When will Matt Morgan get his time?


Pre-Show Stalwart
How long has Matt Morgan been in the main event scene? At least two years off and on. You would think by now he would be champion. I am happy Anderson is the new champ, but Morgan has been fighting for the belt for a long time. He deserves it, he should be a champ by now. What do you guys think? Do you think he will ever get it, or just be one of those guys that gets close without ever winning.
It takes big guys a while to become champion simply because they are big. I mean Morgan is so big that who honestly do you see taking it off him without interference or a specialty match. It would have been a good time to take it off him with Immortal but it was too early with Jeff Hardy and everyone wanted to see Anderson v. Hardy. He'll get it within the next year though.
I think Morgan is champion material and I I know they just turned him face but I think big men like him need to be heels and have the ftw attitude what about me type shit interfear in matches clear the ring type stuff, and they shouldn't talk to much, he need a good long run like that build him up to be the ultimate type of heel for the next ten months then put the belt on him and give him a long title run a good year, I know that dont happen now a days but it could be good for TNA to establish a long term champ that way especialy a good heel character he could be a bigger version of HHH cause he has the smarts and the physical attributes to do so, just my opinion.
he will definitely win it, but itll be soon i dont see anderson holding it for too long and maybe morgan goes heel again and takes it off of him or just wins it off him in a mtach face vs face since anderson beat morgan to earn the title shot.....if this doesnt happen then i seee anderson losing the title and morgan winning it off of them
I say he wins the WHC in 1.5 years. The reason being his mic skills need work.
Its just a matter of who to pair him up with i say a heel RVD as it would be interesting. Now as how he wins the WHC I say kotm match. As its very unpredictable with 5 people in the match. The way i see it RVD is ascending to hook the WHC up te allof a sudden Morgan pushes the ladder and RVD goes crahing threw the table giving Morgan the chance to hang it and win

I say 1.5 years how? kotm over who? RVD. RVD is set to hang the belt only to get dumped outside by the blueprint and setting Morgan up for a title win. Then we have a lengthy rivalry (pleae god) between the 2. Morgan said it best "if you aint in this business to become champion than get the hell-out"
The fact that Matt Morgan has not yet been a main event champion yet is, I think, an indicator of the major differences between TNA and WWE. I have to say that if Morgan was in the WWE main event scene, he'd have already been a main event champion at least once, maybe twice. Just consider the case of Sheamus and I think you'll see what I mean.

It's a different story in TNA, at least from what I've seen. Still, Morgan is main event material. TNA has tried him out in a variety of roles both as a face and a heel, and I think he's likely to grab that championship sooner or later, at least that's what I hope. One reason I think he hasn't won yet, though, is that he has an eventual "skin of his teeth" championship win coming up at some time and when he gets it, they want to build up the "well it's about time" satisfaction factor. 'Course, that's pure speculation on my part...
Matt Morgan is the type of character that needs to chase the championship for as long as he can. He's not good enough of a talker to get by on that and he's coming along in the ring. But he isn't quite there.

They need to build him and keep him around that spot for as long as possible until it finally boils over and he finally gets the championship. (In my opinion, anyway.)

Anderson was the right man for the job. I think that Morgan if he sticks to TNA will get a chance to run with the championship, but right now it's Anderson's chance.
Morgan should be getting this title sooner rather than later. He has a good look, decent in the ring, and honestly, I don't think he's as bad on the mic as some people here are saying. I don't think he's any worse than Anderson, who is highly touted for God knows what reason. Anderson does have charisma, he is very comfortable on the mic, I'll give him that. I just don't think he's as believable as some. He comes across kinda goofy at times and a little forced, like he's trying a little too hard. Some of his promos are pretty good and some just make me cringe.

I digress, my point is Morgan is ready and deserves his run in the fairly near future.
I don't know I would like to know when too. I mean they are wasting Matt Morgan for Jeff and Matt and Matt Morgan can probably draw better for TNA then Jeff and Matt Hardy is doing.
I mean they are wasting Matt Morgan for Jeff and Matt and Matt Morgan can probably draw better for TNA then Jeff and Matt Hardy is doing.

