Where are all the Main Event Heels?

Big Sexy

Deadly Rap Cannibal
Looking at the current WWE rosters there seems to be very few main event heels. There are some hanging around in the mid card, but very few of them would be believable as Heavyweight title contenders.

RAW- You have Orton and the Big Show and that's about it. Then right below them you have three main mid card heels in The Miz, Matt Hardy, and William Regal. It looks like they might be pushing The Miz as a main event guy but he hasn't even won a mid card title yet so I'm not sure he's ready to be thrust into the main event scene at the moment.

Smackdown- You have Edge and Jericho and that's it. It's hard to even count Jericho at the moment because he is currently holding the brands mid card title. Based on what he did at Extreme Rules there is a chance that CM Punk could turn heel, but that's not guaranteed. They also have Kane but he has yet to debut. As far as the mid card goes, they have Shelton Benjamin and Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler isn't ready for the main event and Benjamin can't even get a win over Morrison at the moment so neither of them are viable options. Mike Knox is there as well but I don't see him doing anything with the main event talent.

ECW- ECW is the only brand in good shape. They have a couple monster heels in Mark Henry and Kozlov. They also have their main heel in Jack Swagger. Even the Hart Dynasty has shown they can work well with the top talent in ECW.

On the two big brands top heels are at a minimum. So who do you think, if anybody, will have a heel turn? Or who do you think will get that push from a mid card heel to a main event heel?
RAW- You have Orton and the Big Show and that's about it. Then right below them you have three main mid card heels in The Miz, Matt Hardy, and William Regal. It looks like they might be pushing The Miz as a main event guy but he hasn't even won a mid card title yet so I'm not sure he's ready to be thrust into the main event scene at the moment.

Well when a heel is on top of the heap how many more do you really need? i really agree that roster depth is lacking in wwe right now but you could easily turn MVP back heel and have him push for the belt if Cena or Trips won. Matt is a guy who has been on the cusp for a long time, but really its not like WWE wouldn't want a deeper roster but there isn't really a huge pool of main event talent.

Smackdown- You have Edge and Jericho and that's it. It's hard to even count Jericho at the moment because he is currently holding the brands mid card title. Based on what he did at Extreme Rules there is a chance that CM Punk could turn heel, but that's not guaranteed. They also have Kane but he has yet to debut. As far as the mid card goes, they have Shelton Benjamin and Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler isn't ready for the main event and Benjamin can't even get a win over Morrison at the moment so neither of them are viable options. Mike Knox is there as well but I don't see him doing anything with the main event talent.

Smackdown needs a top face more than a top heel really, especially if Hardy is going to take some time off now that his contract is up or nearly up. Kane, Jericho or Edge can take a feud and go for months so i'd say SD! is in better shape than Raw.

ECW- ECW is the only brand in good shape. They have a couple monster heels in Mark Henry and Kozlov. They also have their main heel in Jack Swagger. Even the Hart Dynasty has shown they can work well with the top talent in ECW.
True but ECW is a brand that really anyone can compete for the title at any time as there isnt really anything other than the ECW title to compete for on that show.

ultimately more than heel turns WWE needs to figure out a way to get main event talent internally built quickly because time is running out.
Actually, I'm willing to say the Main Event is very cluttered at the moment. Theres roughly six to eight believable main eventors on Raw right now, four to five on ECW, and five to seven main believable eventors on Smackdown. Thats thirty six to sixty four on Raw, sixteen to twenty five on ECW, and twenty five to fourty nine diffrent 1 on 1 matchups on ECW. Thats only for a year as well, because of the draft, the main event usually shakes up a little bit.

Even if you only count the heels, theres a possibility to three to four believeable main event heels on Raw, three to two possibilities on ECW, and up until the release of Umaga, four possibilities on Smackdown.

Raw - Hardy, Orton, Show, Miz. These four men would all be believable heels on Raw.

