RWF - Revolution Wrestling Federation


WWE Historian
Please Note: Wrestlers are being used from the past and present and will be featured in there prime not as 60 year old hasbeens

Figurehead: President Jack Tunney


Triple H
Randy Savage
Honky Tonk Man
Jake Roberts
Mr. Perfect
John Cena
Randy Orton
Owen Hart
Ric Flair
Eddie Guerrero
Santino Marella
William Regal
Ted Dibiase
John Morrison
The Miz

Bret Hart
Hulk Hogan
Matt Hardy
Jeff Hardy
Rey Mysterio
Chris Benoit
Bubba Ray
Shannon Moore


Paul Bearer
Miss Elizabeth
Bill Alfonso
Bobby Hennan
Dave Taylor

Commentary: Jesse Ventura and Jim Ross
Backstage Interviews: Sean Mooney
Ring Announcer: Howard Finkel
Referees: Teddy Long, Earl Hebner, Nick Patrick, Mike Chioda, and Charles Robinson

RWF Heavweight Championship: Vacant
RWF Tag Team Championship: Vacant
RWF TV Title: Vacant

TV Schedule

Friday Night 8PM on Fox: RWF Wrestling

PPV Schedule

Jan: Winter Wasteland Special Theme: Two Ring Double Cage elimination match featuring 10 wrestlers winner gets a title shot at Madness

March: Madness Special Theme: Gimmick Matches

May: Memorial Mayhem Special Theme: Tournament for Memorial Cup

July: Too Hot For TV Special Theme: takes place outdoors

September: Patriot Games: Special Theme: takes place on Patriot Day

November: Black Wednesday: Special Theme: Team Matches that take place Thanksgiving Eve
Interesting roster. I hope you really know your stuff, or you're going to have a ton of problems writing shows for a roster like that.

I like the mix of classics, and newer guys. You should check out my roster :)

Good luck!
Your roster looks pretty good man. I'm impresed. I hope you know your stuff & know how to write matches cause if you don't, then your most likely gonna have a shit load of problems writing matches & developing storylines with the strong roster that you have.

The mixture between the relatively new guys & classic guys are great. You should definitely take a look at my roster for any tips or advice on who else you want to use for your promotion.

Good luck & I will be tuning in to see what you can do with this.
Thanks for the input guys. The show should be up tonite, but it will be a little different than what most would expect. The beef of the match will be left out and it will mainly focus on the storylines. Only reason I'm doing this is because I am short on time that I have to put into this. There will still be the matches and play by play but I'm not going to get into theme music and an actual intro for the show. Anyone that feels they would like to give any suggestions or help may pm me this way the thread does not get cluttered
RWF debut show

President Jack Tuney is in the ring to announce that there will be 3 tournaments to decide each of the championships in the RWF, with them to conclude at Memorial Mayhem.

Jesse Ventura and JR run down the card for tonite which includes

RWF Tag Tourny First Round

Kane and Taker w/ Paul Bearer vs Primo and Carlito

MVP and Ric Flair vs The Dudleys

RWF TV Tourny First Round

Randy Savage w/ Miss Elizabeth vs Steve Austin

Jake Roberts vs Sting

RWF Title Tourny

Triple H vs Bret Hart

The Rock vs Batista

Jesse: Looks like an excellent card for tonite, hopefully these people are smart enough to realize it
JR: Well id bet my sooner ass they are, just remember Jess these fans are the ones that pay your salary
Jesse: Enough about the fans heres the first match

RWF title tournament
Triple H vs Bret Hart

Good slow building back and forth match. End sees Bret with Triple H in the sharpshooter, Owen comes down and distracts the ref. Bret releases sharpshooter to go chase Owen. Bret fails to make it back by the 10 count. Allowing triple h to advance

Triple H is in the ring celebrating and posing

JR: Now he can't be proud of that he didnt even beat the man
Jesse: It doesnt matter JR he advances in the tournament, he has every right to be proud

