When Should They Slow Down?


Riley Justin
There's a particular trend in the WWE that runs with legends-to-be, such as Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair etc, when they reach a point of their career where their characters kind of mild down due to an overall general acceptance from the audience of which they don't have to try as hard to get over anymore, win titles etc, and they focus on putting over the younger talents - generally making the transition from top star to legend or long time veteran.

This is a phase that almost every long time wrestler takes after spending a good period of time occupying the main event/title scenes. After HBK lost the World title to HHH in 2002, he went on to put over guys like Shelton, Kenndy, Edge etc, taking on the role of a veteran. Post-2002, most newer/younger fans probably wouldn't of known why he was so over, they just went with the buzz and went with his general acceptance. Much can be said about Hogan, Flair (During WWE atleast, although often argued about in TNA). I think that Edge maybe of been a year away from this progress if he hadn't of been forced into retirement.

My question to you now, is when do you think the current top faces are going to begin this process? Obviously it's a process that comes natural over time, and it's a process that most wrestlers that stick around at the top notch level in WWE take, but when do you think that the likes of Cena, Orton, Punk etc will begin to take that step? I think that Punk is the beginning of a new breed of WWE main eventers like R-Truth, Ziggler etc who will begin to dominate the title picture over the next few years. I'm not saying that everyone in the chamber is ready/deserving just yet, but what we're seeing is the passing of the torch between one era of main eventers to the next. This is Cena, Batista, Orton etc passing the torch to Punk, Ziggler and Miz. I think over the next few years we'll see Cena and Orton move onto putting over talents, taking on other top names, but not so much for titles. We've seen in recent months Cena and Orton doing just this, staying out of the title scene, or if they were in the title scene they're trying to make some of the greener guys look good. It's evident that Cena is moving into that phase. As we all remember, last year Cena announced that he was going to defend the title against Rocky, but has clearly backed off the championship. Much can be said of Orton, although I do think that Orton could stick around with the title for longer due to being younger and being a better character to put over the likes of Ziggler and Cody in matches that push each of these guys to the limits, helping to better showcase their potential.

When will Cena and Orton take the transition further? Do you think that if Edge were still around in WWE today that he would be doing the same thing?

Your thoughts?
I think John Cena is already beginning to take that route, he's obviously feuding with Kane, then Rock and after that, could go back into the title picture, or feud with someone else over something Rock related

Orton may head this way soon if his injury problems keep up, if Randy becomes Taker-like in that he can only work half a year, he could slide into Kane's role as the jobber to the stars.

As for who will slide into the title picture, obviously Ziggler, Rhodes, Barrett and Daniel Bryan will hopefully keep themselves in position to take over the main event scene. R-Truth, while hot right now, is 40 years old...the chances of him being in any long term (2+ year) plans is slim to none. No matter how good he is, he's in the same boat as Christian in 2011, very over, but not a long term main event option.

Truth may get a title run as a thank you or he luck his way into one in a triple threat/fatal 4 way match to protect another star and take the fall, but if he holds a world title for more than 3 weeks, I will be shocked

All in all, guys tend to slow down after 3-5 years in the main event scene

Hart was 92-97
HBK was 96-98 and 02-04
Austin was 98-99, 00-01
Rock was 98-01, part time from Invasion angle on
Angle was 2000-06, look what that did to him in terms of drugs
HHH was 2000-01, 02-05, took a back seat for DX reunion 1, 08-10
Lesnar was 02-04
Eddie was 04
JBL was 04-05
Batista was 05-10, but he missed how much time due to injury...
Cena 05-12....he's an oddity
Edge was 05-11, but he too missed a ton of time to injury
Taker as well, constant main events when he needed to be, trailed off a lot
Orton 04, 08-12, lots of injury breaks

basically the shelf life is 3-5 years of performing in main events before injury or age derails you
I think John Cena is already beginning to take that route, he's obviously feuding with Kane, then Rock and after that, could go back into the title picture, or feud with someone else over something Rock related

Orton may head this way soon if his injury problems keep up, if Randy becomes Taker-like in that he can only work half a year, he could slide into Kane's role as the jobber to the stars.

As for who will slide into the title picture, obviously Ziggler, Rhodes, Barrett and Daniel Bryan will hopefully keep themselves in position to take over the main event scene. R-Truth, while hot right now, is 40 years old...the chances of him being in any long term (2+ year) plans is slim to none. No matter how good he is, he's in the same boat as Christian in 2011, very over, but not a long term main event option.