Smackdown - Jericho, Kane, Edge, up until last night Umaga. Which Umaga will be replaced any day now, it may take some time, but they will be perfectly fine in the meantime.

ECW - Koslov, Swagger, Mark Henry, and either of the Hart Foundation. The new Heart Foundation may be pushing it, but it is Ecw, and how many factions are on ECW, they can easily cheat to win, and be a believable World Title holding faction.

So from my point of view, if anything, the WWE is over crouded with heels. The WWE has the best set of heels they've ever had. I would honestly put them over the NWO back in the day. At least their heels put the faces over.
Actually, I'm willing to say the Main Event is very cluttered at the moment. Theres roughly six to eight believable main eventors on Raw right now, four to five on ECW, and five to seven main believable eventors on Smackdown. Thats thirty six to sixty four on Raw, sixteen to twenty five on ECW, and twenty five to fourty nine diffrent 1 on 1 matchups on ECW. Thats only for a year as well, because of the draft, the main event usually shakes up a little bit.

Even if you only count the heels, theres a possibility to three to four believeable main event heels on Raw, three to two possibilities on ECW, and up until the release of Umaga, four possibilities on Smackdown.

Raw - Hardy, Orton, Show, Miz. These four men would all be believable heels on Raw.

Smackdown - Jericho, Kane, Edge, up until last night Umaga. Which Umaga will be replaced any day now, it may take some time, but they will be perfectly fine in the meantime.

ECW - Koslov, Swagger, Mark Henry, and either of the Hart Foundation. The new Heart Foundation may be pushing it, but it is Ecw, and how many factions are on ECW, they can easily cheat to win, and be a believable World Title holding faction.

So from my point of view, if anything, the WWE is over crouded with heels. The WWE has the best set of heels they've ever had. I would honestly put them over the NWO back in the day. At least their heels put the faces over.

the best set of heels ever? i agree it's a pretty good set especially considering how good orton is currently and how truly amazing jericho is. and while the heels do put people over i think too often a lot of the mid card is booked way too weakly. example team priceless. they get straight up OWNED by trips and batista everytime they get in the ring and then go over the unified tag team champs. weakening not only priceless but also the tag belts. i know thats not what we're talking about but it pertains to it in that if these guys are the future of wwe especially young teddy, getting squashed by the current crop of main eventers, the future of the company is also weak.
Raw - Hardy, Orton, Show, Miz. These four men would all be believable heels on Raw.

Hardy right now is a joke. The broken hand is obviously holding him back, but even when it's heeled I wouldn't want him being in the main event. I like Miz, but he has never been in this situation before. He is basically being thrust from a tag team wrestler to the main event.

Smackdown - Jericho, Kane, Edge, up until last night Umaga. Which Umaga will be replaced any day now, it may take some time, but they will be perfectly fine in the meantime.

Jericho is the mid card champion, so he's not in the main event picture at this time and Kane still needs to debut before he can be considered for anything.

So from my point of view, if anything, the WWE is over crouded with heels. The WWE has the best set of heels they've ever had. I would honestly put them over the NWO back in the day. At least their heels put the faces over.

With Jericho currently in the mid card, Edge and Orton are the only two heels in the company that I'd be comfortable with carrying on a heavyweight title feud. As great as Edge and Orton are, I believe there could be more depth.
the best set of heels ever? i agree it's a pretty good set especially considering how good orton is currently and how truly amazing jericho is. and while the heels do put people over i think too often a lot of the mid card is booked way too weakly. example team priceless. they get straight up OWNED by trips and batista everytime they get in the ring and then go over the unified tag team champs. weakening not only priceless but also the tag belts. i know thats not what we're talking about but it pertains to it in that if these guys are the future of wwe especially young teddy, getting squashed by the current crop of main eventers, the future of the company is also weak.

Thats silly, the future of the company is looking fairly strong. Jack Swagger, the new Hart Foundation, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Randy Orton, Carlito, Primo Colon, CM Punk, Ted Dibiase, John Cena, Cody Rhodes, Christian Cage, Edge, I could go on and on and on as to who will be the future of the WWE, and how bright the company is looking.

