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What's your favorite Storyline of all time?

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
I don't think this has been done, probably because of the massive brain cramp it could cause someone, but if it has then feel free to delete or merge this one.

Anyway, all I want to know is what is your favorite storyline of all time? What's the one that you just love watching no matter how many times a promotion does it?

It doesn't necessarily have to be because of a wrestler, nor does it have to necessarily have sentimental value...

For me, it would have to be the Younger Brother stepping out of the shadow of his Older Brother storyline. It's always been one that I just really relate to in life and to see guys like Owen, Kane, and even Christian get the angles where they finally become tired of being second, it's always something that brings a smile to my face.

I mean, to me, Kane has done the most interesting promos in his career and has gotten me on his side more than ever. I'm a huge huge HUGE Taker fan, ever since he debuted literally a month after my bday in WWE, but the way Kane feels like he's always overshadowed by Taker, makes me think of how I used to feel overshadowed by my brother. That's why I'm hoping that (like Owen @ WrestleMania 10) Kane walks out of this rivalry with the win.

So yeah that's mine.
The Ministry of Darkness. I've watched this saga probably 100 times, and it's always pretty sick. Yes it was done poorly near the end, but the possibilities for where it could have gone were endless. Never have I seen the more religious folk so upset as I did during this angle. Plus the Satanic Undertaker was pretty sweet. It's really one of those angles that someone could TRY to re-create, but without 'Taker it wouldn't come close.
I think what the O.P meant was what kind of storyline, not the exact storyline.

I would say the Love Triangle. All through out history we can find cases of two guys, sometimes friends or even brothers fighting over a girl. In wrestling we had Hogan and Savage and the tension with Liz. We had the whole Matt, Kane, Edge, Lita mess. That was both real and kayfabe. Debra McMichale had her whole story with Jarrett and her then husband Mongo. My favorite example of the Love Triangle angle was Kevin Sullavin and Chris Beniot feuding over Nancy.

I think it is something the fans even get involved into.
Well if you're right about style of storyline, and not one particular one..

Invasion. Granted, this has been done horribly a number of times, but when it's done right.. Then it's the #1 thing going at the time. An example of it working would be Nexus. As well as the #1 faction of all time, the N.W.O. I'm not going to go into the times it failed, becuase I'm sure everyone can think of one or two..
My Personal Pick:

Batista vs. Triple H - WrestleMania 21

I'm not a huge fan of either of these two but they knocked out of the park with Ric Flair, JBL and others involvement. To me it was the ultimate storyline in that it made someone a star. Batista was a midcarder who was working as a stables enforcer at the time the Royal Rumble came around. Suddenly he won the event and was built up as an unstoppable babyface, heel bent on beating his former mentor Triple H. It's a case of classic booking down right in many ways, with it elevating Batista and with the older, more experienced guy giving Batista the much needed victory.
My favorite reoccuring storyline is that of someone out for revenge. It can be because of ended relationship, someone costing someone else a match or title, tag partners breaking up, or from an injury. I have always loved the aspect of a wrestler given real life motivation for exacting revenge. Be it Triple H wanted revenge against Orton for taking out the McMahon family, Kane going after Undertaker for burning him and his parents, or The Pope having issues with Mr. Anderson due to being injured by him. I just feel that when a wrestler is given a reason for his actions, one we can either relate to or understand, it makes for far more compelling storylines than something like "I want to prove I'm better than you."
I think my favourite storyline has to be the WWF vs WCW/ECW invasion.

I have always loved the "invasion" type storyline, where a gang of wrestlers gets together to try and take over the organisation, or a new group comes in to try and destroy the company.

Now, I know the WCW invasion in 2001 was botched, and could have been so much better, but it was still pretty sweet. Of course, if stars such as Sting, Goldberg, Steiner etc had been involved it would have boosted the storyline to the next level, but we still had Booker T, DDP etc, who were guys never seen before in WWF. Plus, it brought Sean O'Haire and Kidman to the WWF, who were two of my favourite wrestlers at that point.

BUT, what made it my favourite storyline of all time, was the fact ECW joined the invasion.

