When was your bubble popped?

Paralyzer Z

Fuck honor
the magic of being young and emotionally caring for the faces of wrestling. the bubble you were sorounded in when you had nothing but hatred of heels and a veil of love for faces. The time when you thought wrestling was real.

Then one day POP! you wake up to find WWF or WWE fake and wreslting turns from "john cean won yay im gonna go tell daddy"! to "john cena sucks all he does is the five moves of doom" or "I hate you batista! I hate you!" to ' dave batista was a great heel I wish him luck in the future".

My bubble was poped the day I first saw smackdown spoilers and became intruiged with them. soon i became an intelligent wrestling and still to this day use that knowledge to trick the young kids that I see who think its real.

What was the moment when you found out wrestling was fake?

How did it affect the way you think about the wrestling world?
What was the moment when you found out wrestling was fake? Umm, when my mom had her new boyfriend move into the house I was about 10 years old. I didn't watch too much wrestling at this time but, caught some matches when I could watch it. I asked him to stop when he was flicking through the channels on Raw is War. (Not too sure if it was still raw is war though because he wanted to see Angle wrestle) I kept saying how awful Angle was and he told me it was fake. He saw my face and, did said, wait, you didn't know this was fake? I said no, I had no idea I thought it was real and awesome and cool. Boy oh boy, did that burst my bubble and I just felt crush. It was like; wait, Santa, the Easter Bunny, Cupid, and Wrestling are fake??? I was truly heartbroken. (I lived under a rock for 13 years of my life lol) I stopped watching it at that time. Until I met my best friend Tim in 7th grade and he said he knew it was faked but, he liked to watch it. So I started to watch it again and been a fan of it to this day. Real or Fake wrestling kicks ass!
How did it affect the way you think about the wrestling world? It changed me for a while I say a good 2 years almost. I lost faith in what was supposed to be a pro sport. I gave up and felt deserted. But, when I met my friend Tim he got me back into wrestling. We would watch matches and it felt like my passion of it being real came back. It came back because he said it is scripted but, the moves they do can still hurt them if done wrong. To this day its how I see it and believe no matter how well you can dance you can still get hurt. Wrestling Kicks ass and I will watch till it dies or till I die.
I don't know when I found out it was fake, not long after watching on suppose. Reading some shit columns on some shit site and whatnot. Obviously wrestling would be between 1 and 10,000 times more enjoyable if I never ventured into the deep, dark world of the IWC. Alas, nothing can be done at this point.
I believe my mom and dad told me when I was younger. Because I was always trying to wrestle my cousins and shit. They told me it was fake and to stop trying to do it with friends and family because it could really hurt them. I didn't believe them, but I soon grew out of trying to do the moves. But I guess I really noticed it after I started to grow up more.

I think now being apart of the Iwc, it has gave me a lot of tools to become more of a wrestling fan. We are looked down upon, but being able to talk with regular people about shit that we love. It's cool and being able to pick apart shit that we don't like.
Well, when I saw Rey Mysterio do a 619, totally miss, and then the random scrub he was wrestling do like 3 backflips, I was like, oh my god. And then soon later when I was in a backyard fed, and we were doing these moves, learning the ins and outs, we found there was still pain and skill involved, also watching Bret Hart's documentary opened some things up for me.
I figured it out eventually. I started watching at 2001 and it was pretty obvious that it was scripted. I mean seriously, why would a cameraman follow a wrestler when another wrestler just randomly appears to confront him? It was all just so obvious that I figured it out myself.
Our blessed year of Hulkamania (1985) was coming to an end. I was 6 years old and watching WWF with my Dad and my 4 year old brother (who didn't know shit back then.....and still doesn't today). We were allowed to stay up late to see Hulk Hogan fight Nikolai Volkoff on "Saturday Night's Main Event."

Late in the match, Hogan delivered a clothesline. The maneuver devastated Volkoff, sending him crashing to the canvas and writhing in pain......despite the fact that Hogan's elbow came nowhere near the big Russian. It was true!.....there could be no denying it.

My brother and I couldn't believe it! In one fell swoop, it all became apparent: wrestling was fake.

Suddenly, it was clear; we understood those flying leaps off the top rope that always seemed to catch the victim by surprise......even though it seemed he could have easily stepped out of the way, yet didn't. Suddenly, we understood how a wrestler could be crawling toward the corner to tag in his partner, barely able to make it those precious few feet across the ring.......yet 10 seconds later be charging into the ring to rejoin the battle, somehow fully recovered.

With our illusions ripped away, my brother and I looked helplessly at our Dad.....our lower lips trembling and unbidden tears streaming from our eyes.

He said nothing; what could he say?

Wrestling was fake......our innocence has been stripped from us in one vicious swipe.......and nothing in life would ever again be quite the same.:disappointed:
What was the moment when you found out wrestling was fake?
Since I only started watching wrestling a few years back, it was amidst the time when the people who I knew watched were 'growing out' of it. So I constantly did and still hear all the 'It's fake's and 'Cheap or lame' remarks.

How did it affect the way you think about the wrestling world?
Not in a negative way at all - All I could think was - Fake or not, damn it's entertaining. :)
What was the moment when you found out wrestling was fake?

I started watching wrestling(mainly WWE) when i was around 8. I found out that wrestling was fake at about 10 years of age. I was reading the newspaper and there was some article in which there was a line saying 'At least its not fake like the WWF'.

How did it affect the way you think about the wrestling world?

Initially i was a bit shocked but seeing as it was still entertaining, i continued watching it.
Before I started watching. My older brothers watched, and I remember my parents doing the typical "Ugh how can you watch that? It's not real you know?" thing. So uh, yeah it didn't affect the way I looked at it because I already knew.

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