When Shawn Michaels retires from the ring...


WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
...could anyone see him go to commentary?

When he did the commentary stints around the end of his first run, he did a pretty awesome job, he's certainly a guy who could fill Jerry Lawler's position (when the time comes for him to step down). He would be able to sell the matches well, especially well.

What do you think? HBK for commentary?
Definitely! He was pretty good on the desk. But, that was the old HBK that would say anything that Vince wanted him to say. Now, HBK has rules and standards so he would be a little less edgy. Lawler, very well would like to do more in Memphis and is probably ready to step away but it's a pretty sweet gig so he'll stick around. Not only would the physical demand be down but the travel schedule would be lighter for HBK, who is a father of 2. I will admit that I will miss him in the ring when he decides to go.
This is a very interesting question. I wonder if HBK could be like a Gorilla Monsoon and do play by play rather than color. As stated earlier, HBK has standards now, so he probably wouldn't be edgy like most color men. With that being said, maybe HBK, given the right color guy to work with, could takeover for good ol JR as the voice of the WWE( because even though I'm not a Cole hater, he just doesn't have that quality ).
I honestly think I could more easily see him go the Pat Patterson way and be involved behind the scenes with creative. He likes the lighter schedule and it'd be easier for him to be with his wife and kids. Shawn is a family man before he's a wrestler, and, if he stays with the company, he would go behind the scenes to help out when the other HOFers leave completely. I would see Jericho doing commentary though, he seems to love the business with a passion and I think with his mic skills he'd be excellent at color commentary.
He did this back in the mid 90s during an injury and he was excellent. He'd be a fine replacement for Lawler as his heyday was almost thirty years ago. Shawn is familiar to the fans, he knows his stuff, he has a good voice and he's funny. He would definitely be a great analyst. Put him on the mic and imagine some of the stories he could tell during down time. Could be great. Solid idea.
I missed HBK's first stint behind the desk, but I have never been a fan of his mike work, I would much rather have JBL back behind the mic. Or like Muxiroger said, jericho would do a fantastic job. Let hbk work behind the scenes!
Shawn michaels will never retire!!! hahaha j/k. it will be a sad day when he does hough. I could definitley see him soing some ommentary, either as the play by play guy or the color commentator. That would defintley keep me watching werestling and I'm sure he would make s laugh.
Am I the only one who would love you see him go into a GM type role? Just imagine, him messing with people, but making the best matches for the fans at the same time. Also, he could then one day do the whole Heel against authority angle with somebody like Chris Jericho...
He did a good job when he was commissioner, and I'd love to see him stay on television every week, but I just don't think he'll do it. He may just get the legend contract and appear once every few months on raw.
He would be one heck of a commentator. He has great mic skills, a knowlage of the ring and he could sell the brutality of a latter match real well.
I'm not sure whether he would want to be on TV still if he is not actually wrestling. I think we would all love to see Shawn on commentary, he has all the right tools to be a good one too. Plus you could imagine the ratings for the show we he would commentate on going through the roof because, well, its Shawn Michaels.
This kept me going through the very lonely 4 years without him due to his injury, which was the worst time in my life. Shawn is great at commentary, he's funny, entertaining and he knows his stuff - a lot better than some of the commentators we have. Plus, because of his experience in the ring and of certain moves, he won't oversell anything which can get annoying.

But the best part of this plan is he'll still be on T.V. after he retires.
The more I think about this, the more i think it won't happen. Shawn is definitely more humble now, but I see him as someone that never really retires. He'll pop in once in awhile and beat someone up while having a return match. I'm sure he can have any job in the company that he wants though. Someone of his star power has a lot to offer to the company. If commentary is what he wants to do that's fine, but I'd rather see him be an occasional wrestler rather than a commentator full time.
Let him do both! Klunder don't spoil my dream. He could totally be a full-time commentator, but every so often have a match with some up and coming dude, or some old-schooler who he could have a great match with. People pay money to see wrestlers who haven't wrestled in a while. That way Vince is happy. And I'm happy, I see him every week, and half naked wrestling every so often. And if I'm happy, and Vince is happy, no one else matters.
this may be a real far out prediction but i can see shawn michaels being vice pres of talent

he trained some of the best wrestlers around today and with his knowledge im sure he would be able to pick talent when he sees it
I think that when HBK retires, he will just retire. I think he's going to be around for a good number of years until finally he leaves WWE and has a relaxing retirement. He can still have his appearances and things like that, but he will want to spend time with his family, because when you are in the WWE you don't exactly have time to spare for them. If he does need to keep something up in WWE, it will be behind the scenes and creative. I just can't see him becoming a commentator.
IF HBK and Jericho were really booking their own feud, then I think HBK should go into creative. I think his voice would get annoying over the course of a two hour show. I think when he gets excited, his voice gets even more gravelly and I thin that it would be too much.

I like HBK. I'm not dissing him because of the multitude of reason people invent to hate on him. I just feel that having him on commentary wouldn't be good.
I remember reading an interview just before Wrestlemania 23 (I think it was, could be wrong) on IGN. He was basically saying that he doesn't see why he couldn't be doing this 5-10 years down the road if he had a lighter schedule.

I remember him doing the commentary for Raw back in 1995 (just before he returned to challenge Jeff Jarrett for the IC title), from what I remember of it I thought he did a good job. I also remember he did a bit of commentary with Kevin Nash during a KOTR match just after he joined the NWO, I can't remember who his opponent was but Booker was in the match and he just did some kind of kick:

Nash - "Gimmick infringment, gimmick infringment!"
HBK - "By God Booker, get your own stuff!"

...well I thought it was funny

When the day comes for HBK to completely "hang 'em up", I actually see him being similar to Ric Flair and not wanting to do any regular manager or commentary stuff, if anything I see him doing the whole agent schtick.
IF this was the HBK from 95-98. He was more blunt back then. I think he could work but I think with the way he is now....it would be Mick Foley all over again. Let him be the GM again.
I think this would be a really neat idea. Shawn did seem to take to the analyst job rather quickly and easily, and he seems to be a natural for it. Maybe when Lawler goes to step down from his post, they could have a match to send them both off. You know, have a career vs career match. Have Lawler accidently hurt by HBK, then Shawn will fill in for him out of guilt. Shawn will grow to love the job, and when Lawler returns, he doesn't want to give it up. So they will have a match where the winner will be the analyst for Raw and the loser is fired. Makes one wonder.....I'm just saying.
He did do commentary at one point--wen he was supposedly hurt--i think he did pretty good but then again that was the old shawn michaels--but im sure he would be great either way..he is very charismatic
I don't think HBK would ever take a commentary job. i think he would be more suited for a GM role, and if not a GM role then i could see him being a big part of the creative team. i'm saying this because of his vast years of in ring experience as well as his past experiences with his role in DX. i think he would be well suited for that role and could bring back some much needed entertainment, and lengthy story lines.

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