Whats your favorite movie series?


Andy G

As of right now I would say that SAW is the most interesting for me. After the 4th came out I ran out and bought copies of the other three. Im not really sure why it caught my attention again, but it has and I find myself looking at various SAW websites.

What about you?
My favourite Movie Series is definately the Spider-Man Series. I LOVED one and two, but number three was a huge disappointment for me. Three was too involved with the romance aspect of the movie, and not the action. It also involved a lot of cheesy parts to it.

I also really enjoyed the Austin Powers Series. I'm pretty sure that they're making a couple more of those, not quite too sure yet though.
The "Saw" series is okay, but not exactly my favorite. A lot of it is exactly the same, just with different characters. Not that it isn't awesome, as I LOVE the Saw movies. I just wouldn't call them anything more than one after the other.

Batman: Honestly, the original Micheal Keaton version, was my favorite. Both the first, then Batman Returns. It went downhill from there.. but I still liked each movie. Then, with the reintroduction of the dark side of the character, "Batman Begins" I think it gives it hope to turn around. I look forward to the up-coming series beign better than its original.

Star Wars: I couldn't possibly seeing anyone who talks about movie series, NOT mentioning Star Wars, Star Trek, the Matrix or Lord of the Rings. To me, Star Wars was VERY WELL put together, with great graphics for the time it was originally created in. George Lucas introduced tons of new characters, & a huge world of unknown.

Marvel Movies: Spider-Man, X-Men, Fantastic Four.. all of which fall under this catagory, as I loved each & every one. So I'll run down a quicker version of recapping them.

Spider Man -- The first one unfolded a great beginning, & had a lot of action. The second was the "love" story of the trilogy, & outside of the revealing of Peter to Harry, wasn't the best. The 3rd was nicely done, but could've been a lot better. Overall, I loved the series, & would like to see more added.. but I don't know if its possible. (with the actors/actresses, not the ability to keep going - see Rocky, BLAH!)

X-Men -- In my opinion, HORRIBLE beginning. They f'ed everything up from the start. All because they refused to add more main characters. They centered the movie around the fan-favorite, in Wolverine.. thus crippling their ability to create a nice backdrop for all the other characters. The 2nd was my favorite of the 3, because the story didn't CENTER around one character, & it developed several others. (Nightcrawler, Jean Grey, Iceman, Pyro, Coloussus, etc.) Finally, the 3rd returned to what the 1st movie did.. F shit up! Not only did they destroy half their main characters, simply because of the actor's & actresses having bitch fits about money.. the only nice thing is, they left it open for some of them to return.. should there be more of these movies. I'd like to hope so, but its more doubtful than Spider-Man 4. My all-time favorite good guy is Gambit.. & my favorite bad-guys are Mr. Sinister & Apacolypse. I'd also like to see characters like Morph, Cable, Bishop & Strife all brought in.. but overall, I think they killed this series because of money disputs.

Fantastic Four -- The first was a nice revealing of how they came to be. A lot of hype, but outside of that.. to slow, not a lot of action. The second was a nice surprise to see Dr. Doom being in it. (I seriously didn't know he was going to be, I thought it centered completely & ONLY around the Surfer) Overall, I loved the 2, & can't wait for a 3rd. I'm more of a Dr. Doom fan though.

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