What's the point now?


Dark Match Winner
I was thinking about C.M. Punk's little rant on RAW, hear me out because this isn't about him! Before the WWE wouldn't mention other wrestling promotions, recognize title wins outside of the WWE, things of that nature. This got me thinking, WWE wants to be know as an entertainment company, not wrestling, so at this point, what's the harm? The way I see it, WWE and TNA have split paths and will never have to coincide with one another when it comes to ratings. One wants entertainment the other wants wrestling. So is this where WWE changes a bit? Do they start mentioning other promotions like TNA does? Could we see stars going back and forth a bit to help both companies? Maybe Punk mentioning ROH and NJPW was a one time thing, but maybe it's a turn of a new leaf. Also, say I'm right, what problems could the WWE run into?

P.S. I do realize that Punk only mentioned them to get a 'WoW' factor.
CM Punk for one mentioned Ring of Honor because to start, ROH has been mentioned on WWE televised programming before by Matt Hardy. Everyone who knows anything, knows he is a Ring of Honor guy, before he ever stepped even an inch into the WWE, CM Punk was one of the most talked about young talents on the independant circuit, hence why he named them.

Then NJPW, him mentioning that was probably an overseas example. Antonio Inoki is known to have a relationship with Vince McMahon so mentioning that isn't too bad either.

You seem to really taken it and blown it up. If WWE ever mentioned TNA in the literal context, asides from say Low-Ki mentioning it on NXT in a rap contest, then I'm sure you could make a decent arguement but really, there is no point of WWE turning into some shoot fixated company that allows anybody to mention anything. For one, there would be no point in WWE mentioning TNA as Vince is known to not see it as competition. Ring of Honor at least has a working relationship with WWE, staying in contact over talent contract buy-out, e.g. Colt Cabana, Tyler Black and Bryan Danielson.

Also, although WWE do push entertainment, once again, just to clarify this. The WWE changed their name for marketing and advertising reasons, as wrestling has an aura suspended around which points to steroids and shit like that. Vince McMahon very clearly said on RAW, "...taking this title to another wrestling organization," the man who heads the company is even saying wrestling.

You're over-analyzing things a little bit. But then again, you are not the only one.
CM Punk for one mentioned Ring of Honor because to start, ROH has been mentioned on WWE televised programming before by Matt Hardy.

Matt Hardy mentioned ROH? When was that? All I remember about ROH being mentioned on WWE programing before the Punk promo was Ziggler mentioning it on NXT commentary, please tell me when Hardy mentioned it cause I can't seem to remember anything like that.

On to the subject.. both WWE and TNA are considered Sports Entertainment, so it's kinda the same concept, plus all TNA does is trash WWE, why would Vince want to help them out, now I would love to see some kind of partnership between WWE and ROH, I don't think it's gonna happen anytime soon, but what about when HHH and Steph run the company? Maybe HHH wouldn't be as strict as Vince is with mentioning other companies and wrestlers outside if the WWE, you never know, guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Matt Hardy mentioned ROH? When was that? All I remember about ROH being mentioned on WWE programing before the Punk promo was Ziggler mentioning it on NXT commentary, please tell me when Hardy mentioned it cause I can't seem to remember anything like that.

On to the subject.. both WWE and TNA are considered Sports Entertainment, so it's kinda the same concept, plus all TNA does is trash WWE, why would Vince want to help them out, now I would love to see some kind of partnership between WWE and ROH, I don't think it's gonna happen anytime soon, but what about when HHH and Steph run the company? Maybe HHH wouldn't be as strict as Vince is with mentioning other companies and wrestlers outside if the WWE, you never know, guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Ring of Honor was mentioned by Hardy during the Edge/Hardy storyline when Matt kept showing up to WWE tapings, attacking Edge in storyline. Matt had agreed to re-sign with the WWE but had bookings with Ring of Honor, and as he was dragged away by police on one of his tirades, he began to roar "Ring of Honor, ROH."


