When Sting retires....

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Joker ' Ferreira

Next Cristiano Ronaldo (w/ brains)
We all know its coming soon, and I believe its the best for him, he is not doing anything right now to himself or to TNA.

But the most important thing here is to know who do you think will become the Legend on TNA after Sting has to retire? Knowing Kurt Angle and his character I would say he would be the one to retire Sting if they want to have him end his career pretty much like Flair did it.

There is a problem, and that is that I don't think that if Kurt Angle receives a better offer from WWE he wouldn't jump ship... and without Angle and Sting I don't see Foley doing the same job, hell, Foley should count for 2 wrestlers, he is just too damn fat to continue wrestling.

There are rumours that Sting has his problems with a serious injury on one of his knees and TNA is planning on taking the TNA World HeavyWeigh Championship from him soon, so it might happen before we know it.

So who do you think will lead TNA after Sting is gone?

(this doesn't mean I believe Sting is the top man on the company, I think talking about backstage politics, Booker and Angle pretty much overpass Sting on that matter)
I think what TNA is hoping to do with the Frontline story is to get rid of a lot of the need for the veterans which is a great idea. Veterans like Steiner and Booker and Nash who are very close to the end of their careers can be great assets to the company because they're still big names that people are familiar with and a clean win over any of them is still a big deal. If Styles were to pin two or three Mafia members in a row clean, he'd look like a god. I think your best bets are on Styles and Joe to lead the company which they should have been doing for years now. It's a critical time for TNA as their best draws are on the verge of being done. If the next generation isn't ready, TNA could be in trouble.
I think what TNA is hoping to do with the Frontline story is to get rid of a lot of the need for the veterans which is a great idea. Veterans like Steiner and Booker and Nash who are very close to the end of their careers can be great assets to the company because they're still big names that people are familiar with and a clean win over any of them is still a big deal. If Styles were to pin two or three Mafia members in a row clean, he'd look like a god. I think your best bets are on Styles and Joe to lead the company which they should have been doing for years now. It's a critical time for TNA as their best draws are on the verge of being done. If the next generation isn't ready, TNA could be in trouble.
Yeah, I agree with you.

But you can't have only Joe and AJ Styles teaching the new-comers, they need someone credible enough on the industry to put new up and comers over enough so they can be credible. It's like you saying that Edge and Cena could be, now, the top men in WWE and lead everyone else, they can't, they aren't enough to do it, ok, if you add someone like Angle, Steiner or even Booker T, then you can say that they have the credentials to do it.

And the members of Frontline, they can be talented as all the "veterans" but they don't have enough credit to lead TNA, if you know what I mean.

I do think, that TNA needs for more 5 years someone like Sting to put young people over, and young people I add wrestlers as Joe or Styles, that have the talent but aren't enough over to be the top men on TNA.
Really, the title should be "When Sting retires... and Angle leaves..." but what the fuck, huh?

So, who will be the leader of the company? Well, if we're talking veterans, hmm...

Even if he weren't completely devalued by this point, I don't think Rhino has much left in him. Nash is shit as is, and will only deteriorate as time goes on. Sure, he may find some role in the company but it will be at the sidelines, as a commentator or something like that. Jarrett has shown he still has something in him but he's really lead the company for too long at this point anyway. How much longer will he last at any rate? Christian's gone... probably. Foley ain't getting back into the ring full-time ever again. Booker and Steiner similarly don't have long left. Unless they poach someone from WWE (Jericho?) that well will be pretty run dry.

I'm bored now. Perhaps I will continue this at a later date.
That is why they need Christopher Daniels to come back. A solid heel in his Fallen Angel gimmick to go against AJ Styles.

I couldn't put my money on Joe. He looks sloppy in the ring, out of the ring and is boring at a promo.
Here we go again with Daniels. When has he ever done the Fallen Angel gimmick in TNA anyway? If by gimmick you mean sunglasses and using religion based names for your moves he's done it for years. I have never seen Daniels as anything more than an average mid card worker. He's not bad, but that's all he is: not bad. He's never been a great in ring guy that can tear a house down. Some of his matches entertained me, but for the most part I never sat up and said wow that was great. Daniels could come back and fill a spot, but not a main event spot.
If Sting leaves and Angle walks away TNA will be in real trouble with drawing power.
I think right now the angle they have with the MEM is perfect. It keeps Booker, Steiner, Sting and Nash in the limelight as major draws while being able to really keep their workload down. That is what they need. These guys provide legitimacy while we wait on Styles and Joe to take the ball and run.
I think Styles is one of the top 5 guys in the business really, but dont know if he could carry this company ... without Sting and Angle, I see Jarrett being forced to return and carry his own company again.
If TNA does not get the most out of Sting while they can they are screwed. Without Sting or Angle they have minimal drawing power which is why they need to really rethink this MEM angle and stop making Sting look like such a pussy. By making Sting a legitimate heel, he can put younger faces over and still maintain his drawing power by creating alot of heat by creating a two-man power trip with Angle. Ultimately, you want all of these veterans to be hated by the fans so they will pay to see the new generation attempt to kick their ass. In the end, you'll sell more, be more competitive with WWE and create star when these vets retire. While Sting has always been my favorite wrestler, I fee that his fatal flaw is that his character is not very versatile as he lacks the ability to be both a good heel and a good face. However, that could be because he has the John Cena "syndrome" in which booking is afraid to make him a full face because it might hurt his t-shirts sales with kids. Either way, i would sacrifice apparel sales if in the long run it will improve my ratings and brand exposure by great better matches, storylines as well as helping move mid-carders to main event status.
TNA isn't in trouble by any means.

Sting is retiring soon, if not by this year then by next year. I would assume this year.

Kurt Angle isn't gone yet, he hasn't left yet and he might not be leaving. He could still be big for TNA three, four or five years down the road. TNA is the best place for him anyways.

Christian Cage may or may not have left TNA. The 10% chance that he hasn't could be shown that is still a big part of the roster. But who's left?

Main Eventers
Abyss, AJ Styles, Booker T, Jeff Jarrett, Rhino, Samoa Joe, Scott Steiner
(All the TNA originals have alot left, Rhino could go heel and revitalize his career, Scott Steiner and Booker have a few year and Jarrett has more)

Part Time Main Eventers
Kevin Nash and Mick Foley
(While both can't go full time, both add to the product and help with advertisements. Nash could do something backstage, on commentary or work a few matches with younger guys. Foley could have dream matches with Joe, Abyss or Alex Shelley)

Verge Main Eventers- On the Main Eventer Status Line
Hernandez, James Storm, Matt Morgan, Robert Roode, Nathan Jones, Kaz, Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels
Only a little work is required to get these guys up to main event status. All could be good main eventers for TNA.

Possible Future Main Eventers- More work needs to go into these guys
Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin, Eric Young, Jay Lethal, Lance Rock, Petey Williams
It will take a bit of work to get these guys to main event status, but anything can happen.

Diamonds in the Rough- Main Eventers nobody could have dreamed about
Brother Ray and Brother Devon, Shane Sewell, Brutus Magnus
These guys have alot to prove but who says these guys can't survive at the Main Event level. Brother Ray and Devon's singles run sucked because it wasn't booked strongly. Anyone else could be a Diamond in the Rough.

Three stars that I felt could have been huge for TNA but let the company down, leading to their departures include Judas Mesias, Monty Brown and Tomko, all could be main eventers today.
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