When and where should Smackdown air?

When and where should Smackdown air?

  • Fridays on a broadcast station

  • Fridays on a cable station

  • Thursdays on a broadcast station

  • Thursdays on a cable station

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Pre-Show Stalwart
I see that there has been some debate about if Smackdown should be moved back to its original air date on Thursdays nights. Some have argued that moving it to Thursday nights would increase the ratings as more people stay home and watch television on Thursdays than Fridays. Well what about another factor? MyNetwork TV isn't exactly the best television station, it doesn't reach many places and the station ratings are quite low even though it's a broadcast network. So the question is should Smackdown change air dates and/or television station?

Personally I want to see SD back on Thursdays and it change stations. Sadly I can't think of another broadcast station that would air SD besides MyNetwork TV except Ion, which has even less viewers. Do you think airing SD on a cable station would be better?
smackdown should be moved to usa and be on thursdays. what does usa show on thursdays anyway?? it cant be anything too amazing. smackdown would get many many more viewers. i rarely watch it because its on fridays and a move to thursday would help alot. also they could get rid of superstars because its basically a pointless show.
No, I think that it is perfectly fine where it is. MyNetworkTV definitely needs help, and Smackdown! definitely can not be on cable TV. It will get even less viewers.

One thing that might help Smackdown! is going on FOX, but MyNetworkTV is relate to FOX in a way, anyway.
i really think Smackdown could be the more edgier programming, which it was when Punk was running the show over summer, why not a move to FX on Thursdays and become the attitude era show, while Raw can be the PG programming

probably a terrible idea, but a boy can wish
I always did like Smackdown better on Thursdays personally. I have no problem with Smackdown on Fridays, but I just always liked Thursdays better. However, switching Smackdown to a cable station would be a horrible idea, in my opinion. I say that for the fellow people who do not have cable. A person who is cable-less will only be able to watch "Tribute to the Troops" and "Saturday Night's Main Event", that's only if they're lucky. I find it as a bad idea. In my opinion, if Smackdown was meant to be affiliated, it would be from the start.
I think SD should move back to thursdays. And be on a network like NBC, NBC already broadcasts the Tribute To The Troops shows, plus they said they wanted wrestling programs on their network more so why not....Smackdown get higher ratings and Vince more money. Screw MyNetwork TV, they most likely gonna go down in a few years anyways cause the station sucks. They seen their better days when it was WB station. But thursday nights SD needs to move back to on NBC from 9 to 11.
I'd love for Smackdown to go back to Thursdays, and I hated when it moved from the CW to MyNetworkTV. The only problem is that Superstars airs Thursday nights; I'd say WWE should trash ECW (it hasn't really been extreme in ages, and Tommy Dreamer leaving should spell the end of this brand as he was the last original left that actually wrestled on it), expand the rosters on their two remaining brands, and move Superstars to Sunday nights or something. Then Smackdown could be moved to Thursday, and we'd have Raw on mondays, Smackdown on Thursdays and Superstars on Sundays, which in my opinion is a nice weekly balance of wrestling.
Fridays is a bad television day, and Smackdown should avoid it. Moving it to Thursdays puts it in direct competition with TNA, and does have the potential to force TNA to retreat elsewhere, which would be an added bonus to the move. The day is onto a winner immediately in terms of audience potential.

As for the channel, whichever has the most viewership. These days, most people have cable television, and the broadcast channel that Smackdown is on has limited exposure. The WWE should basically take the most watched option with whoever wants it. If they acheive that, then they are on to a winner.
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