to Rob Terry. Rob Terry has a title defense tonight against a surprise opponent. Terry's in the ring the music hits and Morgan comes out to fight Terry. Terry gets the upperhand only to have Beer Money come out an interfere. Morgan is your new Global Champion.

Morgan and Beer Money beat Terry down. Here comes the MCMG's to save the day. They challenge Beer Money to a match at lockdown and there you go...
If I ran TNA, I would have Morgan walk into Bischoff's office, tell him that he demands action for Hernandez being out with an injury. Bischoff Tells him he has a plan and that plan is for him to defend the titles against Beer Money. Morgan comes out and loses the title to Beer Money.

Later in the show, we see Bischoff talking to Rob Terry. Rob Terry has a title defense tonight against a surprise opponent. Terry's in the ring the music hits and Morgan comes out to fight Terry. Terry gets the upperhand only to have Beer Money come out an interfere. Morgan is your new Global Champion.

Morgan and Beer Money beat Terry down. Here comes the MCMG's to save the day. They challenge Beer Money to a match at lockdown and there you go...

That is far too logical booking, come on guy, this is TNA. Any way, with the Terry squash matches going on recently, I doubt they are taking the strap off him any time soon. Although, I love the idea, it just seems like Beer Money is going to be in the Lethal Lockdown match based on the way they have faced 3 of the 4 *expected* participants on team Hogan. But that may just make to much sense.
I hope the finally win the straps, they really do deserve it. There feud with Gen Me has been awesone, great matches, and now they are going on for a match with the team that is headed for a feud. I really hope they win it and go on to feud with Beer Money for a couple of months, a really solid feud.
I am not saying it will happen but I think MCMG marks need to prepare themselves for the possibility that they will cash in their opportunity 2 on 1 against Morgan and ... lose. There seems to be a certain amount of writing on the wall for such a scenario and I am afraid if you do not prepare for the possibility it might put some of you over the edge.
Obviously they are headed for ROH now. Unless TNA has redacted their "No working for ROH and TNA at the same time" policy. Which, I hope they have. There really is no point to that policy since ROH isn't really a threat to TNA but whatever I suppose :(

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