The reason HHH, and Batista "own" priceless week in and week out, yet going over The Colons, is because Rhode, and Dibiase are both what you call, Upper Midcard wrestlers. Now, let me explain the role of an upper midcard wrestler. They go over the Midcard wrestlers, to keep their Main Event credibility up. Yes job to the Main Eventors, to, make that main eventor look a little better than they actually are.

When HHH came out tonight and got rid of priceless, it was simply to get them out of the way, while not blowing the whole Orton has Priceless to back him up. Allowing HHH to go over, and finnally get the much needed retubution that the croud has been wanting to see, and Orton has deserved. Its not Priceless' job to stay over in the main event scene. If they actually faught back, and all that good stuff. They would be Main Eventors. As stated above, the Main Event scene is allready over crouded, we don't need anyone else in it.

The reason HHH, and Batista "own" priceless week in and week out, yet going over The Colons, is because Rhode, and Dibiase are both what you call, Upper Midcard wrestlers. Now, let me explain the role of an upper midcard wrestler. They go over the Midcard wrestlers, to keep their Main Event credibility up. Yes job to the Main Eventors, to, make that main eventor look a little better than they actually are.

When HHH came out tonight and got rid of priceless, it was simply to get them out of the way, while not blowing the whole Orton has Priceless to back him up. Allowing HHH to go over, and finnally get the much needed retubution that the croud has been wanting to see, and Orton has deserved. Its not Priceless' job to stay over in the main event scene. If they actually faught back, and all that good stuff. They would be Main Eventors. As stated above, the Main Event scene is allready over crouded, we don't need anyone else in it.

Wait i'm not asking for trips, batista, or hell even MVP to go over priceless. all i want is to not see so many damned squash matches on raw. i mean would it kill anyone's momentum to sell some offense from an undercard wrestler? no it wouldnt. furthermore i don't mind how trips disposed of priceless to get orton alone, that was fine. what i want is in matches if an established main eventer is going to face an upper mid carder you can have a good fairly competitive match without taking away too much from the main eventer while not making the upper mid carder look like colin delaney.
Hardy right now is a joke. The broken hand is obviously holding him back, but even when it's heeled I wouldn't want him being in the main event. I like Miz, but he has never been in this situation before. He is basically being thrust from a tag team wrestler to the main event.

Matt's booked as a cowardly heel. of course its a joke. he'll drag it out as long as he can, but you can't deny that he is a good worker, decent on the mic and good at drawing heat. the miz is working toward the main event and it shouldn't matter that he hasn't really had a big run, batista never held a midcard title and went from being a muscle character without a lot of personality to royal rumble winner and wrestle mania main eventer in just a few months.

Jericho is the mid card champion, so he's not in the main event picture at this time and Kane still needs to debut before he can be considered for anything.
the ic belt has been held with the main event title before so jericho is essentially able to hold both if it is necessary. kane has been in main events before, so its not like he needs to be built up to main event status he is there when he returns and will be ready when he gets the call to return to SD!
Hardy right now is a joke. The broken hand is obviously holding him back, but even when it's heeled I wouldn't want him being in the main event. I like Miz, but he has never been in this situation before. He is basically being thrust from a tag team wrestler to the main event.

Doesn't matter, he is handling the position hes being thrusted into quite well. I don't think it was expected to last longer than a week, until John was supposed to come out, and just completely squash The Miz, but The Miz ran with it, and is now turning it into what could quite possibly be the fued of the year. Hardy isn't a joke right now, hes wrestling quite well to have a broken hand. His mic skills are even better, and is looking just fine out there in the ring. I would be perfectly fine with Hardy holding the World title right now, if he were booked to hold the title, and I'm sure the WWE would do the same. The problem with someone like Hardy isn't that hes not good enough, I think hes just booked improperly. If you're booked to be in the midcard, you're going to be in the midcard. But if you're booked to be in the Main Event, you're going to be the main event. Not to mention Jeff just held the title, for like 4 minutes the other night, and is a former champion. Matt has 2 clean pinfalls on Jeff right now, Jeff has 1 on him. Hes got championship credibility from that alone.