Paul Heyman was the colour commentator at the time, and when the WWF guys (all former ECW wrestlers) switched sides after running down to protect team WWF from WCW, I marked the F out. Heyman then got in the ring and announced THIS INVASION JUST GOT TAKEN....TO THE EXTREME! In the midst of all this we also saw the WWF debuts of Rob Van Dam and Tommy Dreamer, who became part of The Alliance.

I am a big RVD, Taz and Raven fan, and it was so cool to see these guys on the same side fighting for ECW. The Inaugral Brawl, Shane O'Mac and Steph going up against their Father, Stone Cold and Kurt Angle switching sides too...there was so much going on over the 3-4 month period, it was definitely the most fun I have had as a wrestling fan.

This storyline was probably the only time we will ever see the "Big 3" organisations in the same storyline, as with the demise of WCW and ECW, there is no company big enough to do it- TNA may be number 2 right now, but it is nowhere near the size that WCW was back in the day.

So..yeah, I know this post may be a little bit mixed up, I am just typing the memories as they come into my head, but the WWF vs WCW/ECW is my favourite storyline of all time, it was awesome even with all the botches, missed opportunities.....but imagine how good it could have been.......awesome
I'll quite readily admit that I'm not as educated in the older days of wrestling, so forgive me if I've missed out any really obvious choices, but i'd have to say the Chris Jericho/Shawn Michaels from 2008 is my favourite storyline.

Both guys are/were amazing performers, and both played their part brilliantly throughout it all. When Michaels' wife got involved it just got even better. So yeah, I'd definitely say that's my favourite storyline from two of the best performers Wrestling has ever seen.
My favorite type of storyline, when executed properly, is the Invasion style of storyline. There are loads of examples of such storylines, some successful, some not so much, but even the anticipation of the potential they bring can be excellent, and then if executed efficiently, can really be a strong storyline to give any company a tremendous boost of popularity and ratings.

The nWo being the best example of this. This was a superb storyline which really ignited the Monday Night Wars and made WCW the challenge to the dominance of WWF that it was. Now eventually they beat it to death and screwed it up, with different factions/colors of nWo, and it went on for too long, but the original black and white nWo, with Hogan, Nash, Hall, and a small circle of cohorts was superb and made wrestling very interesting for a while.

When Vince bought WCW and there was this storyline brewing, this had the potential to be outstanding as well. Unfortunately it was not, and it was mishandled from day one, but this had the potential to be one of the strongest storylines in professional wrestling history, had the right players been in place and had the storyline been executed the way it could and should have been. Even the ECW invasion had the potential to be a better storyline and achieve better success than it did.

The Main Event Mafia was interesting for a while. I cannot really comment much on this as I don't have the patience to watch iMPACT on a regular basis, but it seems to have been effective for a while and had a strong cast of players involved.

And this brings us to "them." TNA's litmus test if you ask me. We have a storyline here which I hope evolves into an invasion type of angle, with whomever coming from the outside to change the landscape of professional wrestling, specifically TNA, forever. If this is how it plays out, we have the potential for a storyline which could really give TNA a boost, possibly vaulting their ratings to a lofty 1.4 or 1.5. A storyline which could really impress their existing TNA diehard faithful smarky fans and keep them interested in and focused on the product, but could also draw in some new fans, people like myself who really want to like TNA, who really want them to succeed, but continue to be let down and disappointed by a succession of let-downs and false promises. If "they" turn out to be an outside presence invading TNA to make widespread sweeping (kayfabe) changes, this could really be impressive. I hope that's the case. Because if not, it could be catastrophic to TNA, with a tremendous number of people deciding to cross the line, but back in the other direction. I know for me personally, on risk of being apocalyptic, this is TNA's last chance. If they screw this one up, I'm done with them, and I'm not sure if I'm alone on this one. There'll be no line to cross if TNA fails to deliver, or more accurately, even attempts to attempt to deliver, on the promise of this one.
My favourite is the love triangle storylines. The tention between the two wrestlers is great especially because it's normally real, so they put all their feelings inside the match and promos so the promos and matches are great. Also my favourite feud of all time is a love triangle; the Hardy/Kane/Lita/Edge feud.

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