What's up with HBK ?

Scott Free

The man of a thousand rest holds.
I read online that Shawn would like for Bret Hart to induct him in the HOF when the time comes. I'm kind of baffled by this statement. I don't recall HBK clamoring to be the one to induct Bret in the HOF when that happened, had he done that, even if Bret refused the offer, he might have had grounds. Being inducted in the HOF is supposedly an honor that values your achievements in the business, inducting someone shows respect for that person and what he accomplished. I don't think Bret would be the one that would show respect for HBK first after all they went through. Why would HKB even say something like that ?
Maybe to mend some bridges. I don't know but I'm not sure you have to overly respect the person, I think because Bret Hart shaped Micheals career is why he said it.
Seriously? I have to say that has caught me off guard and I'd definately take it with a pich of salt. Shawn has never been particularly respectful of Bret Hart, and all fans know about their rivalry out of the ring almost as much as they know about the rivalry in the ring. My guess is that Shawn wants to put all that behind him - in a way both men helped make each other. There's rarely a conversation about HBK where Hart doesn't come up, and vice versa. Shawn has tired to mend all the rifts he caused by his behaviour in the past, this is him showing that he's grown up, respects Hart and this is a great way to show it.
I really doubt that this would be true. Maybe HBK, was only trying to be nice and wanted to seem really friendly without enemys. I could never see that happening in a million years. unless it was all a big joke, where HBK throws him through the window behind the stage just before hand. Either that or he just wants to brag that he made it before he did. :lmao:
Either that or he just wants to brag that he made it before he did. :lmao:

I don't get what you are saying there since Bret got his championships and got inducted before Shawn.

Anyway HBK has seemed to turn his life around, and he is trying to fix the errors of his past. I honestly think that Bret might actually do it as a way to mend things with HBK the way he did with Vince back in '05
shawn said that he wants an honest induction and not as he says, "all fluff". i highly doubt bret would do it because he is very stubborn and refuses to believe,listen to, accept etc, shawns apologies etc... bret doesn't want to make amends....but it would be neat if he did. he could do a really good job i think. he's never said anything bad about shawn in the ring, just outside the ring. and that only began after WM12. BUT, at the same time, i wouldn't want shawns HOF to be just about him and bret hart...and i honestly don't think shawn does....bret doesn't either. honestly, i would like to see the undertaker induct shawn...and shawn induct taker. but thats just my opinion.
If Brett Hart does induct HBK in...I think after Shawn gives his speech....BAMMM. Sweet chin music on Brett one last time. Lol. I personally think that would be funny as hell. But we know the reality is that is not going to happen. But I do hope Brett inducts HBK. It would be a good look on both men and shines a light on the fact that people can move on and stop living in the past.
Either he was misquoted or he is full of it. Seriously, he can`t come and actually say that. As if Bret would even actually consider that. If this ever happens, wow then anything.....anything can happen. It simply won`t happen.

I think Shawn was just saying Bret was more fitting given that he saw his rise first hand. Bret inducting Shawn Michael is something I would hate to see.
I have always stood by my position on this matter, and after seeing responses on several forums to this topic discussed, I still maintain that position.

It is the fans and Bret Hart who keep this thing going. Not Shawn Michaels and not Vince McMahon.

And the reason I feel that way is by the amount of people that trash the suggestion, the ones that claim that Shawn is "full of shit" by asking Bret to do this, the amount of people that claim Shawn was "just joking" when he said it, etc.

Is it not possible for people to change over the years ... especially as they get older? I mean, if you think about it .... Big Fucking Deal, with what happened at Montreal. And I hate to downplay it as part of wrestling history, but seriously. Big deal. So, the company you worked for, for about a decade, worked behind your back and told you a false finish to your last match. Did Bret not have a good job waiting for him afterwards, making more money than he did in WWE? Did Bret not have the sympathy of wrestling fans for what happened to him.

Keep in mind that this thing happened in 1997. It is now 2009. And the amount of people that enjoy seeing this grudge continue is pathetic ... especially after going on 12 years. What if we have Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels feuding until they are 60, 70, how about 80? Will people still get their rocks off at that?

Shawn has tried reaching out time after time ... only to have Bret Hart slap his hand away every time.

