What's Wrong with Flair


The God of Fuck
How come Ric Flair feels a need to trash talk pretty much anyone that wasn't him, like he created professional wrestling or something. I personally have never read his book but the only thing I've heard about is not how good it is but how much he dislikes this guy or he wasn't impressed by so & so. I just read that Honky Tonk Man wants to confront him because of shit he said in his book. I don't know why he is so bitter obviously he's had one of the greatest careers. Let me know if I'm wrong but should Flair just shut the fuck up and be happy with the career he had.
I don't know if you realize it, but a lot of other wrestlers have had less than positive things to say about Flair too. Bret Hart for one, Scott Steiner isn't a big Flair fan either, and others, I see nothing wrong with the Nature Boy evening up the score by talking trash about others also. Flair might be bitter because he feels he didn't get the respect he deserved, I don't condone the lashing out, but I understand it.
You make some good points but I think (and I could be wrong) the reason alot of guys do talk trash about him is because he rubbed alot of wrestlers the wrong way when he was booking for wcw. Don't get me wrong I admire Flair and his accompishments, but Hart has every right to be pissed with him I would be to if someone accused me of over exploiting the death of my brother.

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