When Was The Last Time You Actually, Thoroughly Enjoyed WWE Programming?


King Of The Ring
When I say "WWE Programming", I'm referring specifically to Raw and Smackdown. And I'm not just talking about those few times when you found Raw and SD surprisingly above par for a couple of weeks. I mean when was the last time you sat down, week after week, over a prolonged, extended period of time (let's say 2 years) and actually looked forward to watching a Raw or a Smackdown because you thoroughly enjoyed the product put in front of you? Furthermore, when was the last time the product left you consistently satisfied at the end of the night? I ask this because as I was watching the Raw replay tonight, I wondered the same thing myself. Personally, it feels like forever since I've watched Raw/Smackdown because I'm legitimately invested in the stories being told. Sure there may be one or two things going on that I can usually look forward to, but at this point, I watch primarily out of habit and because there's always that hope within every wrestling fan that things will (must) get better someday... right...?

I could be wrong, I don't think I am but y'know, it's possible, but it seems to me like the only demographic that truly enjoys the current wrestling landscape is the one that doesn't know any better. In other words, children and brand new fans. Lord knows there's not a lot of positivity from long-time watchers on sites like this, and the hardcore demo, much like myself, basically seems to watch out of habit rather than any real enjoyment, at least as pertains to the WWE. So that brings me back to the original question, when was the last time you watched the WWE product and actually enjoyed doing so?

Surprisingly, we don't have to go too far back for my answer. Around the end of 2012, I had high hopes that the WWE was finally starting to turn a page after years of abysmal programming, and to my surprise, it seemed like things were slowly changing. One of the main tipping points for me during this period was the emergence of two superstars, both of whom were damn near shattering the glass ceilings that had seemingly been placed above the roster's heads since the rise of SuperCena almost 10 years earlier; CM Punk and Daniel Bryan. Up until this point, the roster had been in limbo and there was a huge lack of depth that, mixed with the atrocious writing, made the product almost unbearable to watch. CM Punk made things interesting again, and Daniel Bryan was the phenomenon that was going to continue WWE's momentum. Cena and Orton were still rock-solid reliable in their mid-30s, Brock Lesnar was back and putting on good matches, The Shield and The Wyatts were tearing it up, Team Hell No and Cody/Goldust were doing some really cool stuff, and watching the rise of people like Bray Wyatt, Rusev, and Ryback, among others, was definitely fun. Above all, and most importantly in my eyes, there was some really good storytelling and character development going on during this period. After Mania 30, everything seemed to just... halt. Punk was gone, Bryan was hurt, Cena was champ again, and the roster seemed to stagnate. 3 years later, I can safely say the product has never even come close to reaching those heights again since. The roster may be better, but that's about it.

Before 2013-2014, I'd have to go all the way back to 06-07 to find another extended period where I actually thoroughly enjoyed the product. Woah.

I'd like to hear some thoughts on this friends.
I remember watching the first Raw after the new brand split and being so thoroughly entertained that I actually watched the entire show and the following week. And while it has fallen off, it's completely enjoyable right now. Even with some weird booking decisions. Like Triple H giving no explanation as to why he made Kevin Owens the champion. As far as that first Raw goes, I actually enjoyed pretty much the entire show. I think Raw is pretty damn decent post brand split. And Smackdown's got some catching up to do, but it's been alright. But if we're ignoring WWE's latest venture, I'd have to say before that, The Summer of Punk was the time of the modern era to be a WWE fan. Say what you want about the guy's attitude, the fact of the matter is, he made wrestling cool again for a short while. Sure, Women's wrestling was still complete garbage. But at least you were watching what was suppose to be the next money making main eventer rise to prominence. I fucking bought a T-shirt. For the first time in years. And everything was looking up with an epic feud with Cena, and Punk was going to be the man. Everything was heaven. You know, until Kevin Nash showed up to tear a quad and Triple H decided he needed to come out of retirement to beat Punk and then go right back to not wrestling.
I've been enjoying watching Smackdown destroy Raw every week since the brand split. While I was watching Raw last night all I could think about what was going happen on Smackdown and wishing it was on. With the former NXT writer, Ryan Ward, being the head writer of Smackdown, I know Smackdown will keep on progressing in a positive manner. Rollins and Owens are two of my favorite current guys on the Raw roster and they can't even keep my interest with how bad the booking is.
For the most part, I enjoy and do look forward to Raw & SmackDown each week. Even if a show isn't particularly good one week, there's the possibility of that being fixed the next week and that does happen pretty often.

