Whats The Truth's problem

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What I Ron Killings deal. I just watched his video where it says he calls out John Cena and so on and so forth and he does that terrible song, holy shit that was bad. But he kept saying he was going to respond to Cena, what did Cena do to him that requires response? Is it just cause Cena is a WWE top dog so he feels like, since he is recording an able, he has to take on the WWE guy that records albums?

Another TNA guy trying to fight WWE, why is everyone obsessed with fighting WWE instead of being successful on their own. VKM and Ron Killings, plus Kurt Angles first few promos.
Same thing I was thinking.....im sick of TNA concerning themselves with wwe, just think about yourselves...i used to respect tna, but lately they have just been getting on my nerves cause of all their wwe bashing....dont worry, TNA will go the way of WCW if they keep going the way they are going
I agree with you in that TNA should just worry about TNA especially since it has become pretty obvious that WWE isn't going to respond in anyway to the current crap TNA is trying to pull, if I 'm not mistaken didn't WWE create the whole "lets try to invade the competition" storyline back in the WWE vs. WCW days, and I beleive that HHH once said that if he were running WCW when DX invaded then he would've let them in, instaed of calling security since thats what they wanted anyway for security to get called and them kick out, TNA is just tarnishing their image by trying to go to war with WWE, if Vince wanted to go to war with TNA he would have by now

on a side note why did you (jefferson411) feel the need to create to threads regarding the same thing? not trying to take a shot at you or anything just wondering
HHH said if he were running WCW he woulda let DX walk right in...So when VKM invaded the Raw House Show last night, what did WWE do?They let them walk right in, Security didn't take two looks at em, and HHH even acknowledged and saluted them...I don't see that as just a coincedence...I think HHH would actually welcome a war but Vince has probably instructed all wwe talent not to mention anything about TNA...But, like I said, by this time next year, VKM will be back in wwe, probably participating in "dumb to the xtreme" skits as they call them.
While PWInsider reports that Triple H made no mention of the two on the mic, TNA's website stated that he did acknowledge them in the crowd.

Security didn't take two looks at em, and HHH even acknowledged and saluted them

tna's website says that hhh acknowledged them. didnt tna's website also say it was the wwe who shut down that house show?
that was proven to a load of shit why believe anything on tna's website concerning the wwe or any member of its roster.
I find it really hard to believe hhh would salute them after the shit they talked in their shoot interview video i saw floating around the net.the only acknowledgement i could see him giving them would be telling them to suck it.

tna needs to quit the wwe 'invasion' shit and bashing.
I find it really hard to believe hhh would salute them after the shit they talked in their shoot interview video i saw floating around the net

He gave them a crotch chop..

As for the topic itself.. Truth just recently asked for his release, so now, all chances of him going to the WWE are gone.. What his "problem" is, its simple. He wanted a bigger role on TNA, so he went with the TNA vs WWE angle...

As for the angle itself, it has completly turned me away from TNA... Its seriously stuppider then BDJ soakin himself in oil... I mean, you wanna talk about corny, VKM's jokes are things I heard in second grade.. DX is actually funny nowadays, unlike VKM...

I dont see VKM going back to the WWE ever again, simpy because there egos wouldn't let them... They both have said "We will never go to the WWE again" no matter how much they want to... As for Killings and Cena... Its seriously the dmbest angle in TNA history.. Hopefully they'll focus more on themselves soon, rather then the WWE, before everyone gives up with TNA.
I'm so glad Ron Killings focused on wrestling for a primary career. This guy is so awful at rapping that he makes Vanilla Ice look like Grandmaster Flash. Shooting on the competition is one thing...trying to do it with $hitty rapping is another. Why can't TNA just push Killings into the World Title scene and stop him from embarrassing himself any further. I just pray to whatever god listens that they don't let this air on Impact.
PauLwaLL said:
He gave them a crotch chop..

As for the topic itself.. Truth just recently asked for his release, so now, all chances of him going to the WWE are gone.. What his "problem" is, its simple. He wanted a bigger role on TNA, so he went with the TNA vs WWE angle...

As for the angle itself, it has completly turned me away from TNA... Its seriously stuppider then BDJ soakin himself in oil... I mean, you wanna talk about corny, VKM's jokes are things I heard in second grade.. DX is actually funny nowadays, unlike VKM...

I dont see VKM going back to the WWE ever again, simpy because there egos wouldn't let them... They both have said "We will never go to the WWE again" no matter how much they want to... As for Killings and Cena... Its seriously the dmbest angle in TNA history.. Hopefully they'll focus more on themselves soon, rather then the WWE, before everyone gives up with TNA.

