whats with all the hardy hate.


Championship Contender
I don't get why all of these people just raging on jeff hardy because he has drug problems. I've heard people even go as far as to say he should die. I mean i get that he is or was a "junkie", but so were majority of wrestling icons. Shawn Michaels popped an amazing amount of pills, hogan did coke, ric flair is an alcoholic, davey boy smith did pills, chris benoit killed his fucking family and he gets no disrespect or anything. Is it because he looks a certain way, or because he acts a certain way, or is it because when enough people say something in the iwc then the rest just follow.
I don't get why all of these people just raging on jeff hardy because he has drug problems. I've heard people even go as far as to say he should die. I mean i get that he is or was a "junkie", but so were majority of wrestling icons. Shawn Michaels popped an amazing amount of pills, hogan did coke, ric flair is an alcoholic, davey boy smith did pills, chris benoit killed his fucking family and he gets no disrespect or anything. Is it because he looks a certain way, or because he acts a certain way, or is it because when enough people say something in the iwc then the rest just follow.

I don't give a shit if you do drugs, personally. The problem for me is that they're so unprofessional about it. You want to do blow in your hotel room after your match, fine. Your life, your problem. My problem with Hardy is that it's practically destroyed his talent and has made him totally worthless in the ring. I'm a fan, and I want to see good wrestling. If you're going to come out there and wrestle like shit, I'm not going to like you. Hardy comes out wasted, high, whatever, and he wrestles like shit. He did throughout pretty much the entirety of his TNA stint. His main event run was utter garbage because he was just doing drugs all the damn time, and it ruined his work. Sure, Shawn and Hogan did drugs, but they also went out and did their job. I don't judge anyone for drug use, but I do judge for drug use making you a shitty wrestler and wasting everybody's time on a PPV, especially in the case of Jeff Hardy, who made the main event of TNA practically unbearable. His crappy lifestyle contributed to that, but the main reason I can't stand Jeff Hardy anymore is because he's become an utterly pathetic performer and it's his own fault. The same goes for Matt, except he never had half the talent Jeff did.
You are gravely misinformed on a number of topics you touched on in your post. First off, I have yet to read anyone on this board say they want Jeff Hardy to die. Considering the number of posts regarding the matter, I'd say you are overstating your case right off the bat. Jeff Hardy is a junkie, not "was a junkie". His addiction has constantly interrupted his career, along with angles and matches planned by two major pro wrestling companies. You may not understand this, but that tends to rub a lot of people the wrong way. If Hardy wasn't a famous wrestler, he would have been sent to prison long ago. Instead of taking the chance to turn around his life with the advantages his celebrity has afforded, he continues to make the same mistakes over and over again.

Secondly, you make a bogus claim saying that a "majority of wrestling icons" were junkies. You cited 4 examples, which hardly qualifies as a majority. Additionally, despite the issues with those you mentioned none has ever come close to the public disgraces as Jeff Hardy. I don't recall Hogan showing up at a pay per view he main evented too intoxicated to perform. I don't recall Flair being suspended numerous times in his career because he couldn't control his addiction. Again, you are overstating your case and thus blowing any credibility you had with these type of statements.

Lastly, you are out of line with referencing Benoit in relation to Hardy's situation. Where has there been people defending what Benoit did? It is widely believed, and accepted, that Benoit was a gutless coward who took two innocent lives when he ended his own. Benoit has been condemned in wrestling, as well as every other mainstream coverage concerning him. You comparing the two is ridiculous.

People are disgusted that dispute all of his flaws and refusal to change his selfish behavior, Hardy remains employed and seemingly in line for yet another "second chance" in wrestling. I am personally further annoyed that some look past of all these warning signs and say things like "Jeff Hardy should be brought back as a face" or "Hardy deserves another chance because he's an icon." The dislike of Hardy has nothing to do with members of the IWC who "just follow" what others say. It is intelligent people looking at this selfish, arrogant junkie and not condoning his childish, repulsive behavior.
The problem is it never effected there wrestling, when it was go time, they was 100%, it all pisses people off with how many times Jeff as been in the main event spot only to fuck it up. People are mad cause they know he as so much talent and its being wasted, he was on fire in TNA, then he got side tracked again. His gimmick was getting over and it was the most awesome thing ever. We mad, cause TNA could be built around Hardy which it was then the ball got dropped again. The same thing could be said for Smackdown, it was being build are him there to. So many failed chance thanks to drugs and so on.

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