WHCW World Heavyweight Championship Wrestling

The Other Hardy Brother

Occasional Pre-Show
Backstory: One night I was sitting in my living room watching Monday Night Raw. I thought to myself after the show was over, man that was terrible. What has wrestling become? The show was so childish I felt too old to be watching it. I went to sleep that night and dreamed of owning my own wrestling promotion. The characters were edgy and the promos weren't scripted. Everything felt cool and it seemed like the kind of show adults would enjoy. When I awoke the next day I realized this dream could become a reality. I quickly called a friend I knew a fellow wrestling fan who was attending a wrestling school in Florida called the Team 3D Wrestling Academy. I told him about my dream and my idea to create an edgier promotion for adults and he pitched it to Team 3D who had been in the original ECW. They were retired now and weren't interested in wrestling but they were interested in helping fund this new promotion as well as provide talent from their school to give the promotion young wrestlers and to give the young wrestlers a chance to wrestle for a legitimate promotion. We started doing independant shows out of the gym the school was held in and the rest would be history.


Compo Zition
High Trails
Mount Dewey
"The Ironman" Tony Stark
Jerome Cage
Peter Stewart
Jack Ward

Founder: Jacob Goodnight
Head Bookers: Brother Ray, Brother Devon, Jacob Goodnight
President: Brother Ray
Vice President: Brother Devon


WHCW Championship: Vacant
WHCW Tag Team Championships: Vacant
WHCW Hardcore Championship: Vacant
WHCW Show Number One: The Beginning of an Era​

Arena: Gold's Gym Orlando Fl.
Attendance 200 people


8 Man One Night Single Elimination Tournament to Crown WHCW first ever Champion.

Compo Zition vs High Trails

Mount Dewey vs Rumor

"The Ironman" Tony Stark vs Jerome Cage

Peter Stewart vs Jack Ward
WHCW First Show at the Gold's Gym in Orlando Florida​


Team 3D walks down to the ring and steps in between the ropes. They say hello to the crowd before welcoming the founder of WHCW down to the ring Jacob Goodnight.


Jacob Goodnight walks down to the ramp and high fives a few fans on the way down. He steps in between the ropes and takes the microphone from Brother Ray.

Jacob Goodnight: Hello how is everyone tonight? Pretty good crowd we have here tonight. Well I hope everyone enjoys themselves tonight. We have a great group of young up and coming wrestlers here who are ready to entertain you all. Your going to be the first ones to see these guys wrestle professionally so I hope you enjoy yourselves. Everyone have a good night.

Jacob leaves and heads to the back, Brother Ray picks the microphone up and says let's get this show on the road bring down a referee. A referee comes down to the ring and steps in between the ropes then the first theme song plays for Compo Zition.


Ring Announcer: Making his way to the ring from Orlando Florida, Compo Zition!

Compo Zition is an odd character, he is dressed in all black, a black long sleeved shirt,long black wrestling tights, black boots, black gloves, and a black mask. All of his clothing has white tribal markings on them and he is carrying a small composition book very close to his chest. He gets in the ring and sets the notebook in the corner. The ring girl tries to pick it up and he snaps at her and starts yelling in African at her to drop it. She does and he gets on his hands and knees and crawls over to the book he holds it close to his face and closes his eyes till the next superstars music plays breaking his focus and causing him to put the book down and stand up to stare down the ramp at his opponent.


Ring Announcer: and his opponent from Orlando Florida, High Trails!

High Trails has a green t-shirt with a Marijuana Leaf on it, short green wrestling tights, and green boots. He has a joint in his hand although it is not lit. He gets in the ring and pulls a lighter out of his boot he is about to light the joint when Compo Zition clotheslines him and the referee rings for the bell.

Compo Zition vs High Trails​
Compo Zition is mounted over High Trails and is pounding away with closed fists. The referee counts to four and pulls him off. Compo Zition starts yelling at the referee in African and the ref looks a little taken aback. High Trails is up to his feet now and delivers a knee to Compo Zition's midsection. He then grabs his arm and irish whips him against the ropes, he ducks his head for a backdrop but Compo Kicks him in the face instead causing High Trails to grab his face. Compo Zition hits him with a spinning heel kick knocking him down to the mat. Compo Zition goes for the cover but only gets two. Compo sits High Trails up and places his knee in the small of his back he then wrenches back his head by pulling him back by his chin. High Trails is in pain but is able to grab the rope to break the hold, although Compo Zition doesn't let go till the count of four. Once he finally does break the hold Compo Zition pulls him into the middle of the ring and sits him up and applies the same hold again. This time High Trails is able to get out of it by punching Compo Zition in the head multiple times until he finally lets go. Compo is staggered abit from all the shots to the head and gets nailed with a spear knocking all of the wind out of his body. High Trails goes for the cover and gets a near fall but Compo just got the shoulder up at two. High Trails puts Compo in a Boston Crab and sits back causing extreme pressure to his back. But Compo is able to slowly pull himself to the ropes. High Trails breaks at four then pulls Compo right back into the middle of the ring to apply the hold again but Compo kicks him off sending him against the ropes and catches him in an inside cradle for the three count.​


Winner by pinfall: Compo Zition

After the match High Trails is visibly upset that he lost and is staring at Compo Zition who is in the corner holding his notebook to his face again. High Trails asks what he is doing and Compo Zition just yells back at him in African. High Trails snatches away Compo Zition's notebook and opens it which prompts Compo Zition to snap and tackle High Trails to the mat they start brawling and security has to come out and seperate them. They finally are able to but High Trails runs off with Compo's notebook so Compo runs after him!

Ring Announcer: The next contest is set for one fall.


Ring Announcer: Making his way to the ring from Orlando Florida, Mount Dewey!

Mount Dewey has a Mountain Dew T-Shirt and Mountain Dew boxers on. He is extremely fat he is balding and doesn't even look like he is young enough to even be in a wrestling school. He grabs the mic when he gets in the ring.

Mount Dewey: Hi guys! How many of you guys play World of Warcaraft?

Noone raises their hand.

Mount Dewey: What?! Your all losers because you don't play World of Warcraft. It's a great game, sometimes you can just stand in a field and kill boars for hours.

Mount Dewey is interrupted by his opponents music.


Ring Announcer: His opponent from Orlando Florida, Rumor!

Rumor has a white t-shirt with a ? on it on. His tights are blue and they also have a white ? running down the leg. His boots are white. He has short spiky black hair.

Mount Dewey vs Rumor​
Dewey picks Rumor up as soon as the bell rings and applies a bear hug. Rumor smacks his hands against Dewey's ears making his ears ring and forcing him to break the hold. He then dropkicks him in the kneecap forcing him to go down to one knee and hits a DDT. He goes for the cover but gets thrown off after two. Rumor bounces off the ropes and is met with a vicious clothesline that turns him inside out. Dewey sets him up for a powerbomb but Rumor counters it into a Tornado DDT. Rumor heads up to the top rope and connects with a frog splash for a near fall. Rumor heads back up to the top rope and attempts a shooting star press but Dewey rolls out of the way and then bounces off the ropes and hits a big splash crushing him for the three count.​


Winner by pinfall:Mount Dewey

Mount Dewey gets a mountain dew from a vendor to celebrate and opens it up and drinks it while laughing at Rumor who is laying in the ring clutching his ribs in pain. Dewey pours the beverage on Rumor and walks up the ramp. The trainers come out and help Rumor to the back.

We are going to take a ten minute intermission we will be right back.

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