2:08 in the video, he screams it into the microphone, two nights later he wrestled Homicide in ROH.
This will lead to nothing. WWE will always act like other companies don't exist. ROH and ECW were only mentioned because of storylines. When Christian came back, Michael Cole said "Christian took the last few years off from wrestling....." instead of saying he was in TNA. WWE will never acknowledge other companies, because if Vinnie Mac had his way, they would not exist.
WWE does not have a working relationship with ROH. They take guys they like from ROH and that's where it ends. ROH is probably mentioned because it's more of a large indy promotion than anything else. Mentioning them by name won't make that big of a deal. They probably won't mention TNA by name though. Just because someone's not competition now doesn't mean they can't be down the line, especially if you help raise awareness.
WWE does not have a working relationship with ROH. They take guys they like from ROH and that's where it ends. ROH is probably mentioned because it's more of a large indy promotion than anything else. Mentioning them by name won't make that big of a deal. They probably won't mention TNA by name though. Just because someone's not competition now doesn't mean they can't be down the line, especially if you help raise awareness.

WWE pay compensation to Ring of Honor for their talents, something which in the wrestling world is defined as a working relationship. Best example and contrast of it is the Monday Night Wars. WCW never paid for one talent they took from ECW, never made one phone call to ECW informing them who they were signing e.g. Mike Awesome showing up on WCW unannounced.

WWE have allowed wrestlers who they bring in from the indies to work dates with Ring of Honor, again, restablishing the working relationship. Tyler Black wrestled three matches in Ring of Honor under WWE contract, one of them being a Championship match.
I don't think that anything is going to come of this. Punk's mentioning of ROH and New Japan Pro Wrestling on WWE television isn't really a sign of some revolutionary change in WWE. It just seems like it could possibly be the start of something mostly because we're so used to not hearing WWE acknowledge the existence of other wrestling companies very often at all. And, why should they? They've nothing really to gain by it.

WWE has had business dealings with ROH. They're not generally well known or heavily talked about but they do exist. WWE has had a relationship with NJPW for decades. Unofficially, Antonio Inoki is a former WWWF Champion as he defeated Bob Backlund back in the 70s. There's also a little known title known as the WWF World Martial Arts Heavyweight Championship that Vince, Sr. had created and awarded to Inoki upon Inoki's arrival in the WWF in late 1978. The title was defended exclusively in New Japan Pro Wrestling. There was a similar relationship with the WWF Junior Heavyweight Championship as it was used and defended not only in New Japan but also EMLL, or CMLL as it's known today. Finally, they did the same thing with the more well known WWF Light Heavyweight Championship and it was used exclusively in Japan & Mexico until the late 90s. Another good indicator of a good business relationship between the two is the fact that Antonio Inoki, the founder of New Japan Pro Wrestling, was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2010.

If CM Punk had tossed out TNA's name as well, there might be at least some minor indication that something could happen. However, everything Punk said had Vince's stamp of approval prior to the promo. TNA will never be mentioned on WWE programming unless TNA loses their television deal & is unable to secure a new one or TNA becomes a property that comes under the control of WWE. They're the closest thing resembling competition for WWE at this point in time and WWE is going to do nothing whatsoever to make things easier for them, nor is there any reason why they should.
CM Punk for one mentioned Ring of Honor because to start, ROH has been mentioned on WWE televised programming before by Matt Hardy. Everyone who knows anything, knows he is a Ring of Honor guy, before he ever stepped even an inch into the WWE, CM Punk was one of the most talked about young talents on the independant circuit, hence why he named them.

Then NJPW, him mentioning that was probably an overseas example. Antonio Inoki is known to have a relationship with Vince McMahon so mentioning that isn't too bad either.

