When Edge returns, what brand would you like to see him performing on?


Occasional Pre-Show
Now I'm a huge Edge fan, and he's been gone from WWE for months now. There are reports that he might be able to make it back for WM, which I'm sure creative is really hoping for as they want to do the feud with Jericho, but with the seriousness of the injury he suffered, you can never be sure.

My question is this: whether or not Edge can make it back for Wrestlemania, what brand would you like to see him performing on when he comes back?

I'd like to see him return to Smackdown no matter what, and hopefully as a face. Not only is he one of the most important main eventers on that show, but I'd really love to see not only this feud with Jericho play out, but also a future feud with CM Punk, something we've never seen before.

And to defend why I don't think he should come back on RAW, look at it like this: Cena, Orton, Triple H, HBK, Sheamus (unfortunately), and the list goes on...that brand is packed full of main eventers and future main eventers. They don't need Edge, not right now at least.
I think that it would depend on the manner of his return, whether he comes back as a heel or a face. If he was a face then many people would love for him to go to Smackdown for a feud with Chris Jericho, especially since the seeds for their feud have already been planted by Jericho’s harsh words after Edge’s departure. There would also be the possibility for a feud with CM Punk which I would personally be heavily in favour of. After these two the main heel on Smackdown is Batista, who Edge has feuded with at length in the past, though in fairness not with Edge as the face and Batista the heel. If Edge were to return as a heel then the main faces he would be feuding with would be Undertaker, Kane, Matt Hardy and Rey Mysterio, who he has already had substantial feuds with in the past. The only other somewhat high profile would be with John Morrison, but this does not seem enough of a reason to draft him to Smackdown.

On Raw the possibilities for face Edge seem more promising. While Edge has already feuded with Big Show and Orton in the past, he could have possibilities for a feud with superstars such as the Miz, Jack Swagger, either or both members of Legacy and the champ Sheamus. If Edge were a heel then he would most likely end up feuding with Triple H, Shawn Michaels, John Cena or Kofi Kingston, and none of these bar Kingston have the feel of a fresh feud.

It seems that the best and freshest possibilities for Edge lie with returning as a face, he has been a heel for so long that I feel he could benefit greatly from a run as a face. Since he is expected to return before Wrestlemania he could potentially have the best of both worlds, capitalising on the draft shortly after WM. By this I mean he could have his much anticipated feud with Jericho, which would culminate in a match at WM, then get drafted to Raw as a face, to start fresh feuds with the heels on that brand. This is of course assuming that the brands do not get changed around too much, but it is also clear that there are a good number of new contenders for Edge to feud with no matter how much the brands are shaken up after the draft.

So in short, Edge should return as a face and get drafted to Raw after Wrestlemania, unless he is needed too much on Smackdown, in which case some new heel opponents should be transferred over for him to feud with.
Yeah, I would say Smackdown on any circumstances if I'm being honest. I mean, looking at what Edge had accomplished since returning to Smackdown in May 2007, and compare it to what he accomplished in the three years he was on Raw prior to that... there's really not much of a comparison. Considering all that stuff that Chris Jericho had said about Edge, it would make sense that they would remain on Smackdown and fued for a while.

In my opinion, Edge only performed better on Smackdown, than he did Raw. Same could be said about many other superstars belonging to a specific brand.

I don't want to say that Edge should "never" go back to Raw, I just think that Edge should remain on Smackdown for a bit longer. You can have Edge and Chris Jericho fued for a good 2-3 months, and if they can keep it interesting, maybe even longer than that. Then afterwards, Edge or Jericho (maybe both) can go to the Smackdown title scene and see what happens afterwards. Then in the 2011 Draft, Edge goes back to Raw. That's what I would do.
I'd like to see him on Raw, but I'd like to see him feud Jericho first. Smackdown has got enough people around now, that can be called on to challenge, but the Raw main event is down to three for as long as DX are together, which is why we have two heels facing off for the title. I think there needs to be a big shake up generally with the drafts, but right now, I'd put Edge on Raw after he has feuded with Jericho, if everything else had to remain constant.
I would like to see him on Smackdown! so he could feud with Jericho, also then Jericho would stop complaining about him not being with Bigshow...

Well, we're going to assume that he's coming back face, as with every huge return similar to this. Which means the best place for Edge to return would surely be Smackdown. Over on Raw, all the only main event heel right now is Orton. Sheamus is there too, but I don't see an Edge/Sheamus programme working very well. On SD, however he's got Punk and Batista and Jericho. Edge vs Punk or Jericho would be fresh and Edge vs Batista hasn't been done with the roles reversed.

For when he turns heel again, and he will turn heel again, then it gets tougher. I mean, what face hasn't Edge feuded with? Him and Cena has been done to death. As has him and Undertaker. Edge vs Rey isn't exactly fresh either. When he's heel, he'd be better on Raw, he could then take on Triple H in a proper feud that hasn't really been done yet. And he could help Kofi and Dibiase, the next generation of face main eventers.
I would honestly think that he would make the best fit on Raw. He has been on the Smackdown Brand for more than almost two years now. What WWE's smartest choice for Edge is for him to go to Raw and fued with the likes of Shawn Micheals, Kofi Kingston, and eventually The Miz. Because as far as I see, the WWE creative team could only keep him face for a short amount of time only, until he couldn't get over with us, the fans anymore. Although it would be really cool to see the rivalry with Jericho happen, which if he comes back at Royal Rumble i could most definately see happening.
I'd be ok with him going to either Raw or Smackdown.... but I would prefer that Edge returns to Smackdown. Edge has been the face of Smackdown ever since he cashed in MITB on Taker in early 2007. The brand slowly became the "A show" of WWE with Edge on it. It took about a year, but by summer 2008 Smackdown was definitely the "A show", and it still is.