There are times in which WWE, or any wrestling company, will make wrong decisions as to how a match should be booked, who should be pushed and the storylines used to set something up. That's simply how it goes, how it always has gone and how it always will go no matter it's a company putting on shows in front of 150 people or 15,000 people. There are times in which it's frustrating to see some things that you think are bad continue on in succeeding weeks; again, this is something that's not a unique phenomenon to WWE.

If you're a viewer and you almost cringe whenever WWE programming airs each week or if you're constantly frustrated because they're not doing what YOU think they should do, then you're probably better off overall just not watching it. If you're not enjoying it, I simply don't see the point in wasting your time and/or money watching it only to come online to complain about it.
I'm thoroughly enjoying SD each week. The show moves quickly and all the pertinent players have a decent story line attached to them. Styles is the stand out for me with his win's over Cena and Ambrose, but the rest of the roster are keeping up. The women's division got a boost with Nikki Bella coming back and Eva Marie's continued excuses to get out of a match are hilarious. I'm sure that will continue when she returns.

The only thing lacking a bit is the tag teams but they do have American Alpha and that's a bonus. Also the injury to Orton and the postponement of the feud with Wyatt is a downer, sure that will pick up as well when Orton comes back.

RAW gained nothing from the brand split, if anything it's become more of a chore to watch than before. They really need to cut it down too two hours, that third hour is just killing them. The WWE might have put the title on Owens, but as KB pointed out on the LD thread, he's more of an afterthought as a champion. RAW is still focusing on Stephanie/Foley/Reigns/Rollins more than anything else and it's kind of a turn off. I watch more out of habit these days in hopes that we get another surprise like the Owens title win. Sadly they've taken three steps forward, two steps back. Balor's injury hasn't helped.

So in answer to the OP, SD is definitely the better show out of the two, and the best on the roster's right now appear to be Jericho, Miz and Styles. That's not saying much about the New Era, when the old guard are the ones keeping us entertained.
I've been enjoying watching Smackdown destroy Raw every week since the brand split. While I was watching Raw last night all I could think about what was going happen on Smackdown and wishing it was on. With the former NXT writer, Ryan Ward, being the head writer of Smackdown, I know Smackdown will keep on progressing in a positive manner. Rollins and Owens are two of my favorite current guys on the Raw roster and they can't even keep my interest with how bad the booking is.

This pretty much echoes my sentiments perfectly.

The 5 guys I hope to see anchor RAW going forward: Roman, Seth, KO, Zayn and Balor are guys I currently enjoy watching alongwith others. However, the storytelling aspect on RAW has been piss poor and the Authority figures take up too much time and make things all about them on each and every show thereby relegating the actual superstars to chumps who bump for our enjoyment.

SmackDown, on the other hand, has been thoroughly enjoyable programming since the Brand Split started. The entire card and each character is storyline driven and thus, the 2 hours fly by quickly each and every week and leave me salivating for more. Yes, the SmackDown roster lacks numbers and it could catch up with them at some point, but they are using each and every member very well and everything on that show is done simply and seems to matter and it is very very enjoyable, whereas RAW is just all out confusing week after week with nothing seemingly sorting itself out such that I, as a viewer can actually enjoy watching it.
Right now. Especially following the brand split.

You mention Punk and Bryan, and I agree, those were some good times, but I remember it was still a 3-hrs of messy incoherent show. Every decision between 2012-2015 made was illogical, basically done sheerly because of Ratings. For Example:-

Evolution returning and losing to Shield.
Shield breakup/Seth's heel turn.
Shield and Wyatt's one-month feud (no idea why the audiences went "this is awesome". How can Wyatt family, which consisted of Bray Wyatt and two never-will-bes be awesome? Seriously?)

None of that felt organic. It was definitely contrived and coming from an Individual (Mcmahon) in panic mode.

Not to mention that NONE of the guys between 2012-2015 stood out- the Miz's Jack Swaggers, Dolph Zigglers, Sheamuses, Del Rios, Cesaros, not even Bray Wyatt. None of them ever became stars. Only CM Punk and Daniel Bryan, other than John Cena and Orton, were legit maineventers.
Don't believe me? Just look at Bray Wyatt, Dolph Ziggler, Sheamus(who is a 5-6 time world champion). Does Sheamus seem like a huge star? Nope.

Fast Forward to right now:-

AJ Styles- Huge star. The work he's been doing is incredible. I've never been so entertained by a wrestler's in-ring expertise AND character both.

