Whats The Truth's problem

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Ushiku said:
If he is used in the "war" angle I hope that he does something more productive, maybe Ron "The Truth" Killings and Voodoo Kin Mafia can turn up at WWE live televised events, calling out DX and John Cena respectively, I'd love a 3 on 3 tag match of DX and John Cena vs VKM and Ron Killings, but I don't see it happening, still TNA can make capital by calling them out at WWE's own live televised events, possibly inbetween matches like when they show backstage for a DX skit and the ring isn't used for action or inbetween matches, that would be the perfect time for VKM and Ron Killings to make their respective challenges.

Isn't that call for being escorted and maybe even being arrested. Paying bail is not what TNA needs. What TNA needs to do. Is be patient. WCW took 10 years before they were competition. TNA is writing alot of checks and they need to work on brining in profits before panda drops them and they go broke and out property of the WWE, beause if they go broke, no one will buy them but WWE.
Ushiku said:
They may ignore them for now, but I think if TNA does become a threat, like they have the potential to do, then WWE will be in for a tooth and nail fight with TNA.

Ron "The Truth" Killings should look for another angle than rapping, since it really doesn't suit him, he's got a horrible sounding voice and his lyrics are repetitive. He's like a failed version of John Cena in terms of character, even if as a wrestler he's got the skills to give John Cena a good match.

I agree. I just don't think TNA has the time nor the story writing talents to do it. Remember they need to begin turning a profit soon. They are paying Kurt Angle slightly less than what he made in WWE. Travel to different territories and markets it rare and tight. How long will a bussiness continously spend money, without making much.
i don't, i think hes a moron he sends crappy rap messages to john cena and then he goes and releases an album call you can't stop me it's a ripoff of john cena's album now i don't really like cena or killings but john cena is better he's a 3 time wwe champion and a 3 time us champion and truths a 2 timenwa world heavyweight champion
Deficit spending doesn't work, President Reagon proved that much on a Federal level, and if it can't work with a governmental piggybank, how can a company wish to be economical by spending money it hasn't got?

I think that TNA should take things slow, instead of trying to be ahead of itself it should take things a step at a time, and with the amount of WWE talent that's pissed off they could be in for a field day, but at the same time they must also remember to have a healthy rotation of its own talent whether it be TNA originals or wrestlers who used to be with other companies.

Ron "The Truth" Killings has a lot of potential, I think they could even use his bad rapping for good, they could run an angle where his album gets flat out rejected by an "agent" (more likely an actor than a real agent, but either could work), he could then take on a tweener borderline heel angle as "the industry killah" in which he systematically shows all doubters that he will prevail on top regardless of people holding him back, he could prevail in the end and get a NWA Championship shot at a Pay Per View, once he's won he could turn 100% heel from tweener borderline heel by acting arrogant and saying he's "the best in the game" (a reference to rap and wrestling at the same time), I think it would work rather well for him if he was pushed.
On the same token as WWE guys bein pissed and wanting to jump, haven't recent reports said that low card TNA guys are getting pissed too? You will always have people upset but I bet (witrh the exception of ECW) the majority of people in both companies are satisfied enough to stick around.
Ushiku said:
They may ignore them for now, but I think if TNA does become a threat, like they have the potential to do, then WWE will be in for a tooth and nail fight with TNA.

Ron "The Truth" Killings should look for another angle than rapping, since it really doesn't suit him, he's got a horrible sounding voice and his lyrics are repetitive. He's like a failed version of John Cena in terms of character, even if as a wrestler he's got the skills to give John Cena a good match.

You know what I don't think it would be a tooth and nail fight because the average person knows WWE and the average wrestling fans might not know TNA they have potential but not like everyone is projecting ECW was around for years and had a rabid solid fan following and they couldn't take it to that next level i'm waiting to see if TNA can.

As far as Killings he has been doing that "failed rapper routine" way before Cena was fully trained as a wrestler it started when he was K-Krush in NWA Wildside, I don't think his character has failed and it suits him to me ,his voice is okay, and the average rap song has repetitive lyrics, is Cena better at it than him? Yes he is but that doesn't make the truth horrible at it, last he is a incredibly talented wrestler he's more talented in the ring than Cena but not on the mic, Cena is far more entertaining than most people on the mic.
i think ron needs to seriously think about where he is headed really the dude sucks as a rapper, probably aint going to the wwe due to comments, or have john cena squash him, tna needs to focus on their product rather then insulting the competition seriously, russo get a life
First off, Killings has been rapping since before John Cena started wrestling and released an album in 2001 so i dont really understand how him finally releasing another album is a "rip off". Secondly, John Cena and truths tite reigns are irrelevant, Personally, i take the NWA HV Championship more Seriously then the WWE championship. Also. He held the tag team championships once.
I mean, you can tell me Truth is just this black dude that does flips and scissor kicks, but watch Samoa Joe Vs Truth on Impact, Slammiversary 06' and any of his recent work With Lance Hoyt then explain to me how he is bad.
You can't say that John Cena's better than Ron Killings just because Cena's had more Titles. That says nothing about Cena's in-ring wrestling talent, and Killings rapping isn't a rip-off of Cena rapping. That's like saying any person that starts a band is a rip-off of some other band. And I think it's good to start some controversy in challenging people from other organizations.
Cena being a champion in the WWE these days is like being the best guy in a shit-eating contest. Truth is twice the athlete that Cena is. Right now, Russo just has him in a retarted angle when Truth should be contending for a title and not attempting to "rap" Cena into fearful submission.
i think that they all just need to stick to wrestling because that's what their paid for !!!!!!!!!!!
i think that they all just need to stick to wrestling because that's what their paid for !!!!!!!!!!!

You've made a very good point, however the trouble with Sports Entertainment is getting a balance between the sport and the entertainment. I do think that Ron "The Truth" Killings should be used differently, I personally feel that Russo has used him on his "war" angle so that he can get rid of a little pressure from him and give him some exposure, instead he should be giving Ron "The Truth" Killings a chance to showcase his abilities and not just sit on the sidelines.
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