Holy Shit dude!!! Tell me you didn't just say that. VKM isn't funny (which I can understand even thought I giggled a little at what they said), and DX is???? DX is funny???? My brother, DX is just plain all out fkn stupid!!! DX is comedy tailored for kids in the second grade. Second graders wouldn't have a fkn clue what VKM is saying. And I am seriously sick of peole hitting at TNA for going at the WWE. I think its brilliant. If they keep chipping away at Vince, he might actually crack. Which again is incredibly highly unlikely, but it would be the best marketing move they ever made.

But apart from that, for four years people have winged that TNA plays it too safe. "They need to be more daring", "they claim they are the best why not call the WWE on it?" Such comments coming from respected industry analysts such as Keller and Caldwell. And then when it actually happens, even they start bitching. TNA cannot do anything right. They are either bitches for playing it safe or are cocky lil bastards for beeing daring.
Well being daring would be doing something that actually scares WWE, so far they've done nothing that could hurt WWE.

Sure Voodoo Kin Mafia insulted Vince McMahon and DX, but if they seriously want to do a real invasion, they should turn up at tonight's December to Dismember which still has tickets left. If they really want a war they could interupt one of the matches, or bring TNA fans along to chant TNA live on air (using an ECW tactic against ECW would be ironic and certaintly noticable).

Also what the hell was Ron "The Truth" Killings thinking? That guy's mic skills are terrible. I'd actually love to see him challenge John Cena to a rap battle, just so he gets shown up, John Cena may not be the next Eminem, but he's a half decent rapper, Ron "The Truth" killings can't even manage a quarter of decent, his lyrics are repetitive and poor, also if he's thinking of leaving TNA where does he hope to go after he's just bashed WWE?

I think with the above examples TNA has got their unhappy wrestlers a bigger role by insulting WWE, but if this angle flops, then what?

I'm annoyed with Ron "The Truth" Killings, because if he really wants to show up John Cena perhaps he should challenge him to a match, but not a rap battle... that way he's got a good chance of winning :p.
Because T.N.A. dont want to let him leave they are probably trying to give him something to do. Personally I think Killing's should be perfectly happy with his position in T.N.A. He could do well to remember that he was called K-Kwick in WWE and was used as a complete jobber.
If he is used in the "war" angle I hope that he does something more productive, maybe Ron "The Truth" Killings and Voodoo Kin Mafia can turn up at WWE live televised events, calling out DX and John Cena respectively, I'd love a 3 on 3 tag match of DX and John Cena vs VKM and Ron Killings, but I don't see it happening, still TNA can make capital by calling them out at WWE's own live televised events, possibly inbetween matches like when they show backstage for a DX skit and the ring isn't used for action or inbetween matches, that would be the perfect time for VKM and Ron Killings to make their respective challenges.
i think they need to stop calling out wwe all together they r in no position to do any of this..and if they jump in a wwe ring they will have a lawsuit faster than the speed of light....b ur own company and quit calling out the other..like u guys have sed they have been around onlly 5 years so y not keep building urself up instead of pickin a fight with a monster that will squash you
TNA have too many problems allready, they need to just ignore the wwe. I mean they are getting ignored so all they are doing is advertising the wwe for free.
attila said:
Holy Shit dude!!! Tell me you didn't just say that. VKM isn't funny (which I can understand even thought I giggled a little at what they said), and DX is???? DX is funny???? My brother, DX is just plain all out fkn stupid!!! DX is comedy tailored for kids in the second grade. Second graders wouldn't have a fkn clue what VKM is saying. And I am seriously sick of peole hitting at TNA for going at the WWE. I think its brilliant. If they keep chipping away at Vince, he might actually crack. Which again is incredibly highly unlikely, but it would be the best marketing move they ever made.

"Come out with your pants up, leave the fat oily guy alone" how is that brillaint? I agree that DX's c0ck jokes were childish but the time they hijacked the WWE production bus and started doing all that stuff was hilarious, and theyve done a lot of funny things in my opinion, but I understand that a lot of people haven't found them funny. I am just saying VKM is every bit as stupid.