Kevin Owens:- Same as Styles. Just amazing.

Seth Rollins:- Brilliant. The face turn, his agony and desire for revenge is palpable. He reminds me so much of Shawn Michaels. I thoroughly enjoy his character week after week, every promo and backstage segment with Foley, Steph, KO.

Roman Reigns:- The guy is a huge star, is as GOOD as The Undertaker in big-match situations. Has a great look. Enough said.

Dean Ambrose:- I'm not a huge Dean Ambrose fan, I was a detractor rather, but ever since he dropped the title at Backlash, his promos and his overall body language has been amazing. He's probably a heel now, and if this is what Dean Ambrose is going to be on a weekly basis- I must say- I LOVE IT.

I also thoroughly enjoy Smackdown tag division, The Usos since the heel turn, Braun Strowman, Bo Dallas, Randy Orton..

The only thing that irks me on WWE TV right now is The New day and Enzo and Cass. Also, I'm not a huge fan of Female wrestling, so that's pretty much a waste of my time if they're on two separate shows. (Carmella turns me on even though I hate her when she opens her mouth to speak, Eva Marie is really really hot, and I love it when they're on TV. That's that).

Also, I don't know if many will agree, but Raw is SO SO Attitude Era-esque (without the trashy hardcore matches, trashy gimmicks a la Val Venis, Godfather, and profusion of profanity).

The chemistry between Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns put together is amazing (now that Seth is face. Will they unite? How hard it will be for Seth to admit he needs Reigns to destroy the Authority, will Reigns embrace his former best friend? and so on). Thrown in with KO, Steph, Mick Foley..these are some of the most amazing segments I've ever watched. I can't wait for Rollins and Reigns teaming up. HHH is gonna be back. I've never been this excited for a Wrestling show, especially Raw. These three guys- Rollins, Reigns and KO just convey that AE feeling to me. As does Chris Jericho.

There's anger, bitterness, so much drama, and a heel champion like KO. What more could you ask? I'm surprised this thread exists and people aren't enjoying Raw and bursting with optimism and excitement like I am (minus the mid-card scene).

Also, Roman Reigns is fucking awesome. I just love Raw.
I can't honestly remember a time in the WWE, at least in recent memory, where I thought that a show was totally unmissable. I think you'd have to go all the way back to the Attitude Era to find the last time that I consumed any and all wrestling that I could. But that was a time in the WWE where they prided themselves on anything and everything being able to happen. And that's what made the show that unmissable if you ask me. Since the PG era it has been nothing like that. Sure, I have enjoyed being a wrestling fan and still find myself watching the WWE or more occasions than I miss it. But it's just different now and it'll never be the way that I remember it as a kid.

That said, the WWE are doing a great job of building towards the future right now. Also, they are giving the fans a better all around product than they have been over the last couple of years. The Brand Extension has given the WWE a new lease of life and has sparked an excitement in me that I rarely feel outside of WrestleMania season. I think the WWE are making some really good choices right now and are building the brand into a little something for everyone. Will it ever be as good as u remember back in the Attitude Era? Probably not. But I'll keep watching as I'm sure the future is bright.
The honest truth is, and I would suggest this applies to the vast majority, is never. We always remember bits and pieces as enjoyable, and they get imprinted into our memories. There have been stinkers in just about every episode I've ever watched in every era. I used to videotape early and mid 1980s WWF programming. I would fast forward through scenes there. I did the same in the years after that, and throughout the Attitude Era.

I'm a huge WWE fan and always have been. I can say, though, with all honesty, that I've never thoroughly enjoyed the programming, as in front to back.
WWE is a variety show and it has prided itself on volume, producing hours of original programming pretty much every single week of the year. The cost of their commitment to new programming every week is that with a 3 hour show here and a 2 hour show there and another smaller 1 hour show on their Network (among other occasional events) is that there WILL BE dull, uninteresting and atrocious segments that make you question why you watch the product.

But, like many, over the years there are great matches, great segments, characters and moments that you remember and you look forward to seeing again.

For me, because of YouTube and Internet I can cherry pick what I like in WWE and ignore what I do not.
WWE after Wrestlemania is when things started to get good. Prior to that WWE was taking a nose dive. Post Wrestlemania you got to see Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens, Jericho doing some great work, AJ Styles proving he belongs in the WWE having great feuds with Reigns and Cena, the women removing that "diva" moniker given to them, and of course Seth Rollins returning in peak form.

I mean we went from that atrocious League of Nations angle to what we had after WM32.