RWF Tag Tournament
Kane and Taker w/ Paul Bearer vs Primo and Carlito

Match sees Kane and Taker try to use their power to take care of the colons. Paul tries to distract primo so he delivers a splash onto him which draws the attention of kane and taker. Carlito sneaks up and hits the backstabber on taker for the win

The Colons retreat to the back knowing that they picked up a lucky win

Jesse: The Colons can't be proud of that win JR
JR: Certainly they can they won the match fair and square
Jesse: Well than Triple H can be proud of his too. He beat Hart as much as the Colons beat Kane and Taker
JR: Ok Jess you just keep thinking like that

RWF TV Tournament
Randy Savage vs Austin

Slow and methodical match between two masters of ring psychology. Savage goes for double axe handle smash which Austin counters into a stunner for the win. Savage blames Elizabeth for the loss as they walk to the back

JR: Now thats uncalled for, she didnt do anything
Jesse: The woman shouldnt be out there in the first place she should be in Savage's kitchen
JR: Folks I apologize for the comments of my partner
Jesse: Theres no need to apologize Ross, I'm simply stating a fact that she has no business being out here, she doesn't even try to help her man win a match

Backstage Sean Mooney Interviews MVP and Ric Flair
Sean: Well I'm here with the unusual pairing of MVP and Ric Flair
MVP: What do you mean unusual Mooney? I'm the highest paid superstar in the history of this business and now I've paired myself with the richest guy in the business to show me how to live in style
Flair: See Mooney, look at how we dress. Our socks probably cost more than everything you got on. And after this tournament, not only will we have the money, but we will have the gold WOOOO!!

RWF Tag Tourny

MVP and Flair vs Dudleys
MVP and Flair work surprisingly well as a team and using every dirty trick to outsmart the Dudleys and advance in the tournament

JR: Wow those damn Dudleys are out of the running you have to figure that puts MVP and Flair as the favorites of this thing now
Jesse: they were my favorites all along

RWF TV Tourny
Jake Roberts vs Sting

Anytime Sting tries getting the upper hand Jake slithers out of the ring seemingly to take a breather, but it is merely a ruse as he hits the ddt on Sting to the concrete floor and rolls him in for the win

JR: Stings skull may be broken we need some help out here
Jesse: Thats what happens when you play with a snake JR, you get hurt

Backstage Sean Mooney Interviews Batista
Sean: Batista will this finally be the time that you can recapture the title that has seemingly eluded you for the past year
Batista: You know Sean I try not to think about it too much but its always in the back of my mind because I have had so many chances at it and yet it seems like something always comes up. This time though things will be different and I will come out on top
Sean: Your facing the Rock tonite, any thoughts?
Batista: He's just another thing trying to get in my way but if he knows whats good for him he will get out of my way

RWF Title Tourny
The Rock vs Batista

Match starts with Batista just dominating the Rock. End sees Rock reverse Batista bomb into ddt and hit the people’s elbow for the win. Batista shows anger as he realizes that he keeps coming up short when going for the title

Jesse: looks like Batista didnt give the Rock enough credit and now he paid for it
JR: Well you can bet that Batista is just going to keep coming for that title

Quick Recap

Triple H def. Bret Hart by count out

The Colons def. Kane and Taker

Steve Austin def. Randy Savage

MVP and Ric Flair def. The Dudleys

Jake Roberts def. Sting

The Rock def. Batista
Official Preview for RWF Wrestling this Friday at 8pm

Rey Mysterio vs Eddie Guerrero

RWF Tag Tourny First Round

Edge and Christian vs JTG and Shad

Miz and Morrison vs Hardys

RWF TV Tourny First Round

Mr Perfect vs Jericho

Ted Dibiase vs Chris Benoit

RWF Title Tourny First Round

Owen Hart vs HBK

John Cena vs Hogan

Due to President Obama's speech, RWF wrestling will be seen tomorrow night at 8pm. RWF wrestling will be back in its normal Friday night timeslot next week.

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