These two men's legacies are tied to each other. Bret Hart helped turn Shawn tremendously in becoming a Main Eventer. Shawn also gave Bret some of his best matches in the WWE. So, they hated each other backstage. These two are professional enough to put that aside and do the right thing, for the sake of the Hall of Fame. And with Bret now reportedly being willing to forgive Shawn and talk to him, I think the chances of this actually happening may be better than we may assume.
Despite the fact that Bret doesn't like Shawn personally he never took anything away from his skills in the ring. Bret has openly said that Shawn was a great worker and wrestler and he said he knew that Shawn was gonna be great since he saw him in The Rockers he just thought he was a piece of shit outside of the ring. And Shawn has made it open about how he was an asshole back then and a different person now so it probably wouldn't bother him much if Bret said that but by saying that Bret also talked about how he thought HBK was great in the ring it would make Shawn look and sound even better which is what I think HBK is looking for. Cause if you get a guy that is well respected like Bret Hart and this guy happens to be your known enemy legitimately, if you can get him to not only induct you but say that you were great in the ring than that is going to make you look golden. It's almost like it would get people to think to themselves "Man if Bret Hart says Shawn was great in the ring he must have really been good since Bret hates him so much" which is a reaction Shawn obviously would like. And if Bret said anything bad about him people will just think to themselves "Bret's only saying that because he hate's him" so it's basically a no lose situation.
I read online that Shawn would like for Bret Hart to induct him in the HOF when the time comes. I'm kind of baffled by this statement. I don't recall HBK clamoring to be the one to induct Bret in the HOF when that happened, had he done that, even if Bret refused the offer, he might have had grounds. Being inducted in the HOF is supposedly an honor that values your achievements in the business, inducting someone shows respect for that person and what he accomplished. I don't think Bret would be the one that would show respect for HBK first after all they went through. Why would HKB even say something like that ?

If you read the entire thing. You would know thats not why HBK wanted to have Bret induct him. He was saying, he doesn't just want the fans to see the good, flowery side of his career. He wanted them to see the bad, and where hes came from since then. Who better than Bret Hart to tell the fans, EXACTLY who Shawn Micheals was, to who he is today. Thats what Shawn was saying. I find that very honorable. And I have also found new found respect for Shawn due to that.
Okay Bret Hart is my favorite wrestler of all time so alas, i must comment.

I hope shawn wasn't saying it as a joke or to have some sort of bragging rights having Bret induct him in mind, I hope he was being sincere. I am willing to give hbk the benefit of the doubt.

On Bret's side I don't believe this issue would be nearly as complex as it is had owen not died. For all any of us know had owen been around Bret may have come back for a few matched here and there similar to the way Hogan has. Bret probably ties the screw job and the owen thing in some fashions i.e. had they not screwed me over and renegotiated a deal with the wwe maybe he would have stuck with the company and then maybe he coulda prevented owen death. Sure to those of us not involved its tough logic to grip but try to relate it say you got set up to be fired from you job or laid off to cut expenses then a year later you best friend who still works there gets stabbed by an angry customer sure as hell a stretch but thats the deal you would think shit if i were working that shift i would have stopped that from happening it would compound your hatred for your former job. as weird as that is you have to think in those kind of terms to understand the bitterness. Now as far as dragging it on all fans do it I know i do, and hbk fans stick it to us as much as we stick it to them this is like waring political parties here you'll have an opinion and whoever is on the other side of the arguement is always the jackass who wont shut up or admit that they may be wrong. at this point i should mention I may be wrong i wasnt there maybe theres shit i dont know that makes you guys right. I'd expect the other side to be able to say the same.

As far as who keeps bringing it up..well bret hart isnt on tv 3 times a week he has an occasional interview and news paper article in calgary. any time hes interviewed of course they bring it up and more or less he answers the same way however has been more forgiving lately as to vince and hugh. although yes shawn still doesnt get forgiven and at that heres the issue yes they all lied to him ok given since then at least vince and hugh admited what they did, shawn waited to write a book in what 2006 to come out about it so he kept up his lie of "i didnt know it was going to happen" for nearly 10 years. so bret rightfully gets to hold the grudge longer towards him. Now WWE think back to survivor series 1998 vince parodied the 97 finish with the rock and foley. theres been plenty of references to it on air and if you may recall a raw segment in montreal in (05?) shawn mocked bret for no real reason but to piss off the crowd and had brets music play ahh hell you know the clip youtube it. But I'd say that neither side lets it die.