Jericho is the mid card champion, so he's not in the main event picture at this time and Kane still needs to debut before he can be considered for anything.

Thats because the Midcard on Smackdown is lacking. What a better way than throw one of the best heels you've got. To revive an entire division? Jericho's mic skills carry him. He doesn't need titles to get over. Like Edge, does. Or he doesn't need to be constantly chasing the title to get over, like Hardy. He stays over from his superb mic skills, and his impressive wrestling. They need someone/something to carry the division. Smackdown is going for an overall great product, not just the Main Event. Its more or less, wrestling, in the old days.

With Jericho currently in the mid card, Edge and Orton are the only two heels in the company that I'd be comfortable with carrying on a heavyweight title feud. As great as Edge and Orton are, I believe there could be more depth.

It doesn't matter who you're comfortable with holding a title, because other people I've mentioned in my first post, are title worthy competitors. Evidence shows this in all of them. They can handle the main event right now, and most of them are only showing improvement, at the moment anyway.
Matt's booked as a cowardly heel. of course its a joke. he'll drag it out as long as he can, but you can't deny that he is a good worker, decent on the mic and good at drawing heat. the miz is working toward the main event and it shouldn't matter that he hasn't really had a big run, batista never held a midcard title and went from being a muscle character without a lot of personality to royal rumble winner and wrestle mania main eventer in just a few months.

Hardy is solid, and he plays the heel role well but I've never seen him as a main event guy. Comparing The Miz to Batista is a little far fetched. Batista came from a group with Triple H, Ric Flair, and Orton. It was obvious he was destined for the main event. The Miz has yet to have any real feud with anybody resembling a main event talent. This thing with Cena and Show is nice, but he needs to be put into an actual match eventually.

the ic belt has been held with the main event title before so jericho is essentially able to hold both if it is necessary. kane has been in main events before, so its not like he needs to be built up to main event status he is there when he returns and will be ready when he gets the call to return to SD!

Kane is great, but at this point in his career I don't see him as a guy that can constantly carry feuds as a main heel.

I just believe that if Orton or Edge were to get injured that the WWE would be in a little trouble. Where as guys like Triple H, HBK, and Taker as faces were all out of action at the same time and there were still more then enough faces to compensate.
Hardy is solid, and he plays the heel role well but I've never seen him as a main event guy. Comparing The Miz to Batista is a little far fetched. Batista came from a group with Triple H, Ric Flair, and Orton. It was obvious he was destined for the main event. The Miz has yet to have any real feud with anybody resembling a main event talent. This thing with Cena and Show is nice, but he needs to be put into an actual match eventually.

Kane is great, but at this point in his career I don't see him as a guy that can constantly carry feuds as a main heel.

I just believe that if Orton or Edge were to get injured that the WWE would be in a little trouble. Where as guys like Triple H, HBK, and Taker as faces were all out of action at the same time and there were still more then enough faces to compensate.

fair enough the miz is definately not batista and certainly he is probably a little too new to actually hold the belt. but matt hardy, while perhaps not believable as a champion to you, has a knack for making the crowd care about him no matter what his gimmick is. kane wouldn't have to carry the entire program, with a face like taker or cm punk, he'd be just fine doing his typical creepy thing. i just think its an overstatement to say that the entire company hinges on orton and edge as heels.
Doesn't matter, he is handling the position hes being thrusted into quite well. I don't think it was expected to last longer than a week, until John was supposed to come out, and just completely squash The Miz, but The Miz ran with it, and is now turning it into what could quite possibly be the fued of the year.

Feud of the year? Really? Shouldn't the Miz actually wrestle a match against the guy before you call it that.