Also I think Styles really brought the best in Roman Reigns. Still not a fan but I think his work with Styles was the closest we got from Reigns as a legit main event guy both in his in ring work and promos (now if only he turns heels lol).
If we're talking an extended period of time (such as 2 straight years or longer like the opening post mentions) where I genuinely thoroughly enjoyed BOTH Raw and Smackdown, you would have to go back to August 2006 until about July 2009, right when they began having the guest host idiocy and celebrities from outside WWE were brought in as GM for the night. I hated that garbage so much. After a year of that nonsense it got better again until the brand split ended in 2011. Raw got more exciting with everyone appearing on it and the aftermath of CM Punk's pipebomb promo, but that's just Raw. Smackdown at this time began dying a slow painful death for the next few years until just this summer, when the brand split was brought back. The product still entertained me from 2011 onward, yet it was only on Raw's side of things. Smackdown for multiple years was a waste of time unless you were bored. Right now both shows are the most interesting they've been in over 7 years. That's saying a lot.
I don't dislike either RAW or SD and have hopes the product will improve when the next round of NXT talent arrives on the main roster for I'm hoping for example Nakamura renews his program with AJ. I am hoping for another shuffle of talent for the divas division on SD is really thin and could see Cena return to RAW with perhaps Seth Rollins going to SD for the fans win with a program of AJ vs Rollins. I'd love to see Raw become a two hour program on TV with a third hour if they had to have one be on the WWE network.
If I wasn't currently enjoying it I wouldn't be dedicating 5 hours of my week to the shows. Sure, there are some shitty chunks here & there, & plenty of stuff I wish they'd change about the shows, less GM's & Commissioners would be the big one at the moment, but overall I enjoy the product. There is so much other stuff out there to watch that if I ever stop getting any enjoyment I will drop RAW & SD! & watch that instead.
Well, color me surprised. I honestly didn't expect many people to name right now as a time period in which they get ardent joy out of the product considering most of the stuff I read on this site, but there it is. Just to clarify, I don't hate the current product, but I do think 70-75% of the content is ultimately useless as it's rarely used to drive any sort of point home. There's also problems like 50/50 booking, a gigantic lack of depth in regards to character development, and a lack of fluidity and logic in terms of story-line progression that make it difficult for me, personally, to really get sucked into the product.

Also, I give a lot of props to the people who actually watch the shows live, especially in regards to Raw. I imagine you would HAVE to enjoy it to watch it for 3 hours every week.
I stopped watching in early 2006. I considered it unwatchable. Still watched mania each year and put on raw maybe 3/4x per year. The summer of Punk, I got back into wrestling and started watching regularly.

When raw went to 3 hours, I again stopped regularly watching. Few things of caught my interest since then: the breakup of the sheild and those 3 breaking off into singles, Daniel Bryan's run to the title, and some of the NXT guys coming up.
I don't enjoy Raw anymore. Nowadays the talent is here, but there aren't many stars. The main problem is the booking. Look at last Monday's Raw for an example. After a decent opener between Rollins and Rusev, this happened:

- Braun Strowman squash - We've seen this on every single Raw for the last two months. Why do I want to see this again?
- Women's tag match - Charlotte won. Again. We haven't had a face women's champion in over 2 years.
- Stephanie promo - Because of course. Stephanie is terrible on the mic and the most annoying character in wrestling.
- Bo Dallas squash - Again I saw this last week. Why do I want to see this again?
- Cesaro vs. Sheamus - This is the 20th time they've fought in the last 3 months. WHY DO I WANT TO SEE THIS AGAIN?

After this I kept watching (more like mess around on my computer and occasionally look up at the TV screen). Jericho's promo was awesome though the 10 man tag was rushed. After this I turned off the show (for literally the first time since I started watching Raw 11 years ago). Sure I wanted to see the Reigns vs. Owens Steel Cage match, but there was TOO MUCH FILLER to get us to that point.

To answer the question, I most enjoyed WWE from 2005-2007 when I was a kid. It's not because I was a kid; it was just much more enjoyable back then. The star power was insane. Raw alone had John Cena, Rob Van Dam, Edge, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Kane, Big Show, Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, and Ric Flair. That is ridiculous. Unfortunately our TV didn't have the channel for Smackdown, but goodness I enjoyed the mess out of Raw.
Every Tuesday night on Smackdown. I get upset when it's over, because I want more. They don't have a bunch of dumb cliffhangers, or weird things done for shock value only that make no sense long term. It's solid storytelling and great performances throughout.
I stopped watching for a few years during rise of Daniel Bryan and The Shield so my answer will be different than most and that answer is never.