I hate the Hardy's but that's a dumb statement. Morgan's got a ways to go before he can "draw" anything. Right now he's a serviceable upper-mid guy who needs promo practice and a heel turn before he's a genuine attraction. He performed adequately filling in for Anderson but there's a reason he was silently following Flair around right before that emergency push. Despite all their bullshit the Hardy brothers have a huge, loyal fanbase that Morgan will need to put in some serious work for if he ever wants to match it.
he's going to be a champion, it's just a matter of when.

what would he be better suited as, heel or face?
big guy like him, maybe better as a heel? maybe that's the reason he has not won it yet, because for the last few months he has had to be face to go against Immortal. likely would not be heel until this Immortal thing is over, as he himself is not going to join Immortal.

he could win it in the coming months, but then would do it as a face. maybe this would be the time and he could face off against Anderson while the likes of Angle/Steiner/ect are feuding with Immortal?
I honestly don't know if Morgan will be TNA World Heavyweight Champion or not. Morgan has been in TNA for right at about 3.5 years now and he turns 35 years old later in the year. While 35 is still relatively young for all intents and purposes, Morgan hasn't really accomplished all that much during his time in TNA. Getting the best of AJ Styles in a best of 3 series and a joke run as half of the tag champs are probably Morgan's greatest accomplishments to date in his entire career.

Mr. Anderson is roughly the same age as Matt Morgan, has only been in TNA for just slightly more than a year now and is the reigning TNA World Heavyweight Champion. Morgan has a great look about him and he's shown himself to be pretty good on the mic in my view. Inside the ring, I also think that Morgan's pretty good too. On the surface, it's easy to see Morgan as main event/World Championship material as he seems to have a lot of things going with him.

I just have a feeling that Matt Morgan is going to be a guy that TNA pegs as being someone that's consistently chasing down the championship, in pursuit of the champion. If he does ever become TNA World Heavyweight Champion, I have a feeling that his reign or reigns will be relatively minor and meaningless for the most part.
Matt Morgan is TNA's version of Mark Henry. He's a big guy that, by size alone, is always positioned as a threat to the champion, but he'll never win it. He's sloppy as sin in the ring, and his mike skills seem to have gone backwards in the last month or two (which is a shame as that's what I thought he did best).

Anyone beating him looks impressive because of his size and position on the card but, to me, he'll always be that upper mid-card guy
Matt Morgan is TNA's version of Mark Henry. He's a big guy that, by size alone, is always positioned as a threat to the champion, but he'll never win it. He's sloppy as sin in the ring, and his mike skills seem to have gone backwards in the last month or two (which is a shame as that's what I thought he did best).

Anyone beating him looks impressive because of his size and position on the card but, to me, he'll always be that upper mid-card guy

I'm going to have to go ahead and disagree. Morgan compared to Mark Henry? I don't see it. I think Morgan is closer to someone like Batista than he is Mark Henry. Mark Henry is strong, but he looks fat/heavy. Morgan isn't even close to being fat/heavy.
Mark Henry might be strong, but he doesn't have the look. Mark Henry reminds me of King Kong Bundy.
Appearance-wise Morgan is closer to Batista but I meant where he's going to be on the card. Henry is an upper mid-carder who will always have the champ looking like he's in trouble but, ultimately, he will never win the title. Also anyone that can beat him is showing a clear sign they're going somewhere. That's how I meant the comparisson
I like Matt Morgan a lot. He has a great look, he can talk and is a pretty effective big man wrestler. His recent push as well as his pushes in the past indicate that he is held in pretty high esteem by the TNA management. I think that the only reason why he has never held the TNA World Championship is that he has never been the top face or the top heel of the company. There has always been someone better. The closest he has ever been to winning the championship have been when he was feuding against MEM and in the current Immortal storyline. On both occasions he has had to take a backseat to AJ Styles in the first case and Mr Anderson in the second and perhaps rightly so.

I do think that his time will come, though. He is too good to end his career without a championship reign.
if Morgan has a similar look to Batista, then why would he never be a main event champion? I think one of the main factors in what makes a great champion is appearance. I don't think you have to be great in the ring to be a champion. I don't think Hogan was ever that great in the ring. I don't know whether Morgan is great on the mic, but he isn't bad.
I think in the future once this Immortal thing is done, if TNA was to turn Morgan heel he could be a top heel champion. I think Morgan was good when he took out Hernandez and had both the tag team belts himself.
Matt Morgan will have his time, he just needs more mic skills thats why he was in fortune\immortal in the first place. He has the looks ( Possibly the next Kevin Nash) in my opinion, but he needs a manager. Only time will tell. By the way i liked him better as a heel when he was a one man tag team champion

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