When/How were you "unmarked"


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I remember when I was a little kid, I always believed wrestling was real. I thought heels and faces were really enemies, and had no idea the moves were choreographed.

Around Wrestlemania 3, I had made a comment to my uncle that I hoped Hogan killed Andre in the ring. My uncle used to wrestle a little, in local gyms and stuff, and he told me about the whole thing, how the faces and heels are really friends, and about moves and storylines and everything. I was about 6 years old or so, and it drove me nuts at first.

Anyway, I'm curious as to when and how you guys stopped being marks, even at a young age.

I think that today even kids are more savvy to what's going on, simply because the business has changed and everything is in the open now. But, when the business was protected, it was harder to learn this stuff.

I heard that in the 50s and 60s, even adults believed it was all real, and any wrestler who broke character could find himself beat down in the parking lot, or even killed. Yes, I've read that, though I doubt how true it is.
This is a cool thread! I watched wrestling as a kid growing up in the 80's and my grandpa would always make sure to let me know that "rasslin' is fake!!" I never really believed him until I was 11 or 12. I wish I could recall what the exact event was that confirmed that grandpa was right, but I can't.
there was some sort of documentery on ABC, I belive it was, that actually revealed how its all done, and the methods they use to do it. I think it was on when I was 12 or 13. bastards.
Wrestlings fake?

I ALWAYS knew wrestling was fake to an extent, but it wasn't till I was in Gr 10 that I knew how bad it really was. Up untill then, I didn't watch, only because I never had TV. But when we finally got it, and I started to watch, I had fun. I knew it was all pre planned, but still. Then, a few days before the Smackdown when Gangrel and Visera appeared with JBL, I stumbled upon a website called "Wrestlezone.com". And on it, they had "Live Smackdown Spoilers". I had NO IDEA before that that Smackdown was taped, and when i read the spoilers, I though "Wow, I wonder if this is actually going to happen?" And sure enough, it did, and from that day on the wrestling world had changed to me.
I still believe wrestling is extremely real, and I tell all my friends its probably more real then anything you will ever watch. The fact people get injured, and do indeed actually get hurt, proves to me it is real. Whether someone wants to tell me its not real because that punch never connected or this person isn't even in real pain, I dont care.
I think I always knew that it wasn't real, but I sort of just let it go and suspended my own disbelief for a long time. The official loss of my mark virginity came before Bash At The Beach 1996 when a friend of mine was sitting at his computer, and said that a site called wrestlezone.com said Hogan would be the third man. That night, my life was changed forever.
I never knew the truth behind pro wrestling until watching the year 2000 documentary that opened my eyes forever...

For me, it was in the mid-90s when The Big Bossman and a few people I remembered seeing in the WWF were different characters in WCW, and vice-versa. It's only natural to assume that it's not all real.

Suspension of disbelief was always fun though, especially when being younger.
I was unmarked years before I ever watched. I was in pre-school when people were telling be about these ridiculous characters of Undertaker and Kane. I refused to accept that such people were real. Years later, I started watching wrestling.

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