Hopefully this HBK thing could be the beggining of the end of the fued Bret would have to swallow some pride as he has had a stubborn hell no not in a million years attitude that hed be afraid to go back on his word he would have to do that but because of how important the issue is to them i imagine the induction speeches would be highly revised as Bret would probably allowed a certain amount of time to explain his end of things as far as hey im willling to end the fued now but i am going to point out some of his BS in the 90's as well as being complementary shawn sounds like he has no issue with that and his speech would have to involve some sort of apology and thank you. A real heart felt hand shake half hug deal would be neccesary and the message should be DONT BE AN ANGRY OLD MAN you can be pissed off for a while but at the end of the day your adults and apologies all around and move on.
if the event took place the wwe would have to stop referencing the screwjob in any other light than hey it happened no more dicking around about it it needs to be a buried topic.
It is the fans and Bret Hart who keep this thing going. Not Shawn Michaels and not Vince McMahon.
And why should Bret Hart just forget it. I mean face, he ain`t. He felt screwed, had a personal relation with Michaels (Sunny, Montreal etc...). The thing, you can expect Bret Hart too stop the word of words...he actually did and is ok with Vince now. But that`s it, he won`t go and induct Michaels...no way man. Obviously it is easier for Michaels to burry the hatchet than it is for Bret. I still think Michaels was just misquoted here or misunderstood.
Milk[lw];977995 said:
If you read the entire thing. You would know thats not why HBK wanted to have Bret induct him. He was saying, he doesn't just want the fans to see the good, flowery side of his career. He wanted them to see the bad, and where hes came from since then. Who better than Bret Hart to tell the fans, EXACTLY who Shawn Micheals was, to who he is today. Thats what Shawn was saying. I find that very honorable. And I have also found new found respect for Shawn due to that.

I know what Shawn said, but the real question is , after all these years, a career that's reached legendary status and a level of financial security that permits him to retire without even looking back, why would Shawn even mention Bret Hart and not only that, suggest that he'd be willing to have Hart point out his negative side on a public forum ? The only reason I can come up with is guilt, and I find that worthy of respect. I would wish Bret could manage to make an effort to see the change in HBK and drop the resentment he's been harboring for years, and finally forgive, after all, Bret made his share of mistakes too.
Okay Bret Hart is my favorite wrestler of all time so alas, i must comment.

I hope shawn wasn't saying it as a joke or to have some sort of bragging rights having Bret induct him in mind, I hope he was being sincere. I am willing to give hbk the benefit of the doubt.

On Bret's side I don't believe this issue would be nearly as complex as it is had owen not died. For all any of us know had owen been around Bret may have come back for a few matched here and there similar to the way Hogan has. Bret probably ties the screw job and the owen thing in some fashions i.e. had they not screwed me over and renegotiated a deal with the wwe maybe he would have stuck with the company and then maybe he coulda prevented owen death. Sure to those of us not involved its tough logic to grip but try to relate it say you got set up to be fired from you job or laid off to cut expenses then a year later you best friend who still works there gets stabbed by an angry customer sure as hell a stretch but thats the deal you would think shit if i were working that shift i would have stopped that from happening it would compound your hatred for your former job. as weird as that is you have to think in those kind of terms to understand the bitterness. Now as far as dragging it on all fans do it I know i do, and hbk fans stick it to us as much as we stick it to them this is like waring political parties here you'll have an opinion and whoever is on the other side of the arguement is always the jackass who wont shut up or admit that they may be wrong. at this point i should mention I may be wrong i wasnt there maybe theres shit i dont know that makes you guys right. I'd expect the other side to be able to say the same.

As far as who keeps bringing it up..well bret hart isnt on tv 3 times a week he has an occasional interview and news paper article in calgary. any time hes interviewed of course they bring it up and more or less he answers the same way however has been more forgiving lately as to vince and hugh. although yes shawn still doesnt get forgiven and at that heres the issue yes they all lied to him ok given since then at least vince and hugh admited what they did, shawn waited to write a book in what 2006 to come out about it so he kept up his lie of "i didnt know it was going to happen" for nearly 10 years. so bret rightfully gets to hold the grudge longer towards him. Now WWE think back to survivor series 1998 vince parodied the 97 finish with the rock and foley. theres been plenty of references to it on air and if you may recall a raw segment in montreal in (05?) shawn mocked bret for no real reason but to piss off the crowd and had brets music play ahh hell you know the clip youtube it. But I'd say that neither side lets it die.

