When Will TNA Be Leaving The Impact Zone?


DAMN My Ex-Gf just got implants!!!
Easy question when is Tna going to leave the impact zone for good? Okay so I starting thinking about how Dixie Carter was saying how their plan was not to beat raw immediately but then I thought to myself their never going to beat raw as long as they remain in the impact zone. Does Tna remain in the impact zone because it's a safe audience meaning they know it will always filled? Do they not have enough finances to travel around the country each week? Your Thoughts.
TNA needs to MOVE for the various reasons:
-TNA should be considered a legitimate wrestling company and NOT an attraction an amusement park
-New fans in the audience who DO NOT shit on the product (fans that shit on product = SHITTY PRODUCT; simple math)
-Need to hit Big Arenas where MOMENTS can be made (ie: Hogan/Andrea Pontiac Silverdome; Hogan/Goldberg Georgia Dome; Micheals/Razor in MSG): give tickets away if need be to fill the big arenas (because on television the product comes off as important and interesting)
This really is the missing piece to the TNA puzzle (besides better music entrances). They have talent to build on, but more areas need to know about it. I'm of the nostalgic type on occasion and I remember the old NWA days where there were like 2 bleachers in the background..and you could actually hear each individual fan yelling something. TNA's Impact Zone reminds me of a modern day version of that. That said, they need to get to bigger arena's and pack those suckers. I want to see TNA succeed because it appears to be the most formidable competition. And I feel competition fuels better product on both sides. Yes. They must travel for their Monday shows...and soon.
IMO I don't think that TNA can move from the "impace zone" until they start pulling in some bigger and better numbers in the ratings game. Granted, wiTh all the $$ they are paying all these ppl for spots, and just hiring them and bringing them in, they probly could have started to make moves and stratagize about getting to the bigger stage.
Deffinatley agree in some1 saying that they need to have MOMENTS. B/c that is critical to any promotion for ppv.s and dvd.s and just overall history of the company. Yes, they have been here 7 years, but really, @ an amusment park? Haha, just makes me laugh. I'm pretty sure that they WWF started, an went 7 years, they were doing a whole hell of a lot ot better thât TNA is doing right now. But there once again is a case of poor management and another fed will have to BOW DOWN, because WWE is going to be the super juggernaut of the wrazzlin buizness FOREVER and IMo the only way they get COMPLETLY taken over is if Vinnie mac leads the "cult" and everybody drinks the "punch" kuz aint no way in hell the ever LOSE!
And that's the bottom line, kuz TKO said so!!
Reasons why TNA needs to move:
-The Impact Zone looks low rent. Sorry, I know that it's meant to look like they have good production, but they don't. The rails are too close to the ring, the venue always looks small, even compared to where ROH does their shows from.
-New Revenue Source. TNA could use ticket sales from taking their show on the road to improve things like production quality, and training their talent how to not come off like dumb shits (see.....Hogan being in the limo on the way to the arena, then saying that he was in the back all day).
-Fans that pay to see a show are more likely to react in a way that you want them to. They want to get their money's worth out of a show. Unlike Impact as it is, where they are being told that they are "cast members" (see....stunt granny, plant, extra, unpaid performer). They are getting in free, so they don't care if they ruin your product. On top of that, a face can get a cheap pop by going "It's great to be here in Topeka, Kansas" and the heel can get heat by saying "The only thing worse than the fans here in New Jersey are the New Jersey Devils". Can't do that if you're staying in the same venue every week.
Interesting thread. My thoughts on this would be that Dixie/Hogan wants to TNA to be as big and popular as the WWE. But be alternative to their competitor.

Such as....

McDonald's v. Burger King

Chevy v Ford

PlayStation 3 v X-Box 360

By going live on Monday's every other week is a start, but moving to one city to another every week would be huge step.

Maybe moving out of the IMPACT zone would not be a bad idea. They did it before with their live Vegas special the year before last. Which wasn't that bad. (Debut of Main Event Mafia.) It's likely Hogan and Bischoff may have tossed the idea around backstage from time to time. This could benefit TNA in a huge way. By being in a large arena in front of 10,000-15,000 people could be seen as new direction for them as a wrestling company.

Hopefully Dixie and Hogan had thought this through. I never had problem with the IMPACT zone; even though the inside looks like a large state college gymnasium. :) But seriously TNA fans wanted out of the IMPACT zone, casual wrestling fans thinks it's a good idea and even die-hard WWE fans wants TNA to be vile competitor. Only thing holding them back is money to spread around among traveling and renting those big ass arena's.

This may work. If WWE and WCW do it in a small arena; whether it's a bingo hall or a studio at MGM Grand, I believe TNA can do it also.

I really have no idea what Dixie plans to do about this little conundrum. You see, both sides seem to have pros and cons. What she needs to do and what she is very likely doing, is seeing if it is worth taking the risk and flying the nest. You see, I am of the opinion that it could go very well for Dixie and TNA or it could fail and see the company lying tatters.

Let's say that they do decide to move away from the Impact Zone and have a go at trying to put on performances like the WWE do. Let us say that they try and match the crowds that WWE pull in on a weekly basis and let's say that they have the determination to do so. In many ways this would be a good move. They would likely have a bigger audience to perform in front of and if things go well, they might even make a lot more money out of the production. However, the risk is that by moving away from the Impact Zone, you are moving away from the people who have been loyal to the company since day one and have been filling the venue since it was nothing more than your average indy promotion. What they need to decide is whether it is worth taking the gamble and alienating their loyal fanbase in search of a bigger one.

Personally, I think they will leave the Impact Zone eventually and I could see it working for them. Who knows how they will do with these endeavours but I think now is the time to give it a bash. In many ways, it is now or never.

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