What's your guilty pleasures?

You mentioned the Corrs. I'm not sure I wanna know the rest...

The Corrs are talented, and the sisters are beautiful. What's not to like? Seriously, I'm an open book on the forums. I have no guilty pleasures, as that indicates being ashamed of ones taste. If you enjoy something, why should you hide it?
-zoo weekly magazine
-downloading, i am always downloading something and it always bites me in the ass, i have been capped for the last week:(
The Corrs are talented, and the sisters are beautiful. What's not to like? Seriously, I'm an open book on the forums. I have no guilty pleasures, as that indicates being ashamed of ones taste. If you enjoy something, why should you hide it?

Yeah I know, it's just, I figured at least one of them would be dead by now. Meh, as long as they don't make another album and don't sour the success that they made in the beginning, I'm not bothered.
Sharon and Caroline both have hinted at a new record. They pretty much guaranteed it would be a return to Forgiven, Not Forgotten and Talk on Corners. I am officially geeking over this.
Sharon and Caroline both have hinted at a new record. They pretty much guaranteed it would be a return to Forgiven, Not Forgotten and Talk on Corners. I am officially geeking over this.

If they look the same as they did in the 90's, boycott them I shall.

The Corrs were cool with the Irish thing, but then Sinead O' Connor was Irish AND trolled the Pope (not the black one). So my mind's still undecided.
Twilight books are fail. They have no literary value and are nothing but one big Mary Sue experiment by the writer. Her main character is almost an exact description of herself for fuck's sake. The books are nothing but an attempt to harness every girl's want to be loved by a man unquestioningly, and to have him never leave. An attempt that is horribly, horribly written.

Also...Disney movies horrible? Fuck you all. The Lion King is better than most motion picture releases this year.
As an addendum, if any of you said Nickelback in the 3 pages I refused to read, I will gut you like a fish. Creed will get your head lopped off with a nice big shit from yours truly down your throat. They are musical abominations, and their fans will suffer a fate as worse as they in the bowels of Hell.

Andrea-Most current Pic I could find.


Sharon, as of 2010


Caroline, taken about two weeks after she had her child. I'm sure she's looking in better shape these days, as she just released a solo record not too long ago.

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