Hopefully this HBK thing could be the beggining of the end of the fued Bret would have to swallow some pride as he has had a stubborn hell no not in a million years attitude that hed be afraid to go back on his word he would have to do that but because of how important the issue is to them i imagine the induction speeches would be highly revised as Bret would probably allowed a certain amount of time to explain his end of things as far as hey im willling to end the fued now but i am going to point out some of his BS in the 90's as well as being complementary shawn sounds like he has no issue with that and his speech would have to involve some sort of apology and thank you. A real heart felt hand shake half hug deal would be neccesary and the message should be DONT BE AN ANGRY OLD MAN you can be pissed off for a while but at the end of the day your adults and apologies all around and move on.
if the event took place the wwe would have to stop referencing the screwjob in any other light than hey it happened no more dicking around about it it needs to be a buried topic.

Just a thought; do you not believe in punctuation marks? Check it out. They are way cool!

I think that Shawn is really trying to take a humble route when he's referring to Bret here. Shawn said he wants someone who will give his career the justice it deserves from both sides. Good and Bad. Without all that "fluff", as he stated. This is really not surprising. Shawn is a catalyst for many changes in this business that you can love or hate. He's a big reason why it's more entertainment today than it is wrestling. What he is saying about the HOF is that it is kind of hokey in a way. We have all heard the stories of what some of these guys were like in their day and come time for the HOF it seems as though all is forgotten. Shawn has always been a realist. He wants the people to know the road he took. He made himself one of the greatest of all time while not always being the greatest person. The difference between him and most is that he is totally aware of what his downfalls were. He admits them openly and isn't afraid to discuss them. I think that is truly admirable. I think he will have one of the most emotional HOF inductions ever because he has honestly grown up in front of the WWE Universe. When talking about Brett inducting him though you could really throw many other names in there that could do the same thing. I think that by using Brett's name he was just trying to make his point more impactful. I believe he would let Brett do his induction if it was possible. Brett would give him the due he deserves on his career but would not hold back on the issues Shawn brought with him to the business. However, Flair, HHH, Nash, or even Vince could do that for him as well. Hell, I think that the best two names for HBK to think about are Austin and Undertaker. Austin loves HBK's ability and Taker and Michaels share a respect that is completely real.
And why should Bret Hart just forget it. I mean face, he ain`t. He felt screwed, had a personal relation with Michaels (Sunny, Montreal etc...). The thing, you can expect Bret Hart too stop the word of words...he actually did and is ok with Vince now. But that`s it, he won`t go and induct Michaels...no way man. Obviously it is easier for Michaels to burry the hatchet than it is for Bret. I still think Michaels was just misquoted here or misunderstood.

Like I said. It is the fans who keep it going. Because they want to keep it going.

Michaels certainly did a lot for Bret Hart's career as well, in WWE. He has apologized over and over and over again. Yet that isn't good enough for people like you that evidently get their rocks off seeing two guys hate each other.

As far as the thing with Sunny, Bret Hart who admitted being a sex addict on the road in his book, has vehemently denied the relationship ... and Sunny, who was telling everyone anything and everything of what they wanted to hear for a $1, also denied the relationship with Bret. She said Shawn was being an ass and stirring up shit. So if that is the case, then what harm was done? Julie Hart would have had no problem with Bret, had she not suspected Bret was cheating in the first place. Low and behold, he was, while on the road, with a different bimbo in each town. So, that to me, looks like it was Bret Hart's fault for actually cheating on his wife. Not Shawn. Sure, Shawn was an ass, but Bret was the one who actually did the cheating, did he not?

As far as Montreal, like I said before. Big f'ing deal. Your employer gives you a false finish for a match and double crosses you. Fine. You can be angry. Is it worth being angry about until you are 70 or 80 years old? For what purpose? Did Bret Hart not get compensated very well by WCW? He made a lot more than in a year than he did in WWE. Plus, there was a lot of heat on Vince and his company for what he did, as well. So what exactly is the point of still being angry about one thing that happened 12 years ago, which is stupid to still be angry over, if you really think about it?