Yeah, chipping away at Vince might lead him to crack but the problem is they aren't chipping away at him. How does them showing a video of themselves standing outside of WWE HQ yelling stuff like the above joke, then pretending to sleep and have a nightmare bother Vince? They aren't chipping away at all.

on a side note why did you (jefferson411) feel the need to create to threads regarding the same thing? not trying to take a shot at you or anything just wondering

I knew it was post worthy on the TNA board, but I also wanted to put it on the WWE board to give WWE fans a chance to rant. There is plenty of TNA vs. WWE topics over here on the TNA board but not nearly as many on the WWE board. Which leads me to believe TNA is a lot more worried about WWE than WWE is about TNA.
Y 2 Jake said:
Because T.N.A. dont want to let him leave they are probably trying to give him something to do. Personally I think Killing's should be perfectly happy with his position in T.N.A. He could do well to remember that he was called K-Kwick in WWE and was used as a complete jobber.
Ya know, Jake, it just now hit me that Killings likely jumped at the chance to talk smack at Cena because Cena actually was pushed heavily using a rapper gimmick. And you just know it probably pisses off Killings to see a goofy white kid from Massachusetts using a rapper gimmick and receiving title shots even though Truth can work circles around him without breaking a sweat.
^haha but the funny thing is cena can rap circles around truth without breaking a sweat. that "you can get with this" stuff is complete crap. i think technical wrestling wise, cena has the edge on truth. killings is a guy i've watched closely and he has way more agility than cena but lacks in real technical ability. all the spins that he does in the air are exciting but looks goofy. if i was gonna pick out of those two to lead the company, without doubt i'd choose cena. so about truth working circles around cena, i really dont think spinning in the air makes him that great(unique but not great) so ya truth mouthing off about cena really isnt justified by cena being white.
Ron "The Truth" Killings seems to have bitten off more than he can chew really, if John Cena does respond (which is highly unlikely) then he'll be ripped to shreds with no real comeback, because if he uses the Vanilla Ice card he'll look racist, and besides if anybody's got a lack of rapping ability its Ron "The Truth" Killings.

In ring ability, well Ron "The Truth" Killings hasn't really had that much of a chance to shine as much as he hoped by moving to TNA, he's a good wrestler, but he hasn't got the experience John Cena has in terms of wrestling in speciality matches and main eventing, so even though Ron "The Truth" Killings has more skill, it will be a matter of skill vs experience, though I doubt the WWE will endorse a match against any TNA wrestlers on their shows unless its a dark match because WWE don't want to be seen as acknowledging TNA since it would give TNA the mainstream appeal it needs by feuding with the WWE in a "war".
Seriously, for a company that loves to brand itself totally anti-WWE, they sure can't seem to get ahead without them. I mean, so far, they've recruited Kurt Angle, Christy Hemme, Jackie Gayda, Gail Kim, all three Dudleyz, Billy Gunn, Road Dogg, K-Kwik (I don't forget that one), and basically anybody else that Vince fires.

Seriously - they need to think of their own company first, instead of worrying about "knocking Vince's block off". The smear campaigns, the "invasions", they didn't work for WCW, and they're just showing the world that all they are is another WCW knockoff. That's not to say that there is great talent there, but good freaking Christ, respect the athletes on WWE. They do the same thing as TNA, there's no need for these smear videos.
You know why John Cena got a push then you K-Kwik. It's because he didn't have a ridiculous pop and lock dance. Please stop dancing and just be a straight up thug. Dam when he was in WWE, he could've had the same gimmick as Cryme Tyme or something.
cmiller9291 said:
^haha but the funny thing is cena can rap circles around truth without breaking a sweat. that "you can get with this" stuff is complete crap. i think technical wrestling wise, cena has the edge on truth. killings is a guy i've watched closely and he has way more agility than cena but lacks in real technical ability. all the spins that he does in the air are exciting but looks goofy. if i was gonna pick out of those two to lead the company, without doubt i'd choose cena. so about truth working circles around cena, i really dont think spinning in the air makes him that great(unique but not great) so ya truth mouthing off about cena really isnt justified by cena being white.
It is funny. Most of Killings matches these days are five-minute affairs. Watch his older title contests from TNA's weekly PPV broadcasts. He has the skills to go technical with anyone, but he's been relegated to very limited encounters. I even have one of his old NWA Wildside matches on DVD from his pre-WWF days and it is actually a great match against Styles. They both wrestle with an unorthodox style, which is cool, but in the ring, Killings is twice as agile and quick than Cena is. So for my money, he's the better worker. It's all in what you like, I guess.
punkydiva17 said:
Seriously, for a company that loves to brand itself totally anti-WWE, they sure can't seem to get ahead without them. I mean, so far, they've recruited Kurt Angle, Christy Hemme, Jackie Gayda, Gail Kim, all three Dudleyz, Billy Gunn, Road Dogg, K-Kwik (I don't forget that one), and basically anybody else that Vince fires.
Talent is swapped between the companies all of the time. Sabu, Kendrick, London, and Hardy all did stints in TNA. It's not necessarily that TNA as a company is anti-WWE in that sense. Some of the wrestlers in the company are and the front office let's them say what they want in relation to it.