Hardy isn't a joke right now, hes wrestling quite well to have a broken hand. His mic skills are even better, and is looking just fine out there in the ring.

I honestly think Hardy has only won one match since coming to RAW.
I would be perfectly fine with Hardy holding the World title right now, if he were booked to hold the title, and I'm sure the WWE would do the same

I'm fairly certain you are in the minority with that statement.
Thats because the Main Event on Smackdown
is lacking. What a better way than throw one of the best heels you've got. To revive an entire division? Jericho's mic skills carry him. He doesn't need titles to get over. Like Edge, does. Or he doesn't need to be constantly chasing the title to get over, like Hardy. He stays over from his superb mic skills, and his impressive wrestling. They need someone/something to carry the division. Smackdown is going for an overall great product, not just the Main Event. Its more or less, wrestling, in the old days.

That's fantastic, but I wasn't arguing about any of that. All I said was that Jericho being IC champ takes him away from the main event a little.

It doesn't matter who you're comfortable with holding a title, because other people I've mentioned in my first post, are title worthy competitors.

And I've shown that most of the guys you listed aren't worthy. As of this moment only Orton on RAW is believable as a heavyweight champ. I wouldn't even say Big Show is at this point. On Smackdown it's only Edge and Jericho. And Jericho is in the mid card right now, however I do realize that at the drop of a dime he could be back to the main event.
And I've shown that most of the guys you listed aren't worthy. As of this moment only Orton on RAW is believable as a heavyweight champ. I wouldn't even say Big Show is at this point. On Smackdown it's only Edge and Jericho. And Jericho is in the mid card right now, however I do realize that at the drop of a dime he could be back to the main event.

you are absolutely correct that the big show is not a good candidate to hold the belt, and that it would be horrible for raw to lose orton. you also said matt has only won one match on raw since he debuted? i don't think the big show has won a meaningful match this year. but anyways the point is that raw needs orton and needs him to stay healthy, although its kinda sad that we get another big dose of orton v. trips. sigh. they could at least have him feud with someone that hasn't been done to death.
Feud of the year? Really? Shouldn't the Miz actually wrestle a match against the guy before you call it that.

Judging by what we've seen out of the miz's wrestling skills in the past. And judging by Johns ability to put anyone over, and put a good match with basically anyone, I'm fairly 100% sure the wrestling will be just fine in this fued. As long as the WWE doesn't book it as a sqaush, and lets the miz pick up the first two-three pinfalls from something dirty to put The Miz over, this fued will be just fine. So yes, from previous preformances from both me, I'm willing to say this could possibly be the fued of the year.

I honestly think Hardy has only won one match since coming to RAW.

Hes had a broken hand. Still though, as I said in the previous post, if you book a star to be a midcarder, thats all they will be. But, if they felt like booking Hardy as a main event heel, he has the talent, and the qaulities necassary to carry the show in a heelish format.

That's fantastic, but I wasn't arguing about any of that. All I said was that Jericho being IC champ takes him away from the main event a little.

And I was explaining as to why Jericho is holding the IC title. They are trying to make it a prestigous title that it once was. Back in its hayday, to hold the IC title, meant that you were holding a tier 2 main event title. This should still stand today. Jericho is currently the 2nd top star in the company, right below Punk.

And I've shown that most of the guys you listed aren't worthy. As of this moment only Orton on RAW is believable as a heavyweight champ. I wouldn't even say Big Show is at this point. On Smackdown it's only Edge and Jericho. And Jericho is in the mid card right now, however I do realize that at the drop of a dime he could be back to the main event.

Actually, if they wanted. Matt could be as credible as they come. The Big Show could shoot for the title if he wanted. It just wouldn't make since storyline wise. Give The Miz, 5 months, and I'm willing to say hes a shoe in for holding the world title. Theres no doupt that the talent, and the heels are making the presence known in the WWE right now.
Actually, if they wanted. Matt could be as credible as they come. The Big Show could shoot for the title if he wanted. It just wouldn't make since storyline wise. Give The Miz, 5 months, and I'm willing to say hes a shoe in for holding the world title. Theres no doupt that the talent, and the heels are making the presence known in the WWE right now.