You seem to really taken it and blown it up. If WWE ever mentioned TNA in the literal context, asides from say Low-Ki mentioning it on NXT in a rap contest, then I'm sure you could make a decent arguement but really, there is no point of WWE turning into some shoot fixated company that allows anybody to mention anything. For one, there would be no point in WWE mentioning TNA as Vince is known to not see it as competition. Ring of Honor at least has a working relationship with WWE, staying in contact over talent contract buy-out, e.g. Colt Cabana, Tyler Black and Bryan Danielson.

Also, although WWE do push entertainment, once again, just to clarify this. The WWE changed their name for marketing and advertising reasons, as wrestling has an aura suspended around which points to steroids and shit like that. Vince McMahon very clearly said on RAW, "...taking this title to another wrestling organization," the man who heads the company is even saying wrestling.

You're over-analyzing things a little bit. But then again, you are not the only one.

First and foremost I agree with everything you said 100%. Couldn't have said it better, except for the part I bolded.

This is a pet peeve of mine and I see it all over these forums. It should read "although WWE does push entertainment". I realize it's a group, but the name is singular and it's a singular group being mentioned. This is akin to saying "he do". No, it's "he does".

Anyhow, i'm sorry, I've been sitting on that gripe for a while now.

To the OP....Sorry, I think you're reading something into this that simply isn't there. Whether or not the WWE is entertainment instead of wrestling, they are not going to do a thing to help competition succeed. TNA wants nothing more than to put WWE on the ropes. It's not going to happen anytime soon, and the way they keep changing things on a whim, I don't see it happening ever.
To the OP....Sorry, I think you're reading something into this that simply isn't there. Whether or not the WWE is entertainment instead of wrestling, they are not going to do a thing to help competition succeed. TNA wants nothing more than to put WWE on the ropes. It's not going to happen anytime soon, and the way they keep changing things on a whim, I don't see it happening ever.

I see what your saying. I just see both companies going in completely different directions that at a certain point, might benefit from working together. Look at how television shows have guest staring actors, wouldn't it be around the same concept? What, really, does the WWE have to fear by working with other companies.

And I find the other companies WWE has worked with very interesting. Thank you all for bringing that up.
WWE can call it whatever they want, but the fact of the matter is that wrestling and sports entertainment are the exact same thing. So I don't see much cross promotion going on, unless McMahon really feels it will help the storyline more than it will help the other companies. And that's the only chance it has of ever happening; if it's a part of this CM Punk "realistic" storyline. They certainly won't do anything with TNA, but I guess Punk "going back" to Ring of Honor wouldn't be completely out of the question, if they really wanted to turn this into something bigger. If it happens, though, it won't last past next year's WrestleMania, which I'm sure Punk will be back by.
There wasnt an actual script in place, they just told Punk to go out there and speak his mind. The mentioning of ROH and all the backstage stuff wasnt a WWE effort, it was a CM Punk effort. I doubt WWE is going to start mentioning other companies letting their superstars go back and forth between these companies. People are making more of this than they should.
You have no evidence that everything Punk said wasn't run by Vince McMahon before he went out there, and considering how much of a control freak Vince is, I think that's probably the case. Sure, I would like to believe that Punk was allowed to say whatever he wanted, but it's hard for me to suspend that much disbelief knowing how this company is run. In fact, he probably would have went even further had he really been green lighted to that extent.
You have no evidence that everything Punk said wasn't run by Vince McMahon before he went out there, and considering how much of a control freak Vince is, I think that's probably the case. Sure, I would like to believe that Punk was allowed to say whatever he wanted, but it's hard for me to suspend that much disbelief knowing how this company is run. In fact, he probably would have went even further had he really been green lighted to that extent.

Well I'm just going on a credible report I read online. Sure its not to be taken as gospel but as far as any of the stories about what happened that are out there, the one I read makes the most sense. They were to cut CM Punk's mic when he went too far, and mentioning ROH or Colt Cabanna wasnt going far at all. So yes, Vince was still being the control freak that he is, he cut Punk's mic when he started mentioning the bullying campaign and for good reason.

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