The Shockmaster
Pre-Show Stalwart
For the past year it had seemed that both Taz and Tenay were both face commentators, but over over the past few weeks Taz has shown a slight change in character. I have noticed more and more that Taz seems to disagree to some extent with anything that Tenay has to say.
I would say it started around the point where Somoa Joe entered the deception storyline before Bound For Glory. Since then on that matter as well as Generation Me's go for the title and Hogan and Bishoffs takeover Taz seems to find some reasoning for the heel side of the argument. Not that he is in total favor of there reasoning but seems not to totally despise there heelish actions.
Do you think that this could be leading to a possible heel turn for Taz or just the fact that he analyzes heel and face actions is just another attribute to Taz's commentary to make it more interesting in comparison to Tenay's very face persona.
I would say it started around the point where Somoa Joe entered the deception storyline before Bound For Glory. Since then on that matter as well as Generation Me's go for the title and Hogan and Bishoffs takeover Taz seems to find some reasoning for the heel side of the argument. Not that he is in total favor of there reasoning but seems not to totally despise there heelish actions.
Do you think that this could be leading to a possible heel turn for Taz or just the fact that he analyzes heel and face actions is just another attribute to Taz's commentary to make it more interesting in comparison to Tenay's very face persona.