The main event scene is very crowded on Raw, and he would be stuck relying on being "The Ultimate Opportunist" to get title shots and title reigns since Cena, HHH, Orton, HBK, and Sheamus are all main eventing at the moment. I would SO mark out if he reformed Rated RKO with Orton.... He could feud with Orton or Sheamus if Edge is face.... Cena, HHH, or HBK if Edge is heel, but other than HBK all those have been done recently.

On Smackdown however.... if he returns as a face (which I am almost positive he will, for the Jericho feud) then he has Jericho, Batista, McIntyre, and Punk to feud with. That's almost enough to keep him busy feud-wise until Summerslam and it would make for some memorable feuds, even Batista because the roles would be reversed from last time. Even if he returned as a heel he still has Taker, Morrison, and Mysterio. Most of those have been done, but could be done again.

I think the best scenario would be if Edge returns to Smackdown as a face because he is the face of Smackdown and has so many potentially great feuds waiting for him if he returns as the top face rather than a heel.
Edge is currently still on smackdown. i mean hes injured obviously but hes still on their roster. so i think its highly likely he'll return to smackdown because like u said, the seeds for a fued with jericho have been planted.
Smackdown, maybe until the next draft. They should go through with the Jericho fued. Then maybe during the draft assuming he'll be a face for while, they could get one of the boring faces off of Raw and put Edge back there to hopefully create some news fueds, or stuff we haven't seen for a while. Either way after the draft, I'd like to see him end up on the same brand as Christian.
i think whichever brand Edge returns on 2 things are almost certain;

1. He will be face even if only for a very brief time
2. after his intial return hype dies down and match with Y2J is over and done with the WWE will want to reunite him with Cristian for the simply reason that they can plug one of the most sucsesful tag teams of all time on every poster for every PPV for the next 6 months pulling and entirly new DX style hype

i think he will return on Smackdown as they have much less star power than Raw this combined with the face smackdown has kind of become Edge's show in the past few years he & taker ater the poster faces of the brand i do think Edge returnning on Raw would be better though there is simply much mre possiblity for big time storys with Miz Swagger, Big Show, Kofi, Legacy he could really help push some of the young talent along not to say that Edge's day at the top of the mountian are over far from it is see at least 2 more lengthy title reigns ahead for the rated r superstar. whatever happens cant wait to see E&C ride again hopefully for the benifit of those with flash photography we'll get a 5 second pose!!!
I think Edge is coming back to Smackdown as a face. The crowd's gonna pop big time when his music hits, so combine that and the fued with Jericho that we're all anticipating, Smackdown seems to be it. Plus, the matches and fueds he could have on Smackdown are way more interesting, in my opinion, than what he'd do on Raw. Edge could face, Punk, Jericho, Batista, even Ziggler or McIntyre. I'd love to see Edge vs Punk. Rated R vs Straightedge. The promos these two could have would be awesome. Same could be said for Edge and Jericho too. On Raw, Edge vs Orton intrigues me, but that's about it. So, i see him coming back to Smackdown as really, it's become his show over the past few years.
I want to see him come back to Smackdown as a face and face Chris Jericho at Wrestlemania. Don't you guys remeber a year or two ago when the storyline of Edge with Vickie was still going on and Smackdown had both the WWE and World Heavyweight title? Then Edge came to Raw and before C.M. Punk cashed in the Money in the Bank he said that he was never come back to Raw again. So I guess that means that he will stay on SD.
Edge would have to be on the Smackdown brand because he would have to feud with Jericho, recapture the WHT, and take Taker's spot as the face of SD when he supposedly retires at WM. There is no reason at all for Edge to go to Raw or ECW.
Edge should stay on Smackdiwn because I like him more when he is on smackdown. Now I wouldn't mind if he went to RAW but someone good had better come to SMACKDOWN when the draft comes so I think EDGE should stay on SMACKDOWN for now and really it wouldn't make any sice to go to WWECW
How about if he gets into a mixed tag program with Eve Torres? They could call the team Adam and Eve!

Their impact would extend to biblical proportions.:worship:


Seriously, though, I think he belongs on Smackdown when he returns. The impending feud with Jericho is too attractive to miss. Plus, Edge holds court over Smackdown in a way he never did on RAW. He always seems to be the leader of the band on this show.

Speaking of which, it's interesting how other performers lose their appeal to WWE management when they're injured too often. Scott Steiner comes to mind; they may have liked his ring performance, but the tremendous amount of time he had to take off for injuries limited his push..... WCW, WWE and even TNA knew they couldn't depend on him to stay healthy.

Well, this has never applied to Edge, has it? The man has had an unbelievable amount of time away from the active roster, yet the bosses can't wait to push him to the moon each time he gets back.

Edge is a proven, time-tested talent if there ever was one.
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