How about we do this. If you were Bret Hart, what would Shawn Michaels have to do to convince you he was sorry, and wanted to make amends? Since the two are getting older now, what would Shawn have to do to convince Bret to drop this petty grudge, given the profound influence both of them had on each other's careers?
Michaels certainly did a lot for Bret Hart's career as well, in WWE. He has apologized over and over and over again. Yet that isn't good enough for people like you that evidently get their rocks off seeing two guys hate each other.
The thing is Bret don`t want the apologies..it`s his decision....nobody can blame him here. He just can`t forget. Sorry don`t really works all the times. Bret Hart always described Michaels as some two face which would mean he don`t really think Michaels is honest.

THe point of being angry of a thing that happened long ago between Bret and Michaels? How am i supposed to know that? How are you supposed to that? Thing is Bret Hart lived through it....HE ONLY know how he felt..he just won`t forgive.
As for montreal, Bret Hart took a lot of pride about this business, too bad he wasn`t all about money and actually cared about wrestling. And like I said, he ain`t really shooting ( i mean verbally) Michaels anymore (yeah fans keep it going here) but he can`t just ignore what happened. Imagine Bret Hart inducting Shawn Michaels....seriously? He felt uneasy for his own induction.
The thing is Bret don`t want the apologies..it`s his decision....nobody can blame him here. He just can`t forget. Sorry don`t really works all the times. Bret Hart always described Michaels as some two face which would mean he don`t really think Michaels is honest.

THe point of being angry of a thing that happened long ago between Bret and Michaels? How am i supposed to know that? How are you supposed to that? Thing is Bret Hart lived through it....HE ONLY know how he felt..he just won`t forgive.
As for montreal, Bret Hart took a lot of pride about this business, too bad he wasn`t all about money and actually cared about wrestling. And like I said, he ain`t really shooting ( i mean verbally) Michaels anymore (yeah fans keep it going here) but he can`t just ignore what happened. Imagine Bret Hart inducting Shawn Michaels....seriously? He felt uneasy for his own induction.

If that is the case, then Bret needs to grow up. Seriously. I have always been a fan of Bret's but seriously, let it go. Everyone gets screwed at something. If you haven't wait until you get out of high-school. People can sit and cry and feel sorry for themselves or they can be better because of it.

Shawn didn't coin the phrase the only one who is hurt by the grudge is the one holding it. It's a fact. You can argue whether it's psychological or spiritual or whatever but it is still a fact.

Im not saying Bret should or shouldn't do the induction. Im saying he shouldn't let his grudge with Shawn affect his life anymore. And don't say he doesn't because displayed his discomfort at his own induction.
If that is the case, then Bret needs to grow up. Seriously. I have always been a fan of Bret's but seriously, let it go. Everyone gets screwed at something. If you haven't wait until you get out of high-school. People can sit and cry and feel sorry for themselves or they can be better because of it.

Shawn didn't coin the phrase the only one who is hurt by the grudge is the one holding it. It's a fact. You can argue whether it's psychological or spiritual or whatever but it is still a fact.

Im not saying Bret should or shouldn't do the induction. Im saying he shouldn't let his grudge with Shawn affect his life anymore. And don't say he doesn't because displayed his discomfort at his own induction.
whether it affects his life or not,that`s a fact we don`t know about...I doubt it does. As far as I know, he said that after his stroke he didn`t hold importance with those grudges. Proof is that he is ok with Vince now. But he won`t come on TV and hug him or whatever. Which is the same down to Shawn. He thinks he is an ass...which is an opinion. He don`t really come out and say I was screwed whatever. Now if he writes a book and talk about all these, that`s actually good business. The grudges you`re talking are no longer here....he apparently don`t hold them, at least not as before. But inducting Shawn Michael, actually talking to him again etc...he doesn`t habe to like the guy. It`s not as if he was a friend he had a fight with right?
If that is the case, then Bret needs to grow up. Seriously. I have always been a fan of Bret's but seriously, let it go. Everyone gets screwed at something. If you haven't wait until you get out of high-school. People can sit and cry and feel sorry for themselves or they can be better because of it.

Shawn didn't coin the phrase the only one who is hurt by the grudge is the one holding it. It's a fact. You can argue whether it's psychological or spiritual or whatever but it is still a fact.

Im not saying Bret should or shouldn't do the induction. Im saying he shouldn't let his grudge with Shawn affect his life anymore. And don't say he doesn't because displayed his discomfort at his own induction.

