D-bryan and punk didnt get over because of the cash in.
I respectfully disagree. The apex of Daniel Bryan was Money in the Bank. Cashing it in, and his feud with the Big Show and Mark Henry over the World Title, is what propelled him into the light. The clown show fashion in which he dropped the belt to Sheamus at Wrestlemania cemented his stardom, when the fans balked at the finish. And all the way he was cutting better promos, honing his character, and becoming the Daniel Bryan we know today. Worlds far and away from the Brian Danielson of the IWC. He reinvented himself, and I believe it started at Money in the Bank.
However, yes, the World title run did nothing for Punk. I didn't even remember he had a run with it until watching old Money in the Banks, seeing him win it, and remembering that no one had lost a cash in yet. As far as the content of his actual run, I can't tell you without Googling.
The guy needs to win matches, big ones on consecutive basis. His promo still sucks. He needs to talk more more. He needs to be positioned as top player in a high profile feud. And not just some guy randomly paired up in the raw mainevent match.
I agree his momentum has been lacking. It's a problem of WWE's ADD booking. He's hot, he's on a roll, he looks like he's going places, and then creative seemingly forgets he's on the roster because they're chasing a new paper tiger. Just like everyone since around 2001. It's the same problem TNA has, but TNA's is one of the grass being evergreener with the new guy they just signed, forgetting all about how the last new guy they signed was the hot ticket in town. WWE just seems to forget.
You want to know how you make his promos better, and not stale? Give him something new to talk about, like a belt. Belts build stars, but only when the belts themselves are important. Which the World title hasn't been, since they took it off Bryan at 'Mania.
While the plot hook is that CM Punk's run with the WWE title has been forgettable, the fact is the World title actually is forgettable. Because no one is pointing out that Sheamus has held his belt for just a few months less than Punk has.