Truth may get a title run as a thank you or he luck his way into one in a triple threat/fatal 4 way match to protect another star and take the fall, but if he holds a world title for more than 3 weeks, I will be shocked

All in all, guys tend to slow down after 3-5 years in the main event scene

Hart was 92-97
HBK was 96-98 and 02-04
Austin was 98-99, 00-01
Rock was 98-01, part time from Invasion angle on
Angle was 2000-06, look what that did to him in terms of drugs
HHH was 2000-01, 02-05, took a back seat for DX reunion 1, 08-10
Lesnar was 02-04
Eddie was 04
JBL was 04-05
Batista was 05-10, but he missed how much time due to injury...
Cena 05-12....he's an oddity
Edge was 05-11, but he too missed a ton of time to injury --
Taker as well, constant main events when he needed to be, trailed off a lot
Orton 04, 08-12, lots of injury breaks

basically the shelf life is 3-5 years of performing in main events before injury or age derails you

Hart was 92-97 -------- 5 years
HBK was 96-98 and 02-04 ---- HBK worked as a true main eventer for the rest of his career. In Multipule title matches including the main event of wrestlemania in 07, his matches with taker and ric flair at wrestlemania were either show closers or considered main events -- and in 95 he was main event of WM but anyway... 13 years
Austin was 98-99, 00-01 --- He did alot of main events in 97 and 96.. including winning the royal rumble 97, main events on ppv named after him against Undertaker and 2 famous matches against bret. -- 5 years
Rock was 98-01, part time from Invasion angle on - Sure he left... but for greener pastures. The Rock is not an example that supports your arugement.
Angle was 2000-06, look what that did to him in terms of drugs -- 6 years. But in fairness he is a main eventer in pro wrestling still. So - 2000-2012 -- 12 years.
HHH was 2000-01, 02-05, took a back seat for DX reunion 1, 08-10 ---- More number fudging... HHH won first title in 99.. HHH was in the main event of wrestlemania for the wwe title in 2006... he also had wwe title runs on smackdown in 08.. at WORST - 1999-2009 - 10 years.
Lesnar was 02-04 - He would still be going - 2 years.
Eddie was 04 - .............
JBL was 04-05 - lol he only quit because he didnt want to go back down the mountain... Wierd example... he hardly changed his workstyle and became a guy who needed to "slow down". I dont think you should seperate his ME time as it was so short. (less that 20% of his wwe career time)
Batista was 05-10, but he missed how much time due to injury... --- He's was old... 5 years
Cena 05-12....he's an oddity - Seems like hes kinda not. - 7 years
Edge was 05-11, but he too missed a ton of time to injury - So So So incorrect to start counting Edges injuries from here. from 99-02 all this guy did was tlc. 6 years. Can easily count his non main event time as a time he worked equally as hard. 6 years or 12 years.
Taker as well, constant main events when he needed to be, trailed off a lot sure what ever...... 91-2012 --- at worst 96-2007. 21 years, at worst 11.
Orton 04, 08-12, lots of injury breaks orton was WM main event in 06... so your peroid of "non main eventing" makes no sense. 2004-2012 - 8 years

If you change the numbers to suit your arguement then sure. You're right.
Orton and Cena are nowhere near that age. I mean, Jesus Christ, Orton doesn't turn 32 until April. He's in the absolute prime of his career.

When should he start slowing down? Oh, I don't know... ten years from now. How's that? If the IWC had its way, wrestlers wouldn't be around longer than three years, that's how insane this has become.
They should slow down when their bodies force them to, no earlier. If you can go, you can go. In fact, most of the guys on that list slowed down because injuries took their toll, not because it's part of some natural progression of being a main-eventer. I will take Nick's point even further...if he is still in good physical condition ten years from now, he shouldn't slow down even then, at age 42.

Hell, Most of Ric Flair's legendary feud with Sting that stretched out over a decade occurred after his 42nd birthday. Ric Flair was 42 in 1991, and was an integral part of WCW for another 9 years until WCW was gone. Flair stayed in excellent physical shape, and as a result, was able to still compete at the highest levels for a long time after his so-called prime.

As long as your body is in good shape, and as long as the fans still care about what you are doing, there is no reason to slow down. At all.

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