There's more to it than just the screw job, these guys didn't like each other before them and even so who are you or me or anybody else to say if he should forgive him or not? Personally I'm the type of guy that forgives people easily and doesn't like to hold a grudge so I would have by now but Bret obviously doesn't, that doesn't mean he's right and I'm wrong we just have different mindsets. This isn't really affecting his life either, all it is is a guy that he doesn't like and doesn't want to talk to that's it. Plenty of people have somebody like that in their life.
Bret has said before that he doesn't like michaels but does respect his ability and accomplishments in the business, maybe that could also be a factor in why michaels said it as well as to try mend the fence so-to-speak. I personally don't see it happening, i think either Triple H or Marty Jannetty will be the ones to induct him purely because they have the strongest personal connections to him.
The iron man match was the best match in the history of the WWE/WWF. The best, that means that it was not only the high point of the company, but the biggest and best part of shawn's career. If he's going to leave the business then he wants the man who helps him be the man who helped make that storyline and match possible. You could not have had that match with any other combination. You needed Shawn Michaels .vs. Bret Hart at that exact moment and shawn realizes that and I think thats why Shawn wants Bret to share such a moment with him. This seems like it's an honor for Bret Hart to be asked. Or maybe I'm just talking out of my ass....I seem to do that.
WOW! TALK About a conterversial topic. Everybody has a huge opinion on this one!

Lots of people are forgeting that bret wasn't only screwed by hbk in the screwjob but before that too. These 2 never liked eachother and had a few legitamite fights during their times in the wwf. Shawn made several rumors about hart and was apart of fights too (sunny topic). THe screwjob just added feul to the fire. I bet hart has forgiven (partly) about the screwjob but it is the other things that is carrying this stuff on. Bret hates that Shawn had no respect for his proceeding maineventers and was willing to backstab them to get to the top.

Also, I don't understand how others are trying to tell hart how he should feel. He can rightfully be mad as long as he wants (it's up to him how he feels). He forgave vince because vince only screwed him in the screwjob and not all the other ways that shawn did.

I have to say though that i would love to see this since seeing hart on wwe tv is priceless no matter how he is on, just because people miss him and respect him soo much. I would love to see it!

I think it will only happen if hbk retires 2 or 3 years from now. In that time he needs to gradually make amenss (spelling) with Bret and loosen the strife. I truly believe that hbk has changed, but hart needs to see that 1 on 1 with hbk instead of on camera.
WOW! TALK About a conterversial topic. Everybody has a huge opinion on this one!

Lots of people are forgeting that bret wasn't only screwed by hbk in the screwjob but before that too. These 2 never liked eachother and had a few legitamite fights during their times in the wwf. Shawn made several rumors about hart and was apart of fights too (sunny topic). THe screwjob just added feul to the fire. I bet hart has forgiven (partly) about the screwjob but it is the other things that is carrying this stuff on. Bret hates that Shawn had no respect for his proceeding maineventers and was willing to backstab them to get to the top.

Also, I don't understand how others are trying to tell hart how he should feel. He can rightfully be mad as long as he wants (it's up to him how he feels). He forgave vince because vince only screwed him in the screwjob and not all the other ways that shawn did.

I have to say though that i would love to see this since seeing hart on wwe tv is priceless no matter how he is on, just because people miss him and respect him soo much. I would love to see it!

I think it will only happen if hbk retires 2 or 3 years from now. In that time he needs to gradually make amenss (spelling) with Bret and loosen the strife. I truly believe that hbk has changed, but hart needs to see that 1 on 1 with hbk instead of on camera.

Why would he need to make amends with Hart. It needs to be told how it was. Not with all the preaty flowers. Honestly did you guys read the next few sentences of the artical. HBK said he didn't want it to be all flowery and stuff like guys in the past. He wants the fans to see ALL of Shawn Micheals not just half. So why would he need to make amends, other than the fact we don't want Bret going out just to say a big F-U to HBK. Seriously
I can only hope that Shawn's words are sincere and that he suggested Bret inducting him for all the right reasons. I will not bring up what has already been said as most of us already know the full facts. Would Bret ever induct Shawn? You know what they say in this wacky world of wrestling, never say never. I imagine Bret would most likely smirk at the thought and figure too little too late. Bret has mentioned in previous interviews that following his stroke he would've appreciated a call from Shawn. It is truly remarkable that Bret made a near full recovery and has remained so positive yet for Shawn to pick up the phone and call an old friend who he has a great deal of history with, was not asking for a lot.

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