Again that's great and all, but I'm not talking about 5 months from now. I'm talking about present time, and at this moment Big Show isn't much of a realistic contender based on the fact that he can't win a match. And if you think Hardy or the Miz could be in a heavyweight title feud at this current time then you are delusional.
Mr.Kennedy was the PERFECT heel, and face but a better heel in my opinion, in this day in wrestling heels are very well over with the fans

face it we love to "hate" Orton and Edge (but I love them) more that we love to cheer for Cena and Batista even thou its quuite the oposite for me I hate Cena and Batista and love Orton and Edge, but the heel have sweeped us wrestling fans off our feet

Top future face candidates

MVP- very over as a face, could see a fued of him and Matt Hardy or Miz or Jack Swagger over a World title

John Morrison- the very obvious pick here, hell of a talent, (better not let this one go Vince cough cough MR.KENNEDY cough cough) can see a fued with Miz, Matt Hardy, Swagger, Christian, Jeff Hardy, Rey, Edge, Jericho, Cena, Orton and HHH, and possibly HBK or Taker

Jack Swagger- maybe suprising but he reminds me of Kurt Angle in so many ways that he could flip bettween the two 10 times I see a fued with, John Cena, Morrison, MVP, CM Punk, Jeff Hardy, Orton, Batista

Top future heels

The Miz- If he ever has a real match on Raw then most defanitly, maybe not a World title contender but we've yet to see him in a real one-on-one match on Raw

Jack Swagger- same as earlier so much of Angle in him they cant hold him back much longer, I see him jumping ahead in the 2010 Draft and reaching his potentiel

Mr.Kennedy- I hav'nt completle shut the door on him yet to come back once he gets more control over his in ring preformance

Matt Hardy- once his hand heals I see him getting in bigger matches than now, maybe staying in the U.S. title picture for a while, I see him taking it off of Kofi for a little, maybe not now but in a good month or two he will be ready to go

this is what I see the future of WWE looking like, now if we can get a taste of something other than HHH-Orton, Orton-Cena, HHH-Cena we'll be getting somewhere

Maybe they would bring back Raven, he'd be an amazing heel
I think Batista's departure opens up a new Heel slot. or a Face slot. Either or, really. Especially with MVP seemingly moving up.

As far as Raw, the Miz is being pushed up the best way possible, a feud with Cena. Cena will probably end up going over, but the Miz will still end up looking incredible. That'll give you Miz/Big Show/Legacy vs. Triple H/Cena/MVP. Seems set. Especially with teh mid-card the way it is. And HBK can go and help the mid-card when he returns.

Smackdown....Smackdown has their new heel Punk. Well, not officially. But he will have to be by the end of his inevitable Hardy feud. No one steals the title from a mega-face like Hardy and survives the upcoming feud as a Face. No way. And that'll give you Edge/Jericho/Punk vs. Hardy/Undertaker/Mysterio. Set.

ECW? ECW is set. And besides, they're all just getting started. If things had to change in the balance in favor of heels or faces, it's not like it'd be impossible to pull of the sudden heel/face turn. No one honestly cares that much. Except for maybe Swagger, Christian, and Dreamer. They can't just swap. But Bourne? Koslov? Easily.
Umm I think the Miz will get a main event heel push. 'Coz think about it Miz attacked Big Slow and Cena! Sending a loud and clear message to both! And he is 6-0 against Cena I believe lol. And I think CM Punk will turn heel sooner or later. I think it depends on Jeff Hardy's contract if he hasn't signed a new estension Punk will probably stay face because the brand needs a main baby face and if Jeff doesn't Punk will probably turn heel and possibly Edge might go baby face or some one like John Morrison will be brought up to the main event world title hunt you never know :P

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