Flair to TNA?

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There's no doubt in my mind that Ric Flair going to TNA as an on-screen GM or Commissioner or something would bring in more than a few viewers. Ric Flair is known to just about every wrestling fan, and he's fresh off of his retirement from in-ring action, complete with a huge, very publicized sendoff. That being said, it'd be great for TNA but not for Flair in my opinion. I think Flair going to TNA would hurt his relationship with WWE, and WWE owns all of those old matches of his. They can still make money off his name! Me living near Orlando....I'd love to see Ric Flair up close, shake the man's hand, etc. but I don't think he'd do that. Plus they'd have to try and afford him as I imagine it'd take quite a bit of dough for him to make that jump.

I can see this happening so he can also have a few matches and give Sting a good send off or a good reason to stick around a little longer.Flair would probably be a great way to get get viewers and marketing would be all over the Flair memorabilia.
The most important part of Flair to TNA would be the lighter schedule. He would now work 2 times every 2 weeks (not including house shows) so his body can heal up and he might be able to do a few matches.
TNA would be dumb to not bring him in and try something with Sting
knowing flair like i do, and as any human being would, if he really has trouble, i can see him goin into tna to make extra money, and i garnatee that if the best wrestler to ever step foot in a wrestling ring, whether now or not, i garantee that tna will be throwing a contract at rick. If he does go to tna, this is highly doughtful, but how awsome would it be to have a rick vs sting rematch??? also, i am watching wwe every week, bein a loyal fan since birth, hoping that wwe is gonna get slapped upside the head, and realize that here lately they have been tilting their "plate" really crucked to where i can see the wwe goin out of business very soon, and the better tna gets the harder and closer it is to wwe falling off the map, and i really do hope, that no matter how loyal paul and shawn are to vince, that both of them along with dave and rey go to tna. REY VS AJ?!?!?!?
I would love to see the fall of teh WWEmpire and see hard working, athletic, and ahem TALENTED (im talking to you John Cena) WRESTLERS have the top spot in sports entertainment. The only problem is that TNA is as awesome as it is because they dont have the rigorous schedule that the WWE has. So instead of having people who would burn out after 2 years (or be horribly injured) they get big stiff buff air heads that only lift a guy a few times a match.

More than Flair, TNA needs to pick up this guy :robvandam: imagine RVD vs Joe?
I hope Flair sticks to doing conventions and all that crap and doesn't go to TNA.
Why not Flair could make that company HUGE and interesting. why wouldnt he want to be part of something that will o down in history.
At this stage in his life what's the point of going to a much smaller promotion?
To endorse it, with his name more people would want to watch it. more people will watch it nomatter what he does as long as his name is their people will be curious at the least.
To do what exactly?
To be part of history to give people a chance in wrestling when the WWE wont. to make TNA wretlers more credability.
He should stay retired forever and go do whatever he wants to do besides wrestle. He is done and should stay that way.
He DONT have to wrestle to make TNA big though. again as GM or anyrole on TNA people will be curious to see what he is doing and will tune in.
I think that it would be great for the legendary Ric flair to be associated with and up and coming promotion. TNA is becoming a force to reckon with. It is edging WWE in ratings. And if Flair decided to make a move to TNA I think that he should either work as a manager, or a GM, or even behind the scenes in the role of talent development. I believe that TNA can be an even greater promotion as long as the writing is good and the matches stay fresh. Which means not resorting to the WWE formula.
At first I thought this would be a great idea for TNA, but the more I think about it the more I think it just wouldn't be all that great. Having Flair show up for a one time appearence isn't going to do anythign but get them a one night ratings semiboom, then it's back to business as usual. He's just too much of a WWE guy to be able to be effective now. Were this at the beginning of TNA's time, it could work, but now with his wrestling career over, there's not much he could really offer. If TNA managed to bring him in, I'd certainly check the show out, but i don't think it'd be the huge deal they'd try to make it out to be. It'd be big, but not huge.
You know what? I really want to love this idea, the only problem here would be the "How" aspect of it. I wouldn't mind seing Flair in TNA as long as they kept Russo out of the whole thing with him. Last thing we need is another heart attack angle or whatnot. With all the crazy stuff that TNA does, this is what worries me, but to see him pull a stint again with Jarret or Sting again, and it be good, that would be worth it, even if it was just a short stint. My biggest problem is TNA trying to make everything into a comedy, or making things to cheesy. I want to see it, but at what cost?
Sorry, but I just can't see it happening. I doubt Ric Flair would accept an offer from TNA anyway. I can't see what TNA would even do with him if he did accept an offer. He can't wrestle anymore and I don't think he would be the right choice for the TNA General Manager or something like that. Plus if Flair does accept an offer from TNA, it will hurt the WWE greatly. They did nothing wrong to him and gave him the best sendoff possible. I think Flair would almost feel guilty working for TNA over the WWE anyway.

But if it was to happen, I don't think it would change much about TNA. Its ratings will most likely stay the same. Not even Kurt Angle could help TNA's low ratings so why would Flair? TNA should focus more on its own unique superstars rather than Ex WWE stars. I mainly watch TNA to see guys I haven't seen before like A.J Styles, Motor City Machine Guns, Samoa Joe and Petey Williams. Sure TNA has some great superstars that were in the WWE like Kurt Angle, Booker T, Christian Cage and Team 3D but they aren't the reason why I watch TNA. I'm sure many other fans, like me, watch TNA for their unique superstars and not for the Ex WWE stars. TNA don't need Flair. Its as simple as that. He is way past his prime and he himself wouldn't benefit from TNA. I really think Flair wont return to Wrestling or anything to do with wrestling at all, and I think that is the right move by him.
Obviosuly hiring Flair would be a huge business move for the good of that company. I would hope that if they did hire him than he wouldnt wrestle and I dont think he would want to anyways, but if TNA were to hire him which would be very interesting than I would love to see him as a general manger perhaps taking over from Jim Cornette or even feuding with him for the position. Either way if TNA did hire him it would be a gerat move for them and would bring many new fans to TNA I think.
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