punkydiva17 said:
Seriously - they need to think of their own company first, instead of worrying about "knocking Vince's block off". The smear campaigns, the "invasions", they didn't work for WCW, and they're just showing the world that all they are is another WCW knockoff. That's not to say that there is great talent there, but good freaking Christ, respect the athletes on WWE. They do the same thing as TNA, there's no need for these smear videos.
For a long time the smear campaigns exchanged by WCW and WWF were working very well. WCW was just managed into the ground after they ascended to the top spot. The smear videos have to do with personal issues between wrestlers who were once working there. It's also just a chance for the VKM to have an at lest semi-relevant angle to be involved in. They've had almost zero direction since being re-united in TNA. Even if they've wrestled good, it didn't matter as much because they weren't acting like themselves. But rather, the same diet-DX version they were when they began to slip at the end of their WWF run. The problem with being a risque' tag team is that when censorship becomes a hindrance, the characters fall flat on their face because it takes the sting out of them.
Okay time to get real, no matter what TNA does right now they are no match for WWE Ron Killing and VKM can call out whoever they want but their show recives at best a 1.0 rating while ECW recives a 1.8 RAW a 3.0 and Smackdown! a 2.5 and I don't think that will change anytime soon, i'm not a fan of mud-slinging but if it helps TNA get more fans more power to them people act like they didn't see WWE and WCW do the same thing in the past, my only problem is TNA may be hurt their self more then helping, and everyone continues to wonder why WWE won't reply well I have news for you it's simple WWE replying to anything TNA does is a sign of weakness a sign that TNA is becoming a threat and could possibly cause WWE fans to become curious and turn into TNA fans, WWE should continue to do what they are doing ignore TNA and their "war".
They may ignore them for now, but I think if TNA does become a threat, like they have the potential to do, then WWE will be in for a tooth and nail fight with TNA.

Ron "The Truth" Killings should look for another angle than rapping, since it really doesn't suit him, he's got a horrible sounding voice and his lyrics are repetitive. He's like a failed version of John Cena in terms of character, even if as a wrestler he's got the skills to give John Cena a good match.
attila said:
Holy Shit dude!!! Tell me you didn't just say that. VKM isn't funny (which I can understand even thought I giggled a little at what they said), and DX is???? DX is funny???? My brother, DX is just plain all out fkn stupid!!! DX is comedy tailored for kids in the second grade. Second graders wouldn't have a fkn clue what VKM is saying. And I am seriously sick of peole hitting at TNA for going at the WWE. I think its brilliant. If they keep chipping away at Vince, he might actually crack. Which again is incredibly highly unlikely, but it would be the best marketing move they ever made.

But apart from that, for four years people have winged that TNA plays it too safe. "They need to be more daring", "they claim they are the best why not call the WWE on it?" Such comments coming from respected industry analysts such as Keller and Caldwell. And then when it actually happens, even they start bitching. TNA cannot do anything right. They are either bitches for playing it safe or are cocky lil bastards for beeing daring.

hey I like DX both ways. I like them when they are rude and crude. I like them now. Funny is not about vulgarity to me. It just a situational. The Cryme Tyme DX skit i loved. The DX at survivor series I loved. Hell, I like DX. What VKM and TNA have done is got personal. They have taken acting and entertainment to personal attack and assaults. That is where I draw the line. DX is funny and VKM not. HHH and HBK are older. All that defiant and vulgarness is fine for a 30 year old. But when you are 40, married with children it is just idiotic. I DX makes edgy family fun and I like it.
attila said:
Holy Shit dude!!! Tell me you didn't just say that. VKM isn't funny (which I can understand even thought I giggled a little at what they said), and DX is???? DX is funny???? My brother, DX is just plain all out fkn stupid!!! DX is comedy tailored for kids in the second grade. Second graders wouldn't have a fkn clue what VKM is saying. And I am seriously sick of peole hitting at TNA for going at the WWE. I think its brilliant. If they keep chipping away at Vince, he might actually crack. Which again is incredibly highly unlikely, but it would be the best marketing move they ever made.

But apart from that, for four years people have winged that TNA plays it too safe. "They need to be more daring", "they claim they are the best why not call the WWE on it?" Such comments coming from respected industry analysts such as Keller and Caldwell. And then when it actually happens, even they start bitching. TNA cannot do anything right. They are either bitches for playing it safe or are cocky lil bastards for beeing daring.

If TNA is the best, then show it through your talent. Not through someone elses. Better yet not by personally attacking people because you don't like them. New Age Outlaws do not like Triple H and hell HBK was in a whole new league when Billy Gunn and The rEal Double J were wrestling with in the same period as Michaels. It sound like they are jealous.
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