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When will Triple H return?

Louie Lips

Occasional Pre-Show
So plain and simple, my question is when do you think Triple H return? They have to at least give him some time off, or else it would make everybody else who took a punt look weak. Also, when he comes back, he's obviously going to have to feud with Orton again... is this going to get stale and repetitive? It's obviously going to wind up ending with a Hell in a Cell match at a PPV like Unforgiven or something. Your thoughts please...
Trips will probably be back next week on Raw knowing him. He won't take any where near as long to come back as Shane or Batista. He'll probably come back in a few weeks and fued with Orton (again) and then win the title (again).

I'm really really really REALLY hoping he's taking at least 2 months off. I do not want to see him anywhere near Orton and Legacy for a while. He's starting to make Legacy look too average and they need to look dominate, give Orton a winning fued over Batista then move on to MVP. While Orton is fueding with Batista for a bit MVP can be fueding with DiBiase and/or Rhodes.

Trips is power hungry and won't stay away for long, although i hope he does.
Triple H returns at Judgement Day or next week at Raw to take out Orton during his match with Shane. If he doesn't come back those times, then he's out for a bit.

But HHH can't stay out of the spotlight for long and he may come back soon, and sell some kind of concussion or something.
i think some people think that he'll come back for orton but i think he comes back and instead of orton he turns on batista cause he costed hhh the title wich will lead to finally a heel turn for trips.
triple h will return one month before summerslam and will fight randy orton for the wwe title in the main event.
I think HHH returns at Judgement Day and interfere's in the WWE title match between Batista and Orton, giving Batista the DQ win and increasing the tension between Batista and HHH thereby setting up a triple threat match for Extreme Rules between Orton, Batista and HHH.
If he doesn't come back at Judgment Day, he'll probably be back at Summerslam. HHH needs some time off and younger stars like Miz and MVP maybe can get a little bit of main-event experience.
The smart play is to keep Triple H off TV for a while, he has 2 young kids at home so why not stay off for a bit and come back later down the line, the company wont crumble without him, WWE can promote someone in his place and have another person eligable for the main event in his absence, much like they have done with Jeff Hardy, they put him out there and now he is a guenine title contender. Maybe MVP or such like. There is no HBK at the moment either and no-one has mentioned his absence. Keep him off for a bit, then bring him back and have it fresh.

Maybe some storyline where no-one can stop Randy Orton and no-one will face him, HHH comes back and does just that.
yes! its already boring! i am so sick of triple h and orton, orton and batista, cena and edge, cena and big show etc. etc. this shit is so boring and repetitive! turn cena heel already! he's fueded with everyone in the wwe! orton is a great champion and shouldn't lose the belt anytime soon. i wish triple h would've stayed on smackdown that way when orton beat him it was done. its always the same ol' fueds and its boring me outta my mind! try orton and mvp or orton and big show, or when he comes back orton and mr. kennedy. 15 new superstars on raw so there should be some new fueds. just enough with cena, batista, and triple h being the only main event face championship contenders, push somebody already!
I think that it is great Triple H is getting some time off. Not just for him, but for RAW's sake. Raw has so many young guns who could rise to main event challenges; MVP, Kennedy, Miz, Carlito, Kingston and Kendrick that they need some time in the spotlight. I think the idea is that now with Cena and Triple H gone, it opens the spot for another top face on RAW. We have Batista, but now after just one week of no Cena and no Trips. MVP has faced Randy Orton in a RAW Main Event and lost via DQ.
This is the perfect oppotunity for Kennedy to FINALLY return as well. This guy has so much talent and now is his time to showcase it.
I'm sure in true John Cena fashion, he will be back wrestling by Judgement Day (most likely against Show). But Triple H and Shawn Michaels are off as well, so that opens up about half an hour of the show that was previously not available because Trips and HBK would of been in it.
I don't think that Triple H will return and become Heel. When I went to the London 02 RAW and Smackdown tapings, they advertised a DX tour in Novemeber, so as DX have been face before I don't see why Triple H would turn heel for a matter of two months tops then go back to spray painting people green and showing his ass.
But what would be cool, is if Triple H an Shawn returned together as heels? Then we'd get the old DX back, the heels who cheated. I doubt it would happen though.
Triple H will most likely return and cost Randy the title against some young star. I don't think Orton will drop the belt to Batista at Judgement Day. I think at Extreme Rules we might see a triple threat or even fatal fourway situation or the title, including most likely John Cena, and maybe a mixture of either; MVP, Batista or Kennedy. Then Triple H will return beat Orton up on the outside allowing someone else to ge the victory in the ring.
I figure the best thing for him is to keep him off tv for a month or so. We all saw the reaction when Batista came back and surprised everyone and every single time HHH goes down with an injury and then comes back he gets a huge pop and the crowd is huge in his favor when he returns. Orton dominates for a month or 2 and HHH comes back and will probably win the title back from him at Summerslam in Hell In A Cell
As much as i am not a fan of the HHH bashing, I think he def needs to stay off tv for a while. I am tired of seeing the same feuds over and over and over again (i hope batista gets his shot and orton thrusts his gayness at someone else). HHH needs to stay out for like 2 months. As much as everyone knows he'll come back and instantly feud with orton and win the title back i hope he doesnt. I am really hoping for a HHH heel turn when he gets back.
im just getting tired of HHH period....same old shit week in and week out. If he or wun of the McMahon's were to turn heel it be a different. I think HHH is gonna return as a heel and start a thing with batista for costing him the WWE title at Backlash
Perhaps Triple H is going to take a break and I think it could be a good thing for Triple H as well as for the whole programm because even though i really like Triple H i´m pretty tired of him. For him to take a longer break could also get Randy Orton and his punt even more over because Batista was "injured" for some time because of the move so it would be a little bit stupid if Triple H shows up next week.

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