I started watching in 02 right at the start of when RAW turned in to the Triple H show and he dominated every aspect of of the show and that got old real quick. I loved Smackdown because of the talent and matches they were putting on with that talent.

They were both ok for a while after that but nothing special really stood out. Then I stopped watching for a while because I was just drained.

After I came back into the fold Raw was pretty decent while Smackdown was a glorified RAW recap show that I stopped watching after a few weeks.

Since the draft though it's been the opposite. Smackdown has entertained me week in and week out since the draft and held my attention the entire 2 hour show. during RAW I find myself doing stuff I need to get done before bed during most of the matches and segments because outside a few things I don't find myself caring what they're doing. It's gotten so bad that after this past Monday I have no plans to watch RAW for the foreseeable future.

so yeah after thinking about it and typing it all out Never is the best answer in my particular case
Well, color me surprised. I honestly didn't expect many people to name right now as a time period in which they get ardent joy out of the product considering most of the stuff I read on this site, but there it is. Just to clarify, I don't hate the current product, but I do think 70-75% of the content is ultimately useless as it's rarely used to drive any sort of point home. There's also problems like 50/50 booking, a gigantic lack of depth in regards to character development, and a lack of fluidity and logic in terms of story-line progression that make it difficult for me, personally, to really get sucked into the product.

Also, I give a lot of props to the people who actually watch the shows live, especially in regards to Raw. I imagine you would HAVE to enjoy it to watch it for 3 hours every week.

It's whole another matter if I watched them LIVE. (I'd still enjoy 75% of Raw, including Bo Dallas and Braun Strowman matches, but the Women's segments and New Day/Enzo&Cass, if I watched LIVE, but the thing is, too many commercials). Smackdown I can still watch LIVE.

But if you download/DVR the shows, Raw is 2.10 hrs long, and I skip the Women's matches and may be New Day stuff. I STILL enjoy 75% of the show is what I'm saying, even the old format of Squash and Enhancement matches featuring Bo Dallas and Braun Strowman, also Jinder Mahal.

SD Live obv, I watch the entire show, may be not the women's matches, and SD Live without the commercials is only 80-85 mins long, right? So.
I "thoroughly enjoy" maybe 10% of what I see on WWE Programming. Color by number matches mixed with juvenile, nonsensical "storylines" that have no meat to them. It's really a chore to even keep watching anymore.
When I was 12. Certainly less discerning back then.

And to add to and follow up on this......as a kid, I basically enjoyed everything to some degree. Obviously had my favorites and not everyone was on the same level, but I found something to enjoy about basically everyone to some degree. Raw was only 1 hour back then and you were excited as hell to get that hour of wrestling. Not like now where you've got almost the entire history of wrestling available for viewing at your fingertips.

Things I enjoy now:
- the wrestling is usually pretty good. So many guys that can go in the ring.
- The rise of so many new stars, that just a few years ago nobody saw being in this position. I think Punk kicked it off and Bryan took it to the next level. Now we've had Balor and Owens and AJ Styles as champions, Sami Zayn has had a solid role at times, Enzo and Cass(I'm not a fan, but good to see some new guys getting a solid push), Ambrose had a world title run. Rollins was the top guy for awhile. For so long they failed to make new stars, and now they are focusing on it.

- Chris Jericho. A legend. A pro's pro. He has been on a roll. Just a pleasure to watch every week during this latest heel run. A guy this deep in his career still going strong....not a common thing anymore.

- The women. Never has the division been this deep. Never has my favorite wrestler on the roster been a woman. Sasha Banks is my current favorite. And honestly, Charlotte has been better than her lately. She's battling Jericho for best mic worker in the company. Alexa Bliss might be my favorite new wrestler on the roster too. Becky can go, Natty can go, Nia Jax is great, Bayley is great, and Nikki Bella is back. Strong division.

- Don't care that I'm going against the grain here, but I still enjoy Stephanie McMahon. Consistently great talker. She's at her best character wise when she's 100% evil(she had such a big role in Bryan getting so over), and she's gotten away from that, but still enjoy her work.

- some of the guys that I had gave up on are coming back strong. Rusev is in a nice place. Sheamus is rock solid in the ring. The New Day are 3 guys I couldn't have cared less about a few years ago and they have had a hell of a run(boring me a bit lately but man were they on a roll for a while).

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